Data from 20240428
Play 20240428224231.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:42:31
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Witness to the crash, first name of Holly, common spelling.
Last name is going to be Renaud, R-Romeo, E-Echo, N-November, A-Alpha, U-Uniform, D-Delta.
DOB is 110 of 94, and she has a phone number of 413-686-7016.
Exchange form’s been completed and I’ll be clear.
Copy and received.
Play 20240428223335.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:33:35
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20240428223136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:31:36
30 dispatch.
Crash number over the air, please.
Go ahead.
Your number is 24-136-AC and the time is 22.02 on that.
Play 20240428222823.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:28:23
20 to 30.
Go ahead.
It makes sense now. He, uh, tore off his entire passenger driver’s side door.
Looks like it got hung up and he just ripped it off.
Crazy. Yeah, that’s what he said.
Play 20240428222510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:25:10
Go ahead.
I made contact.
He’s going to come meet us in the parking lot.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Play 20240428222248.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:22:48
30 Dispatch, Go Ahead 30, Is there any local name or address for the Subaru that 20 called in, it’s severely damaged, I’d like to have them come out here if I can find them.
Dispatch to 30 Subaru has a local address of 188 East Hadley Road, Apartment 140 Delta
30, Thank You
20 Dispatch, Is there a phone number for that at all?
20, There is no phone number on file for him at IMC
30, Thank You
30 Dispatch, Is there a phone number for that at all?
20 Dispatch, Go Ahead 20
Sorry, it was 140 D Delta for the local on that Subaru
It’s 140 D Delta
Appreciate it
Play 20240428221811.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:18:11
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The ascending vehicle is going to be NAVTC3NN, HHVV73.
Let me know if there’s an OLN for that, he handed me an Indian OLN.
Copy, standby.
Cabin crew, standby.
I’ll detach to 30….
Sorry, I didn’t need it, I just wanted to make sure that it was there.
Play 20240428221458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:14:58
20, switch.
I hit 20.
For the vehicles in the Mast, 7500, VZOF, Foxchart.
Play 20240428221215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:12:15
Thirty dispatch an area
Twenty dispatch
Can also put me in the boulders
Thank you
Twenty dispatch
Go ahead Twenty
The suspect vehicle was a white Subaru you said?
Twenty, the person that hit the other car is here talking to me
I receive
Play 20240428220656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:06:56
The RPU is calling from 138 in the boulders, he said he would point out the vehicle to
Should be a Subaru Outback, the one that was hit.
He believes the white Subaru who hit the other vehicle was by the mailbox kiosk by East Hadley
Play 20240428220454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 22:04:54
We have an R.P. on the phone who said he saw a car come into the parking lot and hit a
parked car.
He believes a white Subaru is still in the area.
He was the one that hit the other vehicle.
Play 20240428215432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 21:54:32
10 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
We talked to the RL. I will put the details in MDT. They’re moving along.
Play 20240428214528.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 21:45:28
I have a suspicious motor vehicle on next to Puffer’s Pond and Stage Street, it’ll be a New York PC L Lima B Bravo H Hotel 1166.
Play 20240428213915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 21:39:15
You can clear us from that call.
Thank you.
Play 20240428213457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 21:34:57
10, Dispatch?
Could you put me up on a follow-up
CAD for 24-222-0F?
Appreciate you.
And I’ll be at Amherst Market.
Appreciate you.
Play 20240428212312.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 21:23:12
Morning X-1, this is Red 2.
Play 20240428204036.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:40:36
20 X-1, clear for two.
Play 20240428202627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:26:27
I can see where the confusion may be, but it’s a bunch of flat and wet cardboard boxes.
I pulled them.
I’m clear.
Oh, received.
He said that it was so big that it was scraping the underneath of his vehicle.
Negative, just boxes.
Negative, just boxes.
Play 20240428202255.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:22:55
20 is pitch.
In the area.
Play 20240428202015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:20:15
20 is good.
You’re on 20.
If you put me on that Pelham Road call, I’m going to take it for the 30 car.
Thank you.
Play 20240428201627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:16:27
Can you take out a
We had one caller stating that there are chunks of deer in the road impeding
Thank you for meeting Adelaide Road.
Play 20240428201423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:14:23
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Watch it clean and clear.
That vehicle’s here and there’s no noise, nobody’s around it.
Thank you.
Play 20240428200742.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:07:42
Ready to dispatch.
Do you already have both parties’ information?
Greasebeam, we’ll be clear. Nothing physical, and we’ll narrate.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 30.
Can you take out a
RP was calling from Whipple Tree Lane, stated in the Meadowview Apartments first lot on the right.
There’s a grey Ford Escape.
Plate, KQO, P-PAPA, H-Hotel, 204. 204, it’s been blasting music.
This call originally came in at 1830.
He’s called multiple times. Been holding this one.
Greasebeam, I believe we usually send two to a
Dispatch, 20.
Copy, direct.
Play 20240428200306.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 20:03:06
Go ahead.
You all set down there?
We’re all set.
Play 20240428193744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 19:37:44
Sorry, it was 10 with the apartment rolling green.
It’s a negative, it’s 427, 427 Belchertown Road, Apartment B, Bravo.
30, Describe to Monsoon.
Very safe.
Play 20240428193432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 19:34:32
2010, take a domestic, 427 Belchertown Road, apartment B, Bravo, parties are now currently
We have a male party on the line saying his wife assaulted him, pushed him multiple times,
hit him in the face, threw water on him.
He’s outside at the moment, she’s inside the apartment.
10, receive 111.
I’ll go there for 20.
It’s going to be between Emma and Kurt Jacobson.
Play 20240428192129.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 19:21:29
X1 dispatch.
Play 20240428191245.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 19:12:45
X1 Dispatch, can you send me a
bags from this rickshaw lot at Fort Wood in front of the Fort Wood Inn?
X1, I’m passing through there. Now, is there other ones that were supposed to be picked up?
Play 20240428191044.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 19:10:44
That’s X-1.
Go ahead.
I need your dispatch call.
Affirm, and you can claim me from that mountain. You call.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m also clear.
Play 20240428190324.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 19:03:24
30 dispatch.
Can you assign me an AR for a 12?
ASD left before I was able to hand it to them, so if you could leave me on the call.
I need to go back to the back of it.
Play 20240428185830.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:58:30
30, 20, you guys gonna be all set, or do you need me to hang around?
20’s all set, he’s cooperative now.
Received, thanks.
86, dispatch.
Radio check.
ID86, dispatch.
Copy that, 86.
Copy, clear West Street.
Play 20240428185429.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:54:29
to 20. Good.
Chicapee PD is wondering
to what extent there should be concerns for their wife’s
I don’t know. I’m just
concerned based on his behavior here and the fact that it’s stemming from
a domestic with his wife.
Thank you.
Play 20240428184826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:48:26
X1 dispatch.
Still on X1.
Do you have an identification on the individuals that they’re dealing with?
Negative, still waiting for that.
Received. Last name, I-India, B-Bravo, R-Romeo, A-Alpha, H-Hotel, I-India, M-Mike.
First name, Ahmed, A-Alpha, H-Hotel, M-Mike, E-Echo, D-Delta.
I’m looking at an Iraqi passport, but it looks like a DOP of March 1st, 1991.
Thank you.
Play 20240428184425.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:44:25
30 to 8-6.
He’s saying all those belongings might be in a burning bath.
Can you ask if he was wearing white sandals and all of the drab-type pants?
That’s a movie.
Received. We’ve located that file in the original RPC yard.
So we’ll leave that to your location.
He’s in the car, is burning, on a kind of drug.
He’s saying he was talking to God and then he thought he died.
This is how he took off all the clothes.
Play 20240428183817.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:38:17
30, 20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
What’s the address of the RO on the vehicle here?
I don’t know.
It could be Mass 147, School Street.
20 to X1.
Go ahead.
Alright, I have Chickapee PD do a well-being check on the wife here.
This story’s not making sense, but it stems from an argument he had with his wife, I guess.
Yeah, affirm. See if they can gather more.
Dispatch, Chickapee, if you could have them at least check on the well-being and maybe she can provide the other half of the story.
Received. Is Fatima his wife?
Received. We’ll give him a call.
Play 20240428183538.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:35:38
Can you start AFG, we keep shaking our clothes off, we’re wondering if it’s 10-4-10 delirium.
X-1 dispatch. Go ahead, X-1. Can you tell me what the address was of the original caller?
UV-33, Mountain View Circle.
Play 20240428182916.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:29:16
How do you think this fish
In the area of the West Street call
20 days
Says it’s Nissan rogues parked on the road. Would you be able to see if it’s unlocked and he has any clothes in there?
Sure, Matt West Street or Mountain View
Mountain View he said it’s on Mountain View I
Didn’t see it, but we’re behind the house. That’s on the corner of West and Mountain View
Says he works at 32 Mountain View has a car with his clothing in it
Maddie I cut you off. Where’s the vehicle be?
Possibly at 32 Mountain View where he says he works
There’s a bunch of vehicles here remind me again what this party could be driving
Mask PC4 x-ray box shot Yankee 6-7 he’s on rogue
believe car Brown
Rishi you’ve got it. Thank you
In the area
And a sheet
It’s better than what he has now, which is nothing
Play 20240428182401.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:24:01
To 20, 30.
Go ahead.
Who are you?
Taking a party call.
Saying that Mel Pardee is now laying in the back of the house, the yellow house.
He also does not know the number of the house.
However, when he did go speak to the…
They stated that it was one of their counselors.
I’m going to start heading that way as well.
Stay safe.
Dispatch to responding units.
It could potentially be a Fatma Mustafa 522-1997 Sierra 520-50221.
The calling party gave us a Mass BC 4 X-ray Foxtrot Y Yankee 6-7 that he believes is that party’s.
Dispatch, can you please repeat that plate?
30, I think you found the house that’s the corner of Mountain View and West, the yellow house, right on the corner.
That’s just south of Mountain View.
Are you saving him fully on scene now?
Yeah, you’ll cut him off. He’s headed out to West Street. If you just keep going straight a little bit.
You said he’s on West Street?
He’s walking from behind the house onto West Street, this yellow house right here.
He’s behind the house.
Play 20240428181758.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:17:58
Dispatch, Charlie 30, 20, 30, 20.
Ticket suspicious in the area of 33 Mountain View Circle.
My calling party is calling from 33 Mountain View Circle.
It’s a light-skinned, approximately 30 male
with brown hair, was walking naked in her yard,
and is now currently in her neighbor’s yard.
If you’re looking at her house, it’s going to be to the right,
the yellow house.
30, received. I’ll show her.
Received. Middle school.
20, you just keep the caller on the line,
let us know if he goes anywhere.
20, we already disconnected
because the calling party couldn’t see him anymore,
but we can call back if you want.
Eh, never mind.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
There’s a group home at 32 Mountain View.
I don’t know if they have males there,
but can you just call them and see if they’re missing anyone?
Play 20240428180424.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 18:04:24
ID 122 Dispatch
I’m Signal 1 OWD at the Mullins Center for a concert
Play 20240428174033.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:40:33
30, dispatch.
Situation was mediated and Andrews left the scene. We will all be clear.
Play 20240428173754.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:37:54
How do you take dispatch?
Go ahead, 8-6.
Eagle’s on the hook with Ernie. All units clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240428172705.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:27:05
Can you take a disturbance at 18 Main Street, Russell’s Liquors, RP is an employee stating
a male party will not leave, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description
of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party,
he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2,
180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying
to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for
the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description
of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party,
he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2,
180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying
to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for
the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description
of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party,
he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180
pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying
to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for
the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description
of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party,
he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180
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to get up for the description of the party, he’s 6’2, 180 pounds, trying to get up for
Play 20240428172019.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:20:19
That’s 8-6.
Go ahead.
Our ace is en route.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240428171809.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:18:09
9-8-6, dispatch.
Please start a wrecker my way.
It’s going to be right off the Mattoon Street High School parking lot.
And it’s an all-wheel drive Subaru. If that makes a difference, you might need to flap it.
Ready, dispatch.
I’ll be clear. I’m not sure which direction that vehicle went, but I haven’t been able to catch up to it on South Pleasant.
And this is past Van West.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
On scene at the Narae King Residence.
Play 20240428171420.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:14:20
Dispatch to Charlie 30.
Motor vehicle
Last seen, Palmar coach headed towards the West Street Rotary.
It’s a Mass PC1 Sierra X-Ray Tango 98. Comes back on a 2020 Lexus, color blue.
Calling party states that it was driving in the middle of the road the full length of Palmar.
The calling party is no longer behind it and has no idea which way it went on the Rotary.
Are you speaking to me?
You come back out of Belcher Town.
Are you speaking to someone on West Street?
10 Dispatch.
We’re on scene with 86.
Play 20240428171053.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:10:53
Dispatch, I show an expired non-renewable, you telling me it’s suspended or is it expired?
What do you see?
Anyone near the high school? I left my site book on my desk, it’s not where it needs to be right now.
Yeah, affirmative, I’ll swing by.
Thank you.
Play 20240428170730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:07:30
I need to fix the switch.
I’m clear at Kellogg, and I’m out in the high school parking lot with MASS 2, B-Bravo, C-Charlie, XX-Ray, 3-3.
I have the RO as the operator. I know he towed this car last night, and his registration is expired, non-renewable.
Can you check to see why it’s non-renewable, please? Do a KQ on him.
Play 20240428170425.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 17:04:25
Dispatch, it’s 20.
Can you take a well-being check? 21 East Pleasant Street.
It’s going to be for an Elizabeth Faith noise.
The RP was Narae King.
She stated she believes she overheard Faith say that she wanted to jump off the building.
That was 321 East Pleasant.
See you.
Play 20240428165902.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 16:59:02
I have that arrest number on the air, please.
Air number is 331, 331.
Received, thank you. Is that a overland come back?
Yes, it is.
Okay, he comes back to Rabbi Armani, 429-2002.
Suspended out of MedZone.
Negative M&W, no BOP.
Okay, received. He received his TBL citation. I’m going to be clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240428165609.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 16:56:09
8-6, are you trying to get dispatch?
Yeah, affirmative. I’m not coming over.
Let me cut off at first.
Okay. Are you reading me now?
Very well. Follow up, CAB, please.
I’ll be out at 28 Kellogg in reference to call 7876 last night.
I’m going to have IP here and I’m going to need an arrest number for a QBL ticket.
Let me know when you’re ready.
All right.
The IP is going to be MAP Sierra 193-82238.
Shoot it up back to a party out at Medfield.
Play 20240428162533.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 16:25:33
5 hour and is complete static on our end
Play 20240428162224.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 16:22:24
10 Dispatch.
We’re on scene.
Play 20240428161355.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 16:13:55
Dispatch, this is 10.
Can you take a
AFD’s en route.
Play 20240428153918.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 15:39:18
1-11 to pitch
Go ahead, 1-11
Operator, Massachira Alpha 0-5-6-0-4-2-9
I’ll take a guide whenever I get on the port, when I’m clear from it
Play 20240428153604.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 15:36:04
111, dispatch.
Go ahead, 111.
I’m going to be out on a stop on Beltstone Road by the Chinese Church, Mass 1, W Whiskey, W Whiskey, Bravo, 7-1, all set.
Play 20240428151411.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 15:14:11
Negative service, that involved party was not at the residence, you can show both hands
Play 20240428150807.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 15:08:07
30, dismissed.
30, go ahead.
I can show myself a 20 out on bomb right.
Play 20240428142745.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 14:27:45
30X1 clear for two.
20X1 clear for two.
Play 20240428142119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 14:21:19
I’ll be clear with that OEP number, I’ll narrate.
Play 20240428140136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 14:01:36
This is 30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you assign me an OF number over the air?
Play 20240428135700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 13:57:00
30, you just messaged me.
Go ahead, Jerry.
Marty, here’s Alpha-Mass. SCR-16481741.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Thank you.
Dispatch to 30.
Active OLN, negative M&W, 26 adult. Looks like active probation.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
It’s verbal only at this time. I’ll narrate and show all units clear.
Roger, you’re changing again on 5?
I appreciate you, thank you.
Follow the RP from Rolling Green. He’s going to meet you outside. I advise from the delay.
Rishi, you can show me in the area.
Rishi, I’m not sure if I told you, but I have the vehicle and owner’s information.
Dispatch to X1.
Do you want that coded as the 62 that it currently is, or domestic, or something else?
We get it.
Play 20240428133523.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 13:35:23
That’s 20. Next one.
Next one.
427 Belstown Road. Got a verbal dispute between husband and wife going through a divorce.
Male attempted a Q5 via a bottle of Tylenol.
He swallowed multiple pills. He’s now coming towards her.
I’ll update you more.
Update you more.
30, I’m gonna call you off. I have a suspicious call. I need you to head down to 427 Belstown Road as well, since you’re closer.
She’s pretty scared of him right now.
Rishi, uh, Bouchertown and Stanley.
Okay, he’s conscious and alive. There’s no
The issue is the probable disturbance.
He’s denying the Q5 attempt.
She witnessed it.
She moved herself. She’s outside standing near the barn as you pull in.
Rishi, pull in from the Bouchertown or the southeast.
I’m sorry, you go again?
The barn on the Bouchertown roadside or the southeast street side.
If you go on the driveway directly across from Rowan Green, she’s going to be right outside.
If you go on the driveway, she’ll be right there.
Dispatch to 30.
That’s his time.
Safety is not en route just due to the scene.
She believes he spit out most of the pills once he realized she’s on the line with 911.
His name is Kurt Dickinson and there’s no known weapons inside the house except maybe a wood chopping axe.
Wood chopping axe.
30, dispatch, you can show me in the area.
Rishi, we’re going to stay on the line with a teammate contact.
20, dispatch, myself and X1 in the area.
Thank you.
Play 20240428132755.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 13:27:55
Dispatch to, uh, let’s go to Bravo 30.
30, can you hear me on the rolling green apartments in the parking lot outside of 25?
You’re looking for a 2019 gray Kia Sorento.
Our crews entered this vehicle to find that someone had been inside it at some point over the weekend.
There’s some broken plastic from underneath the steering column.
The car won’t start.
Might be some issues with the wiring underneath as well.
I believe somebody attempted to steal it.
We would like it documented and investigated.
I do have the plate and RP info.
Play 20240428131518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 13:15:18
30X1 clear for two.
Play 20240428130453.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 13:04:53
30 dispatches.
Go ahead, Tony.
I just spoke with the Hadley officer on scene. He advised that it is indeed in Hadley, so he’s going to take care of it.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240428130119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 13:01:19
Dispatch, 10-30.
I called the heavy back, told them to run away, they just had a unit arrive on scene.
Who advises it is indeed an Amherst for the dispatch.
So I will need vehicle and operator info.
Receipt, you can show me in the area.
Play 20240428125717.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 12:57:17
20, can you head down to the F.L. Roberts,
North Hampton Road,
two-car accident in the parking lot, no injuries.
How he was en route,
the description the I.P. gave us was that
he was just over the line at the Hathi,
now he called back saying it’s actually Amherst.
30 to 20, I’m going to take that for you.
Still alive.
Received, dispatch, you can show me responding from Triangle.
Play 20240428121453.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 12:14:53
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Information is exchanged.
Ernie is going to have the Mazda on the hook.
I’ll be clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240428120423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 12:04:23
20, this is Hatch.
We’ve got a 20.
Okay, crash over, please.
11-35, 1-3-5, time of the call was 11-30.
Received, thank you.
Thank you.
Can you give me a 4, please?
Play 20240428114336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 11:43:36
20 dispatch, go ahead 20
Operator of the Mazda is going to be MASS ASIRA AALPHA 9850996
should come back to Natalia Rubanskaya Data Bird 090490
Second operator, operator of the jeep is going to be MASS ASIRA AALPHA 5461133
should come back to a Bing Yong Jen Data Bird 522000
Can you give me that plate number then? The one that I was provided by the RP is not correct
The one for the jeep or the Mazda?
The jeep, actually I think I got it from Bing Yong’s 015GGP28, is that correct?
Ok, thank you, all vehicles and operators are negative active all around
Appreciate it, thank you
Thank you
Clear for a hook on the Mazda
Is that not drivable?
Negative, the front bumper is pushed into the front tire
20 dispatch
On the line, 30 dispatch do you speak?
Appreciate it, thank you
Go ahead
Are you also in traffic?
Negative, no traffic, we’re in the parking lot
Appreciate it
20, you’re hooked as a hoop
Play 20240428113336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 11:33:36
Dispatch, this is X-1.
We have a pending minor motor vehicle accident in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church up north. No injuries.
Where is he?
30, this is X-1. Do you want me to slide over that way?
Stand by, 30. X-1 is wanting you.
Got it.
You’re all set.
Affirmative. Clear to hear now.
Received. Be safe guys. My office is on the way.
Dispatch, this is 20.
Got it.
You’re heading to the back parking lot of the First Baptist Church, 434 North Pleasant Street. They’re in the middle of the parking lot.
You are looking for a grey Mazda 3 and I believe a blue Honda CR-V. I just need operators.
Received. I’m clear from here. I’ll narrate to you guys. Over there.
Play 20240428112334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 11:23:34
Dispatch to 20, you also?
Affirmative, it should be clear here shortly.
Play 20240428105643.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 10:56:43
Tony to Inspection, do you read us?
Appreciate it, Tony. I know when Chris told him yesterday he wasn’t too cooperative, he walked out of their office on them, said he’d meet them later on and he never did.
Um, there’s no distribution on the CADs from yesterday.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20240428105402.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 10:54:02
Can you hear to the vicinity of 320, 320 North Pleasant Street, RP is with a male party having
some type of emotional breakdown.
I believe it’s a party that mid-shift and Crest dealt with yesterday.
Um, he’s still having a schizophrenic episode.
He’s calm and cooperative.
He’s making statements about family members being killed a block away.
He’s asked by RP to call police, but won’t say when.
He’s asking for help.
Play 20240428105151.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 10:51:51
20X1, cleared for a jump.
20, stand by 1, I’ve got a pending call. I’ll get details to you in a sec.
Play 20240428100738.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 10:07:38
And dispatch
We ended up it’s a 146
Is where the
Party that a FD transported ended up last night
Can you add Polly into that cat, please?
Play 20240428100605.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 10:06:05
I’ll take an offense number and all units be clear from village.
Play 20240428095154.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:51:54
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Just a verbal altercation. That second party has left.
I can show you and it’s clear and I’ll narrate.
Play 20240428094755.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:47:55
Plenty of dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
United 10-9, Mast, SCRA Alpha 195 1032.
20, your info’s up.
Got it.
Stand up, Joe. Negative, M&W. Suspended OLN 49 on the adult.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240428094528.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:45:28
Dispatch, this is X1.
Go ahead.
The registered owner of that vehicle we spoke about does indeed have a valid OLN.
The MDTs were just very slow.
Tony, Dispatch, can you show me the area?
Roger, Tony.
30, Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Roger, Tony.
30 to 20, I see the one guy over here at the median.
I don’t see anybody over at Ginger Garden though.
I see. Yeah, I’m going to get out and speak to the guy right at the median.
Play 20240428094120.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:41:20
Dispatch to 30, 20.
KJ, route 9 at University Drive, vicinity of the ginger garden, two subjects, panhandling, arguing with each other, no other details, they came in through Hadley.
30 receive, selfies.
20 receive, remain.
Dispatch to responding units, one description is a short Hispanic male with a hoodie, the other is a lighter set white male wearing boots.
Dispatch to X-1.
Go ahead.
Another phone call, need to get a minute.
Play 20240428091624.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:16:24
ID 122 dispatch, I’m on scene.
Received 122.
Play 20240428091037.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:10:37
6-0, dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-0.
Could you put myself and ID 1221 on this call? We’re both heading up the road part.
75-0, sir. Will do.
Play 20240428090554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:05:54
6-0 to X-1.
6-0 to Bravo 10.
6-0 to X-1.
6-8 is in the back of the ambulance, so he might not be able to hear you.
Okay. Just checking to see if he needs anything.
And I spoke to the 1-22. I know he had called him earlier.
Does he still need him to fly up there?
I think I can cover this part of it.
At some point, I think he’s going to need to go to base with her, I believe.
Okay. I’ll touch base with him and have him fly up that way.
Play 20240428090044.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 09:00:44
40, I copy.
You want me to fly up there with them?
We should be all set.
X-Files 10.
Was mom there with that party?
Go again.
X-Files 10.
Go ahead, X-Files.
X-Files 10.
Play 20240428085547.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 08:55:47
10-X1, want to give me a call on my phone, please?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240428085209.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 08:52:09
Stand dispatch, on scene.
Play 20240428084728.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 08:47:28
10, can you assist with a
Play 20240428073023.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 07:30:23
30, you’re stuck.
Go ahead, 30.
She has stopped screaming.
She doesn’t want to talk to us, to be clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240428072815.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 07:28:15
20 Dispatch, Encole Neal
Radio suit 20
30 Dispatch, you say it was the southeast side bus stop?
No, I just realized that’s where CAD showed, it’s supposed to be the route 9 side
CAD swapped it around, I’m sorry
Radio suit, I’m in the area as well
Radio suit
Play 20240428072447.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 07:24:47
Dispatch, 30, 20.
We’re heading to Colonial Village on Belch-Chun Road, closer to the main entrance from the Route 9 side by the bus stop.
Erica is outside, screaming on top of her lungs. They’re not sure what’s going on with her. She appears to be alone.
30, receive 1-11.
Play 20240428065429.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:54:29
We’re going to have that vehicle, the two occupants I called in, got a ride from that
second vehicle I called in.
Can you issue a crew map?
If you can assign me an air summon, we’ll be clear.
Play 20240428065041.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:50:41
I’ll tell you just that, Tony’s not…
Appreciate it, Tony.
Play 20240428064447.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:44:47
30, this is it.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you also add to the CADMAS 5JJTBB77?
Roger. Do you need me to retry that or are you all set?
All set.
Play 20240428063507.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:35:07
X1 to 20.
Got it, sir.
10’s down there, you can head back towards the center.
All my cars down there.
That was 30, you need 3.
10, X1.
10, X1.
I’ll head back and 20 will remain on scene.
10, X1.
Copy, direct.
Play 20240428063327.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:33:27
10 bow at 30.
Play 20240428063217.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:32:17
20, 30
Go ahead
106, just show up at the garage and we’ll get to you
I have a 57 here
Play 20240428063042.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:30:42
Sturdy Dispatch.
Go ahead, Sturdy.
Can you run a VIN?
J. Juliet.
10-November-J. Juliet-Diego-V-Victor-7-A-Alpha-R-Romeo-9-L-Lima-M-Mike-25-234-3.
Affirmative. Stand by.
Stand by.
Sturdy Dispatch.
Go ahead, Sturdy.
Operator here is off the mast. SDRA Alpha 4-3-7-0-6-1-5.
And can you run a passenger? First name, J. Juliet-A-D-Delta-A-Alpha.
Last name, B-Bravo-O-Oscar-A-T-Tango-E-Echo-N-D-G-8-14-03.
Affirmative. At first glance, that VIN came back no match, so I’m going to do a little bit more digging. Stand by one.
Received. I think I have it here. It should be associated with Master Edge 3-M-Mike-B-Bravo-E-Echo-7-3, which is also revoked.
Heresy, is it Black-Infinity?
Yeah, affirmative.
Yeah, that’s affirmative. VIN matches except for one digit. Probably just clerical.
So that’s affirmative. Back on a 2020-50-Q-50-Hill-O-Black to the operator that you called in, Wilmot-Dennis, and that is revoked for insurance.
He is negative M&W. He has three on the adult, active. Your passenger, Jada, is active at a Worcester as well. Negative M&W, negative up.
Cleared for load.
Heresy, 30-Dispatch-Com.
On the line.
Heresy, 20.
The hook is en route.
Play 20240428062259.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:22:59
Dirty Dispatch.
Go ahead, Dirty.
That, uh, vehicle I called out.
I’m gonna be on a
Looks like it’s attached plate to a different vehicle.
Dirty Dispatch to 20.
Copy direction.
Play 20240428061818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 06:18:18
3rd, yes ma’am.
Copy 3rd.
7-9 in town, Mast, Redge, 3H Hotel, SCR XX, Ray 6-3.
Move to the intel’s up when you’re ready.
Negative 10-9, revoke to insurance, 2010 Hyundai Sonata, color white.
To a surge, SRP 496.
His status is expired. Non-renew, negative M&W, none on the adult, negative cadistry.
That’s it.
Play 20240428033838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:38:38
Very different.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m going to MDT the two residents here.
They’re international students.
And the
And they were issued warnings. Be clear.
Very safe.
Play 20240428033347.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:33:47
30 dispatch, department E, echo.
Go ahead.
There’s no history with this location since 2016.
Play 20240428033127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:31:27
There it is, that chopper.
3 to keep 30.
20 dispatch to the chopper please.
Received 20.
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
You’re going to be building 95 over to the apartment in a sec.
Thank you. Building 95.
Play 20240428032922.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:29:22
There it is. What was the address of that?
South Point, building 99. RP is in unit A.
Doesn’t know the apartment of the noise, but said you’ll hear him playing karaoke.
Call’s in there finally.
Play 20240428032744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:27:44
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you assign me an AR summons for Joyce, that party I called in?
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
The North Point has been dealt with.
If you can assign me two numbers for the two parties I called in, and units will be clear.
Appreciate it.
Dispatch, Alpha 30, 20.
I have a
My caller is at unit AL, but she doesn’t know the unit of the noise, but she said you’ll be able to hear it.
Clear, 10.
Play 20240428032050.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:20:50
Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Go ahead.
Alpha 10, gentleman’s out in Indiana. He’s negative M and W.
Dispatch, Alpha 30.
Play 20240428031819.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:18:19
10, I got nothing coming back on that Lowe’s Julian out of New Jersey.
I have a UMass ID I’ll try to work it out with the UMPD officers.
Thank you.
Go ahead 30.
Can you add a resident? Maryland ID 10273814852.
Play 20240428031453.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:14:53
We have one resident over here.
30 just passed.
I had 30.
I had Ohio, O-Land, C-Victory, Alpha, 5-8-1-0-0-2.
I had Alpha 10.
Can you add first name, Lima, Oscar, Uniform, Charlie, Echo, Middle Initial, Kilo, Last Name, Julian, Julius, Uniform, Lima, India, Echo, November, Date of Birth, 7-24-03, Out of New Jersey.
10, can you go again with the first name?
Lois, Lima, Oscar, Uniform, Charlie, Echo.
Play 20240428031100.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:11:00
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
30, do you have that vehicle? We’ll take us up when they are. We’ll be clear.
Next one is 20.
Make your way down here.
Next one is 20.
Go ahead, next one.
Excuse me, if UMAS has a couple of officers they can send this one.
Next one is 20.
Dispatch, X-1.
Two units on the way.
Thank you.
Dispatch, X-1.
20 dispatch, X-1.
Play 20240428030651.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:06:51
10, this is Dutch.
Go ahead, 10.
How many lift employees with KIFS are you at?
10, this is Dutch.
Yeah, back in February there was a registered party, loud music.
FO called and warned them. That’s the only recent thing I’ve got.
10, this is Dutch.
Go ahead, F1.
10, this is Dutch.
This is Dutch, 10.
November 5th of last year we had a summons arrest to Arthur Turner.
They’d received two warnings and he was summonsed back in November.
Play 20240428030359.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:03:59
Amish is when you get there and have a chance I’ll need a better address the address the first caller gave me
comes back to the intersection
Need a house number when you get there the house number she gave me comes back to an intersection East Hadley at Columbia
And the area
They’re dispatching in the area
Play 20240428030007.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 03:00:07
Dispatch, 30, X-1.
30, X-1.
51 East Hadley Road, I got a call there for a
Second resident just called from Columbia Drive, 25 Columbia Drive.
She said there’s fighting between men and women.
She doesn’t see any weapons, just pushing and shoving.
A little over 50 cars down there, a couple hundred people.
30, receive.
10’s en route.
Thank you, 10.
Play 20240428025600.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 02:56:00
20 Dispatcher, he’s on scene.
Play 20240428024046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 02:40:46
20 this much.
Stop Triangle Smith.
We’re out with Mast 24, Vector 130.
Showing remote for insurance.
Received, Sam.
Received, respond.
Over to you, Dean.
10 for 20.
Piper 20, your info is up when you’re ready.
I’m just making sure you’re all set, I have your info when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
Yeah, right here, it’s going to be MASS, ACERA, A-ALPHA, 4-6-5-0-3-0-1.
Confirming that vehicle is revolved on a 2014 Hyundai Accent, color white, to a Martha
Apology out of Worcester.
And I’ll run the operator.
Clear for the hook, revoke for insurance.
Copy, direct.
Jelfa 20.
Go ahead.
Ernie, this is Root. I’m going to send for a certified copy.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240428021842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 02:18:42
Yeah, I’m going to be clear,
hip pain.
So, could you please recode this to assist
20 to search.
Go ahead, 20.
I need you to have that vehicle site positioned to be IRL, I’m clear.
Play 20240428021317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 02:13:17
Torrey Dispatcher, he’s on scene.
Play 20240428020523.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 02:05:23
Dispatch, Alpha 20.
20, is he on with the operator?
Thank you.
And our news is en route.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20240428020032.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 02:00:32
10 in this section.
Go ahead, 10.
In the area.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you start him? He’s complaining of head pain. He can’t get up.
Received, head pain.
20, X1.
Cleared for launch.
Received, dispatch. Copy.
I did. I’ll call him.
30, dispatch.
Party in need of
And his brother is massed at 0161-375-30.
Play 20240428015648.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:56:48
Dispatch, Alpha 20.
20, Dispatch, one more stop.
Dispatch, Alpha 30. 10.
You check Main Street by Pasta Basta.
Collar stairs, two men attempting to walk.
They’re both currently on the ground.
They believe that the two parties are ETH.
She noticed them walking a little bit earlier,
and they were stumbling around, falling to the ground.
Now they’re both on the ground.
30, this is Shay.
10 receives, time.
20, Dispatch.
Stop ferry nutting.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
Showing expired, no renewable.
Stop ferry nutting.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
Showing expired, no renewable.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
Showing expired, no renewable.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
Showing expired, no renewable.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
Stop ferry nutting.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
Stop ferry nutting.
It’s going to be Mast 2B Bravo C Charlie XX Ray 33.
10 for 10.
The caller said there are two twin males, both wearing shorts and T-shirts.
White males.
She sees him out the window.
She’s knitted a pink dress.
Anti-aircraft running $10 per shot at 45m
Go ahead, 8-6.
Source of the irritation over here is 28 Kellogg. We’ll have to follow up with them later.
No one appears to be home, but I was able to get the music turned up.
No one appears to be home, but I was able to get the music turned up.
Go ahead, 8-6.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Did you confirm that the registration’s expired on a renewable?
That’s affirmative. Expired non-renewable 2012 Subaru Impreza, color blue.
The expiration date 3-31-2024, and it is filled to pay fine.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
30, dispatch. I’m on Main Street.
Yep, right in front of 111.
Play 20240428014817.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:48:17
How do you check this out?
I don’t know how to check.
I’m out on Kellogg.
Play 20240428014523.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:45:23
Are you in Sixth Dispatch?
I am.
Clear Chestnut Court. GOA.
What’s the next pending?
Transfer over on Kayog, I don’t have a house number. The complainant was at Ann Whalen.
Call came in at uh…
Just after 12.30 this morning.
Was out partying at one of the houses on Kayog.
Alright, I’ll slide by Kayog, see if anything’s going on.
Play 20240428014140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:41:40
10, dispatched.
Go ahead, 10.
MAF, Sierra Alpha, 573, 0691, 35 issued, clear.
Go ahead, 86.
Where’s the oldest
The oldest
The resident that lives there, swearing.
And that call’s from 2348.
No second call?
No second call.
All right, I’ll do a swing by of that one.
30, dispatched.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s up, MAF.
Oland, Sierra, 680, 376, 12, clear 35.
86, dispatched.
Go ahead, 86.
On Chestnut Court.
Play 20240428013751.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:37:51
30 dispatch.
Go ahead.
West street at country corner is MAF 8C Charlie EECO 225.
All set.
Play 20240428013614.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:36:14
Dial check one.
Ten dispatched.
Go ahead, ten.
Main at Dickinson, Mast PC4, J Julia, D Delta, E Echo, five seven, all set.
Go ahead.
How do you check the echo?
Maybe time to kick the extra help, reshuffle before you start dispatching some noises.
Appreciate it.
Anyone hearing extra help can signal two and do CADS or clean up any paperwork you have before you secure.
Forty received.
Play 20240428013046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:30:46
10, dispatch.
Dickinson at College, FTC 5, Bravo, X-ray, Sierra, 4-9, all set.
21, dispatch, I’ll be out with him.
22, dispatch.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
200 passengers in the vehicle here.
To Connecticut, 089487521.
I can do that.
Have the information on the passenger, if you’re ready.
L21, looking for that.
Thank you, 21.
Go ahead.
Marcelino, La Bella.
810, 2000 feet.
Go ahead.
Marcelino, La Bella.
810, 2001.
The bell voice inside of Connecticut is negative MNW and no matching in mass.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, Alpha 10.
Clear 35 CRL.
Play 20240428012253.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:22:53
There’s no ongoing disturbance here, and Erica does not want her services at this time, we will be clear.
50 30 111.
Okay, I have the AED.
Received. I’m at the southeast street entrance, you want me to swing back there?
No, turn around, I’m coming.
Play 20240428011709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:17:09
21 is fetched.
Go ahead, 21.
I’ll be in Colonial.
40 dispatch, I’m here.
Received, 40.
I’ll be in Colonial.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Can you remind me of Loper’s address?
Um, I gotta remind myself, I’m sorry, one second.
Apartment 40.
Received, thank you.
Go ahead, 40.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240428011320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:13:20
Dispatch, Alpha 30…40…30…40
Calling the village, Apartment 25, Erica Fiori called the FO direct.
She’s claiming that Tehran worker just came down and tried to kick in her door.
She’s looking for assistance.
Received, in the area.
Received, she said Loper took off.
40 received, be pleasant.
Play 20240428011040.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:10:40
10, dispatch.
That party’s no longer on scene.
He’s on the left of an Uber, so…
No one else here needs attention, I’ll be clear.
Play 20240428010710.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:07:10
30 this way.
35 to BRO, clear.
Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Could you check the area 181 Thunderland Road?
A male caller said that he needed an ambulance for a friend that was ETH, possible alcohol poisoning.
There was other friends in the background screaming, no ambulance, and then our caller hung up.
Can you just check that area and see if anybody’s in need of
10, dispatch.
I’m in the area, what’s the number address again?
The caller said he was in the area of 181 Thunderland Road, which led us to believe he was outside there.
Play 20240428010250.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 01:02:50
30 just there.
I had 30.
Stop, North Pleasant at Kellogg.
Florida Reg 04A-MICQQQ.
I’m off it.
Play 20240428005457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:54:57
30 this way.
Skyhawk 30.
Cleared 35 with RO.
Play 20240428005330.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:53:30
30 dismissed.
Go ahead 30.
Stop Belchon Road at Gatehouse, Mass 2, Be Bravo, Z Zulu, J Juliet, 9 8, Awesome.
30 dismissed.
Play 20240428004437.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:44:37
Ten, dispatch.
Clear, 35 for the TRL.
I’m on a MDTU or something.
Play 20240428003906.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:39:06
Forty, this is Mission.
Thirty-five issued to the residents here, all controls clear.
Received, they were both negative.
Ten, dispatch.
Ten, ten.
North Pleasant, front off, Theta, Chi, SPC-4, ZZL, G-G, R-R, two-seven, all set.
Play 20240428003613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:36:13
Forty to special.
Couple I.B.’s here. First one’s off of NAPS.
SCRA Alpha 3670920.
Second one also off of NAPS.
SCRA Alpha 3930285.
The third is going to be off of Rhode Island, Orlando.
I just got one.
Play 20240428003347.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:33:47
X-1, this is X-1.
Go ahead, X-1.
I saw a 20 when I clicked.
Play 20240428003151.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:31:51
Forty dispatching.
Go ahead, Forty.
You can update that location to 49-Hunter Hill.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240428003031.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:30:31
4, do you dispatch in the area?
Received, Paddy.
Play 20240428002834.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:28:34
Match 30.
I tried one on that vehicle, Mast 7506K. I tried one as the A00. I’m not getting anything back on that.
Racy, I’m getting a… it was active in January and then cancelled in February on my end. I don’t know if you can confirm that.
You got more than I did. I haven’t gotten anything back.
I’m talking about the 2001 Chevy Eagle.
30 dispatch, I got it. I’m all set.
Racy, I ran a VZ. It just came back.
40 dispatch.
Small gathering here. 35 issued to that residence. If you can show us clear.
Racy, January East with negative M&W.
Racy, thank you.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
35 to the RO, clear.
Dispatch, Alpha 40.
Sorry, I have one more. It’s down south.
The RP is calling from Hunter Hill Circle. He’s at 56. He said it’s a few houses down from his. It’s a lot of yelling and screaming at a house party. Like, fun yelling and screaming.
Racy, I’m on my way.
Racy, from West Street.
Play 20240428002412.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:24:12
30 to start.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop, North Pleasant by McClellan, Mast 7506.
Kilo, all after 9-10, please.
40 to flash.
Go ahead, 40.
40 on scene, the house is 559 West.
Are we safe?
Go ahead, 40.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Resident here is going to be off the map at Sierra 733-5544.
Play 20240428002058.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:20:58
Forty dispatch on scene.
Three is to Forty.
Play 20240428001434.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:14:34
Next one is…
Yeah, that’s one.
Uh, thank you.
Really safe.
Play 20240428001243.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:12:43
20 X 1
Do you want me to enter that
Nah, they’re a two man car
There it is
Play 20240428001050.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:10:50
X-1 to switch.
Got X-1.
Put me in a row to Mike and Al.
30 to switch.
35 to the RL clear.
Dispatch, Alpha 30, 40.
Alpha 30, disregard.
Dispatch, Alpha 40.
If you can hear us complain, it’s going to be 559 West Street.
RP’s reporting loud music coming from the neighboring house.
Call Cayman at 11, or excuse me, at midnight.
40 received, North Pleasant.
Play 20240428000746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:07:46
Yeah, 20, dispatch, 21, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Per AFD, they’re asking if you can dispatch Engine 1 here.
The male party just passed out again.
Receive, requesting Engine 1, we’ll get him going.
30, go ahead.
Go ahead, 30.
Stopped, Kellogg by Bolt Woodmass, 3F Fox, he echoes you, Zulu 7216.
Can you give me the last two numbers again?
Thank you, I couldn’t hear you.
Play 20240428000202.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 04 28 00:02:02
40 dispatch.
Stand 40.
21’s all set. We’ll be clear.
30 received.