Data from 20240928
Play 20240928233031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 23:30:31
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Can you raise the cell tally, please?
You can secure it, thank you.
Play 20240928232456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 23:24:56
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Uh, I’ll take a TP CAD. You can open and close for 23 someway.
Um, after a few passes, the resident got a little curious.
I advised him it was probably worth trimming the fat, which he’s gonna be doing.
There’s quite a bit of people there.
But, I’m clear.
Play 20240928231809.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 23:18:09
Twenty and twenty-one.
Reverse at twenty-one and twenty.
Do you want to do a couple of passes up Shumway up and doing some passes?
There’s going to be a bang over a party there.
You’ll hear the crowd when you drive about midway up.
I see.
Twenty-one dispatch.
Go ahead.
Is there any registered parties for Shumway?
Twenty-three Shumway.
Did you say twenty-three Shumway?
Affirm. Two-three-twenty-three Shumway.
Play 20240928225010.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 22:50:10
10-Dispatch, can you raise yourself, please?
Thank you.
Play 20240928221926.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 22:19:26
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Okay, the MAFs.
All in is S-Sierra-A-Alpha-8-5-0-0-5-1-5. Copy one.
We did.
And the New Yorks is 9-3-0-8-3-8-1-1-5.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Thank you.
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty.
Can you add MAF S-Sierra-A-Alpha-6-1-8-1-0-6-0 to the CADS? I’ll be taking the vehicle. I’m clear.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
You can assign me two numbers for summons, minors, and possession.
Appreciate it. Both those parties, negative M and W. Emma, Hulk, 12-8-2005, she’s out of Holliston.
And the other party…
The other party is Emma Kemper-Gorene-Gorene, 3-1-2006, out of New York.
Negative M and W, nothing. No matching MAFs.
Appreciate it.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20240928221440.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 22:14:40
Twenty dispatch.
I hear you trying to reach dispatch.
Just waiting on a licensed operator. Can you sign me in?
Summons AR and sends for a certified cop.
Eight-five, dispatch.
Got it, eight-five.
I got a CAD for a liquor law violation. It’s going to be…
Appearing at…
That’s all NS, Sierra, A-Alpha.
Eight-five, this is zero…
Eight-five, your radio keeps cutting out.
I have you at Fearing and I got like half of that on.
Okay, Fearing and Linking.
Mass, Sierra-Alpha, eight-five, zero…
And also New York, nine-three-zero…
Eight-three-eight, one-one-five.
Okay, so the Mass and Lend cut out in the same spot.
I got eight-five-zero, and then I believe there’s something, and then five-one-five.
Twenty-one, dispatch. I’m out with eight-five.
Eight-three-eight, because I also got half of that New York all in a blip.
Okay, we’ll get it to you.
Play 20240928220401.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 22:04:01
20 dismissed
Can you confirm status of the R.O.?
R.O. is licensed, status suspended, negative M&W, on on Abdul Zahid Tiyak, 3897 at Agawam
Say again
R.O. is licensed, status suspended, negative M&W, on on Abdul Zahid Tiyak, 3897 at Agawam
30 to 20, all set
Yeah, I’ll be all set, thanks
Play 20240928215850.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 21:58:50
20, go ahead.
Go ahead, 20.
Sox, South Pleasant, in front of Amherst Gulf.
Mass 5, V-Bravo, S-0, K-Kilo, 6-9.
Play 20240928211812.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 21:18:12
ID 114, dispatch.
Go ahead, 114.
Do you secure the north gate?
Play 20240928211500.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 21:15:00
Thanks for all this ladies and gentlemen.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
X-1, dispatch.
X-1, go ahead, X-1.
X-1, northeast, X-1.
X-1, go ahead, X-1.
X-1, we’re going for a response.
X-1, go ahead, X-1.
Play 20240928211049.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 21:10:49
X-1 dispatch, we can secure the gate.
Play 20240928205803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:58:03
10-Dispatch, can you raise north?
10-Dispatch, you can secure. Ending 4.3.
Play 20240928205535.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:55:35
Go ahead, Toto.
I’m already on it to, uh, starting 3.6.
Very easy.
20-Dispatch, clear.
Very easy, 20.
Play 20240928205342.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:53:42
20 is in the area.
Are you under?
Received, 10.
Next one is 10.
Go for 10.
You guys all set?
All set.
Play 20240928205128.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:51:28
35, you’re still at RO. I’m clear.
We’re receiving.
Dispatch, 20-10.
20-10, heel back to the 35 East Pleasant Street, bespoke.
Bouncer called back, states that that party is back again.
Appreciate it.
20-10, roger.
10-10, roger.
10-10, I’m on scene.
Play 20240928204725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:47:25
30, Ascension.
Checked our southern notch all the way down to the speedway.
Got nothing showing. Clear.
Stop. Triangle straight in front of TD Bank.
Mass 2. G-Golf.
V-Vector. D-Delta.
1-7. All set.
Play 20240928203757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:37:57
Play 20240928203510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:35:10
28 X-1, OK for a quick two.
For that previous motor vehicle stop, could you just add MASS Sierra 63103548 to the operator?
Very good.
Play 20240928203127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:31:27
X-1, do you copy?
Got it, X-1.
I’m on CNN, I’m clear.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
That party’s been too long for the night. We’re clear.
Play 20240928202845.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:28:45
Dispatch, 20 X-1.
20 X-1.
20 X-1, respond 35 East Pleasant Street, bespoke.
Bouncer states that there’s a 21-year-old white male wearing a white shirt and blue jean shorts
Steve, all in.
Go ahead, 10.
You can clear me from that stop, I’m gonna head over to the Spoke.
I got the operator info, he’s just a dealer transporting a car to a different dealership.
Go ahead, 30.
Clear. Erica’s fine, two callbacks, two needs us.
3-8-7, if you can head down to the notch, we received a report that there’s an elderly female with a cart
that’s walking along the side of the road.
Is it a DMV or just suspicious?
It’s probably like a well-being check, it’s just an elderly female walking in the dark, I think down the notch
with a push cart of sorts.
If I had to guess, I’d say either Diane Sullivan or Susan Yamen.
10-X-1, I’ll be all set.
20-Dispatch, on scene.
Go ahead, 10.
Involved party mass, Sierra 3-7-1-1-8-7.
Sorry, the radio decided to hiccup. I got Sierra 3-7 and then I think it hiccuped.
Sierra 3-7-3-7-1-1-8-7.
Very safe, thank you.
10-Dispatch, 10.
10-Active, Colby, Jackson, Zarba, 10-29-01 out of Vineyard Haven.
Play 20240928202326.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:23:26
Twenty to six.
Go ahead, twenty.
You can show me clear at thirty, it’s all set.
Are you there?
Yes, sir.
Ten to special.
Go ahead, ten.
We’ll stop east pleasant at chestnut.
Not sure what time, doesn’t have a license plate.
I’ll let you know in a second.
It’s crazy.
Play 20240928201916.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:19:16
20, this is Spectre.
Go ahead, 20.
In the area.
All races.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20240928201642.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:16:42
30 and Colonial.
I see, 30. I’m not sure who Kelly and Frankie are.
I hear you.
Play 20240928201116.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:11:16
10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
Present here at 32 Mass Sierra 04992178
Do you hear me?
Dispatch, Alpha Charlie 10, I have that info if you need it
I’ll start with the info, 35 issued, we’re clear
Dispatch, 30, 20
30, 20, to respond, 81 Belcher Town Road, Colonial Village, Apartment 25
Erica Shirey is very amped up
She states that Squinto, Frankie and Kelly were in her apartment
She asked them to leave, they did leave
But she states they made threats
The threats they made were banging on her door and calling her name
20 received from Puffton
Play 20240928200502.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 20:05:02
Time to dispatch him.
Go ahead, Tom.
You’ll put both units in the area.
Play 20240928195812.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 19:58:12
20 dispatch. Go ahead, 20.
It was the two residents and a couple friends speaking a little too loudly on the patio,
and they brought it inside to be clear. Verbal warning issued.
Very good.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 10, 20.
Go ahead.
10, 20. I just got another
1040 North Pleasant Street, Pufton Village, Apartment 32.
Callers calling from Apartment 25 states that 32 has loud bass.
10, receive, ma’am.
20, receive.
Play 20240928195423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 19:54:23
You can use sixteen.
Sixteen Tyler please.
Twenty dispatch.
Go ahead twenty.
Two residents first.
STRA Alpha two-six two-zero eight-five-six.
And STRA Alpha one-seven-five zero-four six-zero.
Very good.
Play 20240928195139.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 19:51:39
20 different.
Yeah, 20.
I’m in the area.
30 as well.
32, 30.
Play 20240928194641.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 19:46:41
Dispatch, 20, 21?
Sorry, I think 21’s sitting at the desk.
Dispatch, 20, 30?
20, 30, take a
Caller’s calling from the Clark House.
She states that somewhere behind the Clark House,
possibly on Tyler Street, there’s a house playing loud music
that sounds like a marching band due to the drums pounding
and there’s occasional screaming and yelling.
20 receives now.
There it is.
Play 20240928193542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 19:35:42
10 is pressure.
Go ahead 10.
35 is just RO, unclear.
30 is safe.
Play 20240928193257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 19:32:57
Descend and despatch.
Order your sub. I’ll be chasing a 345 Pine.
Ground mass 8 Zulu Alpha 538. All set.
Play 20240928184554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 18:45:54
That’s an excellent question too.
All right.
Play 20240928183101.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 18:31:01
10-2 special.
Go ahead, 10.
My party’s been dropped off at the bus stop post office.
Ending 8-2.
3-2. Center’s 10-1, correct?
Affirm. And I’m clear.
Play 20240928182027.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 18:20:27
Go ahead, 10.
The Onyx Citizen Transport cast in this location, say the post office.
Go ahead, 10.
Starting 77.8.
Play 20240928181651.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 18:16:51
All right.
We’re going to transport you to the emergency center so you can catch your bus back.
Play 20240928181318.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 18:13:18
Tundra dispatch, I’m on T.
What do you say, Ten?
That IP is going to be a… I only know the Jade. I’m not sure of the legal name.
John Tallows?
Play 20240928181013.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 18:10:13
Dispatch, 10.
Go ahead.
10, can you take a well-being check?
It’s going to be in the area of 500 East Leverett Road.
RP resides at that address.
She states that she has a long driveway,
and at the end of her driveway, possibly across from her driveway on East Leverett,
there is an older white male wearing a red shirt who was walking down the road.
He seemed a little maybe confused.
He was talking to himself.
Where Blastine sitted, seated there, just talking to himself.
I believe her husband may still be out with him.
Appreciate it, Heather. Sure.
Play 20240928175454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 17:54:54
20 distance.
I have 20.
I’ll be clear, can you send me an OR?
I’m ready to.
Play 20240928173744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 17:37:44
20 dispatch
I have 20
I’m going to take that call for 30
and you can show me enroute
Play 20240928172255.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 17:22:55
Dispatch, 30.
30, can you respond? Big Y, 175 University Drive, for an attempted shoplifting.
Um, RP has lost prevention. He’ll meet you in the front of the store or by the booth in the store.
He states that a late 40s or 40s Hispanic male wearing a gray shirt attempted to take approximately $330 worth of merchandise.
They weren’t able to get the products back, but he’d like to file a report.
The party also left in a gray Hyundai Tucson with Virginia tags.
Probably not.
Thank you.
Play 20240928164829.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 16:48:29
10-X-132, stay to work.
Play 20240928164545.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 16:45:45
Go ahead, 10
You changed the location to 480 South Pleasant Street
and 35s are issued. We’re clear.
Where is it?
Play 20240928164416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 16:44:16
That is roger. I’m on scene.
Received Sam.
There he is in the air.
Received 30.
10 to smash.
Drive 10.
I got 4 on for ya.
I’m ready.
First MASS Sierra Alpha 0460564.
Second is going to be MASS Sierra Alpha 2880305.
The next is going to be MASS Sierra Alpha 4970125.
And the last one is going to be MASS Sierra 3006115.
That 10 8 cut out after 6 1 1 5.
10 to smash, it’s MASS Sierra 30061154.
Play 20240928163603.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 16:36:03
Dispatch, 30-10.
30-10, can you take a
RP’s calling from 459 South Pleasant, states that 466 has extremely loud music.
Play 20240928152414.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 15:24:14
This is Harvest Tower.
10-2. Do you have a message?
Unfortunately, I do. 26 Emily Lane.
She is unable to figure out how to turn off the console light in her rental vehicle
and called 911 to ask for assistance.
What do you see?
Oh, disregard. She called back on 911 to tell us that she figured it out.
What do you see?
Play 20240928142617.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 14:26:17
20 to dispatcher.
35 to those listed parties, make sure you’re in square.
Roger, we’re in square.
Play 20240928142322.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 14:23:22
3-3-20 dispatch, units in the area.
10 to smash it.
We’re located at 2-4-0, Hazel.
Dispatch, 10.
Go for 10.
10, uh, Hazel doesn’t run in the 200s.
Is it 2-4-0 Northampton or 24, Hazel?
Oh, sorry. Yeah, it must be 2-4-0 Northampton.
20 dispatch, got some parties for you.
All righty.
First is going to be off of Pennsylvania O-L-N, 3-3-1-7-9-2-4-9.
Copy, 1.
Second’s going to be Maryland O-L-N, Mike Delta, 1-0-2-7-4-1-9-7-2-1-2.
Copy, 2.
Play 20240928141603.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 14:16:03
Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10, another
Going to be the first house on Hazel when you turn off on Northampton Road for loud music.
20 received.
Play 20240928140940.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 14:09:40
10-X-One, clear to do paperwork.
Play 20240928140554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 14:05:54
Go ahead, 10.
35, you’re still in residence.
Play 20240928140421.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 14:04:21
Go ahead, 10.
We had a resident here, New Jersey, B-Bravo, 06927407111044.
Go ahead, 10.
We had a resident here, New Jersey, B-Bravo, 0697435604159.
20 did switch, got one for you.
Go ahead, 20.
Virginia OLN, EECHO 69672317.
Appreciate it.
Go ahead, 10.
Last resident, MASS Sierra Alpha 4590907.
Appreciate it.
10 to switch.
Go ahead, 10.
I got two more for you when you’re ready.
I’m ready.
MASS Sierra Alpha 2480291.
Second’s gonna be MASS Sierra Alpha 2570481.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240928135913.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 13:59:13
20 to 10, it’s going to be 382.
Appreciate it. Yeah, I saw it.
10-Dispatch, copy direct for 382.
You’re welcome, man. Thank you.
Play 20240928135416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 13:54:16
Dispatch to 20, 10.
20, 10. Can you take a
IP is at 27 Farring Street. She’s reporting very loud music and yelling from either 382 North Pleasant or 374.
She said it’s disturbing her children.
K received. 111 is holding.
Play 20240928124837.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 12:48:37
X-1, this is French.
Go ahead, X-1.
You can put me on it, not bird alone.
Very good, X-1. We’re all set here. We’re clearing out now.
Received. I’ll be clear then.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Looks like there’s going to be some 62 issues. Denied medical.
The party was sent on their way for the rest of the day.
Show unit’s clear.
Play 20240928124053.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 12:40:53
20 dispatch, you’re in town, see?
Play 20240928123821.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 12:38:21
Dispatch to 30 and 20.
30 and 20, head over to 165 Main Street to Not Bread Alone Soup Kitchen.
Kim Meade is there causing an issue and preventing them from serving the food.
30, receive 111.
20, receive 111.
Play 20240928114441.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 11:44:41
20 to X1, OK for a 2.
Play 20240928113557.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 11:35:57
Fairly dispatch.
Go ahead.
That procession has gone through and you can show both units clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240928111651.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 11:16:51
6-7, dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-7.
You can clear that, CAD. N121 and ILB, signal 4.
Received, sir.
Play 20240928111132.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 11:11:32
Can you put me on a
Play 20240928104558.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:45:58
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Check’s okay. Show me clear.
Play 20240928104318.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:43:18
20 Dispatch, in the area.
Received, 20.
Play 20240928103708.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:37:08
That’s 10-20.
10-20, KDOT. Commercial 67. 65 Cowls Road is the provisions lane.
Several zones. Comes in almost every morning on Saturdays.
20 receives at least.
Splash at ten.
10 plus give the proper pass code to the alarm accompanying attempting to cancel.
20 to 10, I’ll swing up there and go check it out if you’re busy.
Okay, appreciate it.
Play 20240928103204.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:32:04
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
NASA LNSE, 20729303.
That was the homeowner and, yeah, it was accidental.
You can show me clear?
Play 20240928102925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:29:25
30 to Spectrum on scene.
Received, 30.
Play 20240928102440.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:24:40
Dispatch to 30 and 20.
30 and 20, the residential 6711 Trillium Way came in through the bedroom door.
30, received.
20, received. Southeast.
30 to 20, I should be all set. I’ll advise.
Received. Thanks.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30, the alarm company spoke with the homeowner, Amir. He said it was accidental.
Received. I’ll be clear.
Thanks on the 30.
Go ahead.
You should stop in there and make contact with him.
Play 20240928101323.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 10:13:23
10-H1, clear for a two.
Play 20240928094736.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:47:36
20, Dispatcher.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20240928094334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:43:34
20, Dispatch.
All right, 20.
I was able to make contact with PRO.
He’s going to move the vehicle.
Show me clear.
20, Dispatch.
All right, 20.
McClellan, over here.
Can you throw me in a follow-up cat in reference to 4720F?
We’ll be at 50, McClellan.
20, Dispatch.
All right, 20.
Play 20240928093730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:37:30
20 Dispatch in the area.
Received 20.
He was specifically complaining about, I believe it’s a GMC truck or SUV.
Yeah, received.
Pulled mostly on the grass, but I’ll go try to make contact with the owner real fast.
Play 20240928093354.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:33:54
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
That party went in voluntarily with AFD. I’m sure you’re clear.
Dispatch, this is 20.
20, do you got a parking complaint? Be in the area of 25 McClellan.
RP came in to the PD like he does every Saturday and says his car is illegally parked there.
Parked there.
Carrier received.
Play 20240928092712.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:27:12
10-2 Thresh, I’m in the area.
Received, 10.
Play 20240928092542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:25:42
20 dispatch, you’re in the area.
20 to switch.
25 to switch.
You’re on a STARD AFD.
Play 20240928092244.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 09:22:44
Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10, can you head to the police office in the center of 141 North Pleasant Street?
Should be a male party standing right in front.
DCH is having Q5 thoughts.
I believe you’re going to be cooperative.
His name is Jose Pavone.
20 received.
10 received.
We got any CAD history with him?
CAD history with him.
You have
Play 20240928050915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 05:09:15
Miami Air Unit, stand by for a BOLA out of South Abiley.
BOLA out of South Abiley for NLS for domestic A&B that occurred in South Abiley at 2300 hours.
On the, you will be looking for a Riley Guy 12-15-1986.
ORN is Sierra 790-91627.
Unknown direction of travel and unknown weapons.
Stop, hold, and contact South Abiley.
10-2, Steve.
20, got it.
30, Steve.
X-1 received.
X-1 dispatch, do we have anything in Kelt for that BOLA party?
There is, it was a BOLA from 2022 for that party.
X-1 received.
Play 20240928042535.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 04:25:35
20 dispatch
That vehicle is going to be with our knees you can show units clear and sign me an AR number for someone to the operator
Play 20240928040844.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 04:08:44
20 is in switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Per X1, could you start burning use our location?
Bernie, this is already notified.
I hear you, thanks.
X1, this is Special.
Go ahead, X1.
Could you please run a mask to WIENC and Mike, AL527. Mask.
X1, this is X1.
X1, this is X1. I’ve got information when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
F-40 comes back negative, cancelled.
2-1-19-95, Honda Civic, green.
Owner’s array, Soto.
Negative, suspended.
Out of Springfield, NAS.
Play 20240928040340.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 04:03:40
Excellent, dispatch.
We don’t have X1.
Could you please tell her to use her hook?
Play 20240928034959.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:49:59
20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Okay, I got a bin for you. It’s going to be 1H Hotel, Sheikhov, Diego, J Juliet, 8244,
V Victor, El Lima, 016825.
Thank you.
Dispatch to 20, I have that information when you’re ready.
That bin comes back to Mass Ranch 2, T Tango, D Delta, K Kilo, 8-7.
It’s negative for vote for insurance to a 1997 Honda Civic Gray,
owners are Sophie Cronin, 06281998, negative, active, non-renewable, out of Northampton, Mass.
Okay, received.
Thank you.
20 to X1, could you swing down here?
X1 to 20.
Can you go over to the last transmission?
Could you just swing over here real fast?
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator’s going to be up on Mass, LLN, Sierra, 57669773.
Should come back to a Joshua, Perez, Springfield.
Dispatch to 20, I have that information when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
That comes back to a Joshua, Perez, 08231996, negative, active, out of Springfield, Mass.
Play 20240928034325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:43:25
And dispatch, out with 20.
Play 20240928034155.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:41:55
20, this is Vetron.
Yeah, it’s 20.
Stop main at Dickinson, Mav 7, W Whiskey, be Victor 268.
All set.
20 to 10, you want to actually slide this way.
Last time we dealt with this vehicle, it was attaching plates.
Play 20240928033606.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:36:06
20 Dispatch back in town.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240928032432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:24:32
20 dispatch, cleared out.
Play 20240928032021.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:20:21
30 to dispatch.
Do I have 30?
Approximately 10 guests inside. They’ve quieted down for the night.
You can show me that it’s clear. 35.
Pushing you.
Play 20240928031529.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:15:29
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
At the house.
Ending is 76.3.
Play 20240928030906.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:09:06
Go ahead, 10
To the CAD
S-ALPHA 5720728
10-Dispatch, this is 10-Dispatch, I have that information when you’re ready
Go ahead
That comes back to an Aden-Harrington 1130-2004
Negative active out of Duxbury, MASS
And no bomb
Play 20240928030621.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:06:21
30 Dispatch
Go ahead 30
Resident here, MASS Sierra 26259685, M&W please
30 Dispatch, 30, I’ve got information, are you ready?
Go ahead
That comes back to a Colby Magriazi 09-16-2002, negative active, out of Wakefield, MASS, has no bomb
Received, thank you
Play 20240928030406.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:04:06
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Play 20240928030240.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:02:40
30 Dispatch, where was the RP calling from?
The RP was calling from 73 Fang Street.
Play 20240928030056.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 03:00:56
Attention all amateur units, be prepared to copy a BOLO rolling check into a driver from UMass.
Attention all amateur units, BOLO from UMass.
Vehicle is last seen headed off their campus from ComAv, possibly headed towards Westfield, but no specifics further from ComAv.
It’s a grey Honda sedan, plate is partial, 3H Hotel R-Romeo A-Alpha.
And they believe the operator might be ETRH, and it also has a passenger headlight that’s out.
Time received.
Ready to receive.
Thanks for listening.
Attention all amateur units, be prepared to copy a BOLO rolling check into a driver from UMass.
And dispatch, all clear.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
We do hear music, it’s not coming from hearing. We’re going to see if we can figure out where it’s coming from.
20, dispatch, can you raise us south?
You can secure it, starting mileage will be 66.9.
Play 20240928025649.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:56:49
Who’s faster, 20, 10?
Can you head to the area of 73 Farring Street for a
Our people is at 73 Farring Street, and she says that there’s loud music coming from the area.
She doesn’t know where, but just says that she wants to turn down.
Uh, 20 received. 30, can you grab it for me?
10 received, 411.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
20 is going to be on a prisoner’s board, CAD.
If you could dispatch 30, please.
Dispatch to 30.
30’s in the room.
20, dispatch, can you raise the north?
You can secure it, thanks.
Thank you.
30, dispatch, on securing.
Play 20240928024037.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:40:37
Go ahead.
Being cleared off of that.
I’m not sure how much more resources and efforts we can put into that.
Play 20240928022640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:26:40
7-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-5.
County police for traffic. Southeast street of Colonial Village.
Mass 2, Zebra Mike Victor 5-2.
Stopped in the middle of the road.
He dropped food.
Just decided to stop directly in the travel lane.
He’s been moved along.
Play 20240928022337.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:23:37
20 to X1, OK for a 2.
Play 20240928021751.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:17:51
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show me clear, all narrate.
20 to X1, you’re good for report.
Play 20240928021208.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:12:08
10, dispatch.
35 issued. I’m clear.
Thanks for the SO.
I’m sorry.
Have we been in contact with the clerk yet?
21 is calling now.
Received. Thank you.
X 120.
I’m in the area. Need me to stop in?
Should be all set, thanks.
Play 20240928020831.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:08:31
X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead, X-1
Yeah, you’re not going to be able to find any information on that party.
You have to go run it in Vietnam.
10-Dispatch, can you run it in maps with the first name Dong?
10-Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Is that common spelling?
It is.
Dong, like D, D-David?
So it’s going to be Delta Uniform November Golf.
Delta Uniform November Golf
10-Dispatch, this is 10.
Go ahead.
I don’t think I’m going to be able to get back to maps with that name either.
Play 20240928020357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 02:03:57
One X-One, clear to two for paperwork.
Stand by.
20, dispatch?
Go ahead, 20.
I’m on scene. Could you just advise UMPD I can’t get into the building without them?
Received, calling them now.
10, dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
Liquor law violation.
32, nothing.
10, dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
Liquor law violation.
32, nothing.
Liquor law violation.
32, nothing.
X-One to 21.
Clear for a two.
Thank you.
X-One, dispatch?
Go ahead, X-One.
Everybody’s going to be clear for the Kellogg Ave disturbance call.
10, dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
This party, no ID, name and date of birth.
First name is Ben, common spelling.
Last name is Lowndes.
L, Lima.
U, Uniform.
O, Oscar.
N, November.
G, Golf.
Date of birth, 9-9-03.
10, dispatch?
He’s an international student, Vietnam.
Dispatch to 10.
10’s on.
I’m not getting anything back with that name.
Out of my ass.
He’s from Vietnam.
Play 20240928015835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:58:35
21 dispatch.
Go ahead 21.
All units are clear, no impairment, he just fell asleep.
Trying to make a deposit, he’s going to deposit and then take a nap before he drives home to Chickapee.
Play 20240928015656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:56:56
X-1 dispatch.
Just be advised, 20 is going to be clear.
He is en route to Patterson to assist UMPD with the domestic.
X-1 to 20.
It’s going to be second floor, common area.
Play 20240928015503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:55:03
Dispatch 21, I have that information, when you’re ready?
Copy that.
So, that comes back negative active to a Michael Piedra, 0306-1967.
Negative active out of Chicopee, Mass.
And on his bop, he had an offense for operating after suspended license.
Very good.
Play 20240928015327.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:53:27
21 is fetched.
That was a vehicle in the TD Bank
drive-thru on Triangle Street, Mass 8.
23, T-Tango, W-Whiskey, 7. Looks like
the driver’s passed out at the wheel here.
7-5 Dispatch, I’ll be en route over there from the college.
Dispatch, X-1.
X-1. Just checking, is
everybody clear of Kellogg’s? Negative.
30, 20, 40 are still
on, but I can free some people up.
No, I’m just trying to keep everybody straight for me and my co-worker.
10 Dispatch, you can put me on with 111.
21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Play 20240928014910.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:49:10
7-5 dispatch.
Go ahead 7-5.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20240928014606.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:46:06
X1 to 21.
Are you still with those suspects?
I was with the violent call victim.
Appreciate it.
X1 to 30.
I’ll come over there but I’d like to photograph the involved parties.
Case identification issue later on.
We’ll call it a day.
Play 20240928014416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:44:16
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
I’m clear from here, and when you get a chance,
the operator of my previous motor vehicle stop was at
Sierra A-Alpha 0-1-3-0-3-3-4.
It was a 35 to him.
Great, so you guys just got an MDT about that.
Thank you.
Bye bye.
Play 20240928014009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:40:09
X1 to 30.
How are you making out with that party?
Does that truck belong to them?
He says negative.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
Can you run mass commercial D-Delta 28605?
I’ll take a 9-10 and let me know if it belongs to any of the parties that were called in regarding this please.
X1 to 30.
Could you call that vehicle in, the white pickup next to you? It’s a commercial please.
Yeah, I did a little bit ago.
Received. Thank you.
X1 to 30.
30, I have that information, when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
It’s a negative active to a 2016 Sutro Utility Black and none of the parties match the owner.
Of Michael Collins 09-26-1960. Negative active out of Boxford, Mass.
Received and no address correlation with any parties that we called in.
Negative, none of the parties match the location of Boxford, Mass.
Received, thank you. Appreciate it.
X1 to 21.
None of the injuries are substantial, is that correct?
I’d say the worst one is cut above the eye, bleeding, probably from a black eye somehow.
Received, we’ll document that and we can send some statements in.
Play 20240928013531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:35:31
X-1 dispatch.
I just think that was 20’s portable issue.
21 dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
It’s up in the 200 block area of East Pleasant Mass 1 at Foxtrot at Sierra and November 5-2.
Can I have a 9-10 please?
Go ahead.
Dispatch, 20-30.
Across from 33 Kellogg and Wayland.
Resident there is reporting some kind of disturbance across the street.
Involving several individuals.
75 dispatch.
I’m on Kellogg.
Dispatch to 21.
Does this sound like a fight or is this a
The gentleman insisted that there was a disturbance or fight of some kind and he thought he saw somebody on the ground.
It’s called in by Mr. Allen at Dan Wayland.
Those three running away right now, I need them.
Super 2.
South towards Main Street. I’m going to cut them off.
X-1 to all units. Just back it down.
75 dispatch.
Go ahead, 75.
I’m speaking with a Mass O-L-N-S Sierra A-Alpha.
Most of the parties fled in opposite directions.
Dispatch. 153’s got a party at Lessee Street and Main.
10 dispatch. I’ve got four parties on Smith Street.
75 dispatch.
Go ahead, 75.
One victim will be Mass Sierra A-Alpha.
Dispatch 21. I have your info when you’re ready.
21 dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
I’m going to stop. You can put me on Lessee Street.
Dispatch. Just have a
Go ahead.
O-O-N Sierra 2-0-3-0-2-1-9 comes back to a Samuel Oskovec 0-8-11-2003.
Negative active out of Maynard, Mass.
And the second O-O-N Sierra 1-5-6-0-8-5-6 comes back to a Margaret Reed 0-5-26-2003.
Negative active out of Florence, Mass.
21 to X-1.
There’s a couple of parties up here with injuries, but they said there was some kids in a white pickup truck in one of the lots down there that attacked them.
I don’t know if you can find that pickup truck.
X-1 received.
That’s the parties that initially fled from 75, one of which is with 30, and then the other one 153 stopped.
Dispatch to 4030.
Do we have the 33 Kellogg Ave. and Whelan Apartment 63 to assist
Anna Moreno called in saying that she sees smoke coming from there.
Believed to be Anna Moreno.
Okay. You can put 40 in the area.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The party I have here is MASS Sierra Alpha 6950348MW.
Dispatch to 30, I’ve got information on your area.
Go ahead. Go ahead, 30.
Dispatch to 40.
There’s 0505 negative active out of our MASS.
Dispatch to 30, are you on the disturbance at all?
1-5-30, dispatch.
Me and X1 are out with MASS Sierra Alpha 1951956.
1-5-30, I’ll have that information when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
That comes back to a mile gagney beyond 0601 of 06, negative active out Gardner MASS.
Play 20240928012344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:23:44
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Alpha 20, go ahead.
Dispatch is on. Go ahead, 20.
Alpha 20, you’re unreadable. Could you go again?
Go ahead, 20.
Can you assign me an AR number for a summons for minor possession and show me clear?
Play 20240928012020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:20:20
20 dispatch
32 Phillips with a liquor law violation
20 dispatch it’s gonna be mass o-l-n Sierra alpha 3 8 8 0 7 3 9
20 I have that information when you’re ready
Comes back to a grease the Apollo 0 2 0 3 2004 negative active out of Edmonton, Mass
Play 20240928011114.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:11:14
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you open and close me up a covered property?
A PVTA bus driver just gave me a bag with a purse in it.
One of his passengers gave it to him and said he found it.
10, where are you?
In front of the spoke.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m clear with that liquor law, with the summons.
Play 20240928010613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:06:13
20 dispatch
Could you open and close me a liquor law violation
Convenient front of the Verizon building on fearing with New York OLM
384 438 744 could you assign me an AR number AR number for a summons?
21x on your foot
Go ahead X-1
For the CAD please, S0AALPHA3290766, 35 issued, I’ll be clear.
Do a snatch ALPHA 20.
Can you go again one more time with that override?
That’s fine, disregard that.
Play 20240928010046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 01:00:46
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Cab, please.
Local law violation, main at number 734.
Is everybody clear of the disturbance?
Play 20240928005254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:52:54
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m clear from that liquor law.
Play 20240928004915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:49:15
30, dispatch.
Uh, 30?
Small gathering inside.
All MDTU’s, uh, two residents.
35 issued, I’m clear.
Play 20240928004558.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:45:58
30 dispatchers in the area.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, Sam.
Liquid law, ET nodding.
10 dispatch.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
That party’s going to be up at UMass ID.
First name is Pearl, common spelling.
Middle initial, Gecko.
Last name, Davis, common spelling.
It’s out of Northampton.
Units walking on each other, could you go again with the database?
July 25th of 05, out of Northampton.
X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I was trying to get out.
I had a minor disturbance in front of the works.
111’s out with him.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
20’s going to be with that same one.
I’m going to be at 22, nodding.
Liquid law violation.
Off mass.
At Sierra, A-alpha, 0-7-5, 0-3-0-4.
40’s dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
I’m seeing clear at 30, seeing all of that.
You can put me basically in the area of the disturbance at the works.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You got that info?
One moment, just pulling it up.
Dispatch, Alpha 20.
Go ahead.
Pearl Ella Davis, 725-2005, negative M&W, out of Northampton.
Received, can you send me an AR number for a minor in possession?
X-1 to 10-20.
When you can clear up from being on foot and become mobile,
Dispatch to 10-9, I’ve got information when you’re ready.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
35 issued.
Play 20240928003542.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:35:42
Dispatch, Jax One, I have that information, when you’re ready.
Contacting Conrad Roderick, 06-24-2005, negative active out of West Frankfort, Mass.
Nothing on his bomb.
Received. He’s going to receive a summons for minor in possession.
Could you please sign me an AR number, and I’ll be clear.
Thank you.
Dispatch, Jax One, I have that information, when you’re ready.
Jax One, Dispatch.
Go ahead, Jax One.
Do we have
We do have a
She says loud music and yelling.
Doesn’t know which apartment.
Received. You can send that out, when you’re ready. No rush.
Dispatch, Jax One.
Jax One.
Dispatch to 3040.
Getting into 362 Northampton Road, Hawkins Meadow.
Doesn’t know which apartment, but the RFP reports that there’s loud music and yelling coming from that area.
And she lives at 364 Northampton Road.
30, received, Lincoln.
40 from North University.
Play 20240928003127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:31:27
Dispatch, X-1.
X-1’s on, Dispatch.
X-1, how are we handling the
We in Dispatch,
Excuse me for the delay in my response. I’m on a liquor law violation, North Pleasant Street, in front of the Hillel House.
Received, no problem.
40, Dispatch. I’m out with X-1.
X-1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
This can be verbal only. Parties at a West Springfield Massive.
First name is Conrad, Charlie, Oscar, November, Romeo, Alpha, Delta, last name Broderick, Bravo, Romeo, Oscar, Delta, Echo, Romeo, India, Charlie, Kilo, 6-24-05.
Play 20240928002200.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:22:00
Next one, dispatch.
Next one.
Just be advised, 10 and 20 are out on foot in the Phillips Street neighborhood.
Appreciate you.
Play 20240928001450.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 28 00:14:50
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Myself and 10 will be on foot, steering at Lincoln.