Data from 20240330

Play 20240330234130.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 23:41:30

Dispatch to 8-1.
Dispatch to 8-1.
Dispatch to 8-1.
Dispatch to 8-1.
Dispatch to 8-1.
Dispatch to 8-1.
Dispatch to 8-1.
Play 20240330230551.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 23:05:51

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Those parties were sent on their way, I’m clear.
Play 20240330230037.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 23:00:37

30 Dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
Vehicle 2 mass 4 P Bravo KQO KQO 2-1. Could you run a 9-10 please?
Affirmative, standby.
Go ahead 30.
Go ahead.
4 Bravo KQO KQO 2-1 comes back on a white Subaru Impreza. It is negative and active.
Go ahead 30.
KQO is an Annabelle Luciana Costa out of Dunstable, Mass. Date of birth 6-15-04.
Operator, Mass. Sierra Alpha 7-8 2-0-0-7-7.
Go ahead 30.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead 30.
30 and driver is going to be negative and active.
Go ahead 30.
Play 20240330225706.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:57:06

There it is, Mitch.
We’re at 30.
MASS 4, H-H, D-D-R-O-M-I-O-4-9-O-M-A-S-S-C-A-R-A-A-L-F-A-4-8-8-0-2-8-9-Q-R-M-N-W-1-M.
Roger, standby.
We’re ready to dispatch. I have a passenger. When you’re ready, all verbal.
Coming with the passenger.
It’s off a UMass U card. She’s out of MASS, so first name Chantel.
Received. And your return is back for Ishmael Castro McCauley, I-76 Glendale Road, date of birth 7-17-04. He is negative and active.
Play 20240330225421.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:54:21

30 to switch.
Can you put this on a security check for Mt. Pollock?
We’ll be out with a couple cars up here.
Play 20240330224654.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:46:54

30, this is Finch.
We’re clear.
Play 20240330224423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:44:23

30 to switch.
Keep us out on a security check.
It’s going to be the old Southeast Street School off the Southeast Street extension.
30 feet.
Play 20240330221053.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:10:53

7-5 to the SO.
I came from Lashley’s parking lot.
3-TV, I saw them walk from North Pleasant.
I wanted to look at the cameras, but they don’t work at a 50, so as far as I got.
Play 20240330220829.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:08:29

30, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, 30.
It’s Sarah. She stated she thought it was her brother’s car.
She didn’t take anything, and the RP’s satisfied. We’re clear.
Over to you, Steve.
Play 20240330220156.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 22:01:56

Dispatch, 20, 10.
We’re over at Primos 2 on Triangle Street.
We’ll get you guys back to us in a second.
Caller on the line stating that she
went into Primos to get food.
When she came out, she was flagged down by someone
who stated that someone went into her car.
The person that went into her car is currently in Primos.
When she confronted that person, he stated that he was a criminal
and was going to attempt to steal her car.
I don’t know where, if he actually took anything or not.
We’re trying to get more information now.
Car received, copy.
Center is at 111.
30, Dispatch, I’m going to head that way as well.
Received. Actual address is 255, 255 Triangle Street.
20, Dispatch, was that car parked in the front or the rear?
20, Dispatch, was that car parked in the front or the rear?
The car in front of you is parked in the front.
The car in front of you is parked in the front.
Appreciate you.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Do you have a description of the suspect?
Standby, my partner is going to give it to you in one second.
I see a white female, about age 50, wearing a blue winter jacket.
That’s all we have right now.
Units, might be Sarah Holcomb.
That was my guess.
20, Dispatch, you can put both myself and 10 on scene.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
On scene.
Received. She could have possibly went out the back or is in the bathroom. My colleague probably lost contact with her.
Received. I’m out back now. Not seeing her.
Do you know whether it’s Sarah Holcomb?
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Could you add 6, White Yankee, H Hotel, 596.
It’ll be a mass dredge. The RP should be the RO.
Copy that.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Could you add 6, White Yankee, H Hotel, 596.
It’ll be a mass dredge. The RP should be the RO.
Copy that.
30 to 20.
Go ahead.
Anything missing from inside the car?
She’s checking now. As of now, she doesn’t think so.
She just handed over some loose change in Orbitz gum.
Play 20240330213833.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 21:38:33

Can you add another vehicle, MASS 5, H-Hotel, H-Hotel, F-Fox, 4, 1.
Unable to locate the RO at this time.
But it should be a CAD anyway, there’s no visible damage.
Roger, received.
Play 20240330213542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 21:35:42

20 dispatch.
DMEAD, Nass, Sierra 87370122.
I receive heat, Luke is active, negative MW now, bop.
Play 20240330212833.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 21:28:33

10 to 20
Made contact with Luke, send it back to the comms unit
Received, thank you
Play 20240330212654.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 21:26:54

I did get information on who that car is registered to, and it comes back to a Luke Wilson, and
he resides at 82 Triangle Street.
I do have a phone number, which I am giving to the 10 car at this time.
I do have a phone number, which I am giving to the 10 car at this time.
Play 20240330212340.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 21:23:40

20, Dispatch.
I’ll be, uh, continuing to locate a motor vehicle, uh, involved in a hit-and-run just two minutes ago, uh, over in front of Soundgate Cookies.
You give me the plate as 2, uh, S2, S-S-S-S-Sierra, S-Sierra, B-Victor, 20-7.
20 receive, Dispatch, 10.
20 is attempting to locate a vehicle that was just in a hit-and-run in front of Insomnia Cookies.
Do you mind assisting him?
Receive, 111.
20, Dispatch.
Last known direction, to their knowledge, uh, was going down the hill west on Amity.
Uh, I already went all the way down.
Wasn’t able to locate it, but we have the plate, so.
Play 20240330203233.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 20:32:33

Clear to dispatch.
Okay, it’s secure, thank you.
Play 20240330194348.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:43:48

Can you give me a four?
Play 20240330193431.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:34:31

20 to dispatch.
Alright, 20.
At the station, ending is going to be 62.1.
Play 20240330193158.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:31:58

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Uh, Mr. Venmo, uh, Ven, Venbu is, uh, requesting to go to the hospital.
Uh, is there any way you can have, um, AFD<\/fire> meet me at the station?
For AFD.
Play 20240330192856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:28:56

20 dispatch.
Go 20.
20, this is Citizen Transport CAD. I’ll be transporting Mr. Bambu from the shelter back to the station. Stardex 159.
Play 20240330192623.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:26:23

10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
You send it back to Pelham for the evening. We’ll be clear.
Play 20240330191857.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:18:57

X-1 inspection
Go ahead X-1
Units are out of main
Play 20240330191705.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:17:05

And dispatch.
Alright, Des.
Yeah, you can sign me to the AR for support.
Play 20240330191535.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:15:35

Dispatch to X1.
Go ahead.
Getting another call about Randall Duffley. He is now in the area of Webster at Main.
In the area of Hope and Feather. Believed to be passed out on the ground.
Received. We’re going to clear. I’ll go check it out.
It appears that a resident there burned some plastic on the stove.
She’s going to be headed over to CDH. It’s on a flow. Be clear.
We’ll be heading over to Main Street with X1.
10-10. I have Sunny in the AR.
Stand by.
Play 20240330190524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 19:05:24

Tony, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, Tony.
I’m out of the shelter.
Thanks, Steve.
Play 20240330185841.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:58:41

20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
Marie has that vehicle. I’m clear.
Marie received.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
Was there a box alarm recently at this address as well?
The one I see is 580-2023.
Was that the same call for that section 12 or was that closer in time?
This was a trash can that was on fire<\/fire> that section 12 was of this year 3-1-0-2024.
Marie received.
Dispatch to 20.
Assist Business 867 North Pleasant Street the homeless shelter Kelsey Zenbu is back on property.
20 to 10.
Go ahead.
I’m going to give you a 4 for some context of what happened last call.
Play 20240330185251.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:52:51

Tend to spare Johnson
And x1 and these are young
Tend to spare Johnson
And x1 and these are young
Tony dispatch
And x1 and these are young
Charlie 20 dispatch
Charlie 20
Were you able to get a hold of Ernie?
Affirmative, on the route
Appreciate it, thank you
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Department 133, do you have any resident information on that?
Standby, and I will look
Send dispatch
Send dispatch to 10
Send dispatch to 10
I’ve got a Paula
That should be at that apartment
Looks like the last time we were there it was for section 12
Yeah, received
Her apartment is full of smoke
Maybe uh
Cooking something and it burned up
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send x1
I’m on it, calling
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Send dispatch
Dispatch, x1
Play 20240330184611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:46:11

Dispatch to X-1.
My partner just upgraded to a box alarm for fire<\/fire> anywhere in Belchertown Road, Colonial Village.
It’s going to be building 129.
There’s a report of someone seeing smoke in the building.
Received. Check it out.
Drove through the center and didn’t see that party.
I’ll be clear and I’m going to head down South Colonial.
Received. I’ll put you on F-O.
Play 20240330184210.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:42:10

Thirty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Thirty.
Ending 48.6, thank you.
And secure, thank you.
Thirty, dispatch, this is Ten.
Go ahead.
We’ll be in check in the area of 4 Main Street Subway, but headed back towards the fire<\/fire> station.
A white male party in his thirties, camo clothes, no shirt but a jacket, pants with duct tape on them.
Presumably extremely intoxicated, unable to walk.
And the last car stood, he hit his head on a sign and people were walking over him.
Play 20240330183934.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:39:34

They’re ready to dispatch.
102 is at party. We’re booking, starting 47.7.
Dispatch to 30.
Was Duffley wearing camo clothes, no shirt but a jacket, and duct tape on his pants?
Oh yeah, 100%.
Roger, we just got two additional calls of his erratic behavior.
10 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Tulsi’s leaving the property. Be clear. We can head to another call.
This is, uh, standby and I’ll dispatch you out.
Play 20240330183432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:34:32

20 to Inspection
30 is going to have that party under
OK, we’ll just start there, I need to switch lights first
Play 20240330183008.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:30:08

Send dispatch in the area.
The vehicle got hit.
The vehicle was slowed down.
Play 20240330182555.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:25:55

X-1, I can head out there with 30 if you want me to disregard the shelter.
Yeah, why don’t you do that and I’ll swing over to the shelter.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240330182257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:22:57

30 dispatch
Go ahead 30
Stop, North Pleasant at Orchard, Mass Ridge, 3F Foxtrot, Alima, Alima, 62
I may have said South Pleasant, but we’re at North Hampton Road
3F Foxtrot, Alima, Alima, and the rest cut out
62 is the last two
Play 20240330182118.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:21:18

Dispatch, this is 10.
This is business, 867 North Parson Street, the homeless shelter. I guess Tulsi has made it back onto their property, but is in someone’s car.
20, dispatch.
I’ll start heading over that way with 10.
Play 20240330181719.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:17:19

Yeah, there he is, I imagine.
Got three.
I’m trying to make sure S6 has no issues in ETH, but he’s able to care for himself. We’re clear.
Play 20240330180807.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:08:07

Dispatch to 30, that info’s up, when you’re ready.
Brandal, Duffley, 8-1-1979, he’s revoked out of leverage, negative M&W.
He does have 18 on the adult, that include resisting arrest, operating under the influence,
threatening, vandalize of property, intimidation, assault on battery with a dangerous weapon.
And, uh, possession of Crosby.
Play 20240330180601.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:06:01

30, descend.
Run a mass Sierra, 0-8, 7-4, 1-7, 2-3.
Randall, Scott, Shuffle, 8 for you.
Run a bop on him, too.
Alright, you too.
Play 20240330180355.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:03:55

Dispatch to Sergey.
Go ahead.
Both parties are negative M&W.
Can you put us on a well-being check in front of Garcia’s and check on how parties climb a tree?
Play 20240330180144.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 18:01:44

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You’re on Tyrus, Vincent, Akeem, Stewart for AMAW, please.
Play 20240330174304.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:43:04

10 dispatching.
Can you open and close me a truss band and recoil seat?
Play 20240330172531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:25:31

X-1 inspection.
Can you show me on Shelby?
Play 20240330171908.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:19:08

10 to X1
You’re good to go
Play 20240330171638.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:16:38

30 to switch.
We’re clear.
Play 20240330171049.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:10:49

This is Dodge, Charlie 10.
Charlie 10.
You head over to 867 North Pleasant Street, the homeless shelter, and speak with staff who would like Tulsi, Vambu, moved along.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Ready to dispatch.
Just put us on a security check of Autumn Lane. We’ll be out on foot for a couple minutes. Still available though.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240330170848.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:08:48

Dispatch to X1.
Go ahead.
I just have a call about the East Pleasant Street Bank of America ATM that the door is not shutting.
I did make a call to Bank of America to let them know that they’re having that issue.
Would you still like me to send an officer when one clears up as well?
Because the front entry door doesn’t shut.
Affirmative. So anyone can walk in there?
Not my concern. We’re all set, thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Check the interior. All secure. As well as the exterior. We locked the door.
Should be a 15 for now. Both units clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240330170611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:06:11

20 dispatch.
If you’re able to get in touch with a key holder, we were able to lock the door.
We’re checking the garage now.
Received. I’ve tried two numbers and they both did not work.
Play 20240330170419.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 17:04:19

Dispatch, Charlie 20, 10.
Charlie 10.
Commercial 6743 Belchertown Road, Reliance Auto.
It’s coming in as interior front and back motion and entry exit back door.
20 received from college.
10 received.
20 dispatch, I’m up to you.
20 received.
20 dispatch, I’m up to you.
20 dispatch, I’m up to you.
Dispatch to X1.
I’m going to show up here and call back for a third time seeing that Tulsi is back on their property and would like him removed.
Okay, they cleared the aileron to 10 car wash, we’ll leave together.
20 received.
20 dispatch.
Good, 20.
Do you have any key holder info?
Looks like I have one phone number that I could attempt.
Appreciate it.
If you want to give it a shot, I’ve got an open door in the rear, I’ll wait for 10, I’ll make entry.
Thank you.
10 dispatch, I’ll see you.
Received, 10.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch!
30 dispatch.
ERP showed me a video, it’s just a skunk doing skunk things
and it’s GOA anyway, so we’re clear
Play 20240330165757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 16:57:57

30 to fish.
All right, buddy.
We’re in the area.
All right, you’re safe.
Play 20240330164554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 16:45:54

Dispatch, Charlie 30.
Animal complaint<\/police> in the area for McIntosh Drive, Rambling Road at McIntosh.
My RP states that there is either a rabid skunk or a skunk that got hit by a vehicle in that area.
Received, Southeast Street.
Play 20240330161909.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 16:19:09

30 to finish.
Cleared 30.
Cleared 35 to the RO, Joyce.
Play 20240330161554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 16:15:54

There he is, Fetch.
South, South East, Southport River, Mast 9, W Whiskey, Y Yankee, 7.
Strike that, 9, W Whiskey, Y Yankee, 5-8-7, 9, W Y, 5-8-7.
Play 20240330160347.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 16:03:47

I’ll be clear, spoke with ARP, he is no longer on scene, he was no longer, yes, prior to
my arrival.
Play 20240330160006.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 16:00:06

X-1 Dispatch, I’m on scene.
I’m on scene.
X-1 to 10.
Play 20240330155839.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:58:39

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I got your MDT. I’ll be on scene momentarily.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240330155616.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:56:16

Dispatch to Bravo 10.
Dispatch to Bravo 10.
Dispatch to Bravo 10.
Dispatch to Bravo 10.
X1 Dispatch.
Go X1.
What are you looking for from 10?
Just seeing if he’s still at the homeless shelter.
They just called back saying he’s on premises, but I still have him out.
They’re stating Mr. Vembu returned.
Play 20240330155102.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:51:02

Excellent dispatch.
I’ll be clear. She’s not inside.
Play 20240330154803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:48:03

1-8, dispatch.
We were able to make it inside, she’s not home.
We’ll be clearing.
Play 20240330153712.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:37:12

X1 Dispatch.
Go to X1.
If you could please have AFD<\/fire> respond, we’re going to try to make entry.
I called over to CDH, she’s not there either.
Thank you.
X1 to 10.
Any luck up there?
He doesn’t want a ride or any services.
He’s walking negative 5 miles an hour out of the parking lot right now.
Where is he? Thank you.
Play 20240330153356.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:33:56

Dispatch, this is X1.
X1’s on. I just got your MDT.
Must have been one of my partners, but I did just get off the phone with a sister who stated she hasn’t spoken to her for a week or more.
And it’s either she goes to the hospital and gets admitted or she goes back to the apartment is what she told me.
Roger. Thank you very much.
Play 20240330153042.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:30:42

X1 to 20.
Dispatch is going to see if they can gather any more information from the sister directly.
I’ll be en route to your location.
We’re talking to some of the neighbors, see what we can find out.
Not sure if you checked, is the door unlocked?
Negative, but there’s a window that we might be able to get in through in the back.
Where is it?
Play 20240330152633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:26:33

20 dispatch.
Alright, 20.
Do we have a name for this party?
Alia Rivera.
Sorry, I thought she was in there as a caller.
Do we have any recent transports with her? The neighbor said that there was a lot. All the doors are secure, there’s no answer.
Last time we transported her was back in February.
We’ve used 20X1.
There’s no answer. Everything is secure.
And the neighbor said that often when the ambulance comes she’ll go to the nursing home for a bit.
Received. DNX1.
Play 20240330152149.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:21:49

20 Dispatch on scene.
Roger, Sue.
Play 20240330151510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:15:10

10 to 5
Go ahead, 10
10 to 5
Where are you Steve?
X-1 to 10
Can I give you a 4?
Play 20240330151229.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:12:29

Dispatch, Bravo 20.
We take a well-being check, 85 Olympia Drive, Olympia Oaks, apartment number 23.
They’re going to be looking to make contact with Adelaida Rivera.
The O&M company called in, stated that they got a notification of possibly a power outage there.
They haven’t been able to make voice contact, and she is known to be on oxygen.
They’d like a well-being check to make sure that she’s alright.
Received, 11.
Play 20240330150823.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 15:08:23

Dispatch to 10.
10, 10.
Hey guys, this is 867 North Pleasant Street, the homeless shelter.
Tulsi Lembo is there and they would like him to be removed.
Play 20240330142316.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 14:23:16

28.02, skateboard.
Affirmative, thank you.
Play 20240330141642.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 14:16:42

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
That person in their driveway is one of their other roommate’s friends.
Everything checks okay, we’ll be clear.
Play 20240330141425.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 14:14:25

Go ahead.
So they were able to give me a name, which I just ran, so Remy Hirsch 4-6-2002, and I
get back to out of Sharon, and they were able to give me a phone number.
3G, they recognized my name.
Play 20240330141108.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 14:11:08

20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
There’s a UMass sticker on the car, are you able to affiliate it?
I know it’s an older sticker, but it’s going to be 22A-220031.
I can call them and see if they can dig it up.
20, does it have a year on it?
Play 20240330140838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 14:08:38

30, Dispatch, got a flight for you.
Go ahead, 30.
6, Foxtrot, Sierra, Alpha, 4-0.
Appreciate it.

Dispatch, Sierra 30.
Go ahead.
That was an active 2019 Honda CRV Grey.
Two at Daniel, Hirsch, out of Sharon.
Nothing local, or no local history with that vehicle.

30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Rear door is unlocked.
We’re gonna go in. We’re just close to the yard.

X1, I’m en route.

Received. One of the rooms doesn’t look like it was rummaged through.
We haven’t talked to them yet, though.
He wasn’t supposed to be here.

Can you go again?
There is a room on the first floor that looks like it’s been rummaged through.
We haven’t spoken to the residents yet to see what it’s supposed to look like,
but there’s some stuff knocked over.

I’ll be there in 30 seconds.


X1, Dispatch.

Received, X1.
Play 20240330140219.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 14:02:19

30, 30. Dispatch, units in the area.
Play 20240330135928.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 13:59:28

Scott, it’s 20 and 30.
20 and 30, can you hear down at 227 Northampton Road?
RV Steeds, there’s a strange vehicle parked in their driveway.
They thought it was a grey Hyundai, possibly.
They left to get food, and they left their doors unlocked.
They’re home now, but they’re afraid to go in because of that vehicle.
So they’re waiting across the street from the house.
All units, receive from 111.
Play 20240330123402.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 12:34:02

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Information was exchanged to capitalist advice and will be clear.
Play 20240330122034.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 12:20:34

What information do you need?
I believe we just need the operator of the Acura.
Received. The operator of the Acura is going to be MAF-SF-AAL-5940354.
And there’s also going to be a passenger in the Ford. May I have that when you’re ready?
I’m ready.
Play 20240330121605.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 12:16:05

20 Dispatch, on scene.
Appreciate it.
30 to 20, need help with traffic.
Go again.
Do you need help with traffic?
We should be okay, there’s two lanes here that can go around us.
Play 20240330121319.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 12:13:19

That’s uh, 20.
20 Degel Motor Vehicle Accident. Intersection of North Hampton Road, South Pleasant Street.
No injuries.
Motor Vehicle should be a 2020 Ford F-150, color gray.
Are you safe on 11?
Play 20240330112135.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 11:21:35

We were unable to make contact with him, but we did leave it at his residence, if he calls
back, we can just confirm that address.
And we also spoke to Leo at Big Y and he checks out okay, we’ll be clear.
Play 20240330111147.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 11:11:47

20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
We’re going to head down to the folders and see if we can locate Austin there.
Play 20240330105633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:56:33

That’s still a 20.
Go ahead.
So that number seems to be correct.
I left a message showing an answer.
Received. It looks like we have a local address, so if he doesn’t answer, we can slide down there. Thank you.
Play 20240330105415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:54:15

20 to scratch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you try 269-674-3308?
Play 20240330105056.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:50:56

Go ahead.
So I tried calling that party back, I asked for Austin, he said wrong number, I double
checked the tape and missed the number you gave me.
I have 269-674-9071.
I have two six nine six seven four nine zero seven one
Yeah, that’s what I called
Received 30 if you’re in the area and check Amity and see if he’s still there
He was on the grass kind of catching his breath
Play 20240330104845.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:48:45

Her vehicle is going to be a MAF PC2A-RV63, and it’s going to be operated by the ROG mean.
I will take a crash number over the air.
Reach it.
That’s 20.
20, your number is going to be 100, and the time I got on it is 10-27.
Received. Thank you.
And if you could do me a favor and give the bicycle operator a call and just let him know that we did find her,
and we’re going to do an exchange for him.
If you could let me know where to meet him or if he’s still on Amity.
When we pulled up, Leo is actually outside as well, so we’ll talk to him as soon as we’re done with this.
Can you go in, please? You broke up.
Leo from that call in Village Park is sitting outside.
When we’re done with this, we’ll have a conversation with him as well.
X-1 to 20.
Let me know if you need anything else.
Play 20240330104033.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:40:33

Dispatch, uh, 20.
20, the other half of this just called in.
She works at the Goodwill, that’s where she is now.
She said she got damaged to her mirror.
She said she did stop, but the fight continued on, so then she went to work.
3-3, we’ll head over there.
20, dispatch.
3-3, does that bike have a plate or anything, or is it just a small bed?
Electric bike, no plate.
Play 20240330103621.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:36:21

30 is fetched.
Go ahead, 30.
Right in front of number 810 Main Street.
It’s pole number 54.
That’s Eversource’s number.
It’s a cable that I was able to secure with some branches down on the ground.
Maybe you can leave a message for Verizon and let them know.
And I’m clear.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Do you need me down there?
We should be okay.
We’re talking to the bike now and then we have to find the other part.
But I should be all set.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240330102945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:29:45

Dispatch, uh, 20.
Flight head to the area of Amity at Blue Hills.
RP calling from 314 Amity.
There’s a truck and a moped pulled over.
The moped’s on the side.
She doesn’t know if they were involved in an accident
or the moped just wiped out.
And there’s a young man sitting on the lawn.
30, Dispatch. I’m in the area.
Appreciate it, 30.
Play 20240330102540.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:25:40

Thirty is fresh.
I’m on a thirty.
You just drop back off. Clear.
I’m on a thirty.
I’m on a thirty.
Got it.
Sir, did you see that traffic?
It’s going to be on Pelham Road, just east of the Pelham Road, Main Street intersection.
I appreciate there was some kind of wire or line blowing around in the wind.
Play 20240330100939.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:09:39

30, dispatch.
Cad for assistance transport, please, from Village Park to Rends Mobile and then back.
The gentleman’s name is Nathan, no initial A-alpha, last name Santiago.
Date of birth is 12-18-97.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240330100728.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:07:28

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I can’t find an OLN, but I do have a social for you.
It’s going to be 527-410827.
Play 20240330100231.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 10:02:31

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
I have the other party’s information when you’re ready
I’m ready
First name is going to be Leo
Alema Echo O Oscar
Middle initial is D Victor
The last name is going to be the Clay D. Delta Eecho C. Charlie Alema
Hey alpha, why Yankees you’ll be a 715 of 63 and he does have a license
I’m not sure which state I’ll get back to on that
And his phone number is seven six five three four six five nine eight five and we are clear
Verbal we mediate it and I’ll carry the rest in cab
Play 20240330094223.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 09:42:23

X-1 dispatch.
What X-1?
I’ll be out of village park.
Play 20240330092840.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 09:28:40

Dispatch, uh, 20, 30.
20, 30, Catatau Village Park, 497 East Pleasant, Apartment 93.
It’s a third-party call from a nurse from Hilltown Community Services.
I guess Ocean Maverick called her, seeing that there’s been an ongoing issue with her partner.
I guess she’s been drinking all week.
A lot of verbal arguments.
Ocean stated to the nurse that she thought she was going to hurt Leo today.
That’s her partner.
As far as I know, no weapons or anything physical today.
20, receive, 11.
30, receive, 11.
Play 20240330053900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 05:39:00

X-1 dispatch. Go ahead X-1.
Myself, 10 and 20 are cleared and available.
30 dispatch. Go ahead 30.
Yes, it’s clear. That’s 6-2.
She doesn’t like services though.
Play 20240330053707.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 05:37:07

Go ahead, X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Just one of my many questions.
Did he say how he got this information?
Or what he witnessed?
He did not witness this.
He says his friend told him.
Go ahead, X1.
Go ahead, X1.
Alright, so…
His friend who’s a plumber who’s doing a job at the First Congregational Church
communicated this to him just now via AM radio.
So I think it’s 6-2.
Reese, does he have a transmitter?
He says he does, but it’s special. He won’t show it to me.
He doesn’t need any services. We’re clear.
Play 20240330053327.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 05:33:27

Go ahead.
There’s a car alarm going off at the garage right next to Cumberland Farms at Beltstone Road.
If you could sit over there and take a look at it.
Receive by the TBW now.
Off at his address, sending 764.9.
Received, and I was on a 9-1-1. Where’s that alarm going off, sir?
I’m not sure 100%. It’s somewhere around Cumberland Farms. I heard it as I was driving by.
I’m heading there now to investigate.
Received. Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10, this may be a med mental. It’s a Tila Saller calling, stating that there is a man in front of our police station named Chris Bush, or Chris Swindlehurst, who got into a knife fight and is currently walking to the Cooley<\/medical> Dickinson Urgent Care at the bottom of the hill.
Says that the male is about 6’2″, wearing plumbing clothes and gray hair. If you could check the area.
Received. Both units in the area.
10. Dispatch, where is a Tila calling from?
He’s calling from his apartment.
X1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
That alarm has stopped.
X1, was it by the Heathman residence? I heard it.
Potentially. It was either the garage there, across from Cumberland Farms, or the dealership right next door. I just caught it as it was going by.
Going through it. Wasn’t going off anymore.
You want me to go to Tila’s instead?
Affirmative, that would be better.
Received. 30-Dispatch, you can put me in Colonial.
Play 20240330052435.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 05:24:35

Thirty recess.
Thirty recess.
Go ahead, Thirty.
Thirty Mass Sierra Seven Six Six Three Four Six Eight One should be Trent P-O-C-O-O-L-E.
Dispatch to Thirty.
Trent P-O-C-O-L-E address with respect to Trent P-O-C-O-L-E.
With his license is 224 Belchtown Road, apartment number three in Amherst.
He is negative.
License is suspended.
Six on the adult.
X-One is going to be giving a ride home.
You can clear me of that.
X-One, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-One.
Starting mileage for the speedway ending seven six one.
X-One, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-One.
Starting mileage for the speedway ending seven six one point four.
Play 20240330051853.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 05:18:53

30’s on scene. Speedway.
Received 30.
Play 20240330051031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 05:10:31

to 30. 30. 30 respond to 468 West Street at the Speedway for a well-being check.
Clerk called, says he’s got a party, a male party I believe, in the store who claims
that he’s stranded in Amherst and is falling asleep in the store. Could check on him.
Play 20240330030442.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 03:04:42

10-X 1-4-2
Play 20240330030052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 03:00:52

20 dispatch.
I heard 20.
That vehicle is going to remain parked in the area.
Um, she’s been issued a citation.
And I’ll be clear.
Play 20240330025148.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 02:51:48

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Is there a female RO under this registration?
It’s an Ella Hossford, date of birth 10-4-0-1.
Rishi, that’s going to be the operator.
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
I’m showing that her license possibly expired October 4th of 23.
Play 20240330024741.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 02:47:41

20 to Fracture.
South Blood Limit cell on Mast PC-9, Yankee Foxtrot 582.
Showing expired.
Okay, stand by.
Dispatch to 20.
20, yes.
Comes back on a 2020 Orange Hyundai Kona and it expired February 29th of this year.
Would you like another?
Play 20240330022506.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 02:25:06

30X1, clear for two.
Five minutes.
Play 20240330021258.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 02:12:58

Asteroid dispatch.
Asteroid dispatch.
Asteroid dispatch.
Asteroid dispatch.
Asteroid dispatch.
Please raise the noise<\/police> for me, please.
Thank you.
Asteroid dispatch, you can hear it?
Asteroid, I’ve lost him.
Submarine’s clear.
Excellent, received. Thank you.
Play 20240330020314.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 02:03:14

20 dispatch.
Faring at Lincoln. I’m going to be out with the individuals peeing on the sidewalks.
20 dispatch.
It’s going to be New York, O-L-N, 7-0-3, 6-0-2, 5-1-5.
Received, standby.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
10 dispatch.
Tyler James McKeon, out of Holtzville, New York, date of birth 7-13-2005, is negative and active.
30 to switch.
I’m clear and available.
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Show units clear. I’m all married to Kat.
Play 20240330015316.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:53:16

20, dispatch.
Can you open and close a check for the Southeast School?
I believe it’s 31 Southeast Street.
Play 20240330014612.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:46:12

I guess he’s a Boston Terrier, and he is in the house, so you can show him clear.
Play 20240330013703.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:37:03

10 dispatch, I’m on scene.
Received, 10.
Play 20240330013448.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:34:48

10 is fresh.
Go ahead, 10.
So just to clarify, the RP is at Hunter Hill Circle?
Yes, the RP lives at 10 Hunter Hill Circle and she says the dog lives at the Columbia Drive.
Address 170 Columbia Drive.
Play 20240330013221.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:32:21

X1 Dispatch, go ahead X1. On that second call, the noise<\/police> complaint, is the noise<\/police> still active or is it just following up with our previous response?
He said the noise<\/police> is not active, he just was looking for follow up on previous.
Received. We can do that at a later time then. If the noise<\/police> starts back up, we’ll respond.
Play 20240330012942.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:29:42

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
You can dispatch 10 to that animal complaint.
You can dispatch to 10.
10, the calling party who lives at 10 Hunter Circle,
I’m sorry, Hunter Hill Circle,
states that her neighbor’s blind
French Bulldog, it’s black, was just in her bushes.
She is elderly and unable to go over to the house
where the owners live, which is at 170 Columbia Drive.
Last name of the parties is Hogan’s.
I did try to call them six times.
Nobody’s answering the phone.
She’s concerned about the dog being blind and outside.
Play 20240330012725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:27:25

X1 Dispatch. Go ahead, X1. I just received your FDT. For that animal call, where is that
located? Columbia Drive. Yeah, Columbia Drive.
Play 20240330012214.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:22:14

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
The party’s on board with AFD, you can show me it’s clear.
Play 20240330011548.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:15:48

Send dispatch.
Ernie’s has that vehicle, I’m clear.
Play 20240330011205.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:12:05

20 dispatch.
Were you able to get a return on Olivia?
I know, she was in the system.
Play 20240330010600.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:06:00

20 distance.
Go ahead, 20.
Do you have our involved parties information?
I do not.
First name’s gonna be Olivia, common spelling, last name Hyman, Hotel Yankee, Mike, Alpha, November.
Data burst’s gonna be October 14th, 2002.
Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Is AFT responding?
They are, but the station across the street was empty for their alarm, so they’re coming from north.
If you could grab everything, that’d be great. Thank you.
Play 20240330010020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 01:00:20

20-X1, excuse me, 20-Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Is there a bouncer or an employee of the ERP on this?
Yes, his name is Zach.
X1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Just advise AFD, we’re just in front of the alleyway,
that leads to San Antonio, right in the back of the old Knights of Columbus.
Play 20240330005826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:58:26

In response to 41 Bultwood Walk at the New Gibbs Underground,
the bouncer just called in, says there’s a female party on scene.
She’s wearing a black tank top. She’s kind of recast on her left foot.
But the problem is that he’s concerned she may have been slipped something in her drink.
She is a bit incoherent.
When he talks to her, she’s just kind of dazing off and can’t form sentences.
AFD will be en route.
Appreciate it.
20, this is Sgt.
Go ahead, 20.
Clear on a 35 to the RO.
20, excellent. Do you want me to head over there?
20, dispatch.
Thank you.
Play 20240330005506.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:55:06

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
Please raise the self-gate. Clear.
Play 20240330005239.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:52:39

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
Please raise north gate ending 50.2
20 Dispatch
Go ahead 20
20 Dispatch
Stop north pleasant cross from XANA
MAF TC3, Lima, November, Bravo, 5 April
Thank you
Play 20240330004930.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:49:30

X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m going to be transporting ID 111’s arrest back to 111 starting 749.5.
And the tanker is going to be standing by for the Hawkins inventory.
Play 20240330004547.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:45:47

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
We need to start a hook for the vehicle
30 has stopped
They’re going to have the operator on her
Play 20240330003703.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:37:03

20, is that you coming down, Ferry?
Can we switch spots? I need your camera.
30, is that you?
Go ahead, 30.
Operator, Master Sierra, 26636482, Quinn Madden, we are with FST.
10, dispatch, I’m out with him.
Received, 10.
Play 20240330003445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:34:45

There it is, Vetch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop Mast 112, Zulu Romeo 1, North Poznan steering.
Steering now.
30, I stopped on the end of your transmission. I got your North Poznan steering, 112, Zulu Romeo 1.
Affirmative, but he rolled to Horn Howell 1. 17, carry.
20, this is Vetch.
Operators off Connecticut, OLN, 209, 631, 229, 35, clear.
Play 20240330003124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:31:24

30, dispatch.
Clear of 20, staff.
Play 20240330002914.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 03 30 00:29:14

20 to switch.
South Pleasant, Excellen, Connecticut, BC, Bravo, Delta, 0-9-4-7-7, all set.
Uh, 30 cars out with me.


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