Data from 20240408

Play 20240408232831.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 23:28:31

10 is ready.
Go ahead, 10.
Drop to CD8, I’m clear.
Roger, 10.
Play 20240408232308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 23:23:08

10 distress, you said the AFC is en route right for volunteer?
Thank you.
Play 20240408232155.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 23:21:55

That’s a special machine.
Recently, he said he felt like digging his vape into his hand.
Play 20240408231816.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 23:18:16

Dispatch, Charlie 10.
Go ahead.
30-45, Pine Street. We’ve got AFD<\/fire> headed there to assist Mr. Mullaney.
He’s feeling suicidal right now.
He’s outside. Calm at this time.
Received from President.
Play 20240408230524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 23:05:24

30X1 clear for a two, paperwork.
Play 20240408225107.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 22:51:07

20X1, OK for a two.
Play 20240408222458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 22:24:58

20 to 30.
You can disregard. 20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
There’s a group of people in the center area by like the bike racks that are gathering, but there’s nothing unreasonable about them gathering there. So you can show us clear.
Play 20240408222124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 22:21:24

20 dispatch
Go ahead, 20
In the area
Play 20240408221648.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 22:16:48

Charlie 30, 20.
30, 20. Heads on the Boulder Shore noise<\/police> complaint. The RP is at apartment 125 D Baker.
She said it’s outdoor noise. Just people having a good time. It’s causing her to be annoyed.
30 received from the pumps.
20 received from Bullwood.
Play 20240408220009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 22:00:09

20 Dispatch.
Vehicle is occupied by Sierra Alpha 023-0740.
It’s going to be 35 issued to the Alpha.
Play 20240408215500.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 21:55:00

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Motor vehicle stopped on Triangle Street in front of the West Cemetery.
It’s going to be a New Jersey tag, November 22, Hotel Juliet Hotel.
All set with info.
Play 20240408213330.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 21:33:30

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
We’re clear, we’re going to narrate more.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240408212220.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 21:22:20

20 to SED.
SED 20.
We’re going to be out with MASS Sierra 503-263-28.
You can just put us on an assist citizen CAD.
We’re just in the driveway of Village Park.
Received. You guys are all set.
Play 20240408210730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 21:07:30

I spoke to the RPE, she directed me towards the 500 Courtyard apartment area, spoke to
a couple residents there, they didn’t hear anything, I searched and looked around, didn’t
hear anything either, so I’m clear.
Play 20240408210203.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 21:02:03

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Vehicle is operated by Sierra Alpha 2740-565. 35 inches of VRO and we’re clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408205735.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 20:57:35

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Motor vehicle stop in front of 263 North Hampton Road.
It’s going to be Mastag, 4, Foxtrot, Mima, Zulu, 6-1.
All set with info.
Play 20240408205503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 20:55:03

30, this is Satchel.
Go ahead, 30.
You put me in the area.
Play 20240408205104.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 20:51:04

Charlie 30.
Sir, can you just let me know the, uh, the woman that called Amaya,
she was over at, uh, Palmer Co-op in apartment number 8, if you need to touch base with her.
Copy that, thank you.
Thank you.
Play 20240408204741.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 20:47:41

Uh, it’s Charlie 30.
Could you head to West Street down by R&P Liquors?
We got a report from two, uh, 12 and 13 year olds.
They’re out walking.
They heard a dog and it sounded like it was in pain and yelping.
We asked them the direction of the dog and they thought it was coming from over by the liquor store somewhere.
The two kids went over and, uh, collapsed.
Receipt from 111. So, the kids called in hearing the dog or…?
Play 20240408194244.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:42:44

30H1, clear for 2.
Play 20240408194033.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:40:33

30, dispatch.
I have 30.
I’m clear.
You’re received.
Play 20240408193216.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:32:16

20X1 for a 2.
Play 20240408193056.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:30:56

30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Could you put me on a follow-up CAD to 24-1870F?
And I’ll be over at Garcia’s.
Play 20240408192327.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:23:27

20 Dispatch.
I have 20.
We’ll both be clear.
3 is good.
Play 20240408191709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:17:09

X-1 dispatch. Go ahead, X-1. I’m at W-3 and I’m clear.
Play 20240408191056.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:10:56

20 dispatch, you guys on scene?
3-2-20, I’ll touch base with, uh, if you maybe want to talk to Lilliana.
Play 20240408190558.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 19:05:58

Yeah, we don’t want people taking their time.
Go for both.
Houston to Domestic, 867 North Present Street, the homeless shelter.
It’s going to be Ethan Ensing. He came to her job because she works there and is giving everyone a hard time.
Both received, 1-11.
Play 20240408182843.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:28:43

8-5 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
I got 9 and 10 on mass, 1.
Pete Papa, Pete Bravo, J. John, 2-8, and a license check and an interview on the RO.
He’s tired.
Go ahead.
Negative active, 2010 Nissan Versa Black, to Maria Bourbono, 2-11, 88, negative active, out of air.
Okay, Lease Chief, you can enter that in the CAD, and we’ll grab the CAD. Thank you.
Already seen.
Play 20240408182459.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:24:59

20 X 132
Play 20240408182246.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:22:46

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
We’re clear from AFD<\/fire> Center.
Play 20240408182025.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:20:25

30 to Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Myself and I.D. 122 clear for the station run.
8-5, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
Negative 9 and 10, Mast 8, Zzulu, Kking, 8-8-6.
Interlace, check M&W, Mast 0 and Sierra.
Go ahead.
Negative active on an 08 Toyota Avalon, white, to a Matthew Doering out of Rowley.
Nicholas Doering, 1227-2000, negative active out of Rowley.
Received, Whiskey Mike.
Play 20240408181035.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:10:35

20 dispatch
Can you just put us on admin CAD, we’re going to be out at AFB central for a few
E-5 dispatch
Can I get a 9 and 10, Master 3, E-Echo, R-Romeo, M-Mike, 3-7, license check M-N-W, Master L-N, S-Tierra, 2-6, 2-5, 9-6, 8-5
Go ahead
Vehicle is negative active, 2014 Audi Q5, color black, operator Colby, Magley, Aussie,
9-16-02, also negative active
Whiskey, Mike, thank you
Play 20240408180452.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:04:52

85 Dispatch, go ahead 85, Can I get 9 and 10 on MASS, 1R-ROMEO-DIECHO-W-WILLIAM-4-2
and license check M&W, MASS-ON-STIERRA-5-3-3-7-2-3-0-8
3 is nice
Negative active 2017 Acura TLX white to a James Shore.
Out of North Borough.
The operator is Jacob Shore 5-3-1999 negative active out of North Borough.
Received. Whiskey Mike.
Play 20240408180205.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 18:02:05

20, is that you?
Go ahead, 20.
That party is going to be Kashawn Jewels,
and they’re down here playing cornhole.
I advised them of the complaint.
You can show us clear?
We’re going to see.
10-X-1, OK, let’s go.
Play 20240408175847.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:58:47

Point of dispatch.
Go ahead.
On scene.
On scene.
Go ahead.
On scene.
Play 20240408175554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:55:54

Go ahead
When you can, can you head up to 382 North Pleasant Street?
We’ve got a report of 8 people on the roof
Play 20240408175257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:52:57

Negative active 2017 Honda Accord Red to a Matthew Crosman 11-12-79 Negative M&W active non-renew
Play 20240408175140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:51:40

to 20. 20. 20 Can you head to
the boulders 188 East Hadley
Road in the area of apartment
125. RP texted 911 to report
someone was outside urinating.
She described him as a male
party wearing a white hat
backwards plaid long sleeve
shirt and blue jeans. He was
over by the picnic tables
playing a hacky tack or hacky
sack type of game. First game.
85 dispatch. Go ahead 85.
You either put me back on my
original traffic<\/police> cat or start
me a second cat.
I closed the original cat so I’m
at the start another one.
OK. Same location can I get a
9 and 10 mass to be Bravo G
Gulf and November 6-7 and
that’s going to be operated by
the arrow.
Play 20240408173953.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:39:53

20 X 1 for a 2.
Play 20240408173747.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:37:47

1-2-2, if you’re calling dispatch, that’s all static.
Play 20240408173619.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:36:19

8-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
Okay, I’m going to be clear from Station Road.
Play 20240408173230.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:32:30

10 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
I will say again, if there’s an emergency, at least clear all units.
Play 20240408172851.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:28:51

20 dispatch.
Alright, 20.
He’s been reunited with mom.
We’re going to head back to our cruiser, which we had left at the cemetery.
Play 20240408172651.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:26:51

I’m sure you’re on it, but can you undo everything you did for like train track guys or anyone
else contacted?
Yeah, affirmative.
We’re already on that.
Thank you very much.
Thank you.
Play 20240408172416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:24:16

20 is matched.
Go ahead, 20.
We found him. He’s on the basketball court at Village Park.
Nice work, guys.
Thank you.
X-1 to 20.
Mom’s on her way.
Okay, we’re walking up to the parking lot.
Play 20240408172026.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:20:26

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me a call back and let me know when they’d have someone able to come down there.
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me a call back and let me know when they’d have someone able to come down there and let
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Play 20240408171119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:11:19

And dispatch.
Go ahead, John.
So, UMass is going to be giving us three officers.
They’re going to be taking their UTV and checking the tracks for us.
20 to 10, if they’re checking the tracks, do you want us to check Cemetery first?
That’s affirmative.
X-1 to 20.
After you’ve checked the Olympic drive area up to North Pleasant.
X-1, dispatch.
All right, D-111, we have two K-9s coming.
Play 20240408170431.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:04:31

X-1 Dispatcher. Go ahead X-1.
Do we have a tenant for number 24?
X-1. Go ahead.
December of 2023, there’s a CAD with a Tashika Williams at apartment number 24.
Received. Do we have a phone number for Tashika?
Affirmative. I can give it to you now. Our tenant is over the MDT.
20 dispatch. Go ahead 20.
The initial is clear from Station Road, 30 still on scene, and we’re going to head towards, um, up north to check the tracks next to Rock Street.
What do you see?
X-1 to 20. I don’t know how far you can get on Strong and be able to check that part when you’re done.
Play 20240408170031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 17:00:31

X-1 Dispatch. Go ahead, X-1.
Can you contact UMass, have the supervisor or ship commander meet me down at this location?
Play 20240408165825.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:58:25

X-1 to 8-5.
He’s on the phone.
Received. Are you guys all set down there?
Can you call my cell?
Play 20240408165047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:50:47

Can you contact Olympia Oaks Management, see if they can get us someone to come down immediately
so we can review the cameras?
Gracie, and when you have a moment, I just need a spelling of his first and last name
to know I have it correct.
Play 20240408164105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:41:05

I’m guessing it’s the same last name.
X1 to dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m clear from Station Road and headed to Olympia Oaks.
X1 to dispatch.
X1 to dispatch in the area.
Received, X1.
X1 to dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can we get a K-9? I think two hours they’ve been looking for him and supposing he wanders off.
Received. Have we checked the house yet?
No, not yet. I’m going to be doing that first, but I figured we’d get K-9 rolling. It’s been two hours now.
Received, X1.
X1, do you want me to call 911?
X1 to the XO, stand by. I’ll give him a call.
X1 to the XO.
Play 20240408163505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:35:05

10 dispatch. Go ahead, 10.
Do away, clear. What’s up with that description?
We just took a call for a missing child at Olympia Oaks, 85 Olympia Drive, apartment number 29.
He was described as a 7-year-old male, 4 foot, 90 pounds, black male with short black hair.
He was wearing a black shirt with Drippin written on it in several different colors.
He had sweatpants.
I guess he was playing outside for a few minutes and when his parents went back out there, he was gone.
His first name is Tavon. We’re trying to get the correct pronunciation and spelling of the last name.
Thank you.
Play 20240408163220.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:32:20

X-1, none of your transmissions are coming over, it’s all static.
X-1 dispatch, can you read me?
I can, it’s still static, you know.
Receive, I’m looking for 8-5.
Pulling up on scene right now.
Play 20240408163040.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:30:40

8-5 Dispatch
Go ahead, 8-5
It’s a two-by traffic<\/police> cat, and I’m headed down to Station Road
Where is he?
X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead, X-1
X-1, I only got part of that, I got SCR 25492
Affirmative, 6-6-5
X-1 Dispatch
Someone’s trying to reach Dispatch, that’s complete static, none of it came across
X-1 Dispatch
Dispatch to X-1
Go ahead
That comes back to Eric Wadd, 8-21-1963 out of 7-15 Station Road
X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead, X-1
VIP’s out of mass, Sierra 00164436
X-1 Dispatch
Play 20240408162433.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:24:33

10-Dispatch, you can put me in the area.
Received, 10.
Go ahead, X-1.
Auto 7-15.
Play 20240408162310.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:23:10

10, can you take a report of an erratic operator who was called in by Hadley PD and checked the area of Meadow at 116?
They said there was a car on Roosevelt Street, er, I’m sorry, a motorcycle on Roosevelt Street in their town.
I was speeding and riding on the sidewalk.
It’s MAF 2, G-Golf 2-9-0-1. It’s a 2015 Yamaha, black in color.
Repeat, where’s the on-road?
East Hampton.
20, is that?
Go ahead, 20.
The MDT’s not working. He’s at 715 Station.
Affirmative, 715.
Trying to call Dispatch.
I’m on it.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m at 63.
Go ahead, 30.
Received, 20.
Alright, 20-20.
AFB’s just going over the tracks.
Play 20240408161454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:14:54

the 30 and 20 30 20 can you take a medical assist 715 station road gonna
be for a 91 year old male cardiac arrest unknown downtime his son found him said
it looks like he’s beyond help
Play 20240408160955.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:09:55

8-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
9-10, Mast 8. T-Tango, KTLO 8-3-2, operated by the RO.
8-5, go ahead.
Negative active on 2013 Dodge Grand Caravan Black to a Leanne Hunt 9-25-69, negative active out of Filtertown.
Received. Whiskey, Foxtrot.
Play 20240408160055.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 16:00:55

8-5 Dispatch
Go ahead 8-5
Commute 9 and 10 on MAF 9 W Whiskey D David 3-7-3
License check M and W on MAF 0NS Sierra 9-9 4-0 5-4 6-5
Dispatch to 8-5
Go ahead
Negative active 07 Mercedes E Grey in color to a NOHA
Moojies 227-44 out of Boston
Operated by a Wahib Yared 426-99
Negative active out of Boston
Received Whiskey Mike
Play 20240408155001.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:50:01

Eight-Five, dispatch.
Alright, Eight-Five.
Negative-Nine-Ten on Mass Ridge.
License check M&W, Massachusetts-Sierra.
Thank you.
Negative-Active on a Twenty-Twelve-Chevy-Traverse-White.
To a Jeru-Jelrit-Five-Nineteen-Seventy-Three out of Amherst.
Operator is Negative-Active to a Marcus-Nolan-Four-Ten-Seventy-Two out of Amherst.
Received. Whiskey-Mike.
Play 20240408154044.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:40:44

Go ahead. Negative active on an 08 Toyota Highlander black to a Thomas Murray, 10-12-71
out of Milford. The operator is negative active, Dominic Schofield, 7-30-2002 out of Belchertown.
Play 20240408153913.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:39:13

8-5 Dispatch. Go ahead 8-5.
We’ve got 9 and 10, MASS 3, P-Papa, L-Lima, C-Charlie, 3-8, and that’s going to be operated
by MASS Noel and S-Sierra, 2-0-2-7-7-5-6-3. Can I get 11 and 14 on that?
Play 20240408153208.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:32:08

8-5 Dispatch
Go ahead 8-5
Negative 9-10
Mass Ridge, W Whiskey
And that’s going to be operated by Mass Noel and Sierra
Play 20240408152426.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:24:26

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
No issues, clear.
Play 20240408152110.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:21:10

8-5 Dispatch
Go ahead, 8-5
Second and 9-10, Mast 3, W Whiskey, El Lima, and November 5-5
And that’s going to be operated by Mast-Solo-NS Sierra 6-6, 9, 2-9, 3-3, 8
And 11 and 14 on that, not sure if it’s 0, no reg in position
Dispatch to 8-5
Go ahead
Negative active on an 06 GMC, blue on collar to a Sean 2-STAT 12-31-67
He is negative M&W, active non-renew out of Amherst
Received, Whiskey Mike, enter that again as well
Play 20240408151826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:18:26

10 dispatch. Go ahead 10. On scene with DCF. We’re in scene.
Play 20240408151409.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:14:09

8-5 Dispatch
Go ahead 8-5
Can you help me a traffic<\/police> cat on Main Street by Salem Street
and can you enter 9 and 10, Master 2, R-Romeo, G-Gulf, Z-Zulu 1-1
and I’d like to check M&W on the RO
Go ahead 10
Is there a location of where the CCF worker is?
They should be outside of the apartment but she did say they were a few minutes out
I can give them a call back and see how far they are if you’d like
All set, received
Go ahead
Received, Bravo Foxtrot
Play 20240408150858.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:08:58

Can you head to Village Park, 497 East Pleasant Street, it’s going to be apartment 156, meet
DCF there, they’re going to be removing a 6 year old child from the apartment.
They should be in a greyish Nissan Rogue.
Received by the Water Towers on East Pleasant Street.
Play 20240408150640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 15:06:40

10 dispatch, going ahead 10, we’ll be clear, received.
Play 20240408135505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:55:05

Send dispatch.
Go ahead, send.
Can you assign us a medical mental follow-up to the stolen motor vehicle cad, and you can open and close it.
Play 20240408135004.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:50:04

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
We’re clear. Vehicle’s on their way.
Play 20240408134455.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:44:55

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Crash number over the air, please.
30, you want that UR 156?
156, please.
Received, your accident number is 112-112, and call is made at 1335.
Play 20240408134225.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:42:25

30 to 6
Go ahead 30
The operator of the row is going to be MASH Sierra Alpha 0-8-7-0-0-9-3
And the operator for the Volkswagen is going to be Florida Chief Alpha 3-2-0-5-1-2-0-4-7-8-8-0
30 to 7 just going to check all the routes
3-2 standby
Dispatch this is 30, info’s up when you’re ready.
30, both vehicles are negative active. Operator of the Nissan is Devlin Young 31903 out of Randolph, also negative active.
And the operator of the Volkswagen is Catherine Pattis out of Florida, 8804. She’s negative active out of Florida, no matching in mass.
Where is your patient?
Play 20240408133842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:38:42

30 to switch.
Go ahead, 30.
We’re going to be clear for now.
RP on scene, they don’t have any cameras and they’re unsure if he actually put any items into his backpack today.
But if they’re looking to ID him, do I at least trespass him?
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
We’ll be clear. We’ve talked to both the RP and IP.
The PCA says that he does have some problems with Alzheimer’s and we’ll be clear.
Problems with Alzheimer’s and we’ll be clear.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Do you have any calls about a signal late university driver in front of CBS?
Received. We’re going to check on two cars here.
Received. Do you want an ICAT?
30 to switch.
Go ahead, 30.
First vehicle here is going to be a mass dredge for a Foxtrot EICO, EICO, 1-9.
30 to switch.
Go ahead, 30.
Second vehicle is going to be a mass, 1-2-10-0-2-Charlie-X-X-Ray-4-6.
Play 20240408133207.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:32:07

20 to 30. I ID’d that guy, but that’s not him.
We took a stroll into the stop and shop plaza, but we’re going to head back to town.
Play 20240408132910.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:29:10

20, you just want to ID that guy anyways.
Star, which guy?
I don’t think it’s him, but that gentleman sitting on the side of the Goodwill.
If you’re still around the area, I’m going to just…
…a little nozzle.
Play 20240408132658.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:26:58

10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
We’re on scene and the plate is a MAF PC24KTDCL64
30 Dispatch
Go ahead 30
Both units on scene
Play 20240408132302.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:23:02

Dispatch to 10.
Go ahead.
10, the RP at PCA just called back.
They found a vehicle further up in the parking lot at Village Park.
They moved it back in front of apartment 124.
RP still believes that it was moved without his permission,
so he’d still like to speak with an officer.
But the vehicle is actually going to be a New Hampshire plate that’s expired.
The plate is 3940872.
It’s a 2005 Chevy Classic, 4-door, color white.
Play 20240408132025.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:20:25

Go ahead, 10.
I don’t see any vehicles in the CAD. Can you go again with the plate?
So the plate that I was given is Massachusetts PC-8-M-ALPHA-514, which is cancelled.
And doesn’t match the description that he gave me for the vehicle.
10-Dispatch to 20-30.
20-30, can you head to 183 University Drive to Goodwill to assist business for a possible shoplifting?
It’s going to be a white male. He has a red bag, wearing a grey sweatshirt and a backwards baseball cap.
This male was in the store approximately a week or two ago.
Same activity. Was told to call us again if he shows back up.
Store owner thinks that he may be getting ready to leave.
Alpha 3-1-1.
Play 20240408131226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:12:26

This is Fascia 10.
10, can you head up to 497 East Pleasant Street, Village Park, apartment 124,
for a report of a stolen motor vehicle or missing?
RP, there is a PCA that came to his client’s house,
and his client said that his vehicle was missing or stolen.
I’m unsure of the time or if there was a direction a traveler who would have had it.
The plate I got is Massachusetts PC-8, M-Mike A-Alpha 514,
which is cancelled to a 2002 Ford Windstar.
He gave me a vehicle of a 2002 Ford Sedan, Ford or Classic.
Who’s the resident?
The resident you’re looking to make contact with is a Chang Chi-Wang,
and his PCA I spoke with was George.
He gave me his name as.
We’re safe.
Play 20240408130315.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 13:03:15

That’s budget, Bobby.
Okay, thank you, Sheriff.
Play 20240408125740.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:57:40

30 X-1, clear for a two.
Play 20240408125412.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:54:12

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Myself and 20 are clear.
Play 20240408124632.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:46:32

Go ahead, 10.
We’ll be clear, no issue. We’re married.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408123156.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:31:56

Dispatch to 10.
10, can you head up to the area of 27 Morgan Circle?
RP there is reporting that there’s a large paving machine that’s parked on the street close to his driveway that’s making it unsafe for him to pull out.
Received, on West by the Rotary.
10, Mikey.
Play 20240408122756.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:27:56

10 to Fash.
Go ahead, 10.
It’ll be a Biff team, we’ll be clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408122533.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:25:33

10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
On scene
Where is she?
Left lane
Go ahead 10
10 Dispatch
On scene
10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
On team
Where is she?
10 dispatch
Go ahead
Somebody was trying to get into Queens
S number is S82966608
10 dispatch
Play 20240408121846.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:18:46

X1, this is X1.
Go ahead, X1.
Is there any history there?
There’s a past 15 from January.
It’s a Holstein residence, it looks like.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408121710.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:17:10

Dispatch, 30.
30, are you and 20 available for residential 67?
We can be if need be.
I can just go to 10 and X1.
Dispatch to 10, X1.
10, X1, can you take a residential 67, 1515 Arlington Road, the merchants front door?
X1, received, thank you.
Play 20240408120846.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:08:46

20 to 20.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you put me on that 4 river as well, please?
Play 20240408120312.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 12:03:12

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can put us on a traffic<\/police> cat in front of Fort River, and you can add the 20 car as well.
Play 20240408113827.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 11:38:27

423 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 423.
Can you open and close the CAD for me?
I’m headed to Amsterdam Veterinary Hospital with a bed I took out of 15 Blue Hills Road.
Play 20240408112221.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 11:22:21

I’m so sorry.
Play 20240408110921.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 11:09:21

8-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
I’ll be clear from the middle school.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408110510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 11:05:10

101, dispatch.
Go ahead, 101.
Stop 45 northeast street, mass commercial, B vector, 54964.
Operator’s gonna be a Sierra 432.
101, dispatch.
Go ahead, 101.
I’m clear. Verbal warning issue.
Play 20240408103513.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 10:35:13

Go ahead, 6-9.
Go ahead, 6-9.
Play 20240408101631.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 10:16:31

I’m gonna land with ya.
See, I’ll take it when I get back. I’m just pulling down here.
Play 20240408095615.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 09:56:15

6-9 dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-9.
I’ll be at the Family Center at the middle school for a meeting.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408095348.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 09:53:48

James we got the numbers
Play 20240408094543.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 09:45:43

I do 145 dispatch.
Go ahead, 145.
Signal 10WD with ID 151.
South Bussinette, North Hampton.
Play 20240408092334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 09:23:34

I get a CAD, stop at 224 Belchdown Road, mask 9, R-Romeo, T-Papa, 163, the operators of the R-Romeo.
101 dispatch?
Go ahead, 101.
I’m clear. Verbal warning issued to the operator.
Play 20240408090126.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 09:01:26

30 dispatch
Go ahead 30
We’re clear
Appreciate it
Play 20240408084759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 08:47:59

Can you change your call to a normal traffic<\/police> CAD and we’ll all be clear.
Play 20240408083223.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 08:32:23

30, this is Ben.
Go ahead, 30.
Chap, unfortunately we’ve had a wildflower at your area.
Play 20240408080756.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 08:07:56

Go ahead, son.
Could you put us in the 20 car on traffic<\/police> enforcement at Fort River School?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408080448.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 08:04:48

140 dispatch. Go ahead, 140.
Could you add ID 156 with me and could you put that as primary?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408080133.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 08:01:33

ID 138, dispatch.
Go ahead, 138.
Can you add ID 159 to my car, and can you make her the primary?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240408080007.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 08:00:07

4-1 to 4-1
Pulling out of the plant right now
Second load of the year
See ya
Thanks for watching!
Play 20240408075451.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 07:54:51

I have, you know what, I have my glasses, is that what the glasses are for?
Ha ha ha.
Dispatch to ID 138.
Play 20240408020646.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 02:06:46

Can you open and close the check of the halal house?
Play 20240408020518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 02:05:18

X-1 Dispatch.
Security check-in, please, for Groth Park.
And add MASS, Connecticut, A-Alpha, Y-A-E, 75769.
I’ll stay within info. I’ll be clear.
Play 20240408015947.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:59:47

X-Hawk Dispatch, I’m clear.
Play 20240408014318.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:43:18

X-1, dispatch.
Security check cab, please, for Bill River Wreck.
And if you would, leave that in there, Matt.
Play 20240408013720.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:37:20

22 seconds
Operator’s off mass, Olin at 0, A-921, 0-5, 0-8, clear 35
Play 20240408013350.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:33:50

Point of descent.
Stop, College Street at Steel East.
Mississippi Reg, H Hotel, November EECHO 926.
Play 20240408011855.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:18:55

X-1 Dispatch.
Alright, X-1.
I’ll be clear.
You need to clean in for the night.
Play 20240408011740.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:17:40

Excellent dispatch.
That vehicle out of New Jersey, we have history with that.
Well, that’s gonna be negative.
Excellent dispatch.
Yeah, that’s on.
Call party here, it’s gonna be a Sierra 63086998.
Play 20240408011505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:15:05

20 to X1, those meters are bagged off.
Received, thank you.
Do you want us to throw the cones in the cruiser?
Negative, we can leave them there.
Send a clear message.
Thank you.
Play 20240408011130.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:11:30

X-1 Dispatch.
Security check on Main Street, the JCA. I have a few vehicles, are you ready?
Go ahead.
The first will be out of New Jersey, H-Hotel, 6-8, S-Tirra, J-Juliet, L-Lima.
The second, B-Mass, 5-9, I-Echo, W-Yankee, 5-6.
The third also out of Mass, 4-Z-Zulu, H-Hotel, 1-8-8.
Play 20240408010513.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:05:13

X1 to 20, that previous warrant was for a violation of probation.
Where is he?
Play 20240408010153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 08 01:01:53

Cindy, that party’s last name BMDT
I’m not seeing anything for WMS
Yeah, me neither


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