Data from 20241006

Play 20241006231758.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 23:17:58

20 to Sedgwick.
Go ahead, 20.
9 and 10, please, Master Edge, R-Romeo, Sierra, 7292.
Thank you.
Dispatch, Charlie 20.
20, that comes back negative active. On a 2017 Toyota RAV4, black in color, to an Andrew Bloom out of Nedick.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20241006231331.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 23:13:31

20 to Special.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator’s off of Connecticut All In, 209949070, clear 35.
Play 20241006231004.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 23:10:04

20. Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
South Northampton at Dana, Mass. Reg. 1, F-Fox, November, Whitey, 2, 6, all set.
3, 6.
Play 20241006223207.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 22:32:07

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator, MAS, Sierra, A-Alpha, 1030693, clear 35.
Play 20241006222901.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 22:29:01

20, Descension.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop, East Pleasant App Parade, Mass Ridge 557, White Yankee C-Charlie 7, hold set.
Play 20241006221805.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 22:18:05

20 to switch.
Check the surrounding area. Looks like that vehicle is going to be GLA. Clear for now.
Play 20241006221239.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 22:12:39

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
In the area. Did they say it was a sedan or an SUV?
Richard, they said it’s just a white car sedan.
Play 20241006220912.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 22:09:12

Dispatch, 220.
Steel motor vehicle complaint. It’s in the area of 309 Amity Street.
Last seen on Amity headed Wees…
Past Dana.
The calling party believes that they’re under the influence as they are swerving and doing 5 miles per hour.
I got that it’s a white vehicle with a plate of 2-1-A-5-M-1. It did not come back to anything.
I apologize. It actually turned onto Dana and the calling party is no longer behind it.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006215411.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 21:54:11

1-2-3 to dispatch.
Skyhawk 1-2-3.
So starting mileage is 1-2-3-4-6-7-point-3.
Ending mileage at Hampshire College, 1-2-3-4-7-1-point-6.
Thank you.
Play 20241006214357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 21:43:57

1-2-3, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you change that CAD to a domestic follow-up CAD? I’ll be clear.
And can you start me an adhesive transport CAD from 1-11?
I’ll provide you mileage when you’re ready.
Very good.
Play 20241006191945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 19:19:45

21 to dispatch.
Do you think you can clear us both from this call?
Affirmative, sir.
Play 20241006190335.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 19:03:35

20 Dispatch.
We located Ms. Thatch at her residence.
She was offered assistance but not willing to accept any services right now.
You can show both units clear and can you change it to a medical mental.
Thank you.
Play 20241006190155.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 19:01:55

Seven-Eighty-Six, you’re discharged.
Go ahead.
I’m on cue.
Twenty-One, dispatch.
All right, Twenty-One.
You can put me in the area. Is my radio coming over okay, too?
And, yes, you’re route is clear.
Play 20241006185836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 18:58:36

Dispatch, sir, it’s 21.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Just an update here. We’re still trying to locate Kenny Thatch.
She appeared to have smashed her phone in the Cumberland Farms parking lot and walked away somewhere.
Dispatch, that’s one.
That’s one.
Serial well-being check for 22 Wesley Street, the Courthouse, apartment 411, for Amy Wittingham.
I’m sorry, Wittington.
Laura Brown believes that she’s intoxicated and she’s unable to stand.
Amy claims that she has pneumonia and is on antibiotics.
Reese, if you can send a 21 car.
I’ll try again. Go ahead, 21.
Dispatch to 21.
Well-being check, 22 Wesley Street, the Courthouse, apartment 411.
It’s going to be a well-being check for Amy.
Laura believes that Amy is intoxicated and unable to stand.
Amy’s claiming that she has pneumonia.
786 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 786.
I am headed over to the Courthouse. I know both of these people.
I see.
Play 20241006185223.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 18:52:23

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
You can put us in the area. You said you’re on the phone with Heathman?
That’s affirmative. It sounds like he’s by the Northampton bank.
And she’s in front of Cumberland Farms.
20, they’re both on the sidewalk over here in front of Cumberland.
Play 20241006185020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 18:50:20

I’m currently on the line with Matthew, her apartment is 169 but it sounds like they’re
all around Cumberland Farms, he’s not allowed to be at Cumberland Farms so he’s on the sidewalk.
He’s not allowed to be at Cumberland Farms so he’s on the sidewalk.
Play 20241006184836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 18:48:36

Dispatch, 20, 10.
Go for both.
Dispatch, 20, 10.
Take a…
It’s suspicious.
Kenny Katch is stating that a male party by the name of Andrew Satch
is in his apartment.
Excuse me, in her apartment, and she’s trying to get him out.
She wants him out.
Does not know who Andrew Satch is.
Now she’s changed his name to Matthew.
She’s currently at 35 Belchertown Road, Cumberland Farms.
States that this male party is at Colonial Village 169.
Dispatch to 20, 10.
It sounds like it’s going to be Liliana’s boyfriend, Matthew Heathman.
Play 20241006180004.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 18:00:04

20, this is French.
Sorry, 20.
Noise is unfounded.
You can show myself and 30 clear.
No action taken.
Thank you.
Play 20241006175631.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 17:56:31

30, dispatch in the area.
Play 20241006174825.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 17:48:25

Dispatch 20, 30.
Go for both.
Noise complaint, 778 North Pleasant Street.
Kappa Sig, loud party.
Both received, 111.
Play 20241006174109.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 17:41:09

20X1, OK for a two.
Play 20241006170106.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 17:01:06

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear. Minor accident. Those parties are all set.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20241006165802.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:58:02

30, dispatch.
First vehicle, MAF TC-6.
Romeo, Papa, 9-1-1.
Second vehicle, MAF TC-2-3-7.
KQM, Alpha.
2-0-0-1, 4-U-1, you ready?
I’m ready.
White Mini Cooper is operated by MAF Sierra 3-4-8-1-2-5-1-8.
U-1 is operated by MAF Sierra 2-9-2-2-1-4-2-4.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Play 20241006165431.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:54:31

I touch base with the grandson and grandmother and everything checks okay I’ll be clear.
I’m clear and I can head down to Atkins if that’s all you have.
X1 dispatch.
38FX you’ve cleared.
Go ahead X1.
On scene do you have keyholder information?
Looks like we have the alarm company.
I’ll be clear.
X1 dispatch.
38FX you’re clear.
Go ahead X1.
On scene do you have keyholder information?
38FX you’re clear.
Go ahead X1.
On scene do you have keyholder information?
I’m not seeing anything else but I can look further.
Do you want another unit there or do you want me to send 30 to Atkins?
No I’m all set.
I have a cleaning crew here who just forgot the passcode.
They’re trying to get a hold of their boss but no luck.
Dispatch to 30.
So it’s 1150 West Street Atkins.
It should be right in the front parking lot.
As far as I know there’s a Buick and a white Cooper.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
Radio exchange, Ernie’s has custody of the BMW.
We’re in warning issue to the operator of the BMW, I’m clear.
All right, Steve.
All right.
Accident report, what do I want?
X1 dispatch.
X1, are they trying to get dispatch?
Go ahead.
For the CAD, get dispatch.
For the CADS, it’s Vega Cleaning Services, Mass Reg 4, Kilo J Juliet, T Tangle 64, and
the person entering is a Yanis Wyankee A Alpha, N November, INJD Delta, last name Castro,
1-3-4-4-9-8-6-3-2, I’m clear.
Roger, you’re saved.
That’s excellent.
Go ahead.
I lost my voicemail for the key holder.
Rishi, she said that she was just going to close up and leave for tonight because she
didn’t have any luck either.
Thank you.
There he is, that’s what I’m saying.
There he is.
Play 20241006164724.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:47:24

Next one dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
Party’s on board with ASD. Clear.
Received. I have a commercial 6722 University Drive MyEyeDoctor.
It’s coming in as front door, front motion.
I’m also holding a minor MVC in the parking lot of Atkins as well.
Received. I’ll head down to your drive.
Play 20241006164359.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:43:59

10 Dispatch, on scene.
I receive.
20 Dispatch, Ernie’s on scene.
I receive.
10 Dispatch.
10 Dispatch, 10.
Do you copy, number?
Number 5.
Do you copy.
10 Dispatch, 10.
Do you copy.
10 Dispatch, 10.
I’m not on the phone.
Do you copy.
10 Dispatch.
10 Dispatch, 10.
Do you copy.
Copy that.
Go ahead, X-Files.
On scene.
We’re ready to.
Copy that.
Go ahead, X-Files.
On scene.
We’re ready to.
Play 20241006164048.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:40:48

Dispatch to Ted.
Are you still available?
Yes, I am. I’m just helping my traffic, but I’m available.
I have a well-being check slash 9-1-1 hang up.
The phone comes back to 13 Pine Grove to an Alicia Walker.
There was a mail party that stated his mom was abusing him.
It sounded like the mom said a first name of Jay.
The phone went dead and we were unable to get them back on the line.
It was a 4,000 meter radius.
If we could just check and see if they’re home and if everything’s okay.
What was the address?
1313 Pine Grove.
Dispatch to X1.
Stand by.
X1 dispatch.
786 to dispatch.
Dispatch to 10.
The grandmother just called.
Jay is currently with her at Colonial Village number 11.
The grandmother just called.
Jay is currently with her at Colonial Village number 6.
She said he’s okay and that mom and son have been separated.
But he is currently at Colonial Village number 6.
Received. He’s the RP.
Jay, the son, is the calling party.
He was in an argument with his mom.
Lisa Walker is the grandmother who called.
I guess the mom took the phone and turned off the phone
as he was attempting to give us a call back.
Received. They still want to check on him.
Affirmative. Dispatch to X1.
I’ve got a medical assist, 693 Main Street, Watson Farms, apartment number 5.
It’s for a 43 year old male with chest pain.
Received from 111.
786 to dispatch.
Go ahead 786.
I’m heading towards Colonial Village.
Play 20241006162831.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:28:31

30 to 20, whenever you get a second, I’ll see if we can push this BMW out of the middle
of the road.
Just wrapping up the exchange form now.
Who’s the operator of the 4Runner, can I just pull off into the sidewalk here?
Yeah, it’s the lady with the child, she’s standing next to us.
Play 20241006162457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:24:57

30, you may have to stop. I’m all the way backed up to the traffic light.
Play 20241006162151.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:21:51

Dispatch, that’s one.
That’s one.
That’s four.
20, dispatch.
All right, 20.
Vehicle one, Mass Reg, 8th and November, Be Bravo, 1-8-7. Operated by Mass O-L-N, Sierra, 5-5-5-9-5-4-4-2. Copy one.
Negative, I’m sorry. I had both sides calling me. Can you go again with that? My partner is busy right now, so I’m trying to do both.
Vehicle one, Mass Reg, 8th and November, Be Bravo, 1-8-7. Operated by Mass O-L-N, Sierra, 5-5-5-9-5-4-4-2. Copy one.
Copy one.
Vehicle two, Mass Reg, 1-R-R-O-Z-Z-V-V-1-9. Operated by Mass O-L-N, Sierra, A-3-1-7-0-5-5-8. Copy two.
Copy two.
Third vehicle, Mass Reg, 1-N-N-N-H-H-O-T-E-L-4-8. Operated by the R-O-M.
Copy two.
20, dispatch.
All right, 20.
If you haven’t already, can you start Ernie’s for the BMW?
20, dispatch. I’ll take a crash number two, please.
The number is 291.
Appreciate it.
Sorry, it’s 291-291 and the time of the call is 16-05.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006161633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:16:33

1-2-3 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-2-3.
Ending mileage 1-2-3-4-6-7.3 at 1-11.
ID 1-2-3, you cut out after 7.
Dispatch to ID 1-2-3.
Play 20241006161323.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:13:23

30 dispatch in the area.
Thank you, I was only able to get one plate, so I’m going to need all the info.
20 dispatch in the area.
Thank you.
10 dispatch.
Thank you.
I’m on North Hampton Road assisting with traffic real quick, but I’ll be available for any calls.
Thank you.
30 dispatch.
You just want to start AFD, looks like the battery is smoking a little bit from one of the involved vehicles.
30 en route.
Play 20241006160740.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 16:07:40

1-2-3 to dispatch.
Can I have a CAS for a system transport CAD?
Starting from Hampshire College.
Mileage 1-2-3-4-6-3-point-2.
All cars are on this side of the road.
All proceed to 1-11.
Play 20241006154140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:41:40

AFV’s on scene, advised they’re all set and clear.
Play 20241006153438.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:34:38

3rd Dispatch, on scene.
Play 20241006153137.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:31:37

Dispatch to 3rd.
3rd is on and whatever you’re doing on that other end, it keeps clicking out early.
I’m doing things the same, can you hear me now?
Yeah, affirm.
So he’s awake, breathing, talking. He’s having vision issues at this time.
Very good, thank you.
30, your ambulance is coming from north, just coming through the center now.
Very good, thank you.
Play 20241006152818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:28:18

Call you in a sec.
Stand by, 20. Dispatch to 30.
Medical Assist, 1150 West Street, Atkins.
It’s going to be by the ice cream place, Black GMC.
It’s going to be a male party who got stung by a bee on the lip.
He is allergic.
Unknown. If there’s difficulty breathing, I’m trying to get more information.
Call you in a sec.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator is off New York. Driver’s license, 926-327-3235 issued. I’m clear.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20241006152251.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:22:51

20 dispatch.
Go ahead.
Moore Vehicle Stop East Pleasant by Van Meter.
Going to be Connecticut.
Be Bravo and Mike 18100.
Go ahead.
Play 20241006152050.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:20:50

Dispatch, go ahead Ted.
Okay, talk with Christopher. There is no problem. He informed his sister that the father was over visiting the brother.
I think Christopher was upset that he knew there was an order involving his mother that his father wasn’t supposed to be here.
But I don’t think it has anything to do with him. She doesn’t live here anymore.
And the brother and father are not here at this time. I will be clear. No issues.
Play 20241006151526.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:15:26

10, Dispatch.
Unit’s on scene.
I see.
Play 20241006150908.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 15:09:08

10-20 can you take a well-being check? It’s going to be at 115 Pine Street. My R.P. is
concerned about her autistic brother who lives there. His name is Christopher Wood, DOB of
1978. He’s been texting back and forth with her, she’s out east, about how his other brother
John has invited their father, James Wood, to the home. There’s significant history of
domestic abuse with the father, James Wood. The mother had a lifetime 209A against him.
R.P. says she’s concerned for Christopher that he’s being taken advantage of and she’s
worried that the father might be violent with him if she wants him removed from the residence.
Call received.
Dispatch to Bravo 10 and Bravo 20.
The R.P. also advised me her mother is deceased, that Christopher is the owner of the home now.
Play 20241006143648.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 14:36:48

20 dispatch.
Ticketing another vehicle, it’s MAF 1C Charlie XX33 Juliet 5-9.
Otherwise, traffic is able to move on the street. You can turn the clear.
Play 20241006143338.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 14:33:38

20 dispatch.
Go ahead.
I’m going to be ticketing Mast 3, B-Bravo, Z-Zulu, Z-Zulu, 1-2.
Please speak.
Play 20241006142838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 14:28:38

Try it, Fetch.
Go ahead.
I’ll be out on Sunset, checking out the parking issue.
Play 20241006135635.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:56:35

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Deal parties have now checked okay. We’re all clear.
Finish it.
Play 20241006135423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:54:23

X1 Dispatch
Go ahead X1
What’s the female party that you have here sir?
The female party that’s involved in the previous casualty was Carly Tobano
X1 Dispatch
X1 Dispatch to X3
X1 I understand, I’ll take a look
X1 Dispatch
Go ahead, X-Farm.
It’s going to be a Dante Fernandez, DOB 11-19-1997.
Received. The female party, Shirley.
Sierra Hotel, India. Local data. Echo. Can’t hear you.
Last name, XQ. Date of birth, 2-26-98.
X-1, you’re radio cut out. All I got was the female party involved, that her first name was Shirley.
Her last name, X-Ray Uniform. Her date of birth, 2-26-98. That’s all variable.
Dispatch to X-1.
Go for him.
We just spoke with Pat from Kamens. He’s going to be responding from Belcher Town. He has an ETA at 20 minutes.
X-1, Dispatch. You can disregard it. The female party came out. We talked to her. We should be good.
Play 20241006134813.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:48:13

I’ll be here in a minute, I’ve responded to this apartment a few times, I might be able
to get them to open the door.
Play 20241006134324.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:43:24

30 to X1
Go ahead
Can only get verbal confirmation through the door that they say that they’re alright and just had a verbal argument
We have to make basic contact
Yeah, affirm
It’s not opening the door
Reference on that?
Advice is that we’re going to have to get a key holder to open the door
Not basic
We’re going to get a visual
Received. Dispatch, direct?
Dispatch, copy direct. I’ll look for a key holder
Play 20241006133625.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:36:25

30 dispatched in the area north of Prospect.
10 dispatched.
Go ahead, 10.
I’ll be keeping clear. Unable to locate them.
Appreciate it.
10 dispatched.
X-1 dispatched.
Go ahead, X-1.
In the area.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006133320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:33:20

And dispatch.
Go ahead, Ted.
Yeah, I lost him in the rear of the apartment complex. I’ll swing him to colonial, but I don’t know where they went to.
He just wanted the vehicle moved for now, and he wants to do the trespass. I told him how civil process works.
If I could find him, I would assist, but apparently not.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006133125.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:31:25

10, dispatching.
Go ahead, 10.
I’m going to be in the rear of Aft and Chase trying to catch them before they go into Colonial to have them get their car and remove it.
X-1 to 1-1.
Do you want to try it?
Yeah, affirmative. Just about to clear.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
AMD is transporting that mail to CDH and should be clear.
Received. Dispatch to 20 and 30.
20. 30, can you take a…
Sounds like a verbal domestic. 94 North Prospect Street, apartment number 3.
RP is in apartment number 2. She’s sitting for the past 30 minutes.
There’s been a verbal argument, including screaming and doors slamming between a male party and a female party.
A male party was calling a female an idiot and mocking her.
RP states this has been an almost weekly occurrence. It’s unsure if anything physical is going on.
We do have history here between a Dante Fernandez and a Carly Tavano.
Nothing physical, just rebels in the past.
20, received.
30, received. Shades.
30, received.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
RP finds out the message as well from West Street.
Play 20241006132710.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:27:10

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll take an accident number and I’ll be clear.
Your accident number is going to be 290 at 1241.
Received, thank you.
Thank you.
Play 20241006132039.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:20:39

I was just going to leave, I’ll never call back.
And then all this, it happened.
10, can you head to the area of 332 College Street?
It’s a wild side smoke shop in the parking lot.
RP is reporting there’s a female who’s been living in her car in the parking lot.
She’d like her trespassed.
It’s going to be Lily on the scene.
Matthew Eastman is also with him.
They’ve been holding this for a little bit while the other calls have been going on.
RP just called back stating that they’re still in the parking lot but might be walking towards Cumbia.
Appreciate it.
That was just better than I expected it to be.
Play 20241006131537.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:15:37

20 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
I release you.
Play 20241006131154.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 13:11:54

20 to stretch.
I got it.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show me clear and full exchange only.
On the 9th, operation is here.
I got it.
20 to stretch.
20, can you take a medical poster?
First Aid, Northampton Road.
Play 20241006125918.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 12:59:18

Pass over to 30.
Go ahead.
Your reporting party has nothing further.
She just heard the bang.
Came out and saw the woman get out of the car.
That was it.
Yeah, I just need somebody to go look at the damage
and see what it is while I’m here and side up with her for a second.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
The RPs vehicle is Connecticut B-Bravo S-Sierra
9-1. Operated by MAF Sierra 549-466-80, and the offending vehicle is MAF 1-Y-E-D-Z-B-R-O-4-2.
Operated by…
the R-O.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Yeah, if you could have Ernie’s respond down here.
30 to 10, you can just disregard. I’ll go back up there afterwards.
Play 20241006125535.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 12:55:35

20, dispatch, I’m on scene.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006125255.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 12:52:55

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
If you could just send another unit down to wherever the RP was calling from to view the damage of that while I speak with the operator here.
Received. Dispatch to 10.
10, this is 30. Head to 591 Bay Road. Looking to make contact with a Miranda Balkan. She’s the RP for this accident.
20, dispatch.
20, go.
Is this signally in the parking lot of 408?
20, dispatch.
20, go.
Is this signally in the parking lot of 408?
Yeah, it was a car accident right in front of the lobby, that’s behind.
Play 20241006124924.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 12:49:24

Thank you.
Dispatcher, 20.
20, can you take a two-car FEC to parking lot 408 North Hampton Road, Aspen Heights Apartments?
Um, RP is delivering Uber Eats.
He is in a blue Honda Accord.
I don’t have the other vehicle information, but no injuries or airbag deployment.
Play 20241006124652.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 12:46:52

30 Dispatch, put me on scene.
Play 20241006124415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 12:44:15

Dispatch to 30.
30, can you head down to the area of 591 Bay Road?
It might be kind of close to the Wellfields parking area.
It’s a truck versus a pole.
No injuries reported or airbag deployment.
I guess she hit the pole right in front of 591 Bay Road,
drove a little bit further and then parked.
Truck is a 2009 Dodge Ram,
color gray,
Mazda PC1, R-Romeo, K-Kilo H, Hotel 95.
Pole is slightly damaged.
Play 20241006114023.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 11:40:23

Play 20241006104058.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 10:40:58

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Copy, clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006102611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 10:26:11

30 dispatch, on scene.
We’re issued.
Play 20241006102343.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 10:23:43

10, dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
I’ll be clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006102009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 10:20:09

Go ahead, 10.
On scene with AOP.
Read you.
Play 20241006101737.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 10:17:37

Dispatch to 30.
30, can you head to 47 Chesterfield Drive?
Report of a sort of hit and run that happened yesterday.
RP is reporting.
While he was away yesterday, sometime between 2 and 4 p.m.,
a delivery driver knocked over his mailbox with the post.
No camera footage, but he’d like to make a report.
His neighbor did witness it and yelled to try to get the driver to stop, but he continued on.
Play 20241006101415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 10:14:15

Dispatch to 10.
10, can you take out medical assist?
362 Henry Street.
38 year old male, chest pain and numbness.
AFT is en route.
Play 20241006082744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 08:27:44

10-2, Spetsnaz.
Go ahead, Ted.
Clear. You’re all set.
Play 20241006082508.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 08:25:08

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
On scene.
Play 20241006081816.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 08:18:16

Dispatch to 10.
10, the company made contact with Keoga Harleen Multani.
She provided a proper passcode and requested cancellation.
Unsure if she’s on scene or not though.
Okay, I’ll check it open, thank you.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006081443.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 08:14:43

Dispatch to 10 and 20.
Go for both.
10, 20, can you take a residential 67, 539 Montague Road, the Multani residence.
Zone is front door tamper.
A company spoke with a keyholder, but they were unable to provide proper passcode.
10 received, I’ll check.
Play 20241006060126.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 06:01:26

Play 20241006044408.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 04:44:08

X-1, this is T-2.
Go ahead, X-1.
We made contact, but let’s go on. She’s checked okay, we’re clear.
Play 20241006043402.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 04:34:02

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Can you put myself, 20 and 30, back out at 112?
Is it North Whitney or High Street? Is that well-being check?
Received. It’ll be 112 North Whitney.
We’ll be back out trying to make contact. Very good.
Play 20241006042059.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 04:20:59

Go ahead 159, dispatch.
Go ahead 159.
Can you raise the north?
Go ahead 159.
Play 20241006040943.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 04:09:43

10-X-1, clear for two.
20-X-1, okay for two.
Play 20241006040734.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 04:07:34

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
SFFT, check okay. Initial units clear.
NADARRO has issued a 35.
Play 20241006035955.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:59:55

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator is going to be the RO.
10’s out with me. I’m going to pull him out for expertise.
10, can you back your cruiser up a little bit?
Play 20241006035416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:54:16

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop, southeast at Fort River.
Max 5, P-Papa, at Foxtrot, A-Alpha, A-1, all set.
Play 20241006035027.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:50:27

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operators off of Connecticut, 059940516. Clear 35.
Play 20241006034620.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:46:20

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
It’s the main at Bullwood, Connecticut.
Bravo Mike 11797, all set.
Play 20241006033319.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:33:19

Go ahead
Electro 6
Electro 7, go ahead
Alright, can I meet you at Maplewood Farms?
Play 20241006032828.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:28:28

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Clear 35 to the RO.
30 to 66.
9 to 0.
20 to X-1, OK for a 2.
Play 20241006032237.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:22:37

20, dispatch.
Stop, main at high, Mast 3, HOTEL ROMEO, AALPHA, 6-7, ALPHA.
Play 20241006031751.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:17:51

Dispatch to X1.
Go ahead.
X1, I called the number that was most recently on file for her from September 30th and it went to voicemail.
Received. We’ll be clear from here. I’ll try to find Alejandro. He’s walking home.
He says he is home at his parents’ house, which I’m assuming is the 70 Larkspur Drive.
X1, do you want me to fly down there too?
No. I’ll call you.
Play 20241006031536.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:15:36

Next one this way.
You have a phone number and file for Gwendolyn?
I do. I can give her a call.
Thank you.
Play 20241006031018.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:10:18

X-1 to 20.
Jerzy and Gwendolyn have a domestic relationship.
I’m on my way over there.
Yeah, received.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
What specifically did he say occurred for the assault?
He said that she hit him four times and took his phone and would not return it and so he walked home.
I see.
Go ahead, X-1.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Could you get the RP back? Give him a call back and just have him meet me outside.
The RP is not there. He has left and walked home four miles to his home address and she is home alone.
10 dispatch. Be in X-1 around soon.
Thank you.
Play 20241006030649.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:06:49

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Marty checks okay. He was just taking a nap before his ride to Chicopee.
You can show you it’s clear.
Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10 respond to 112 North Whitney Street.
It’s going to be the first floor bottom left apartment for a well-being check.
RP states that he was at this residence speaking to a Gwendolyn Gallant.
When she came home, she was ETOH.
She assaulted him, took his phone, and took approximately eight unknown pills.
He does not wish to make a report on the assault but would like her checked on because of her condition when she returned home.
Received. 20 for me.
10 received. North Pleasant.
159 dispatch.
Go ahead, 159.
Could you raise the cell?
You can secure.
159 dispatch.
Go ahead, 159.
Play 20241006030004.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 03:00:04

Ready to touch.
Go ahead.
Vehicle is going to be mass 823 T-Tango W Whiskey 7.
Received. That vehicle is negative and active on a 2003 Toyota Avalon White.
The R.O. is suspended, Gerard Roland Joseph Kutcher, born in 44.
We have history with this vehicle on the 28th.
ID 111 was out with the operator, Michael Pedra, who was asleep behind the wheel in the TD Bank parking lot.
Received. The operator is going to be Michael Pedra. What was the disposition of that stop with 111?
Investigated. He had said he worked all night at the bars in town McMurphy’s.
And he actually had fallen asleep prior to making the deposit at the TD Bank there.
No impairment or medical issues. He was sent on his way.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20241006025647.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:56:47

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
Can you put me out in front of crazy noodles with a suspicious motor vehicle
It’s gonna be Mass Tech 8 2 3 G Tango W Whiskey 7
It looks like the driver’s bumped up the wheel
3 safe
30 dispatch out with 20
Play 20241006025404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:54:04

Dispatch to 30.
30, that’s party John B. Cox out of Old Lime, Connecticut 7-19-02.
Is negative on the M&W, no matching in mass.
3C, just a few individuals playing some loud music and vibes quiet down for the night.
35 engine, clear.
Play 20241006025217.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:52:17

30 dispatch
Go ahead 30
5 8 6 8 0 2 should come back to us
John Cox in a berth 07 19
We got 47
Dispatch to 30 your radio unfortunately was terrible. Can you go with that alone again?
It’s going to be 1 9 9 5 8 6 8 0 2 should come back to us
John Cox in a berth 07 19 0 2
It’s going to be 47 south prospect
Copy that time thank you
Play 20241006025013.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:50:13

20 dispatch, it’s going to be 47 South Brasswick.
Play 20241006024808.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:48:08

20 to 30, it looks like it’s going to be that back unit, I think it’s 47.
3D, yeah, I’m out front.
Play 20241006024613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:46:13

20 to switch.
You can show units on scene, clear.
32-20, I turned down Gaylord.
It looks like the house next door might have some live music coming through if you want to check that out with me.
Affirm, yeah, I’ll swing over.
Play 20241006024337.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:43:37

10 dispatch
Go ahead 10
Got two mass oil entry when you’re ready
Go ahead
First one’s gonna be S here a OPA 5 7 2 0 7 2 8
Second that’s here a alpha 6 6 4 0 9 6 4
Copy to
Dispatch to 10
First alone belongs to an Aiden Harrington
He’s going to be negative M&W second one for a Brendan pressure and he is also negative M&W
We see you think
20 dispatch 20
You can show us clear you sign a our numbers
To 20
Are you taking both numbers
20 dispatch
Sorry about that, yeah, you can assign me both numbers we’ll figure it out when we get back to 111
To 20 and 30
20 and 30 you respond to 37 South Prospect Street
Turn noise complaint
Caller states that it is loud music and rowdy yelling started after bar close
See for both
Play 20241006023239.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:32:39

10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
14, Nutting, is there a registered party?
Negative, just 38.
Received, we’ll be there in 14, Nutting.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 10.
10, go.
Dispatch, 10.
It looks like September 28th, we gave warnings to a Colby, Neglazi and an Aiden Harrington.
Play 20241006022725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:27:25

Dispatch to 20 and 10.
20 and 10 respond to the vicinity of 73 Fearing Street for a noise complaint of loud amplified music coming from the area.
20 receive, college.
10 receive, north pleasant.
10 dispatch, you can put me on Fearing.
Received, 10.
Dispatch to 10.
10 there are a few registered parties in that area that have not gotten their warning call so if you can give me an address I’ll double check it before.
20 is on Fearing.
Received, 20.
Play 20241006022338.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:23:38

20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can clear me from that follow-up.
X-1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Operator, is that a mask? Sierra Alpha 5-9-1-0-8-6-1-35, I’m clear.
Play 20241006022127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:21:27

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Stop South Pleasant or Walnut. Walnut, excuse me.
NAS 4, Foxtrot, X-ray, Mike 4-1, home set.
Play 20241006021828.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:18:28

20 to the S.O.
Go ahead.
You good for a 4?
Yeah, I’m fine.
Play 20241006021301.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:13:01

Station officer to 20.
That party’s in the lobby inquiring if you need to converse with them further.
Stardust, standby. Thanks.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
35 issued to the RO. You can show me clear.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Myself and 30 are clear of the crash. Ernie’s has the vehicle. 12-hour hold.
Play 20241006020938.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:09:38

Dispatch to Ted.
Go ahead, Laine.
Ted, I have that coming back on a 2014 Toyota white four-door vehicle.
Appears to be valid as of June 1st, 2024. I do not see an expiration date on that registration.
Received. It’s going to be a white Camry and the expiration date is June 30th, 2025.
Play 20241006020748.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:07:48

10 Dispatch
Go ahead, 10
Motor vehicle stopped at Spring Street lot with Illinois Echo Sierra 69338, all set
Was that the Spring Street lot your phone cut out, or your radio cut out?
Spring Street
10 Dispatch, can I actually get a 9 and 10 on that?
Please stay standby
20 Dispatch
Go ahead, 20
Can you throw me on a follow up cat to that earlier assault, I’ll be at Antonio’s looking at the camera footage
Play 20241006020240.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:02:40

4D dispatch, can you raise north?
And ending mileage will be 168.5
Play 20241006020107.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 02:01:07

Forty dispatch
Go ahead forty
We’ll have one under it will be the operator
James of Queen Oaks, and we will be starting mileage will be seven one six seven point five
Dispatch off the 30
Is it clean oh in custody for 2904 is that who’s in custody
Thank you, thank you
Dispatch those 40s are up
Thank you, which one 159 or 148
Thank you
Play 20241006015249.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:52:49

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Did I just get a crash number over here?
Dispatch, Alpha 30.
Go ahead.
Your accident number is 289 and your time is 1.30.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20241006014407.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:44:07

20 Dispatch
That’s funny
I’m clear
Fixer dispatch
I’m clear to crash
Play 20241006014021.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:40:21

30, dispatch on 2.
I receive 30.
10, dispatch, you can clear me.
I receive 10.
20, dispatch.
I have 20.
Could you add Washington State O-L-N, W-I-Q-E-D-L-T-E-L-L-E-M-A-4-S-C-R-A-6-S-C-R-A-8-F-B-O-X-T-R-A-3-S-C-R-A-B-B-B-R-A-V-O, sign me an O-F, and then show me clear.
6-0, dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-0.
Be out at southeastern Belchetown.
4D, dispatch.
Go ahead.
On you.
3-0, dispatch.
Go ahead, 3-0.
Do you have the plate and the operator for the Honda, or do you need that?
Oh, I wrote it down wrong, or heard it wrong, so I need that, and I need the operator.
It’s going to be a MAS 5F-BOX-R-I-K-K-E-L-O-W-W-W-I-S-K-E-5-5. It’s going to be operated by MAS S-C-R-A-L-F-L-S-0-0-2-0-4-9-2.
4D, dispatch.
Go ahead, 4D.
Vehicle 2, MAS 9-7-5-T-T-M-8. It’s going to be operated by MAS S-C-R-A-L-F-L-S-3-2-6-0-3-2-6.
Received. That operator, James, with C-N-L-4-29-2004, he’s negative, active out of East Hampton.
The vehicle, 2015 Honda Sonata, color blue, that’s negative, active as well. Standby on the other one.
Standby on the other one.
That’s one, dispatch.
That’s one.
Standby on the other one.
Dispatch, Alpha 30.
4D, dispatch.
Go ahead.
I wasn’t sure if I had it in here. Can we get Ernie’s notified at all?
Sure, when you ask me for it.
Yes, ma’am. I’m going to need it for at least the Honda. I’m not sure about the Honda.
Received. I’ll get one started.
Yes, ma’am.
Dispatch, Aggie 148.
Go ahead.
Ernie’s contacted. They’re getting ahold of a driver.
Received. Was Mr. Aquino, was he the R.O. of that vehicle?
Negative. His R.O. is a Tomorrowland Smith. Same address as his in East Hampton.
Play 20241006013202.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:32:02

Dispatch, Alpha 30.
Two car, signal 16, it’s going to be the intersection of southeast at Bulchtown Road.
Two cars involved, airbag deployment.
If you’re looking for one of the vehicles, it’s a white Honda Civic.
30 received from College.
40 from Suspect.
Play 20241006012503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:25:03

20 dispatch, I got a MAF LLN when you’re ready.
This is Kachinke and I have her information.
This is going to be MAF LLN Sierra 41692433.
Dispatch, 20.
Elwood, Schuler, 81060, negative M&W.
Was down at the book and that’s the name from a call in August at the town hall, I guess he’s maintenance.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241006012135.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:21:35

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
The last alarm call we had for the town hall, do you have the listed party?
We set off the alarm, should be in CAD.
The receivers want me to do some research.
Sorry, can you go again, you’re cut out.
Yeah, you’re going to have to stand by one while I do some research.
10 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you phone Calway 20 at Antonio’s?
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
DRL was able to renew their registration roadside, a written warning was issued, I’m clear.
Go ahead 30.
Play 20241006011716.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:17:16

20, this is Vetch, you can throw me on scene.
This is 20.
Play 20241006011559.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:15:59

Dispatch, Alpha 20.
I’ve got a female, first name Hannah, that walked into the station.
She’s reporting some kind of assault that she was involved in at Antonio’s.
She’s headed back over to the subway, outside there.
She’d like to meet you there.
File a report.
Okay, received.
X1, Dispatch.
Got X1.
Clear 30-step.
Play 20241006011215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:12:15

30, dispatch.
Got him.
Stop collar street in front of the Amherst Lakers.
Be out with mask. 2F Foxtrot, V Victor, XX Ray, 3-7. All set.
20, dispatch.
Got him.
35 to mask, O-L-N, Sierra Alpha, 5-1-0-0-0-5-7. Clear.
X-1, dispatch.
X-1, income, dispatch.
Affirmative. He’s looking out at 30.
Play 20241006010609.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 01:06:09

20 to switch.
Skyward 20.
Stop triangle at Smith.
Mass 3, Zzulu, Wyankee, V Victor, 5-1, all set.
Play 20241006005815.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:58:15

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
10 and I are back in our cruisers.
Are you saved?
Play 20241006004832.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:48:32

20, this is Vetch.
Go ahead, 20.
Myself and 10 will be on foot in the Phillips nutting area.
Play 20241006003940.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:39:40

Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Kelsey-Wynn-Gonzalez, 812.2004, negative M&W.
I have a sandwich, Ma’am.
Excellent, Dispatch.
Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Operator’s off, Ma’am. Sierra Alpha 437-0134, clear with 35.
Dispatch to X-1, I got 437 and then after that, nothing. Can you just go with the 011 again?
Sure, Sierra Alpha 437-0134, 35 issue, over.
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show units clear from 1010 North Pleasant and you can assign me two AR numbers, one for Aiden and one for Kelsey.
Play 20241006003701.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:37:01

Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Go ahead.
I’m not finding an Aiden Malloy, common spelling of M-A-L-L-O-Y, with that data burst, for 704.
Dispatch, Alpha 20.
Go ahead.
Alpha 20, you said you had a wicker log, do you have an O-L-N for me?
It’s going to be Aiden.
Received, thank you.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you try running Aiden’s information with the last name Malloy, but spelled Mike, Oscar, Lima, Lima, Oscar, Yankee?
Received, I’ll try that.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
35 was issued to R-O, can you just change location from North Hampton at Lincoln, please?
I can do that.
Thank you.
Next one, Dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
Motor vehicle stop, North Pleasant by North Residential Drive, livery plate, Lima, Victor, Alpha, 2189, I’d amass.
10, Dispatch.
Dispatch, Alpha 10.
10, I found him.
10, Dispatch.
Dispatch, Alpha 10.
10, I found him.
Aiden Thomas Malloy, Jr., 472004, he is negative M&W, he’s out of Fortsdale, Massachusetts.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Looker lot, 10-10, North Pleasant, with Massillon S-Sierra, A-Alpha, 4660140.
Received, are you guys clear of the other one?
Added to the same one.
40, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Be clear, that party’s on with AFD.
Play 20241006003055.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:30:55

30, dispatch
Skylab 30
Skylab 30, Lincoln. VLF MASH 1-A-A-L-E-M-F-X-F-O-E-5, all set.
Tower, you need to slow down for me. Go again.
MASH 1-A-A-L-E-M-F-X-F-O-E-5, I’m all set.
10, dispatch
Hi, go ahead, 10.
Can you check in Aiden, Malloy, Alpha, India, Delta, Echo, November, Malloy, Common Spelling, State of Bird, 0-4-0-7-0-4
Play 20241006002752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:27:52

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Got another residence info when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
MAF 011 Sierra Alpha 3290 764.
Go ahead, 20.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Liquor law violation, E.D. Fearing.
Dispatch, Alpha 20.
Go ahead.
Rowan Hopkins 124 2004-MUW.
40 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
I got a Nicholas Hitchman.
Common spelling for Nicholas Hitchman is H-O-C-L-I-N-D-I-A-T-T-A-N-G-O-C-H-O-C-L-M-I-T-A-I-L-L-N-O-V-E-R.
The date of birth is going to be June 6th, er June 16th, 2007.
Should come back in a Melrose.
Received, thanks.
X-1 to 40.
Is that June Isle with a older sibling? Responsible adult?
Sorry, I just got a click.
X-1, he’s checking now.
Received, thanks.
10 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you add Michael Lally, Michael, common spelling, Lally, Lima, Alpha, Lima, Lima, Yankee, date of birth 05-1404, from New Jersey?
6-0 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 6.
I’m out with 10 and 20, we’re gonna go move those folks along, we just spoke to the resident.
6-0 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 6.
X-1’s in the area with the north and center carousel.
Received, X-1.
10 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
I have MAF-OLN, Sierra, 8-Alpha, 7590276, and then MAF-OLN, Sierra, 8-Alpha, 0791432.
Dispatch, I do 148.
Forty to dispatch.
Go ahead Forty.
You get anything back on Nicholas?
Affirmative, I tried calling you a couple times.
Nicholas, David Hitchman, 616-2007, negative M&W, he is out of Melrose.
Affirmative, service badge.
Go ahead Six-Zero.
Gonna get a M&W on a Massol and a Sierra, Alpha, 239-0861.
Just come back to us here and we’ll find her.
Forty to dispatch.
Standby Forty, dispatch, ID-60.
Go ahead.
911 is missing a number, can you give it to me one more time please?
That’s a Sierra, Alpha, 239-0861.
Thank you, thank you.
Dispatch, Six-Zero.
Go ahead.
Samuel Cole Finer, 94-2003, negative M&W on a Rockport Mass.
Twenty to dispatch.
Standby One, 911 line.
Twenty, I’m sorry, go ahead.
Laker Law in front of 10-10 North Pleasant.
Forty to dispatch.
Go ahead Forty.
We’re clear of the 35, he’s with responsible parties now.
Dispatch, Forty.
We head over to 38 Nutting, it’ll be on the sidewalk.
There’s a couple parties out with a female party, she’s ETOH.
She’s semi-responsive, we’ve got an ambulance responding.
38 Nutting.
Received, near spoke.
Dispatch on this one.
Clear North Pleasant Street.
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead.
In the area.
Play 20241006001225.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 06 00:12:25

I got liquor a lot of times, five actually, hold on.
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
We got the first one for you.
And Mike.
I got a second one for you, too.
Received. Could I get your location, please?
South Park, Banana Bank, America.
Forty dispatch, I got two more when you’re ready.
Good, I’m ready.
New Jersey, 10 kilo, 4527
And last is going to be New York, 784042747.
Forty dispatch, I have two more for you.
Received, one second.
Forty, go ahead.
And then I have another NASA OLN, it will be STIERRA 29525402.
Received, are you at the Bank of America, Center Town, or the ATM on East Plaza?
Dispatch, could you go again?
Which Bank of America are you at?
Right on South Pleasant, Amity.
10-Dispatch, Pope Unison, please.
20 to X-1, you want to start sliding this way? It’s going to be the house across from Grass View.
Received, what’s going on?
Probably 250 kids out front.
30 to X-1, you want me to slide that way as well, or you want me to stay center?
I’ll just stay central.
I’ll just stay central, we’ll see what’s going on.
20 to X-1, you want me to slide that way as well, or you want me to stay central?
I’ll just stay central, we’ll see what’s going on.
20 to X-1, you want me to slide that way as well, or you want me to stay central?
I’ll just stay central.
20 to X-1, you want me to slide that way as well, or you want me to stay central?
I’ll just stay central.
Go ahead.
We’ll be clear.
Received. Warnings, or…
Yeah, sorry, 35 to 5U.
Received. They’re all negative on the W as well.
X-1, 10 and 20.
Besides being a lot of people in the front yard, is there any active disturbance going on?
We’re still trying to locate the security guard.
Okay, received.
Don’t take any action up there. If you can’t find him, just move along.
When we get a legitimate complaint, we’ll handle it.
Okay, received. 20 to Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Could you give the RP a call? Tell him to maybe meet us at Hobart?
Thank you.
10 to X-1.
The residents of that house just flagged us down on Hobart.
They’re looking to get everyone out.
They said that their address got spread out on social media.
Their address got spread out on social media.
I’ll be up there in a few.
Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Can you give me an address when you get a moment?
10-10 North Pleasant.
Received, thank you. And the security guy, Mark, is on his way over.
Received. We’re on Hobart.


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