Data from 20240812

Play 20240812234754.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 23:47:54

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
That party was removed from the hotel for the evening, and we’ll be clear.
Play 20240812234600.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 23:46:00

I’m flying at 30.
We’re almost set.
Yeah, we’re about to clear.
Play 20240812233731.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 23:37:31

30, go ahead.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you check CAD for Mark Gagné?
RACI, stand by.
Sounded like another unit was trying to call, go ahead if you are.
X-1 at 30.
That’s all set.
30, go ahead.
30, this is X-1.
Go ahead, 30.
Party here is Mast S-54810502.
Appreciate it.
Dispatch at 30, his ZIPFO is up if you want it.
Go ahead.
Mark D. Gagné, negative active, 216.66 at Mansfield.
Play 20240812232721.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 23:27:21

Dispatch to 20 and 30.
20, 30, can you head to 30 Boltwood Ave, in on Boltwood for a disturbance that just occurred.
RP is the restaurant manager, he’s reporting that an elderly white male bar patron
followed one of their workers through the building into her car.
Also hopped in the car with the female party.
Somehow he was removed from the vehicle, she took off.
He’s still on scene somewhere, either outside the building or inside.
His apartment, or the room number there is 305.
Elderly white male, blue polo, grey pants.
20 received from the gas pump.
30 received. On scene.
10 to 20, I can take that for you, I’m right here.
Received, thank you.
Dispatch, copy.
Play 20240812223745.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 22:37:45

Go ahead
Yeah, they’re gonna be clear I’ll take on a last number
Play 20240812223312.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 22:33:12

Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30-Kelsey-Semedo-Rodriguez is 9-19-96.
It is negative suspended at Granby.
Play 20240812223045.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 22:30:45

30 Dispatch?
Go ahead, 30.
Did you get info on that party?
Negative, not yet. That’s Kelsey, Rodriguez, or Sinedo, correct?
Received, stand by.
Play 20240812222915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 22:29:15

30 just left.
Go ahead 30.
You can add kelp and tomatoes to the cab.
You should be in the cab.
Where is he?
Play 20240812222634.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 22:26:34

Dispatch to 30 and 20.
30 and 20, respond to 1 University Drive South, the vicinity of 4 suspicious noise.
Caller says they heard a loud boom that was either a transformer blowing or possibly a firearm being discharged.
No other calls on the matter at this time.
Dispatch to 30, receive. Speedway.
20, receive. 20 to 10.
Go ahead.
I’m on the phone, filing 51A. Can you take that for me?
No problem. Headed there from Pine.
Dispatch, copy. However, Dispatch to 20 and X1.
20. X1.
20, X1. We got a report of a fight outside of Watson Farms, apartment number 3.
RP’s across the street. She said she saw a violent fighting between 5 or 6 people.
They’re now near the fence.
20, receive. 1-1-1.
30 to 10.
Go ahead.
I’ll advise on this noise if you want to assist.
Sounds good.
X1, you trying to reach Dispatch?
Affirm. This fight is still ongoing and needs a description.
Not sure. She didn’t have eyes on them at the moment.
She said it was near apartment number 3, near the fence.
No description. She just said 5 or 6 people.
Dispatch, receive.
Dispatch to 20.
20, receive.
Dispatch, receive.
Mission accomplished.
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir. I can hear you.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Go ahead, X-1.
Yeah, affirmative. The RP is at 687, apartment number 4.
She said that fighting was in the area of 693 Main, apartment number 3.
10-2, dispatch. I’m in the area.
Appreciate it.
20, dispatch. You can throw me in the area as well.
Appreciate it.
30, yes, sir.
Go ahead, 30.
If you’re not seeing anything suspicious here or any issues with the tower, boxes, I’ll be clear and I’ll head over to Watson 1.
Appreciate it.
10-4, dispatch.
X-1, dispatch.
9-1-10, I’m at 2 Kilo Tango Hotel, 9-1.
I’m at…
X-1, I got the first plate, 2 Kilo Tango Hotel, 9-1. One cut out.
Dispatch to X-1.
30, dispatch, can you hear me?
Appreciate it.
Dispatch to X-1.
10-4, X-1.
That first plate I was given is negative active, it’s a 2013 Mitsubishi Outlander, color gray, registered to Eduardo, Texera, 5997, out of apartment number 7 there.
I did not get the second plate.
That first arrow is one of the IPs there.
Dispatch, is that plate on the table?
Affirmative, negative for paperwork.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240812213952.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 21:39:52

Trying to smash it.
I hit 10.
35, she’s on her own. Clear.
I received it.
Play 20240812213656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 21:36:56

10 is special.
Go ahead, 10.
We’re going to stop 8 by 515 East Pleasant, Mass 8892, Peapoppa, XXray. All set.
Play 20240812210351.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 21:03:51

20, you’re gonna be all set.
30, go ahead.
Go ahead, 30.
All verbal as of now.
Chief has restored and Arthur has left the area.
Answer clear?
Where’s the other party, Ms. Charles?
I’m not sure.
She didn’t want to give us much information.
20, dispatch, you have the other party involved with shot A, Charles?
Received, thank you.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Is she in CAD?
She is as well.
X1, dispatch, what was her last address?
Her last, well, her legal address is listed in Peabody, Mass.
I know we’ve had prior calls with these two parties.
I’ve got to look up her local.
Stand by one second.
X1, it was 22 High Street.
22 High Street, apartment 7 was the prior address.
I know he’s walking past 111 right now, so I don’t really think he stayed around.
Yeah, I saw him.
Play 20240812205556.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:55:56

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
X-1, go ahead.
Is that partying cad?
He is and he is negative M and W.
X-1, go ahead.
Play 20240812205212.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:52:12

Dirty dispatch.
Go ahead, Dirty.
One involved is Arthur Paulus.
Chief, stand by.
I just wanted to check how many are there.
Chief, that’s four.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
Just want to update you, I did run that party and he is going to be negative on the M&W.
Play 20240812204856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:48:56

Dispatch from 20 and 30.
20 and 30 respond to 462 Main Street.
We’re at the Center East Commons apartment for a call that we just got for a disturbance.
Second call is coming in on 911 right now in regards to the same thing.
Caller states that it sounds like two roommates are in at least a verbal altercation.
Things are being thrown out the window.
462 Main at the Center East Commons.
I don’t have an apartment number for you, but I do have a calling party standing by outside.
Appreciate it.
Dispatch, responding units. My second caller resides at 462 Main Street.
She states that she could hear the female party screaming previously.
It’s going to be the apartment building that’s between her and High Street,
and she saw someone shining light through the windows as well.
30 to 20 in the area.
30 to 20.
30 in the area as well.
30 to 20.
20, what’s your status?
I’m in the back here. You can just pull into where I was.
Play 20240812202359.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:23:59

30 X-1 for a 2.
Play 20240812202059.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:20:59

20, this is Vic.
Go ahead, 20.
The child was corralled and given back to the mother.
Can I take an LF for this? And you can show all units clear.
Play 20240812200618.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:06:18

There’s an X1, are you with him?
Yeah, we got him. Why don’t you come around?
Play 20240812200455.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 20:04:55

I found 20.
Is that Antonio’s?
Received, on my way.
30 received.
20 dispatch, I’m here.
X-1, 7-8-6.
I am here.
X-1, 7-8-6.
I am here.
1-2-6 right now.
Trying to get eyes on him again, but it looks like he turned on Kellogg.
30 to 20, I’m on lefty, heading that way.
X-1 to 20 and 30, I am headed towards the parking garage, see if we can cut him off.
He’s in the bank center area right now.
Going towards the parking garage.
Received, heading towards us.
I’ll take an incident number and I’ve got some more info, but I’ll MPT you later.
I’m going to head over to the rotary to see if I can assist.
He’s coming back to you guys.
X-1 to 20.
Yeah, he’s on the bottom floor, just go to the other stairs.
Yep, that’s where I am right now.
He’s coming towards you.
Yeah, I’ll have him.
Play 20240812195837.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:58:37

X-1 at 20 and 30.
I’m now in front of, uh, by Antonio’s.
X-1, you’re in front of Antonio’s with, uh, Juvenile?
Yeah, I’m just, um, I guess she let him walk, kinda walk it off.
We don’t know where he is right now.
Play 20240812195530.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:55:30

Can you put me out on Collard Street by the Healy’s?
The young kid from Groff Park is running on the sidewalks over here.
PC, would you like another?
20 to Special, heading for there.
PC, thank you, 20.
This is 786, I just talked to Mom and she said they were home. I can head over there as well.
Excellent, Dispatch.
I’m in route as well. Mom just drove by me.
I lost sight of the kid.
Go again.
You said the mom drove by you. I lost sight of the kid. Was he with the mom?
I didn’t see him. X120 can go check that out.
Received. See if I can find him.
Excellent, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X120.
Go ahead, X1.
Do you have Mom’s number?
I do. Would you like me to call her?
30 to X1, not sure where they went or if the kid is with the mother. They just disappeared.
20 to X1 and 30, the kid is now with the mom. She said he wanted to go to Dunkin’ Donuts and I’ve lost sight of him.
The mother said she was going to Dunkin’.
The mother does not have the kid with her. She said that he wanted to go to Dunkin’ and that she was going to pick him up but she doesn’t know where he is now.
Yeah, last I saw him was on Steel East crossing the sidewalk.
Play 20240812194549.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:45:49

Can you open and close the security check for 30 Gatehouse?
Play 20240812193527.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:35:27

10 respond to 846 East Pleasant Street for a report on vandalism.
Calling party states that she left at noon today and when she just came home, somebody
has driven over her lawn, hit her mailbox, knocked it over, taken the mailbox and she
was like a report.
Play 20240812192956.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:29:56

Go ahead.
Do you want me to head over to the residence up north?
See if I can make contact with the parent.
What’s the 6 o’clock north?
I thought I heard a dispatch relay that the parent of that child you guys are dealing with lives somewhere.
Either Sunderland Road or something like that.
Hello, we’ve got him back in the car. I’m sorry, we’re just clearing right now.
No worries.
X-1 to the SL.
Go ahead.
Stand by for a phone call.
I’m sorry, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m going to MDT you some parties. Can you just add them all to that last disturbance code?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240812192648.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:26:48

ID 122 dispatch, I’m on scene.
Received, ID 122.
Send a special.
Go ahead, 10.
Ta-da, New York.
The New York 412-633-484.
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
786 is on scene as well, please.
Received, thank you.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The boy went back with his mother. Peace is restored for now. Your concern is clear.
Received, thank you.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
3-7-0, set up by the daughter.
She said her parents, Jennifer and Richard Michelson, are on vacation.
Play 20240812192325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:23:25

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
You have mass 564 Echo Sierra 7.
I do have it. Negative and active for 2005 Green, Chrysler Town and Country.
X-1 Dispatch, have you come back to Amherst?
Yes, sir. It comes back to the mother at 274 Sunderland Road in Amherst.
X-1 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Copy, X.
X-1 Dispatch to X.
Go ahead.
X-1 Dispatch.
The alarm company just called in. Said that they received an additional activation at an entry-exit door, but that somebody was acknowledging the alarm. I’m just not sure if they’ve got proper code.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240812191918.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:19:18

Dispatch to 10.
10, respond to 8 Trillium Way for a residential 67. Could be the Michelson residence.
Indicator is interior apartment door and I will attempt to find you another.
Appreciate it.
X1, go ahead.
What was the last call again?
Last one is going to be a residential 67 at 8 Trillium Way.
Received. Can you reach out to your Mavs if they have a free unit that can assist?
ID 122, dispatch, I can go to 8 Trillium Way.
ID 122, copy. Thank you for your assistance.
Responding from Main Street.
Play 20240812191630.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:16:30

X-1 just touched you.
Go ahead X-1.
Can you drip him out on the phone and see what your location is?
Please stand by.
X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1
she’s right at the intersection at the end of the road there
she’s turning in right now
Play 20240812191122.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:11:22

20, I think he’s just going to run from you if you call up for him.
25 to X1.
Go ahead.
Alright, that’s good.
20 to X1.
1-2-6 again.
He is currently walking in the parking lot of Crown Park.
Where is he?
His name is Elliot.
Is that him without a shirt?
Yeah, black shorts.
Roaming around over here.
Play 20240812190730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:07:30

20, that’s the high-speed sun we just had.
Play 20240812190358.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:03:58

Just that, give the info for the female, R-O-W.
I do, I’ve got it as Karina Horvath.
Gracie, we’re moving towards West Street here.
Kids just refusing to get in the car.
Ricky, child refusing to get in the car, you’re on foot towards West Street.
Play 20240812190144.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 19:01:44

Dispatch to 30 and 20.
30 and 20, respond to 88 Middle Lane at Groff Park for a disturbance.
Callers reporting an 11-year-old male chasing his mother trying to hit him with a stick.
Getting more information right now.
30, receive.
20, receive 111.
30, dispatch, who’s chasing who?
He is attempting to hit his mother with a stick, 30.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
Player in the car involved, because they’re trying to get the boy into the car, is 5-6-4.
E is in Echo, S is in Sierra, 7.
It’s 2005, green, town and country, Chrysler Town and Country.
Looks like it’s the Horvath family from Sunderland Road.
30, receive, on scene.
Receive, thank you.
30, be advised, that male party may have 62 issues.
7-86, dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-86.
I’ll respond to that as well.
Play 20240812185626.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:56:26

20 to Inspection.
Go ahead, 20.
Both parties involved said it was just an argument about whether or not to take the dog out.
You can show all units clear.
30 to Dispatch, I’m at MDT, the female party.
Received, thank you, 30.
Play 20240812184733.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:47:33

Twenty to six.
Go ahead, twenty.
Can you add a young, Yankee, Oscar, November, Gulf, last name, Huang, hotel, uniform, Alpha, November, Alpha, October 21 of 03, the UMass student, if you can try and get something back on him.
Play 20240812184552.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:45:52

30 to X1
Play 20240812184115.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:41:15

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m not sure if you have the RPs, but it’s met.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240812183548.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:35:48

30, dispatch, I’m in the area.
Okay, 30.
20, dispatch.
Can you call back the RP and have them buzz us in, please?
Thank you.
We’ll buzz you in.
Received, thank you.
Next one on 30.
Go ahead.
Can you grab your G?
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
The RP was from apartment 413, is that correct?
The RP was in apartment 316.
Thank you.
Play 20240812182927.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:29:27

Dispatch, 20, 30.
20, 30, take a domestic, 11 east present is what my RP is stating.
She states this apartment, 316, or she resides in 316, 311.
Male and a female who were screaming at each other.
The male party then ripped her inside of the apartment.
They left their dog in the hallway.
20, 30.
30 from southeast, that’s male.
Thanks a lot, 30.
Received, I’ll just fly it that way just in case.
Play 20240812182441.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:24:41

Twenty to start.
Yeah, it’s that party, Diane.
She said that she’s just waiting for the next BBTA bus to go back home.
She said she doesn’t need any services. I’ll be clear.
Play 20240812182321.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:23:21

I have a suspect at 20.
I’d like to take a well-being check in the area of 75 East Pleasant Street, Triangle and East Pleasant.
My RP’s concerned for the well-being of an elderly female wearing a raincoat, sitting on the side of the road.
30 to 20. I think it’s going to be that woman who lives at 324 East Pleasant.
I’m not familiar. Do you know her baseline?
I’ll call yourself.
This is 786. I can respond to that as well.
Dispatch, copy, direct.
20, this is Dispatch, come on in.
30 to 20. I think it’s Diane.
30 to 20.
Play 20240812181319.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 18:13:19

Kind of smashing.
Play 20240812175725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:57:25

Go ahead, 10.
Sorry, I forgot to ask.
Is Ernie waiting for me at Village Park, or…
He didn’t say they were on scene any longer.
I can give him a call back if he’d like.
That’s OK.
I’m in the area.
I’m going to swing down and hit 116.
Play 20240812175346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:53:46

Set in session.
Go ahead, son.
Is there any, uh, say if it was the original operator that took off with it, or is there somebody different?
It’s been specified as you stated it was a male party.
Play 20240812174927.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:49:27

Dispatch, 10.
Attorneys just advised that they brought the vehicle back to Village Park,
the last one involved in that stop that was revoked for insurance.
And a male party waited until they left and took off in the vehicle,
headed north on East Pleasant.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240812174448.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:44:48

20, this is Bishop.
Roger, 20.
That animal is brought back to its natural habitat, you can show me, clear?
Play 20240812173643.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:36:43

C’est un échauffement de coiffe d’air.
Pas grave.
Play 20240812173014.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:30:14

All right.
He’s out of that vehicle.
I’m clear.
All right.
Thank you.
Play 20240812172617.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:26:17

Firing inspection in the area.
Play 20240812172046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:20:46

I need you to do me a favor and head over to Chestnut Court, it’s going to be outside
in front of 14 Chestnut Court, I have an injured, suffering skunk in front of that party’s
apartment, I’m hoping it will be passed by the time you get there.
Play 20240812171253.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:12:53

Kind of special.
Go ahead, Tim.
Owner’s going to be the operator.
And if I just get a certified copy and you just send me a summons AR number.
What did she do to you?
Play 20240812170345.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 17:03:45

Dispatch, 20.
Go ahead.
U.S.S.A.F.D. 280 West Street, Crocker Farms School, 38, fire alarm activation.
3 feet, 111.
Play 20240812165533.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 16:55:33

X-1, clear for hook, revoked for insurance.
Okay, next one.
X-1, this is X-1.
Received. 10 dispatch, copy, direct.
Copy, direct.
Play 20240812165127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 16:51:27

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
What are we going to stop? I’ll be AM&E at University Drive.
Give me a map. 4, G-Golf. G-Golf and November 9-1. All set.
Play 20240812154321.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 15:43:21

786 to dispatch.
Go ahead.
I’m clear.
Play 20240812144214.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 14:42:14

ID 4-5 to dispatch.
Go ahead, ID 4-5.
Be clear, Dalvio.
Play 20240812144033.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 14:40:33

786 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 786.
I’m going to be on a follow-up at 150 University Drive.
All right, you too.
Play 20240812134132.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 13:41:32

3, we’re on.
They want you to come back here.
Copy that.
Play 20240812133023.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 13:30:23

Go ahead
What’s your location?
Okay, 180 is looking for you on the first deck
3C, be in a second
Play 20240812130530.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 13:05:30

1-5, do we have the hotbox with us?
That’s a negative, Ghost Rider.
Yay, could you go back and grab that, please?
Play 20240812122555.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 12:25:55

30, yes ma’am.
Still on 30.
Mast 5, Delta Yankee
X-ray 2-0. Operated by Master Sierra
A CAD will do. He’s going to be
knocking on number 41 Pelham Road, Love Knowledge, which is his place there.
Mailbox. Yeah, I’m clear.
Play 20240812122136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 12:21:36

30, dispatch, I’m on scene.
3, scene.
Play 20240812121531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 12:15:31

Dispatch, 20.
Can you take a minor motor vehicle crash?
There’s going to be property damage in the area of 61 Pelham Road.
My RP is from Ernie’s Telling, just stating that a vehicle briefly hit a mailbox.
Found property damage.
You’re looking for a black Camry.
The plate is 5-D-Delta-Wyankee-XX-Ray-2-0.
1A received.
30, dispatch.
I cleared myself on that last call.
So I’ll take the crash.
30 received.
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Did you copy? 30’s cleared up so he can take that crash.
Play 20240812120951.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 12:09:51

30 in front
Go ahead 30
Yeah, appears to be just a random van with him
He didn’t sign me in, that’s not where he at
I’m clear
Do you want me to change it from a vandalism to a B&E?
Negative, vandalism seems to be the most appropriate
Play 20240812115837.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 11:58:37

I thought he just had something.
How do you seem to do this?
Play 20240812114441.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 11:44:41

Dispatch, this is 30.
Go ahead.
We headed over to 30 Gatehouse Road, Echo Village parking lot.
My RP’s calling comes from 201.
She states that she believes overnight someone smashed her window of her back on her vehicle.
She says she just bought the vehicle. It’s a 2014 Hyundai Sonata.
It does not have plates on it yet.
Her name is Amara Wu.
She’ll be outside in the parking lot.
Play 20240812114052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 11:40:52

ID 4-5 to Dispatch.
Go ahead, ID 4-5.
Location change. I’m at L.U. on Rolling Ridge.
I’m at Rolling Ridge.
Play 20240812100903.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 10:09:03

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
All units are clear.
Play 20240812094633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 09:46:33

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
Can you put 10 and I on a CT CAD? We’ll be at the Slobidy building, specifically the Rich Family Resource Center
Play 20240812065810.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 06:58:10

10, destruction.
Go ahead, 10.
No answer at the door, I’ll be clear.
Play 20240812065356.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 06:53:56

Can you put me on a summon service, CAD?
I’ll be up at Huffington Village, apartment 369, docket 2341CR1511
Play 20240812065139.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 06:51:39

30 Dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
Citation issued to that operator. I’m clear.
Play 20240812064127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 06:41:27

30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s going to be the RO, but she’s going to have a Maryland driver’s license.
Mike Delta 10273314012.
Play 20240812063121.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 06:31:21

30, dispatch.
Something to stop a car in front of Hickory Ridge.
She pulled over and she kept going.
3 Whiskey Hotel, Delta 25.
Received. Are you still on Hickory?
Yeah, West Pomeroy.
Now she stopped in front of 286.
Can you send another? She’s getting out of the car.
20, dispatch. Go ahead, Baylor.
Play 20240812055412.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 05:54:12

ID 4-5 dispatcher.
Go ahead, ID 1-4-5.
Ordering on outside work for Caracas, College of Boltwood.
Play 20240812030516.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 03:05:16

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the check of the Hello House, please?
Play 20240812023253.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 12 02:32:53

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
Can you open and close the check of the JCA please?
Where is he?


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