Data from 20240505

Play 20240505234337.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 23:43:37

Tenzin Village Park
Dispatch to 20 and X-1
20 and X-1, respond to 51 Pleasant Street at Garcia’s for a disturbance.
A calling party on the line and a female in the background are arguing with a male.
She says that it’s physical. It sounds just verbal, but she says that there is a physical fight going on over a cell phone.
Play 20240505233612.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 23:36:12

32 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m going to take that for the 20 car.
Play 20240505233409.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 23:34:09

10 and 20 respond 497 East Pleasant Street at Village Park caller was calling from apartment
number 75 in the apartment to the right of her is a barking dog it’s been barking for
hours I could hear it over the phone are you sure if this animal or person in the apartment
is in distress says this is unusual behavior for a pet
20 years back I’m in a world
Play 20240505233053.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 23:30:53

30 Dispatch. Go ahead, 30.
Can you recab this as domestic, verbal only, and units are clear, all married?
Play 20240505225640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 22:56:40

X1 dispatch
Go ahead X1
Please show me how to run away
Play 20240505224804.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 22:48:04

30, dispatch, your P-A-R-I-A-L.
Roger, 30.
20, dispatch, in the area.
Received, 20.
Play 20240505224425.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 22:44:25

Just an update, things seem to have calmed down a little bit in the background, they’re
not verbally arguing currently.
It was all verbal.
It seems like there’s a possible separation in process between the husband and the wife.
There’s also a 15-year-old son involved.
The husband sort of dropped on the wife today that the son might be having some suicidal
I don’t have any specifics on that currently.
But she left for a bit, came back, and then wanted to have a discussion about how to best
help the son, and that’s where the argument started to escalate.
Play 20240505224024.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 22:40:24

To Charlie 30, Charlie 20.
Charlie 20, can you head to 3 Adam Lane for a disturbance?
New Hampshire Village, nothing physical right now, however it seems to be between a parent and a son arguing.
20 repeat, backfire.
Play 20240505204602.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 20:46:02

20 is fetched.
Can you open a secured check cabinet for the JCA, please?
Play 20240505201231.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 20:12:31

All forces pass, radio check.
Uh, Jackie, but I can kind of understand you.
Play 20240505193430.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 19:34:30

Trace the south gate please
Trace it
Play 20240505191632.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 19:16:32

20 inch mesh.
She’s being transported, I’m clear.
Play 20240505185629.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 18:56:29

10-6, Edge.
10-6, 10.
Securing to Northgate, please.
You can secure, thanks.
Play 20240505185234.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 18:52:34

20 dispatch in the area.
Greenleaf, we do have AST en route as well.
Play 20240505184931.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 18:49:31

Are you back up and available?
I can’t actually understand you.
Okay, can you assist AFD<\/fire> with a medical?
It’s going to be 820 Main Street.
It’s the small building that’s behind that property, I guess.
It’s an 83-year-old female, reporting parties in Las Vegas.
The state’s caregiver on scene called her and told her that the party is confused, disoriented, and has difficulty breathing.
Play 20240505182552.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 18:25:52

Play 20240505181228.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 18:12:28

30, dispatch.
AFB is going to be transporting. You can show me clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240505175520.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:55:20

That’s 20.
Are you back in town?
I am. I’m gonna go get changed up.
Three states are not available for a medical assist on University Drive.
Uh, yeah, sure. I can get out there.
Okay. It’s 150 University Drive, the Center for Extended Care.
It’s a male party in his 80s. He’s unresponsive.
He does have a DNR in place and a Do Not Intubate apes season route.
Stay tuned, back off.
For more information visit
30, this is Central Time Network.
Three states, 30.
Play 20240505174742.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:47:42

10-4-10, we’re headed back to town now.
Play 20240505172016.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:20:16

Attention all Enriched Units, additional update on the Bolo from Hadley. Standby for that.
Enriched Units, the update from Hadley is that Raymond O’Keir was not involved, so they’re still looking for the other or both men that were involved in the shoplifting incident.
Play 20240505171643.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:16:43

X-1 to 10 for a status check.
We’re still on the same road.
Pretty good proximity alert down here, no pushes.
I think he might have been hiding out for a little bit, so I’m just trying to re-acclimate Marvin and redeploy.
Should be able to pick it back up again.
Play 20240505171010.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:10:10

The Central Air Force unit has located Raymond O’Keir.
They’re just looking for the second involved male.
Play 20240505170800.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:08:00

Attention all Amherst units, I have additional information for this incident in Hadley, so be prepared to copy that.
Attention all Amherst units, 10-0-4, Raymond O’Kare, 10-25-0-4 out of Springfield.
It’s masked Sierra Alpha 6-3-6-0-9-5-0.
He’s believed to be one of the parties involved in this shoplifting incident by Lowe’s.
He was last seen headed on foot past Lowe’s towards Amherst.
Search routine.
I’m sorry you’re really muffled and difficult to hear I have no idea what
he said after you received me
and that was it
he was asking for a picture of the mail someone could send it
thank you
Play 20240505170243.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 17:02:43

Dom, can you find out what their exact address is here?
What’s the other address?
I don’t know.
What about the other address?
I don’t know.
I have the dispatcher.
I’ll call you back.

10-290 Shivaedly, now we’re out on Spruce Hill Road,
So dad almost threw in a perimeter, but he made it out this far.
Okay, he said, Spruce Hill Correct?
Yeah, affirmative.
Thank you.
Play 20240505164842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 16:48:42

Airport AI, we are traveling in a westerly direction, we just crossed over a low stream,
no fresh footprints.
Play 20240505164034.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 16:40:34

20 to X1, or 10 to X1.
Go ahead.
It’s going to be for a larceny. I guess they were tampering with some items at the game stop and then they fled.
It was a short pursuit. Search PC to arrest them if we find them.
Affirmative. Summoner for shoplifting.
Okay, you going to deploy on that with 104?
Received, thanks.
Play 20240505163658.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 16:36:58

20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you work on getting a description if we have anything for these people that are on foot?
And dispatch, can you just let Hadley know that I’m en route? I heard them asking on the radio.
860, go ahead.
I’m calling a 10-car.
Great, thank you.
860, call a 10-car.
Yeah, affirmative. We called Hadley. Dispatch, they have very limited to no information about what we’re looking for or why we’re sending you.
Touch base with the Hadley ship, commander, before you make any deployment with the dog, please.
Go ahead, 20.
Go ahead.
The only description she had was a black male wearing all black and a Latino male with face tattoos and a dark hat.
Received. Can you give that out to PBPA, please?
Play 20240505163238.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 16:32:38

20 is set.
Go ahead, 20.
I will be heading to Hadley as well, and sticking with ID 111.
Play 20240505163035.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 16:30:35

Roger, X-1.
X-1, Conway is looking for assistance.
They’re requesting at least two officers and a K-9.
They had a shoplifting incident at Lowe’s.
So they’d like one officer to respond to Lowe’s to take pictures
and get information regarding that.
And they would like the K-9 to meet their officers by the Pulse Cafe
because I guess they had a brief pursuit with a suspect vehicle.
The suspect vehicle is at Pulse and they’re on foot.
And that’s why they wanted a K-9.
Ten, dispatch.
I had ten.
What’s the address of the Pulse Cafe?
Next to Lowe’s, it is 270 Russell Street.
Play 20240505152237.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 15:22:37

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Sight issued to the operator of the Jeep.
Both vehicles were able to drive away under their own power.
You can show us, clear.
Play 20240505151525.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 15:15:25

20 Dispatch
Can we have a crash number please?
Dispatch 20, your crash number is 1-4-5
Call 14-46
Play 20240505151253.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 15:12:53

30 dispatch. Go ahead, 30.
That party’s going to be on board with the AFD<\/fire> and the CDH. I can show you that it’s clear.
Play 20240505150659.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 15:06:59

30 Dispatch
Copy 30
AFD is on scene
20 Dispatch
So the driver of the first car, the one that called it, is off Massachusetts S-Sierra 80561618
There’s a second vehicle, a red jeep off Mass Red 1 W Whiskey V Victor K Kilo 77
Operator off Mass S-Sierra 8 Alpha 3 3 2 0 9 5 1
X1 Dispatch
Got X1
How is the car now?
Play 20240505145909.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 14:59:09

Can you assist ASD with a medical?
It’s going to be 22 Lessee Street, the Clark House in the lobby.
It’s an 88-year-old female.
She was with my party who called to say that this one is in a hospital gown with no shoes
and is having some sort of maybe mental health issues.
Also claimed to have some sort of vision problem.
Play 20240505144928.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 14:49:28

Dispatch to 20.
Take a motor vehicle accident, no injury in the area of 995 North Pleasant Street.
It’s going to be in the area of Crestview Apartments.
The one car MVC, no injury, no airbag deployment.
You’re going to be looking for a 2009 Hyundai Elantra, color gray.
I just need the operator.
Received, 111.
10, dispatch.
10, 10.
Vehicle’s going to be operated by Sierra 15465358.
35, issue to the operator, we’re clear.
Play 20240505144500.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 14:45:00

Alright, done.
You can clear us from that follow-up.
I’m 10
Motor vehicle stop at Main and Bull
Wood Walk, it’s going to be MASTAG08R-R665
Play 20240505142621.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 14:26:21

Thank you, sir.
Thank you.
Can you put me on a follow-up?
We’re going to be at Colonial Village, apartment 162.
Colonial 162, and then you trailed off.
We’ll be attempting to serve a citation at that address.
Thank you.
Play 20240505142317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 14:23:17

XO Dispatch.
What’s going on?
I’m clear.
Are you hit, sir?
Play 20240505133428.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 13:34:28

Excellent, dispatch.
Trying to get you on the phone now.
Play 20240505125510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 12:55:10

X1 Dispatch. Go ahead X1. Could you put me on a CP Cat please? I’ll be out at 27 Farron.
Play 20240505125241.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 12:52:41

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can show me clear for now. I’ll narrate the CAD.
Play 20240505123653.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 12:36:53

30 Dispatch
Do I have 30?
Play 20240505122158.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 12:21:58

20 X 1
X 1
Clear for a 2
Play 20240505121945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 12:19:45

Dispatch, Jody?
Do you guys have a 71 Mt. Holyoke Drive for…
Do you want me to report the sick back on our back deck?
Received, for me.
X1 to 30
If you want to stop at 111 first, you might want to grab the snare.
X1 to 30
Just FYI, it crawled inside her cat condo.
That’s on her back deck.
I did advise that we may be limited on what we can do, but she was grasping at straws for help.
Play 20240505121601.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 12:16:01

X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Issue all units clear, and if you could please sign an offense report to the 20 car for this.
We’re going to recab this as a medical mental.
Play 20240505113725.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:37:25

Six-Seven, dispatch.
Go ahead, Six-Seven.
You can clear those detail officers. Thank you.
Play 20240505113100.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:31:00

And X1, cleared for takeoff.
Thank you for watching.
Play 20240505112923.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:29:23

Go ahead, 10
Can you change that CAD to a medical and we’ll be clear
Play 20240505112226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:22:26

10 to 10
Go ahead, 10
Pushing it down to the elevators right now
10, your radio is unreadable
Looks like it’s going to be an elderly resident, so…
Do you need an ambulance?
We’ll be also at the ambulance
Play 20240505111953.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:19:53

1-5-3, you can clear, head up to the common.
Go ahead TV.
20 dismissed.
Go ahead 20.
We’ve started ASD.
Play 20240505111629.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:16:29

ID 122 to 20.
I think there’s only four more walkers, so you can end what you’re doing.
You don’t have to block traffic<\/police> anymore.
That’s not 20.
Okay, that message is for 101 and his booth, and I thought there were 20.
Dispatch, 30, 20.
30 and 20, take a domestic.
32 Thayer Street, 12-year-old female being restrained by parents.
It’s been physical.
I’m gathering more information.
Appreciate it.
Will do.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 30.
Dispatch to 20 and 30, it’s a 12-year-old female, she is transitioning with some new
medications, might be having a role in this, it was physical between mom and daughter,
she’s now being restrained by her RP’s partner, no injuries, and I’ll update you
if anything changes, I can hear her screaming in the background currently.
X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
I’m in a reswap.
10-2, X1, okay, break loose.
Five minutes.
Dispatch to 10.
10, 22 Leslie Street, apartment 618, came into a medical alarm company, there’s a female
screaming for help but they don’t know what the problem is.
Okay, received from 111.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
Myself and 20 are on scene.
X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
What do we have for call history at the Clark County?
X1, I’m going through it now, it’s just medicals, a lot of false alarms and falls, no domestics
or anything like that.
Received, thank you.
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
You put us on scene.
You’re on my RP, I lost contact.
X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
I’m on scene, I’ll check in with them.
Play 20240505110444.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 11:04:44

X1 Dispatch
Go ahead X1
You get an alarm for the Lincoln Building on Main Street
Yeah, fire’s rolling out now
Where is it?
182 Dispatch
Go ahead 118
Make them aware we have a large conglomerate of runners of tracks up towards North Pleasant
Play 20240505103536.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:35:36

The leader is at the Emily Dickinson house.
Play 20240505103109.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:31:09

20 Dispatch
You can clear us from that traffic<\/police> head
10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
You can clear us from that traffic<\/police> head
There’s a black vehicle going through the road
Appreciate it, thank you
30 Dispatch
30, are you clear?
Affirmative, thank you
10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
We just have another traffic<\/police> head
It’s going to be Maine at North Whitney
Appreciate it
Play 20240505102656.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:26:56

Last of the second group, zip right.
Leader is approaching Strong Street.
Locks are still activated.
Stall complete.
Play 20240505102323.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:23:23

Dispatch to X-1.
At your convenience, the electrician would like to meet at the town commons from the street side.
I did advise my B-1.
Received. I should be able to get over there shortly. Five minutes.
Play 20240505102201.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:22:01

Lead runner is approaching AFT north.
Aft is facing north.
Aft is facing east.
Aft is facing west.
Aft is facing east.
118, hold this traffic<\/police> up, we’re going to let these cars go ahead.
Yeah, push them through, the cars.
Play 20240505102010.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:20:10

That’s the 134, the last of the group just turned on to main.
Great, team.
Play 20240505101257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:12:57

Someone let us know when the last person hit Strong Street.
The lead runner is at Eastman, at AFD<\/fire> North.
The next one is 75.
Yeah, I saw it.
X-1 to all units, the second group is about to step off momentarily.
Play 20240505100416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:04:16

Justin, last runner should be by you.
Received, we’ll open back up.
We heard that prey.
Play 20240505100002.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 10:00:02

7-6 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-6.
Do you advise that we’re prepping for the beginning of the road race?
It should commence in about one minute.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240505093243.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 09:32:43

X1 to 6-7.
Go ahead, X1.
X1 to 6-7.
They’re up and running now. Everybody’s got power.
X1 to 6-7.
Play 20240505092147.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 09:21:47

Thanks Juan, can you give me a four?
Play 20240505091945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 09:19:45

I just spoke with the electrician he’s in route with a one-hour EPA he’s going
to the town common he was not told of anything need to be done so he’s have to
get there and coordinate with their staff
received is there any ability for us to get keys unlock those our location we
can retrieve those to do that in the meantime
Play 20240505091742.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 09:17:42

X1 to 6-7.
Town electrician is en route. We’re waiting on an ETA to open up all those electrical boxes.
Roger. Thank you.
Play 20240505091215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 09:12:15

X-1 to all units, if you could please signal 2 for 930.
10 receive.
20 receive.
30 go.
Play 20240505090122.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 09:01:22

Dispatch to 6-7.
Go ahead.
Contact the DPW. They’re going to try and get a hold of someone to assist.
Play 20240505085836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 08:58:36

67 description
Go ahead 67
Maybe you can check with AFD<\/fire> also, maybe they can help us out
AFD doesn’t have keys to that
Play 20240505085540.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 08:55:40

6-7, dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-7.
Can you get ahold of someone from the DPW, preferably the electrical department?
They were supposed to open these utility boxes on a common and we can’t access them.
Maybe they can help us out.
Play 20240505085332.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 08:53:32

X on the 20.
Could you meet me back here in Spring Street lot?
Play 20240505084334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 08:43:34

Play 20240505083752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 08:37:52

X-1 to 20.
20 to X-1.
X-1 to 20, if you could put some cones on the top of Spring at South Pleasant Street
to block traffic<\/police> coming down eastbound into the Spring Street lot.
And also reinforce whatever barricades or cones they have at Bowood at College
to prevent traffic<\/police> coming northbound on Bowood.
20 received.
Play 20240505071331.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 07:13:31

Go ahead, 10.
Already has that vehicle.
If you just send me a crash number, I’ll be clear.
Received and we’re still waiting on a call back from Fitchburg PD.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240505070550.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 07:05:50

X-1 dispatch
Go ahead X-1
I’ll be quick
Play 20240505064956.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:49:56

This is the X-1.
I got a clarification. This is not a motor vehicle stop at UMass PD. They do not have any operator info. It was a random query.
Okay, that makes sense.
They don’t have any affiliation with this vehicle.
That is correct. Not affiliated with campus or any student.
Very nice.
This is X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Can you make the request for Mitch Burke to go to the RO’s address and knock on the door and try to ascertain who has the vehicle last night?
Play 20240505064257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:42:57

No UMass affiliation, the RO was the operator last night when they dealt with it, and negative
contact info for Pittsburgh PD.
Play 20240505063858.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:38:58

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Put me on scene. Can you contact Pitchburg to see if they have a phone number for the RO15?
Play 20240505063727.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:37:27

Does the vehicle by any chance have a UMass parking tag?
Not that I saw.
Play 20240505063431.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:34:31

Dispatcher, 10-1.
Okay, that was a different regimen you gave us the first time, but we do have it back now.
I do see that you ran it to get all the information.
And we’re working on our news currently.
Appreciate it, mate.
Dispatcher, 10.
That means it is en route.
Play 20240505063124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:31:24

Sounds special.
We’ve got a more than likely need, uh, something to drag it out of the ditch.
And then bring it up, but, uh, yeah, one of the tires is destroyed, so I’m just gonna shoot it forward.
Dispatch, 10.
There’s no matching record on that plate.
No matching local or…
Can you verify the plate? There is no record on it.
You can get a call over UMass. I saw they ran it last night around 1.30.
Play 20240505062814.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:28:14

10-Dispatch, I’m out of it.
Roger. Received.
Go ahead, 10.
Midnash, T-Tango, Wyankee, T-Tango, 7-3.
Play 20240505062533.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 06:25:33

Alpha 10, this is Alpha 10.
Good morning tank, you hit the pulpit hill road.
This is Sandy of the railroad tracks on the dirt road section for a jeep versus tree.
My RP is passing by, it appears to be no occupants are around the vehicle at all.
Received, good morning.
10, which side are you coming in on Alpha, if I can try and direct you a little better?
Roger, 10.
It looks like it’s going to be right in the vicinity of Ruxton’s head, right in one of the corners.
I’m not sure which side you’re coming in off of.
If you’re coming in off of 63, it’s going to be on your right hand side.
If you’re coming in the other way, it’s going to be on your left.
You should be able to miss it.
Play 20240505041929.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 04:19:29

Headed over to CDH. I’m clear.
Play 20240505040723.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 04:07:23

We’re at 10
Do you already have the in-routes?
I do, they are in-route
Appreciate it. Do you need the info?
I have her name and phone number, I don’t have her OLN though
Copy that
Play 20240505040019.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 04:00:19

Dispatch to 10.
10 respond to 20 Hobart Lane.
Give me a minute for a medical assist.
22-year-old female, chest pains, difficulty breathing, says she’s clammy.
She was able to speak to us on the phone, but she says she’s having difficulty breathing.
Appreciate you for entering.
Play 20240505032024.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 03:20:24

Time to dispatch.
Go ahead, Ken.
Townhouse has been taken care of for the night. Unit’s clear.
Play 20240505031903.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 03:19:03

We’re also going to be addressing apartment 57.
We’re also going to be addressing apartment 58.
We’re also going to be addressing apartment 59.
We’re also going to be addressing apartment 60.
We’re also going to be addressing apartment 20.
We’re also going to be addressing apartment 60.
Play 20240505031227.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 03:12:27

Time to switch.
Hit 10.
It’s coming from 4-6. I’ve got a resonant here.
Mass Sierra 15729668.
Play 20240505030325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 03:03:25

10 to 20. I can’t tell if it’s a house or it’s in the quad.
Yeah, received. I’m next to the RPZ unit. I’m having trouble hearing anything over here.
If you swing over here, it’s pretty loud.
Received. Swinging over.
I’m going to head over to the furthest west driveway. I think it’s over there.
Play 20240505025957.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:59:57

10-Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Received, 10.
20-Dispatch, same track.
Play 20240505025514.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:55:14

Dispatch to 10 and 20.
10 and 20, respond to 50 Meadow Street, the townhouses.
Carla is calling from apartment number 66-0,
and says that her neighbors who are across from her but she doesn’t know which apartment they’re in
are blasting music.
10-2, respond.
Play 20240505023015.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:30:15

Go ahead, 10.
I’ll be out at 28, 314 and counting.
You got a couch in the road, I’m just going to talk to the resident.
Go ahead, 20.
314, Lincoln.
Okay, thank you.
Go ahead, 20.
We’re clear.
Play 20240505022603.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:26:03

And especially
Site was issued to that resident
To 20 and
20 and 10
38 searing street for a noise<\/police> complaint
Uh, the people there could not pinpoint exactly where the noise<\/police> is coming from. I don’t know if it’s from the same
Location or if there’s another location over there
20 receive it’s probably the woman or just that but i’ll check it out
I’m thinking you’re right because one of the colors is the same for both of those locations
But thank you
More than likely coming from uh, 374, but the gua
Play 20240505021838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:18:38

I have Andrew out of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and I do have his OLN and social.
10 Dispatch.
Can I get a 7 day AR number for Angelo?
Your number is going to be 359.
Play 20240505021506.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:15:06

Who did we speak to for that, uh, registered party earlier?
The S.O. had to leave a message because nobody answered to an Andrew, an Andrew Pavkovic.
Play 20240505021334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:13:34

to 20 and 10. 20. 10. 20 and 10. Respond to 374 North Pleasant Street at Alpha SIG for
several complaints that we got regarding loud noise<\/police> and music from this, um, red, this,
this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this, this,
this, this, thi, this, this, this, this, this, this. 20 dispatch. Go ahead 20. Was
there a call for service here on the 4-12 ship, a ship just prior to us? Yes, there
There was a huge female outside that they had to pick up off the ground, but unknown if it was related to this address.
Okay, received. Thank you.
20 dispatch, here I am.
10 dispatch, same traffic.
Dispatch 220.
20, if the noise<\/police> is still ongoing, they did receive a call about an hour ago for the Good Neighbor registration.
Play 20240505020903.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:09:03

20 as such.
Go ahead, 20.
Operators, Alpha, Mass, Sierra, 8-5-0, 2-4, 3-8-6.
Everything checks okay, 35 is shoot clear.
Play 20240505020555.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 02:05:55

to 20 and 10. 20. 10. 20 and 10. Respond to 510 North Pleasant Street for a 9-1-1 open
line with what sounds like a rather ETOH female talking to somebody who, you’re telling her
to hang up and she keeps saying it’s an emergency but we can’t identify if there’s actually
an emergency there.
I’m calling UMass now to get a name on that phone number.
I got a vehicle traveling behind me with its headlights off. Do you want me to check that
out? Yeah, sure.
X1 dispatch, I’ll head to 510 with 10.
Appreciate it, thank you.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
North Pleasant Ferry, UMass BC 1-0-Tango-Tango 1-0.
Appreciate it.
10 dispatch, on scene 510.
UMass has a name on that phone number coming back to an Esme Danielson, so that’s who
we’re looking for on the open 9-1-1 line.
Appreciate it.
30 dispatch, I’m out with 20.
Appreciate it, thank you.
20X1, I should be outside.
Appreciate it.
20 dispatch, I’m on scene clear.
Appreciate it.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
I’ll just talk to Ms. Danielson. She’s checked okay.
Appreciate it, thank you.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear, 20 dispatch.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240505015747.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:57:47

Dispatch to 40.
I did locate a license out of Connecticut,
um, but it’s expired as of 2012 from what I can tell.
Okay, received.
You can clear me. It’s parked in the, uh, GC parking lot.
You have the co-worker coming to pick him up.
It’s, uh, gonna be at 35. Clear.
Thank you.
X-1 to 40.
Do you have the signal for him?
Received. Thank you.
Dispatch, can you take 40 off the board, please?
Play 20240505015528.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:55:28

Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
This is Connecticut. License is active. Find a chance to tell.
Play 20240505014855.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:48:55

Dispatch to 40.
32 things came up on the III.
I’ve got, out of Dooley County Sheriff’s Office in Georgia,
from March of 2019, a DUI driving under the influence of alcohol.
And then I have one coming out of Wisconsin Greendale Police Department.
That one’s from July of 2013 for same charges.
Play 20240505014630.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:46:30

30 dispatch, I’ll be clear.
I see 30.
40 dispatch.
30 dispatching.
Looks like this is from a OUI in Georgia.
Can you run a triple item out of Georgia?
See what comes back to that.
Received. Damn right.
Play 20240505014203.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:42:03

X 120
Go ahead sir
Just drop your partner off so he can relieve the SS
Play 20240505014023.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:40:23

We’re going to do the switch.
So R was their operator. He has Florida O-1 A-3-5-2-5-5-0-6-6-4-6-2-0.
Can you run in the mask? You might be suspended.
Resist, Amber.
Dispatch to 40.
40, you are correct. Mark Adamski, with that matching date of birth, is suspended out of mask.
Can you see what it’s for? It might be OUI, I’m not sure.
It is for OUI, and I did confirm the Social Security numbers in Florida does match the Social Security number for the suspension in mask, and yes, it is for OUI.
30, dispatch, I’m out with him.
Received, 30.
Play 20240505013718.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:37:18

40, that plate does come back to a Ford F-150, 2018, gray in color, registered to a Mark
Adamski, 12-22-66 out of Groton, Connecticut, and it is negative and active.
Play 20240505013529.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:35:29

40 dispatch
Stop main in front of the JCA, Connecticut combo, C-Charlie, 228781, the Ford F-150 Grey, can you try to run that for me?
Received, standby
Play 20240505011804.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:18:04

Dispatch to X1.
Just advising you that Hadley called to let us know that they do have vehicles stopped over the line on Route 9 by the European Auto Center, but they are all set.
Play 20240505011534.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:15:34

Next one to switch.
Okay, next one.
Test T’s check okay. 35 of that operator. We’re clear.
Play 20240505011035.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:10:35

Next one, dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
Operator’s off, NASA Sierra 311, 75385, take a second unit for SSG.
Received, dispatch, to 30.
30 received from… yep.
30, I couldn’t hear where you’re at, but I’m calling just south-west now, if I’m close.
I’m coming up to Miami-Dade.
Play 20240505010827.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:08:27

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Fort Wooden College of Mass 127. Whiskey Foxtrot 8. Over.
Play 20240505010520.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:05:20

20, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, 20.
35, this is Damas, Sierra Alpha, 4-6-4, 0-5-7-3, Sierra.
40, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, 40.
9-10, Matt 3, be Victor, Charlie, be Bravo, 3-5.
Received, standby.
10-11, Matt.
Dispatch to 40.
Go ahead.
40, that point comes back to a 2014 black Hyundai Veloster registered to a Patrick McNeil out of Shearman Lane in Amherst. It is negative and active.
Play 20240505010219.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:02:19

40 to French.
Go ahead, 40.
CBL side issue to that resident. We’re clear.
Play 20240505010052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 01:00:52

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop Northampton Road at University Drive.
Mass Red 7239 Zulu X-ray. Over.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Go ahead.
Can I have an arrest number for a TVL site, please?
Dispatch to 40.
Your arrest number is 358.
Play 20240505005730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:57:30

Go ahead, Ken.
Go ahead, Matt. 028273220
40, switch.
Go ahead, 40.
Just let me know if that was the party you warned or charged. Benjamin.
Thank you. Standby.
Dispatch to 40.
Go ahead.
He was warned.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240505005504.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:55:04

Forty to Fetch.
Go ahead Forty.
On Strong Street.
Forty to Fetch.
Go ahead Thirty.
Go ahead and enjoy the party.
Triangle at Fetch.
Forty to Fetch.
Thirty to Fetch.
Go ahead Thirty.
Papa Echo. November. November. Echo Yankee.
DOV 7502 shooting from MASS M&W please.
Thank you. And what’s your crossword Triangle?
Your radio is no longer available.
Rotary. Be Pleasant.
Thank you.
Thirty to Fetch on Strong Street.
Received Ten.
Ten it’s somewhere east of Red Gate. I can hear it in the distance but I can’t find it.
Fetch to Thirty.
Thirty. Shane Penny is negative for the M&W and nothing on the box.
Received. There’s a sober party here for him. First name’s Evan.
Last name is Whiskey. India. Tango. Alpha. Lima. India. Sierra. Zulu.
DOV is Three. Two. Up 03.
Should also be from MASS. M&W please.
Received. Standby.
Fetch to Thirty.
Go ahead.
Evan Wittelitz out of Wilmington, MASS is negative on the M&W and nothing on the box.
Received. He’s going to be taking custody of that first party I called into. Show me clear.
Forty to Fetch.
Go ahead. Forty.
Fig Two Eighteen Sunset. Sorry Two Eighteen Strong. Any issues?
Standby just a moment.
Dispatch Two Forty.
Go ahead.
On the 27th there was a warning issued. On February 3rd there was a summons.
Uh, on February…
Oh sorry, the prior to that October 30th.
Play 20240505004614.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:46:14

Time to dispatch.
Go ahead, Ken.
I’m clear. They’re wrapping it up.
Received. Thank you.
Thank you.
Refresh to 10 and 40.
10. 40.
10 and 40. 202 Strong Street for a noise<\/police> complaint.
Loud music in the area. People yelling.
10 received.
Received. Lincoln.
Play 20240505004344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:43:44

10 to 40, I’ll be off that.
30, dispatch.
This is 30.
Neagle is on the hook with Ernie. 35 to the operator, you can show me clear.
10, dispatch.
Present here, Mast, Sierra. 1-2-8-5-3-2-6-0.
20, dispatch.
Okay, 20.
They’re in the process of ending the party as we arrive, but the music’s been cut off and they’re all clearing out. You can show us clear.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240505004042.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:40:42

That is special. I’m out of here.
I received 10.
Play 20240505003911.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:39:11

20 Dispatch
Go ahead 20
20 Dispatch
Go ahead 20
Who’s the I.P. on this call?
Party lives in apartment 42I, as in India Indigo. He and his wife have called us about four times.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20240505003610.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:36:10

20 dispatched in the area.
Received 20.
Dispatched to 10 and 40.
10 and 40, 19 McClellan Street, for a noise<\/police> complaint.
It’s going to be loud music, muddy voices coming from that location.
10 received. 40, no need to rush, I’ll let you know.
10 received.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
One noise<\/police> complaint<\/police> at a time please, we don’t need this bullshit tied up on noise<\/police> complaints.
Understood, received.
Play 20240505002858.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:28:58

20, dispatch.
I hit 20.
Clear 35 to the RO. I have a major hazard.
Play 20240505002709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:27:09

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator, this is the RO. She’s going to have a license out of California.
Why, Yankee? 5-5-5-9-6-2-4. All set with that info.
30, roger.
Clear for the hook, 30.
Received, thank you. Dispatch, direct.
Dispatch copies, direct.

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.

Dispatch, 240 and 20.
20 and 20, respond to 266 East Hadley Road.
It’s going to be at South Point, the Boulders, Meadowbrook.
Coming from apartment 42I. The complaint<\/police> is coming from apartment 42I.
They are stating that there is a group of kids out by the basketball court screaming and being very loud, disturbing the neighborhood, and that actually could be heard over the phone while they were calling us.

20, received. We’ll head there after this. Stop.
Tony, I am so sorry.

Go ahead, X1.
20 is a two-man car. They can handle that.
Received, 40. You can put it on hold as well.
Play 20240505002128.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:21:28

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop North Pleasant at Phillips, be out with MASS 2A-ALPHA-R-ROMEO-B-VICTOR-9-3.
Can you confirm status, please?
Thank you.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30, 22-A-R-V-93, comes back to a 2015 grade GMC terrain.
Expired non-renew, it expired at the end of March, March 31st.
Received, and I’m not getting a reason for it, does it show a reason for the non-renewable status?
Let me run it in to you, just stand by just a second.
Thank you.
Dispatch to 30, CJIS does not say either.
Thank you.
Dispatch to 30.
Sir, can you call me, will you have a moment?
Play 20240505001700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:17:00

20 dispatch. Go ahead, 20. No crash here. That party we called in was just sitting in the driveway waiting for an Uber, like, clearing it up.
20, was that you and his car, or somebody else’s?
Pretty sure that’s the resident’s. He doesn’t have any keys on him.
Where is he?
Play 20240505001413.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:14:13

28 Special on scene
Β‘Adios chav!
Do you need a plate?
I’ve got easy foxtrot whiskey 85.
It’s going to be Vantage 3, B-Bravo, S-Sierra, Z-Zulu, 85.
22 dispatch, did you just add that as on? I’ve got my vehicle here.
42 dispatch?
Go ahead, 40.
In the air.
20 dispatch?
Go ahead, 20.
There is no crash here.
However, the party that was laying in the driveway is going to be Mass, S-Sierra, A-Alpha, 2470643.
40 dispatch?
Go ahead, 40.
Where is the caller from?
The caller was on scene.
He then handed the phone to somebody else who was also on scene.
The person I ended up speaking to and getting some information from was named Adam.
There’s no crash here. I want to make sure we’re in the right spot.
I was on the phone with Adam when 20 pulled up.
I’m assuming we’re in the right spot because he got the call or the phone handed to him from the other guy.
Okay, received.
Play 20240505000902.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:09:02

2, 20, and 40.
20 and 40, respond to the area of 201 East Pleasant Street
for a motor vehicle crash, possible injuries, car versus tree.
Calling party says that the driver of the vehicle is out of the vehicle,
laying on somebody’s driveway.
You did give them the thumbs up.
Trying to work on getting more info now.
20, I see you southbound.
40, I see you, 111.
Play 20240505000226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 05 05 00:02:26

1-5-9 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-9.
We’re back in town.
Back in town. Received.


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