Data from 20240608

Play 20240608231149.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 23:11:49

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
G-Away, I’m clear.
20 is clear as well.
Play 20240608230715.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 23:07:15

20 to 30.
Yeah, I got nothing.
I spoke to a few people out.
They haven’t seen anybody match that description.
It sounds like it was just in Gong Beach, but I’m just going to do a drive-thru butternut
real fast and then ride clear.
I’ll check the speedway.
Play 20240608225954.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:59:54

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Does the RP want to talk to an officer? I didn’t want to ring his doorbell and startle him.
I let him know that you guys might want to speak with him, so he’s probably prepared for that.
He said he didn’t have any ring footage or anything like that, but
it might be worth touching base.
20, I’m already out with him.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240608225318.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:53:18

20, I’m going to go in the other way.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Units are in the area.
Play 20240608224824.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:48:24

Dispatch to 30, 20.
30, 20, can you head to 101 Farmington Road?
RP there is reporting that just now, and also once 20 minutes ago, a male party banged on his door very loudly and rang his doorbell and then took off.
Sort of confronted him, I guess, and then the male party took off down towards Pondview.
He said the male party is high school, college-aged, wearing a white shirt.
30, receive, college.
Receive, Farmington Road.
Play 20240608222405.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:24:05

30 dispatch
Go ahead 30
You could assign me a medical mental follow-up for this cat and add Eric to it there is no fire<\/fire> here
I will marry both and I’ll be clear. I have these men their way
Play 20240608221915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:19:15

Dirty dispatch.
Go ahead, Dirty.
Say it is cigarette smoke.
Not a structure fire, just cigarette smoke.
Alright, received. We will update AFT.
Play 20240608221728.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:17:28

30 dispatch in the area.
Play 20240608221447.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:14:47

Dispatch to 30.
30, can you head down to 81 Belchertown Road, Colonial Village, apartment number 25.
Erica Fiore is reporting there’s an odor of smoke in her apartment complex somewhere.
Doesn’t report seeing any flames or anything specific.
We’re sending AFDs just as a precaution.
20 to 30.
Go ahead, 20.
No vehicles matching that description. I’m clear. Enjoy.
Play 20240608220026.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 22:00:26

In the area.
Do you know if the RPU is following it?
We were not advised of that.
Play 20240608215730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:57:30

Dispatch, this is Lyne.
Traffic complaint<\/police> in the area of 351 Northampton Road.
Northampton at University.
Hadley called University and they received a call of an erratic operator.
It’s a small red vehicle, probably a Toyota, no plate given.
That was swerving all over the road and was even in oncoming traffic.
It was last seen in the area of 347 Russell Street in their town and it was to the east towards Amherst.
Play 20240608211258.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:12:58

X-1, stand by for two.
Play 20240608211109.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:11:09

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I don’t think that plate was given out correctly, as I’m the only one that’s run it.
But it’s MAF-BC-589-YAE-SBRA-4.
I see.
Play 20240608210812.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:08:12

30 to 20, set.
30, I can’t hear you, it’s cutting in and out too much.
Sorry, radios are awful today. I should be all set.
32, 20 to set, you can show me, please.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The argument was verbal only.
She was concerned that he has a medical tube that she wasn’t sure that he was emptying, but he checks out okay, and she’s fine, so I’ll be clear.
Play 20240608210557.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:05:57

Skyline 30.
I believe he’s pulling on C now.
Play 20240608210420.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:04:20

Dispatch, 20.
CCAD’s headed home and actually going to be there very soon.
Play 20240608210252.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:02:52

Go ahead, 20.
He’s not here.
Can you call him back and see if he wants to speak with me just a second?
Make sure he’s okay.
No, sir.
I’ll be on my call.
Play 20240608210103.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 21:01:03

30 dispatch, on scene.
How are you feeling?
All right!
. .
Hang on.
Hang on for a second.
20 to search
God funny
Thank you
For a switch
Just go with that plate again, I don’t think I’m seeing it
Five eight nine Sierra why Yankee for?
So you’re a little Scottic E, but I already do
30, if that was you again, that was complete static.
Play 20240608205313.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:53:13

Dispatch to 30 and 20.
Can you take a pass domestic? My RP is calling from 23 Summerfield Road.
RP seated. She got into a verbal argument with her husband earlier today.
Her husband is Hype Nguyen and he left the house around 2.30pm.
He is usually home by now and she is concerned for his well-being.
The update on that is I was able to get in contact with him over the phone.
However, he states he is at the parking lot behind Bank of America on Amity Street.
30 received. I’ll turn right.
Received. 30, you want to flip this up?
Sure, I’ll head to Summerfield first.
Received. I’ll go to Amity. Dispatch, what kind of vehicle is this?
A black Accord. The RP stated the plate is 589S0Y4 is what my RP gave me.
Received. Is she alleging anything or just looking for a well-being checker?
She was looking for a well-being on him.
Play 20240608204205.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:42:05

10-X-1 for 2.
Can you give me a 4?
Play 20240608203558.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:35:58

slightly twitch
Four twenty dispatch.
Unit 20.
Units are clearly been reunited.
Dispatch this is communications.
I’m with you.
Play 20240608202924.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:29:24

20 to 30.
Go ahead.
I’m talking to Grandma now. They said they’re coming back to the apartment.
That’s affirmative. I’m following them back right now.
Play 20240608202644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:26:44

My apologies, 20, 30, the first name of both those boys is going to be Owen and Logan.
Go ahead, 20.
I was just calling them, thanks.
20 to 30, I think I walked on you, is that them?
That’s affirmative.
They told her that they were leaving, I think at the end of the year.
They’re just at the battlefield, of course.
Send them back home.
Thank you.
Play 20240608202451.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:24:51

30 to 20.
Do you want me to look in the area or go to the house?
If you want to look around, I can give you an update until I talk to RP.
Are you sure you can put me in the area?
I’ll let you know.
20 to 30.
I think that apartment is real close to Southeast Street’s extension area.
I don’t know if you want to just check that school or that area.
Yeah, I just pulled into Fort River and there’s two or a couple of kids here.
If we can get some names, I’ll talk to them.
Play 20240608202238.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:22:38

Dispatch, 20, 30.
You head over to 693 Main Street, Watson Farms, apartment number 14.
My calling party stated that Sandra O’Reilly, out of apartment 14, knocked on her door, stating that she is missing her two grandsons, age 12 and 10.
The only description I was able to get was that they’re white males with brown hair. She does not remember the clothing description.
She potentially saw them about an hour ago.
Sandra is hard of hearing.
3C, 1-11.
30, 3C, Belcher Town Road.
Play 20240608201534.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:15:34

10 is red.
It was an accidental dial. I’m clear. Everything checked fine.
Play 20240608200911.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:09:11

10 is matched.
Got it done.
In the area.
Thank you.
Ending 49520.2, and you can quit.
Ending 49520.2.
Play 20240608200153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 20:01:53

X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m going to be doing a transport back to that Valdez address, starting 4-9-5-1-8.
Play 20240608195857.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 19:58:57

Dispatch, it’s 10.
Can you take on a 911 open line at 561 Flat Hills Road?
We could hear someone talking on the other end, just didn’t get voice contact with them.
Play 20240608192402.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 19:24:02

30 to fetch.
Go ahead, 30.
Gonna be a 35 to California, O-N-C-Charlie-5-5-0-4-5-4-2, and I’ll be clear.
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
Back in town.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20240608192004.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 19:20:04

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop West at Mill with MAP-PC8YNE-HOTEL-815. All set.
Play 20240608191052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 19:10:52

SO to X1
Could you use signal 2 to speak to DCF?
Affirmative, in my office.
Play 20240608190217.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 19:02:17

20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
Clear the house, head back to town.
Play 20240608184801.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 18:48:01

20 to switch
Go ahead, 20
LOC, HOC ending 860.5, that’s 860.5
Play 20240608182652.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 18:26:52

20, switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Cab of Prisoner Transport, CADD, please.
Taking the arrestee to the House of Corrections.
My starting is 851.2.
Can you read South Valley?
Thank you.
You can secure. Thank you.
Play 20240608180648.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 18:06:48

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you move me over to Unit H Hotel temporarily?
I’m going to be on a prisoner transport. Can you raise to Northgate?
Secure. Thank you.
Play 20240608180208.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 18:02:08

30 dispatch.
Did the caller give a reason for the hour delay?
The first time on the phone there was some confusion whether she was in South Hadley or Amherst.
I called her back to confirm.
The second time she stated she was in South Amherst.
Received, but why was there an hour delay?
The second time she stated she was in South Amherst.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Do you know the reasons between the hour delay, regardless of where she thought she was?
30 dispatch.
40 dispatch.
Dispatch, my question is going over.
I’ll be clear, if you could please add that there was a delay, I can’t.
Morning Chief.
Play 20240608175539.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:55:39

I heard a crash in the area.
How are you suited?
I’m fine.
Thank you.
30 to fetch.
Go ahead, 30.
Who is the RP on this?
Stephanie Smith.
Play 20240608174702.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:47:02

Dispatch, 20.
Can you take a well-being check in the area of 1150 West Street, Atkins?
RP stated she saw what she believes is a 9-year-old white male with flip-flops, no shirt on, in the area.
Looks like he was trying to hitchhike. She stated she saw him around 1640.
So he was there an hour ago?
Okay, received.
Thank you.
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Does the RP know who the person is, or are they just guessing that he’s nine?
They’re just guessing. She didn’t know who it was.
They’re just guessing. She didn’t know who it was.
30 to switch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear. I will head down there.
20 to switch.
20 received.
10 to switch.
Go ahead, 10.
I’ll be clear from here, and if you could just put me on a follow-up guide for this, I’m going to go back to the station and make a phone call.
Play 20240608173750.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:37:50

Tennis match.
Go ahead, 10.
There was no one inside, but I am pretty sure the other half of the fight is from 3-2-6.
Play 20240608173505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:35:05

10 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Actually, 10 X1.
There is blood on the door at 326, which also has potentially the dog in it that we’re looking to see.
And the door is propped open.
Clear to check it out. Not getting a response.
Yeah, affirmative.
Play 20240608172505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:25:05

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you tell me the time of call, please?
Play 20240608171032.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:10:32

10 to 30.
I’m trying to get up the elevator, but the fobs are not working.
I’m coming down now. I’ll be in the lobby.
Thank you.
20 to fetch. You can clear me.
Play 20240608170726.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:07:26

10 Dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
If you haven’t already, can you put ID 423 on this call and assign me an offense number?
And I’ll give you a call for the party’s info, who got bit.
We’re still trying to locate the other dog and owner.
10 Received.
Play 20240608170346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 17:03:46

30, 10.
I’m just walking floor to floor for now.
So far, 321.
There’s a dog in there that doesn’t sound too happy
because nobody will come through the door.
Play 20240608165859.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:58:59

Dispatch, Charlie 30.
There is a main office number I can try.
That’s great.
Play 20240608165614.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:56:14

20 dispatch.
Copy 20.
Do you have any contact info from staff for when he was in the hospital?
He tends to live here, but we don’t have any other information on which apartment or even any unit.
Play 20240608165404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:54:04

28 switch
Can you put me on this other animal complaint?
Play 20240608165046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:50:46

I’m clear, can you just add Carol to both of these calls and I can help look for this
20 to 10.
Go ahead.
Do you know what the owner of the Pitbull looked like?
Just a white male with maybe like a light-ish blue shirt on, I don’t know, I don’t know.
Maybe 30.
It was like a very pretty tan or fawn-colored dog.
Play 20240608164600.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:46:00

Yes, that’s a ten.
We had an animal complaint<\/police> in the area of 1 East Pleasant Street out in the front.
My calling party, third party caller, states it seems like there is a dog fight of some sort going on in the area.
Was not able to give me a description, only that there was potentially three or four dogs on the smaller end.
And that some people were kneeling down with one of the dogs.
He also stated that it looked like some people were headed north away from the potential dog fight.
Received, North Pleasant, or excuse me, Northampton at South Pleasant.
10 Dispatch, just to clarify, it doesn’t seem like it’s an active fight at the moment?
As we were getting off the phone, he stated it looks like that some were walking away.
So there is a potential that it’s not active at this time.
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I send you an MDT on that starting and ending is 59516.8.
Roger, 2.
20 Dispatch.
Roger, 20.
Can you just put me on a follow-up to that animal complaint?
If you haven’t already, you can disregard the EPOs, I have them on the line now.
10 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
10 Dispatch.
10 Dispatch, can you have AFD<\/fire> response, front of protocol, I got a pretty good dog bite
on a guy here.
We’ll receive with him now.
20 to 10, I’ll head your way as soon as I finish up this call here.
as soon as I finish up this call here.
Received. I’ve got to find the other half of this.
1-8, I can head over there.
1-8, did you copy that? I can head over there.
Received, thank you.
1-8, 1-8.
The other half of this is a fawn or very light colored pit bull.
We need to get that owner’s information.
Because not only did it bite the male I have here, it also bit his dog too.
And he’s bleeding pretty good.
Received, do you think it went north?
Southbound, towards the toy box.
Received, I’m going to be pulling onto North Pleasant shortly. I’ll look for it.
Play 20240608163622.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:36:22

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Heading back to the station, starting 4-9-5-1-4-point-7.
We’re racing.
Play 20240608163054.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:30:54

20 dispatch.
We’ll call head 20.
It is a pretty big bobcabit running around the neighborhood here in people’s yards.
Can you just give the EPOs a call?
See if they have any suggestions.
I’m sure they’ll say just leave it alone, but the neighbors are pretty concerned about
it because it keeps coming back to where other people’s pets are.
Play 20240608162752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:27:52

10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
The raccoon’s definitely sick, but he’s hiding under the shed, so I gave the homeowner some options. Maybe he’ll be clear.
Play 20240608162326.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:23:26

X-1 to 30.
Are you available?
I have a party who’s coming to the station for a statement and has a child with her,
but she doesn’t have access to the vehicle.
Can you see if we have an infant carrier convertible that we could use to help her?
We definitely have infant carriers, just with the baby.
Probably a convertible instead.
Thank you.
X-1 to 30.
Do you want me to bring it down to a different car?
I don’t know how well it’s going to go in the cruiser.
You can disregard. She has a convertible. I’m going to see if I can install it now.
I can’t hear you.
You can disregard. She has a convertible. I’m going to see if I can install it now.
20 to switch.
On scene.
Play 20240608161800.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:18:00

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Could I have a domestic follow-up and I’ll be headed to that address listed on the screen attempting to make contact with the victim.
Appreciate it.
X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1
Calm down
Go ahead, Sam
I’m listening
I’m in, Steve
Play 20240608161246.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:12:46

138 Dispatch.
Red 138.
I’m going to be your Charlie 30 car.
Play 20240608161003.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:10:03

Dispatch, 20.
Dispatch, you looking for Bravo 20 or Charlie 20?
Sorry about that, Charlie 20.
Charlie 20.
Can you take an animal complaint? 33 Dana Place.
RP states there’s a bobcat in their backyard, backyard making a bunch of noises.
They’re concerned the animal may be sick.
Play 20240608160550.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:05:50

What is that?
Solid 20.
Fire is out in that sector.
Play 20240608160228.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 16:02:28

Dispatch to 10.
We’ve taken an animal complaint<\/police> at 30 Flat Hills Road.
Our RP stated there’s an injured raccoon that made its way under her shed.
Play 20240608155041.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:50:41

It seems like it’s just the grass on top of the bunker. They’re hitting it with water now.
Okay, thank you.
Play 20240608154511.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:45:11

1AX1, AFB is on scene.
OK, received.
Play 20240608154355.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:43:55

20 to 20
Judy and Jen are working on domestic. Do you need anything up there right now?
Not sure yet. I just got split in the fence. I’ll let you know in a second.
3 to 4
3 to 4 to 12, roll call should be in about 4 minutes.
3 to 4
20 is that?
No, it’s 20.
I don’t know if anybody’s cleared up yet.
It’s a thicker white smoke.
You can let us know if you know.
3 to 4
Play 20240608154038.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:40:38

20, dispatched
Amber, you getting them on facial?
30 dispatch on scene.
We’re going to need somebody to unlock it.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
I can see the bunker from the woods, heavy smoke.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240608153229.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:32:29

Can you assist AFD<\/fire> in the area of 1501 West Street, Military and West intersection?
We have reports of smoke and fire<\/fire> by the bunker area.
3C from Main.
Go ahead, X1.
Just make sure ACPD is aware of that third property up there.
We might need, AFD<\/fire> might need access.
3C, letting them know.
Play 20240608152937.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:29:37

I’ll be clear if he has a party loaded up.
Play 20240608152719.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:27:19

30, destruction
Go ahead 30
Can you raise me some?
Thank you, secure
Play 20240608151807.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:18:07

10 to dispatch
Go ahead, 10
Play 20240608151250.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 15:12:50

Dispatch, this is 10.
Are you clear of that animal complaint?
Can you take a medical assist 362 Henry Street for a 27 year old male having a seizure?
Play 20240608145819.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:58:19

10 to 10
Go ahead 10
That was 10, flat hills, correct?
Ok, no one is home
I checked the front porch and the side porch
Back porch is a green den
And again, nobody is home
I’ll be clear
Ok, now locating that animal
And again, nobody is home
Pointed out
Play 20240608145505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:55:05

Go ahead, Sam
Play 20240608145244.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:52:44

Station officer, dispatch.
Go ahead, SO.
Can I get a cancer well-being check?
I’ll be out in front of 111.
There’s a person, uh, down.
I’ll advise.

SO, dispatch.
Go ahead, SO.
Right in here is going to be first name Diane, last name Sullivan, from 321 East Flatnose
She appears to be okay, just taking a nap, if you can clear me.
Play 20240608144636.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:46:36

Can you give me a four?
Play 20240608144422.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:44:22

Go ahead.
Just want to verify, do you want that Hadley officer to come to APD, the station?
Yeah, affirmative.
Victim is on the way at this point, full speed.
1017, be eyed up.
Go ahead.
Dispatch to 10.
Can you take an animal complaint<\/police> at 10 Flat Hills Road?
Our RP states there’s a raccoon who’s injured and looks sick on their front porch.
front porch. They’ve been in there a while and struggling to move.
Play 20240608144208.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:42:08

Dispatch to X-1.
I’ll be clear, go ahead.
UMPD stated they will not have a Spanish speaking officer on at 1600.
Alright, can we check on Amherst College as well?
Amherst College is a negative as well.
Yeah, 7-4 just advised me.
30 to 10, excuse me, 10 to 10.
Go ahead, 10.
I’ll be clear of that call as well.
Very soon.
Station officer to X-1.
Go ahead, I’ll be on it too.
College at, uh, uh, southeast.
Received. You want me to give ID-81 a call, see if maybe she can come in early?
Dispatch to X-1.
Hadley has a Spanish speaking officer on currently.
Okay, um, can we contact them and see if they can spare them for a little bit?
Received, we’ll get in contact.
Thank you, dispatch.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Northgate, please.
Play 20240608143549.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:35:49

X-1, this is Metcalfe.
Go ahead, X-1.
Surrey is going to have one under at this location.
Going to try and have a number.
And we can also call over to UMPD, see if they have a Spanish-speaking officer coming in at 1500.
We’re going to have to get the statement and looking at a protective order as well, Spanish-speaking only.
Received, we’ll give them a call.
Play 20240608141015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:10:15

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be on scene, and you can also put 30 on scene if you may, for a little while.
Play 20240608140656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:06:56

Dispatch to Bravo 10.
Go ahead.
I just received a message from that female via the texting
and it said that someone was hitting her
and he was her partner, is what she wrote.
Okay, I’m on with the male party right now.
10, I got the first part where you said you were out front
with that male party, but I didn’t hear the rest of that.
It didn’t come over.
This is Operator 4, ZZulu.
See Victor, speak off, Z4.
The radios aren’t great, I’m sorry.
I got 4, ZZulu.
3, Dispatch, on 3.
Received, 30.
X-1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
X-1, you down there?
10, Dispatch, how’s it coming over?
Okay, a little bit better.
If you don’t mind, I’ll need that plate again.
Go ahead, I got a MASS ID, license number,
Been relaying some information, we’re just trying to sort out whether it’s involved or not.
Reporting for you.
What did he just give us?
Still receiving messages from that woman.
She states that she’s pregnant and this male party’s been hitting her since yesterday.
Play 20240608140303.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:03:03

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Play 20240608140120.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 14:01:20

Dispatch to Bravo 10, Bravo 30.
Hold it.
Okay, so I have that female on with the TTY.
I’m trying to get her to call 911 so I can get an interpreter.
The most recent CAD there was last October.
An assist to Hadley PD was looking to speak to Muyolima Yunga,
who resides at that address.
Mail party, DOB.
Actually, sorry, his DOB is not in there.
And then there’s another mail party.
Stand by for his info.
Actually, I read that wrong.
His name is Segundo Samuel Yunga Muyolima.
DOB of 8-1-1993.
Before that, it was a couple of noise<\/police> complaints last September.
And receiving.
Play 20240608135718.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 13:57:18

Dispatch to Bravo 10.
10, can you respond with 30 down to 611 Southeast Street?
It’s good. We’re getting multiple calls from a female at that address.
She’s Spanish-speaking only.
She keeps taking off. She tried calling TTY, but she was writing in Spanish,
so I don’t understand really what she’s saying.
It’s something about a man.
We’re trying to look in history now to see if we can find anything else.
All right.
Play 20240608135519.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 13:55:19

20 to 30.
Are you near 111? Somebody’s here that speaks Spanish only, that has a couple questions about something.
Yeah, wait, what did they ask you?
Bravo 30.
Bravo 10.
Play 20240608134226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 13:42:26

10 to 10.
Go ahead, 10.
Okay, I finally figured out what’s going on.
The Wi-Fi is down, and that is what she’s trying to explain to me.
She actually has her phone in possession, is that clear?
Play 20240608133233.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 13:32:33

10 just got sent in.
Go ahead, 10.
On scene.
We’re in scene.
Play 20240608132602.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 13:26:02

Dispatch, this is Bravo 10.
Tending to take an assist at the DMH house, 321 East Pleasant Street.
Noree King called 9-1-1 to report someone there.
Took her phone and her AirPods.
OK, I’ll check it out.
Play 20240608112745.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 11:27:45

Next one, dispatch.
Okay, next one.
Clear. Service in hand.
Play 20240608112453.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 11:24:53

X1 Dispatch
Go ahead X1
You punched me a cad for someone’s attempt
I’ll be out at 40 Sherman Lane
Looking to serve an Emily Chandler
5 6 2 3
Here we go, 7 9 6
Play 20240608111826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 11:18:26

Twin Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20240608105929.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 10:59:29

X1 Dispatch?
Go ahead, X1.
Can you punch me a follow-up CAD to offense number 24-275?
I’ll be out at 497 Pleasant Street, apartment 109.
And enter Jennifer Kaplan. She’s a CAD.
Play 20240608095623.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 09:56:23

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
30 says the vehicle is clear.
We’re ECU.
Play 20240608093329.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 09:33:29

20, none of that is coming across.
20, I’m sorry, if you’re trying to reach me, nothing’s coming across the radio.
20, this is Beth, radio check.
Okay, it’s very scratchy, but I can hear that last transmission.
20, none of that came across, I just heard something about X1 at the end.
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
Looking for Ernie’s on behalf of the school, and it’s been cleared by X1.
Received, I’ll give him a call.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240608092624.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 09:26:24

20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
Vehicle is Mast PC 1 XX Ray Y Yankee, Y Yankee 3-3.
Play 20240608092503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 09:25:03

20 dispatch, on scene.
Received 20.
Play 20240608092027.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 09:20:27

Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Bravo 20.
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
She’s speaking, I dispatch.
OK, thank you.
Play 20240608090039.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 09:00:39

Going to go to 49.
Do 49 first.
Play 20240608054857.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 05:48:57

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Back in town.
Play 20240608053412.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 05:34:12

20, this is Rich.
Go ahead, 20.
Clear the house and route back to town.
Play 20240608052627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 05:26:27

20 to Special.
Go ahead, 20.
At the house, ending 50.3.
Play 20240608050846.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 05:08:46

20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
Can you start me a prisoner transport cad to the HOC?
Starting mileage is going to be 41.0 and can you open the north gate please?
Play 20240608045805.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 04:58:05

Dispatch, 10.
Play 20240608045507.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 04:55:07

20 dispatch
Go ahead
Can you raise the self-gate please?
Stand by
It is limited in the future
3 minutes to 28 seconds
Generally, it works
You’re good to go.
Play 20240608045228.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 04:52:28

Go ahead, 10
Zoom you a favor and contact Ernie’s with a gnome out front
Gotta grab something out of the yard
Play 20240608032459.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 03:24:59

10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Same mileage, you need 9.3.4.
You should be clear.
Play 20240608032257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 03:22:57

10 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Could you start me a Citizen Transport Cat back to 111?
It’s going to be starting mileage 92.7.
Received. Do you have any information on our involved party?
Give me Sarah Holcomb.
Play 20240608031843.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 03:18:43

Go ahead, 10
Can you put myself and X-1 in the area?
Play 20240608031543.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 03:15:43

Dispatch to 10 and 30.
10 and 30 respond.
308 North Pleasant Street at Cathedral Apartments.
Furnaces Citizen Cad states that there is a woman sleeping in the hallway outside of his apartment.
She was there when he called at 9.30 but he was leaving for the night and couldn’t let you in.
He just got home and she’s still sleeping there out in front of his apartment.
10 receive 11.
Play 20240608030051.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 03:00:51

Go ahead, 10.
Ernie’s going to have that vehicle. I’ll take an AR summons.
That’ll be clear.
Dispatch, 10.
Go ahead.
Just verifying the RO is the driver.
Play 20240608022734.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 02:27:34

Cleared for hold
Dispatch, copy sir
Play 20240608022506.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 02:25:06

10 is best.
Go ahead, 10.
Could you confirm that the vehicle was revoked for insurance?
Confirmed through CJIS, vehicle was revoked on January 26th of 24.
Great team, thank you.
Thank you.
Dispatch, can you read us south?
Can’t hear you.
Play 20240608022133.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 02:21:33

10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop North Anthony University Drive.
You’ll be out with MASS 3R-Romeo at Foxtrot E-Delta 2-8.
Show me your vote for insurance.
Received. Would you like another?
Stand by.
Play 20240608021004.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 02:10:04

30 to the SL.
Go ahead.
Can you bring some papers back here?
Play 20240608020609.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 02:06:09

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
RU is going to have that vehicle on a 12-hour hold. You can show both units clear.
Play 20240608020047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 02:00:47

20 Dispatch, Rennie’s on scene.
Appreciate 20.
Play 20240608014700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:47:00

I’m going to be on 2 with the RO starting 64.3.
Play 20240608014021.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:40:21

30, this is Mesh.
Go ahead, 30.
Does the R.O. have a B.O.B.?
R.O. has no B.O.B. or Triple-I.
Play 20240608013422.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:34:22

20 this is Fess.
Go ahead, 20.
The passenger here is going to be off of Puerto Rico ID card, first name Rubis, common spelling, last name Beltran, common spelling.
Date of birth is going to be 2-26-1990.
30 this is Fess.
Go ahead, 30.
I have the RO under for OUI, it’s 94 Charlie.
Received. Is that Beltran or Bedell?
20 this is Fess.
20 this is Fess. Mr. Beltran is going to be the passenger. Copy that.
Received. Copy, thank you.
Next one, this is Fess.
Go ahead, next one.
Bedell with 20 and 30.
Next one, this is Fess.
Go ahead, next one.
Secret police territory.
Play 20240608012142.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:21:42

10 dispatch. Go ahead 10.
The party is going to be on board with AFT and ATC engaged. All MDTU, the party is in formation. Control unit is clear. Received.
Play 20240608011746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:17:46

30 dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
I’m going to have the R.O. out for S.F.T.s.
Received R.O. out for S.F.T.s. and 20 is in route.
Play 20240608011616.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:16:16

30, you’re set.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop, South Pleasant at Spring, Mast 3, EECHO, EECHO, R-ROMEO 32, I’ll take the input.
Received, standby.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30, that plate comes back to a 2016 grey Nissan Murano registered to a Will Bedot out of 107 Old Amherst Road in Belchtown.
Says revoked for insurance.
10 to 20, you can disregard, we’re also up here.
30, do you need another?
20, dispatch, I’m going to head towards 30, stop.
Received, thank you, 20.
30, are you all set?
Play 20240608011156.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:11:56

X 120
20 tons
Yeah, you can fly it up
Received, going to fly it up
Play 20240608011022.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:10:22

Received, 10
Next one, dispatch
Go ahead, next one
They’re asking that you go around back for access
Play 20240608010704.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 01:07:04

Dispatch to 10 and X-1.
10 and X-1, respond to 362 Henry Street for medical assist.
APD was, I’m sorry, AFD<\/fire> was dispatched for a 20-year-old with a seizure.
They’re requesting APD<\/police> now.
Henry Street, North Lawn.
Received, Ryan.
20 and X-1, do you want me to head up that way?
No, I’ll let you know.
10 and X-1, do you want me to head up that way?
No, I’ll let you know.
10 and X-1, do you want me to head up that way?
No, I’ll let you know.
Play 20240608005825.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:58:25

That party is refusing<\/police> any services at this time, states she’s going to go to the shelter
in the morning.
Everything checks okay.
She’s been moved along.
You can show both units clear.
Play 20240608004752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:47:52

10 to touch.
2-11-10, standby.
10-11-10, standby.
We’ve located that party.
We’ll be sure to hold them.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240608004508.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:45:08

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Just an update, 10 and I will be out on foot, checking the surrounding area for that party.
Play 20240608004346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:43:46

20, this is Fentron.
Tag, 20.
Make it a 9 and 10 on a Texas reg.
T-Tango, C-Charlie, C-Charlie, 9-3-9-8.
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
That plate, Texas, Tango, C-Charlie, C-Charlie, 9-3-9-8, comes back to a black Chevy pickup truck.
I don’t have a model on it.
Says that it expired in May of 24.
Registered to a Raynalyn Eskew out of Houston, Texas.
Appreciate it. It’s parked now. See if I can have a quick chat with the operator.
20, what’s your 6?
It’s just parked over here at Ann Whelan.
Dispatch to 20.
20, are you available for a call, or are you handling something over there?
I am available.
Respond to 10-1.
Respond to 20 McClellan Street for an assist citizen, possibly a med-mental CAD.
Calling party states that there is a female party outside who is screaming and yelling,
believed to be Ms. Holcomb, as she used to live next door.
Appreciate it from McClellan.
10, dispatch, come down to call 20.
20, dispatch, you can show myself and 10 in the area.
Play 20240608002847.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:28:47

30, this is Vess.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator, MAF, Oland, SCR 35262265.
Cleared 35, mission.
Play 20240608002645.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:26:45

Barrier’s fresh.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop, Northampton at Woodside, Mast 3, J. Juliet, P. Pompa, L. Lima, 5-1, all set.
Go ahead, X-1.
Mount 30.
X-1, I apologize, your radio is just awful. You’re out with 30.
Copy that.
Play 20240608002317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:23:17

20 to 7.
Go ahead, 20.
Party here is a resident at the DMH house.
Sounds like she was a little confused and thought she was at her house.
Didn’t want to identify herself. I’m going to give you a quick four.
I think you’ll recognize her based off my description.
Everything checks okay. Both units are clear.
Play 20240608001154.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:11:54

20 dismissed.
Go ahead 20.
Just look directly down the wing by the back window.
10 dispatch in the area.
Received 10.
Play 20240608001009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 06 08 00:10:09

Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10, respond to 22 Lessee Street, apartment 111 at the Clark House.
For suspicious activity, calling party is a worker group home there.
States that at 1130, somebody attempted to open the door to the apartment that she is working in.
They just tried to do it right now, within the last minute or two.
They’re unable to see anything, but there’s a party in the building trying to open doors.
20, respond.
143 received.
Dispatch to 20.
20, my caller says to go to the back where the large parking lot is.
She’ll be able to let you into the building that way.
Received. You can show me in the area.


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