Data from 20240803
Play 20240803234216.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 23:42:16
I found one or two.
One or two.
Can you send that picture to myself when you’re ready?
I don’t have everybody’s number, but I will send it to you and who I have.
And it’s not a great one, it’s just one that we have at hand. I’ll send it to you in a second.
20 to 30, X1.
I just spoke with some of the kids and they stated that he might be at his girlfriend’s house, which looks to be 780 Mill Valley, apartment B.
When did he leave, again?
The RV’s at about 20 minutes before our arrival.
X1 to 30.
Can you respond to the locations if he’s there?
He’s there.
My cruiser’s parked on West Street, but there’s a guardrail.
There’s a
One of the kids said he’s more than likely in that trail.
Went through halfway.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Do you have this kid’s phone number?
Affirmative, I did send it to the S.O.
I did try giving it a call, went straight to voicemail.
Can we, this is a Verizon line, can you send for a ping, please?
X1, dispatch.
Can you put me in the area?
20 to 30.
Again, speaking with the family members,
I’m not sure if they’re in the area.
I’m not sure if they’re in the area.
I’m not sure if they’re in the area.
I’m not sure if they’re in the area.
Again, speaking with the family members,
X1, just saying that he knows the cops are here,
so he’s got to be pretty close by.
Yeah, I only made it about 6.6 right now.
I’m trying to get my flashlight, but…
I’m going to hang out.
I’m going to hang out.
20 to 30.
If you’re heading to Mill Valley,
it’s actually going to be 760, unit, Be Bravo.
760, Be Bravo, got it, thanks.
Play 20240803233645.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 23:36:45
Play 20240803232744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 23:27:44
There it is, Patrick, you can put a boat gate into the area.
Roger that.
Play 20240803232512.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 23:25:12
3D-102, this is Charlie here.
3D-102, do you have a message?
Yeah, he’s not that new to the area. He’s been here for a little while.
We’ve dealt with him before. I can send a picture if you need it.
Looks like you have one in the system.
Appreciate it. I’ll let you know if I find anything else.
Appreciate it. Thanks.
Play 20240803232311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 23:23:11
Dispatch, 30, 20.
30, 20, can you have this 38 Potwine Lane?
RP is a Jay Stern.
Decided that her grandson, who lives with her now,
is a 14-year-old male, goes by Xander Smith.
Took off from the house with a backpack
about 20 minutes ago into the woods.
Last seen wearing black shorts,
black shirt with a skull on it,
wearing, having dark brown hair.
30 receiving, does he have a cell phone?
He does have a cell phone.
Received, anyway for, you can give it a call,
see if there’s anything with it.
Affirmative, I was planning on calling him next.
Sounds good, thanks.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Did the RP mention any particular direction
he ran off into the woods
and why he ran off, was it because of an argument
or something?
RP stated that he, she does not know
where he took off into the woods.
He’s not in the woods, he’s in the woods,
he’s not in the woods, he’s not in the woods.
He’s not in the woods, he’s not in the woods.
He does not know where he took off into the woods.
Stated that they did get in an argument,
he ended up running away the first time,
she brought him home.
Immediately after they got home,
he took a bag and took off.
He does not have any friends and is new to the area.
Okay, received, thanks.
Play 20240803223318.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 22:33:18
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
35, I need you to do that operator.
Or RO, sorry. I’m clear.
Roger, received.
Play 20240803221734.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 22:17:34
20 dispatch, out with 30.
Over and received.
Play 20240803221541.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 22:15:41
30 days, Mr.
Go ahead, 30.
Whatever you’ll stop, I’ll be right next to Spring Street lot, Mammoth Mass, 8th and November, WSK, E-BRAVO, 1-0.
All right, Dave.
I’m just going up there to confirm the license status, the RO, IC permit.
All right, Dave.
Play 20240803220849.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 22:08:49
20 to X1, OK for a 2.
Play 20240803220627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 22:06:27
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
All doors and windows appear secure. You can show me clear.
Play 20240803220144.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 22:01:44
20, dispatch.
Uh, 20.
Could you open me a security check in the JCA, please?
Play 20240803215936.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:59:36
20 dispatch.
Go ahead.
You can show me clear with a 75 to the RO.
I receive.
Play 20240803215524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:55:24
20 Dispatch
Go ahead, 20
Stop in front of 707 Main Street with MAF 1S Sierra, J Juliet, R Romeo 88, all set
Copy, Steve
Play 20240803214901.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:49:01
Radio dispatch.
Go ahead, Danny.
So I talked to the IP. She agreed to turn the music down.
She’s hard of hearing, so that’s why it was so loud.
But we should be back here. Clear.
Go ahead, Amy.
Play 20240803214729.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:47:29
20 to Fish, did you say the RP is the same for the domestics?
Play 20240803214613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:46:13
30 dispatch, we’re in the area.
20 dispatch, in the area.
Play 20240803214140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:41:40
Dispatch, 30, 20.
Seeking a race complaint.
422 Belchertown Road, Rolling Green.
Apartment 149.
Same call-in party as the earlier domestic from Apartment 153.
States that Apartment 149 is now playing loud music, screaming, ranting, slamming and banging things.
30 to shoot, no aim.
20 to G, 101.
Apartment 149.
Play 20240803213057.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:30:57
20 to X1, OK for Thames.
Play 20240803212209.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:22:09
Pointing to switch.
Guides clean.
Operators Alpha-Mass O-L-N Sierra 9-9-3-2-0-1-4-8-35. Issues clear.
Play 20240803211803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:18:03
That’s to all emerge units, you can cancel the Bolo out of Hadley for the missing Joop and Aisle.
It’s already made contact and they have now cancelled the Bolo.
10 received.
20 received.
30 found him.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead.
Stop by 58 Northeast Street with Mast 925, W Whiskey, and Mike J. Juliet. All set.
30 received.
Play 20240803211515.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:15:15
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35 to the RO, clear.
30, same.
30 to the RO.
Play 20240803211314.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:13:14
30, this is Patrick.
Go ahead, 30.
I made contact with Jermai. He’s home. He’s okay and he’s not in need of any assistance. I’m clear. You can notify Hadley.
Play 20240803211020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:10:20
20, dispatch.
20, you’re trying to get ahold of dispatch?
Affirmative. Stop. He’s pleasant at Chestnut.
MAF 517, V Victor, W Whiskey, 8, all set.
Play 20240803210814.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:08:14
32 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Play 20240803210144.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 21:01:44
Dispatch, Charlie 30.
We’ve taken a sister PD, 12 Long Meadow Drive, Barnett Farm, Apartment 11.
Hadley PD would like an officer to check that location for the missing juvenile, Bolo, that was given out earlier.
To ensure that he has made it home, they’ve attempted to call, but were unable to make contact with any adults at that listed location.
Last name is Proctor.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240803205209.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:52:09
20 Dispatch.
Uh, 20.
Verbal only. You can show you as clear.
Play 20240803205001.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:50:01
That’s my next one.
Go ahead.
I called twice. First time they were hanging for a couple and then went to an unavailable.
All the one rights are unavailable, so I think the phone might be off.
We’re going to be clear. Female party.
Play 20240803204811.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:48:11
10-10 Dispatch, could you go with that plate one more time?
Affirmative, it’s going to be 3C-Charlie-J-Juliet-8-4-1
should come back negative active on a 2001 Toyota Corolla color gray.
Registered to Omar, 4-12-19-60. Negative active.
He’s got 120 on the adult.
We do have in CAD a phone number for him and I did just give it to the S.O.
Received, thank you.
Text one to the S.O.
Go ahead.
S.O., can you call that a meat bread party?
It’s just terrible right now.
Play 20240803204614.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:46:14
30 and 20, it seems like that female party has manic states, bipolar, one of the cad history she was mixing alcohol with her medication.
30 received.
20 received. You can throw both units in the area.
X1 Dispatch, I am in the area.
Thank you, that’s all.
My calling party states that it looked like the husband just drove out of the parking
lot as you guys were arriving on scene.
Received, do you have a plate?
I’m attempting to find one now.
Received, thanks.
Next one dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
Who’s your RP?
RP is calling from apartment 153 and she does not want officers at her door.
Dispatch to 30.
Received, I passed that car on Stanley Street on my way.
10 to 30, was he heading towards Southeast Street?
Yes sir, that’s where he was headed.
Play 20240803204111.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:41:11
Dispatch, 30, 10.
Takeoff possible, domestic, 422 Brunswick Sound Road, rolling green.
Apartment 149.
My calling party is calling from apartment 153.
Seeks that she can hear the female arguing with her husband, unknown on what is actually being said.
Sounds like they’re separated at this time, and that the male party is sitting in his car, an older Toyota Corolla, beige in color, in a reserved spot near 149, rolling green.
Described as a tall, black male with an orange t-shirt.
The female party is described as a short, white woman with glasses.
Looks like we have CAD history for
30, she’s nominally.
10, North Street, North Cleveland.
20 to 10, I just cleared from that stop. You want me to take it?
Yeah, if you’re close or anyone out there.
Yeah, I’ll be turning around to College right now.
Dispatch copies, direct.
Dispatch, this is 20.
Is the owner going to be up?
I’ll shoot you an MDT with the operator’s info.
Received, and for the domestic, it looks like the wife, the female party, Julia, is the one with the mental health issues.
I am attempting to see if I can figure out further on what they are.
Okay, received, thanks.
Play 20240803203625.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:36:25
10, dispatch.
Clear on a 35 to the RO.
Thank you.
Play 20240803203159.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:31:59
20, just visual.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop in front of 223 Snell Street with Mast 3 and Mike P-Delta KQO 27, all set.
Thank you.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop, bypass, substation, Mast PC-9 at Foxtrot, G-Galvan, 144, all set.
Over and receive.
Play 20240803202047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:20:47
For this call, could you just add Mass Sierra 841-197-11, and I’m clear.
Play 20240803201331.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:13:31
10, dispatch.
Good, 10.
Can you put me on assist to other agency, CAD?
I’m going to be at 19 Tuckerman Lane, just notifying a party here that his property is in another town.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Make sure I’m clear with a 35 to DRO.
Play 20240803200041.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 20:00:41
20, this is Fudge.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop, North Hampton Ave, Lincoln, MAF, 3, M-Like, X-X-Ray, V-Victor, 5-3, all set.
Go ahead, 2.
Play 20240803195747.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:57:47
Radiation one clear for two.
Play 20240803194835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:48:35
X-1 to ESO
You call mom back, tell her that he’s not here
and the Davis boys are in Greenfield
so that she should call Greenfield PD
and Montague PD, report him missing
Will do
30, dispatch
Go ahead, 30
Houston, sign me an incident number, please
and you’d be good
Roger, team
X-1 to the ESO
Go for the ESO
Why don’t we give 127 a call, if he can assist
Received, we’re on the phone with mom now
Just before midnight on September 10
Do you have the X-1?
Play 20240803194311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:43:11
X-1, this is Houston.
Go ahead, X-1.
Am I rolling green?
X-1, this is Houston.
X-1, 30.
30, we’re around back.
X-1, this is Houston.
Say again?
30, X-1.
Go ahead.
We’re around back talking to Carolina now.
I guess Noah or Cody haven’t been seen here since yesterday.
Noah said he was sleeping at Cody’s house.
Play 20240803193810.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:38:10
30 dispatch, you put me in the area.
Play 20240803192241.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:22:41
20 dispatch on Belchtown Road
Sir 2 20-20
Hold on, hold on.
I’m sorry.
I’ve got to talk to him off.
Attention all amoteur units be prepared to copy a missing juvenile Bollo
from Hadley.
Attention all Amherst units, Hadley is looking for a Jemai Proctor, 10-13-2010.
He is out of 12 Longmeadow Drive, apartment 11 in our town.
Hadley is looking for him because he was involved in an incident at the Hadley Mall,
where a female party pulled a knife on him and his friends.
His friends are located, they’re fine.
He’s somewhere, they’re not sure where.
13-year-old black male, 5’5″.
Last seen wearing black shorts, purple shirt.
Again, they were last seen at the Hadley Mall.
No direction of travel.
Hadley was requesting that we check 12 Longmeadow area
because he does have friends that live in that complex as well.
20 received.
Amherst, you got it.
Play 20240803191642.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:16:42
Dispatch, 30, 20.
You make your way over to 422 Belchertown Road, Rolling Green, apartment number 59.
My calling party is mom of a 14 year old male, Cody LeBlanc,
who has run away from home and she believes that he is over at the Davises’ house,
hanging out with Noah Davis.
Mom does not want her 14 year old over there, as she knows he drinks and does drugs while there.
He is supposed to be home. He is under D.Y.S. custody and does have warrants out through D.Y.S.
She believes he is over there due to her telling him no to hanging out with him.
He then became angry and started punching things.
He was last seen wearing a white sweatshirt, red and black airbrush with a K-dot written on it,
with TTJ on the hood, a white t-shirt, black jeans and white, red and black Jordans.
30 received.
20 received, Amity.
SL2 unit, I have the paperwork and email.
I think before we go rushing over there, we’ll pull this by and come up with a plan for everyone.
Makes sense.
20 received.
SL2 unit, I have the paperwork and email.
20 received.
SL2 unit, I have the paperwork and email.
Well, he’s, uh…
I’m looking over right now. Are you able to… I can send the copies with the unit to you.
See you.
20 to X1.
20 to X1, I’m right by the station. If you want, I can grab it.
10-1-1-11, why don’t you head over and talk to Mom first.
Mom’s in Turner’s… Mom is in Turner’s Falls calling.
Rolling Green, 59, is Carolina Davis’s house.
Play 20240803190445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:04:45
Radio, you’re clear for two.
Play 20240803190158.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 19:01:58
That’s 20.
Whenever you have a second, you’re safe and secure.
Play 20240803171456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 17:14:56
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Roger, you too.
Roger, X-1.
Go ahead, 10.
A party’s on board of AFD, headed over to CDH, showing it’s clear.
Play 20240803165900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 16:59:00
That’s one good fight, I’m out of here.
Alright, see ya.
Play 20240803164701.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 16:47:01
20 dispatch, I’m on scene.
10 dispatch, I’m in the area.
Received, 10.
Play 20240803164456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 16:44:56
Dispatch to 10.
Herbert Phillips, 12-21-1991.
He is negative M&W, suspended.
He’s got 21 on the adult.
And it looks like we do have a caution field for him.
He’s suspected of having illegal firearms and threatening to shoot his family.
And it looks like that was put in 211 of this year.
I’ll make my way up to your squad.
Play 20240803164219.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 16:42:19
Dispatch to 10.
Medical Assist 1136 North Pleasant Street.
It’s going to be for a 32-year-old male who is acting strange.
The RP states that he’s holding his head unstable on his feet
and believes he could have possibly taken something.
He’s a known user, just unknown on what type of drug.
Looks like in past history he’s been ETOH.
Receipt. The name of this party?
It’s going to be Herbert Phillips.
Mom is Hope Wachoba.
Receipt 111.
20, dispatch. I’ll be responding as well.
X1, dispatch.
2R, go to X1.
I’ll be responding as well.
Play 20240803150202.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 15:02:02
Thirty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Thirty.
Nevada Fifth Agency, can you just open and close a medical-mental follow-up to that?
They were actually there for a well-being check.
I just think we should have that information.
The first name is going to be Ronak, R-Romeo, A-Alpha, Uniform, and November, A-Alpha, K-Kilo.
Last name is Agarwal, A-Alpha, G-Golf, A-Alpha, R-Romeo, W-Whiskey, A-Alpha, L-Lima.
You’ll be 22 of 92 when I’ll narrate.
Play 20240803145854.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:58:54
Ready to set.
Good. Thanks.
On screening clear. The party they were looking to talk to was not present.
Thank you.
Play 20240803144821.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:48:21
X-1 to 30.
If you’re still down south, can you head over to the boulders?
UMPD is heading over there for a follow-up and may need assistance getting into one of the buildings.
3-6, I’m still down by Mill Valley. Do we know what building number they’re headed to?
I thought that they were going to be up by here.
I believe they’re being operated by the management office.
Play 20240803144527.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:45:27
30 Dispatch.
She’s voluntarily heading to the hospital.
Call Mary.
Directing CAD. We’re both clear.
Received. Dispatch, 6-1.
6-1, I need a 4, please.
Play 20240803143321.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:33:21
Next one to 20.
You guys all set down there?
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
It’s going to be off at Connecticut, OLN 239056832.
Play 20240803142709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:27:09
I’ll be clear, area search negative for anybody located in the area.
Play 20240803141946.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:19:46
I’m going to do a snatch.
Sorry, it’s funny.
Okay, AFD.
Are you set to send AFD?
In a minute.
Thank you.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
On scene.
Play 20240803141526.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:15:26
30, dispatch. Unison in the area.
Play 20240803141403.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:14:03
That’s 30 and 20.
All right.
What’s the number you’re calling from?
30 and 20, head down to 277 River Glade, Newhall,
after apartment 5.
However, the RPC says she’s outside
of any time in the apartment.
We’re going to get the car that way, OK?
She’s not really saying what’s going on.
I believe she’s having some security issues.
Can you please change it before you, before they arrive on?
Can you give us a call back?
She hasn’t given us any specific complaint.
She says she’s wearing a gray sweatshirt that
is smelly and blue pants.
30 RPC, if you’re involved.
Play 20240803141143.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:11:43
Spash to 10.
10, Canada 65, Morgan Circle.
RMP there, Steve, that a pest control person showed up on a Segway.
And he’s obsessed.
Claiming that the pest control person tried to kick his dog.
Play 20240803140553.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 14:05:53
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear with a 35 to the RO.
Play 20240803135650.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:56:50
30 dispatch
Go ahead 30
Quarter vehicle stop North Pleasant Street
East Pleasant Street at 1 East Pleasant Street with Mast PC 5 and November D-D-E-E-F-O-4-A-E-O-F-F-R-E-T
Play 20240803135308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:53:08
Ready to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The female involved to the 193 is a person of both Bravo, Alaska, and San Diego,
last known to Lulo. She should backfill.
And it seems like Henry Ayala, who was also present, may have exaggerated what occurred to Indiana.
This has been a draft of Louisiana.
And I will be gone.
Play 20240803133941.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:39:41
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Out of Village Park.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240803133615.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:36:15
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
20’s clear, as well.
Received, 20.
30, dispatch. Intel at Spark.
Received, 30.
Play 20240803133409.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:34:09
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I just MDT’d you the name of the person I spoke to.
I also spoke to the owner, Iman.
It’s going to be 15, I’ll be clear, and I can head up to Village Park as well.
It’s going to be Village Park. RP’s calling from apartment 196.
She said her neighbor, who she’s had ongoing issues with,
she believes tried to run over her four-year-old in the parking lot and then left.
She says they live in apartment 193, which is Kuluwo Residence.
Where is Gabe?
From South 11, er, sorry, South Street.
The only thing I couldn’t get was a vehicle.
Do you say it was the Kuluwo?
Yeah, that’s who lives in 193, Samuel.
Thank you.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Male party’s going to stay here, female party has decided to leave.
She’s no longer going to be around for having a food or a drink.
I’m going to go ahead and call her.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Male party’s going to stay here, female party has decided to leave.
She’s no longer going to be around for having a food or a drink.
Disturbances, she’s been offered all the rights.
And, uh, hopefully she’ll be back soon.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Yeah, I caught someone at a school park.
Yeah, RP’s at apartment 196.
She believes the other party’s at 193.
Play 20240803133001.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:30:01
We are your Abu Dhabi Agriculture theatre.
UAE 30.
We’re IEEE Offsense, this is…
Dispatch, X1.
X1, go ahead and open.
Dispatch, X1.
X1, I got another disturbance at Village Park. It’s a past 1-0.
Received. I’m clearing shortly.
Play 20240803132548.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:25:48
Dispatch, uh, 30?
30, could you start for 43 Valtretown Road, Reliance Auto, to Commercial 67?
I’ll get you a second when I can.
3-3 from Southwestern.
10-2, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
What was that party that you, uh, had earlier?
The RP? Or the other one?
Involved, Bill.
I believe it’s a Hector Maldonado. He gave me a name of Diego Santos.
And he gave me an address that doesn’t exist.
Okay, that’ll be the party there.
30, dispatch, Hopkins.
3-6, 30.
Play 20240803132204.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:22:04
Turn to special.
Go ahead, turn.
Unicorn’s in.
Appreciate it.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
On scene.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240803131856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:18:56
Dispatch, this is units responding to the ball lane call.
Looks like my RP actually lives at 21 ball lane apartment C.
He’s been involved with domestics at that location with a female last name of Levers.
He was one involved in the, I believe it was a pursuit and he turned himself in later.
He gave me a different name, phone number, and a different address.
Just a heads up.
Play 20240803131532.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 13:15:32
Dispatch, uh, 10 and 20.
10 and 20. Here’s, uh, 21 Bolling, apartment C, Charlie.
RPE’s reporting.
He thinks there’s people that are fighting or a possible domestic going on.
Just looking at call history, we got the same kind of call.
Back in, uh, June, there was just two brothers wrestling.
And for some reason, my RPE lied about his info. I don’t, I’m not sure why, but he’s in CAD.
20 received.
X1, dispatch.
We got X1.
I’m gonna start that way as well.
I’m gonna shake.
Play 20240803125159.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 12:51:59
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ve driven around here in circles and I don’t see anything with doors open.
I’ll be clear and let you get another call on it.
But it doesn’t appear to be that way anymore.
Play 20240803123400.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 12:34:00
It’s at the base of the notch near Hampshire Village where the tennis courts are, and there is one of those green, I don’t know if it’s a phone box or electrical box or whatever, they’re reporting the doors are wide open. I feel like we’ve taken this call before but I can’t remember.
Play 20240803074754.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 07:47:54
20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
30, phone number, phone file, let’s see what’s his address
Not that I’ve seen 20, we’ve got several alarms turned off
30, all doors and windows are secure, there’s going to be a 15, there’s a car parked in the driveway, it’s going to be MASS 369, WBCB Bravo 3
Play 20240803073705.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 07:37:05
Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10, Caneco Residential 67, 518 Old Farm Road. Delivering in motion.
Both receive 111.
Play 20240803051126.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 05:11:26
X-1 is sent.
X-1 2.
Play 20240803033648.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 03:36:48
Go ahead, Exxon.
Make sure all units clear. She’s headed to CDH with AFD.
You can assign the 20 car arrest number for the 12.
Play 20240803025508.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:55:08
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
That’ll be her, I just found two cabs from April, with Andrea being at that address, but she’s the one that’s going to be going.
Yeah, affirmative.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240803025118.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:51:18
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
We’re on scene. Can you send me your full name, date of birth, social on the NDT?
That I…
The Andrea Hernandez I have in CAD is from Northampton.
I’ll send you what it says.
That’s probably one and the same. I think that’s where she said her mother lives.
Do you have an OLN by any chance?
I’ll send it to you.
Amazing, thank you.
Play 20240803024853.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:48:53
Can I check for him?
Go ahead.
Are you guys still on scene?
Negative. We need to go back.
I was calling again, stating as soon as you left, that roommate threw her phone down the stairs.
Still upset about something.
And I can’t find anybody named Andrea.
Received. We’re all headed back down the hill and we’ll get her name. You can change it to a
Dispatch, X1.
Go ahead.
So Aubrey went on to say that her roommate, Andrea, and we did get the last name, Hernandez,
threw her phone down the stairs and smashed. She punched the wall.
Another roommate in the house told Aubrey to call.
You can start AFC. It’s going to be at 12.
Received. We’ll get them going.
Play 20240803024328.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:43:28
X-1 dispatch.
Go to X-1.
Do we have the roommate in CAD, Andrea?
I don’t know where last.
Roommate check.
Play 20240803022548.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:25:48
Go ahead.
So, Aubrey’s sharing is our caller.
She went to the neighbor’s apartment to call on her roommate.
I understand. So, she’s at 46.
Yeah, the roommate’s at apartment 46.
to apartment 46. Which apartment is Aubrey in? She went back to apartment 46. I can hear
the roommate crying in the background. Okay, 10-9, you’re on scene.
Play 20240803022310.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:23:10
Dispatch, Alpha 30.
30, are you available?
I’m on Q5, watch.
30, Alpha 30.
This is Dispatch 10X1.
To go make your way down to the brook, apartment 46.
Next door neighbor’s calling, said he can hear a male and female.
He believes a male and a female screaming each other next door.
Can’t make out what’s being said.
10, this is 111.
X1, I see.
X1, it’s one of you, close to town.
On that one.
Say thank you.
X1, Dispatch.
X1, it looks like this is the apartment that Aubrey Stern lived at.
So she could be arguing with her other female roommates.
I see, that’s what I was going to ask. Thank you.
Play 20240803021746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:17:46
20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
I’ll be enroute back to town
Are you safe?
Play 20240803020737.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 02:07:37
20 response.
Go ahead, 20.
At the house, 3 miles, I mean 94.7.
30, Steve.
Play 20240803015127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 01:51:27
20 dispatch
Go ahead, 20
Zulu, start me a
Starting mileage is going to be 85.3
Can you raise this up for me?
Secured, thank you
3C is rolling
Play 20240803013036.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 01:30:36
20 to dispatch.
Go ahead at 20.
Could you raise the
Configured. Thank you.
Play 20240803005320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 00:53:20
I just want to confirm that OLN out in New York, 278-957-27.
Should be 727.
Play 20240803005154.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 00:51:54
20 dispatch.
Go ahead.
Operator, you’re going to be off of New York on 278-295-727-35 as I should come clear.
You’re received.
Play 20240803004646.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 00:46:46
20 just mentioned.
Go ahead, 20.
Stopped, my phone’s not bearing.
Yeah, it was New York, KQOJ, Julia, H Hotel, 6490, hold that.
Play 20240803003347.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 00:33:47
Could you meet me in booking?
Play 20240803003047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 00:30:47
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead.
Sorry, I tried to call you before. The radios weren’t working.
Can you put me on scene on that Summer Street call? I’m clear.
8-1 to 2nd.
I-8-1 to 6-5.
Go ahead, I-8-1.
You’re re-safe.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Landing mileage 703.0, canary to the north.
10-4, thank you.
You’re welcome.
Play 20240803002345.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 03 00:23:45
Good Alpha 10
We’ll have that female party under on a 2-8 PD starting mileage 699.9
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Alpha 10-Dispatch
Good Alpha 10
Good Alpha 10
Can you show me clear?
I received. I was never, never able to get the male parties information and if somebody could get that to me it’d be great.