Data from 20240813

Play 20240813231443.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 23:14:43

30, you’re set.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop. 100 University Drive, 32 Plymouth.
30, you’re set.
Go ahead, 30.
Go ahead, 30.
30 just passed.
Go ahead 30.
Can you run mass temp for A-S-T-R-E-A-L-F-A-S-T-E-R-Y?
Go ahead 30.
Can you run mass temp for A-S-T-R-E-A-L-F-A-S-T-E-R-Y?
Received. Standby.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30, that point comes back to a 2014 red Nissan Sentra registered to a Gracia Bea, 406 North Pleasant Street in town in Amherst.
It is negative and active.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
35, issue to the R-O, clear.
Play 20240813221419.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 22:14:19

30 is switching.
Go ahead, 30.
Check Jeffrey Manor, Crocker Farm, and every side street.
From Shays to Speedway, I’m not seeing anybody or anyone in distress, so show me clear.
Play 20240813220713.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 22:07:13

30 is back.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m in the area.
20 feet.
30 is back.
Go ahead, 30.
Was there a radius on the mapping?
So the first call came in mapping at 245 within 1.2 meters, and then the second call came in mapping at 235 at 1.4 meters.
Thank you.
Play 20240813220307.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 22:03:07

Dispatch to 30.
30, respond to the vicinity of 235 West Street, 235 West Street.
Find 911 wireless.
Hang up.
Got a 911 wireless call.
Person hung up.
Attempted to call back.
They didn’t answer.
But while I was calling them, they called again and then disconnected on us.
We’re going to be sent below.
No history in the area.
Dispatch to 30, respond to the vicinity of 235 West Street, 235 West Street.
Play 20240813191723.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 19:17:23

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Just a pool of vacuum at 255 Market Hill.
Should be done shortly. No alarm. No problem. I’ll be clear.
Play 20240813191204.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 19:12:04

10-Dispatch on Market Hill.
Received 10.
Play 20240813190613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 19:06:13

Dispatch to Ten.
Ten, respond to 294, 294 Market Hill Road
for an assist citizen CAD and alarm sounding investigation.
Calling party states that there is a loud,
high-pitched alarm going off
from somewhere in the nearby vicinity.
She doesn’t know where it’s coming from
or whether it’s a burglar or a fire alarm.
Noise could be heard over the phone
while I was speaking to her.
Play 20240813184748.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:47:48

20X1, clear for a two.
Play 20240813183248.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:32:48

10-X-1, good for her too.
Play 20240813181617.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:16:17

Tony to Dispatch.
Go ahead.
He’s managing me 44.3.
Play 20240813181444.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:14:44

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Could you start me ACES transport GAD?
I’m going to be transporting the ball party from that location on the last GAD over to the DMH house.
Starting mileage is going to be 43.8.
Play 20240813180816.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:08:16

30 X-1, clear for a two.
Play 20240813180636.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:06:36

X1 to 20.
I know in the past she complained of knee pain, but she just wanted a ride home.
If that’s the case, you’re okay to transport.
Received, guys. The first thing she asked was for a ride home.
Let the AFB paramedics check her out.
Probably give her a ride back home.
Play 20240813180454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 18:04:54

Can you head over to Triangle East Pleasant Street, we’ve got an elderly female, possible
stroke like symptoms.
We’ve got an ambulance coming from Northampton and we’ve got an engine responding.
I guess there’s quite a crowd gathering.
I’ll be clear, the operator drove the vehicle away, clear of the crash number.
I’ll tell you, this man’s going to shut me up, dude.
I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell
you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what,
I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell
you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what,
I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell
you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what,
I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you
what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell
you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what,
I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell
you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell you what, I’ll tell
Play 20240813175631.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:56:31

30, this is Fisher.
Scrolling at 30.
Got the vehicle and operator info.
Affirmative. The vehicle is negative active on a 2011 Ford Fusion White.
CRL, the operator, Jade Hunter for 21-2004.
He’s negative active. Local is Commonwealth Ave, Amherst.
That’s you, ma’am.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240813175334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:53:34

30, this is Fish.
Go 30.
I’ll take a crash number.
30, Fish.
Dispatch, Charlie 30.
Go ahead.
Your exit number is 229.
Exit is 229, time is 1738 and we’re figuring out that this issue you’re dealing with is separate and not related to the road rage incident that was at 116 and Meadow.
It’s going to be two different calls.
And the part you’re at with, he did not get vehicle information on the vehicle that struck him and took off.
Received, yeah, all I have here is the white Ford Fusion with the operator, no other info to give.
I thought the two cars were related, it’s a nice girl.
Play 20240813174843.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:48:43

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you start AFD for neck pain?
They’re already in route. Hadley requested AFD. They’re four minutes in route.
Received. Do you have the vehicle and operator info?
I have the vehicle and vehicle info, that’s all.
I’m sorry, go again.
I have the vehicle info. I need the operator.
Operator is Matt. This is Alpha 487. 1426.
Play 20240813174611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:46:11

There’s a dispatch on scene.
There’s a dispatch. What’s the vehicle I’m looking for?
It’s going to be a white Prius.
Excuse me, it’s a Honda Fit.
It’s a Ford Fusion. How’s the TV supposed to be on scene there?
It’s a Honda Fit.
Play 20240813174348.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:43:48

Go ahead, 10
Info’s been swapped, no need for tows over here
Now you can show all units clear
Copy that, 10-Dispatch
30, we were told the motor vehicle accident
flash road rage incident happened at 162 at Route 9
That is not the case, that’s why I need you to respond down there and
just take a report for a past motor vehicle accident
We’ve got the other party’s information already
Cause he called and read me the riot act and the station officer the riot act as well
Received, so the crash occurred at the FL Roberts?
FL Roberts, that’s just where they’re at now
The crash happened at Northampton University
and I’m doing a location change because that’s where the two parties drove to
exchanged words and then the second half called screaming at us
and the party you’re going to speak to was sent to Hadley
because we were told they were in Hadley at the time of the incident
Play 20240813173935.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:39:35

Badge, Charlie 30.
30, can you just head down to the S.L. Roberts on Northampton Road?
It’s a past motor vehicle accident. The operator is an injured, but I’ll be P.D. once I’m evaluated, I guess.
It’s flash or road rage incident that the S.L. got to talk to the other half.
If you could just go down there and get the plate of the vehicle and provide it to me.
I have these on scene with this car and a gentleman.
Play 20240813173735.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:37:35

X1 dispatch, go ahead X1.
I’m on scene with that accident and can you just give us the number please?
I’m trying to find the accident, it was 228.
Please speak.
The time was 1659.
Play 20240813173115.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:31:15

Tony, dispatch, can you tell me on scene?
Received, Tony.
Play 20240813172917.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:29:17

10, go easy on me.
Play 20240813172759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:27:59

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Take a crash number over the air, please.
That’s 1-10.
There’s a bug speaking.
Negative, it’s loaded.
What’s up?
Summer camp.
Okay, make sure we can identify who those individuals are.
I can head up if you need additional assistance.
Yeah, I might need help with that.
It’s a false roll, boss.
4-8 to X-1, do you want me to head up there?
Received. Dispatch, copy.
I did. Thank you.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Clear, rolling green.
Play 20240813172153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:21:53

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Do you have patient information?
NASA 1 at Sierra 7349-4486.
I receive.
Go for X-1.
X-1 to the station officer.
Go for X-1. I’m trying to answer, not sure if it’s coming over.
Station officer, I mean X-1 to dispatch.
X-1, I’m getting you loud and clear.
Okay. I know the station officer called me three times. I tried to answer all three times, but apparently he’s not hearing it.
It’s probably the radio downstairs. I’ll call him and see if I can relay something.
Yeah, the radio got switched around. It’s got the paperwork in for that section 12.
Play 20240813171355.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:13:55

22 X-1, you want me to start making my way that way?
Yeah, for him.
22, roger. Copy.
Yeah, affirmative.
22 X-1.
AFD is on scene just accessing the apartment.
X-1, attend.
Go ahead.
Are you all set up there with traffic?
I’m all set with traffic. Thank you.
20, you can stay available. I’ll continue on.
Dispatch, how’s that? Dispatch, Charlie 10.
I’ll need everything when you get a chance.
Received. Registration of the bus is going to be 8122, the school bus.
And that’s going to be operated by Mass Sierra 45003941.
Received, is that bus the first number and 8?
Affirmative, 8122.
Thank you.
Second vehicle is Mass PC39KKC, Charlie 86, operated by the RL.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
On scene.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Party’s on board with AFD. You can show me clear and I’m bringing 786 back to 111.
Play 20240813170843.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:08:43

That’s one, that’s one.
Go ahead.
I’m not sure what apartment I told you.
It’s 42, 42, and sounds like the female
is choking on vomit or phlegm.
We’re trying to get her on her side.
There’s a lot of chaos in the background.
Got it.
Break it.
Dispatch, X1. It doesn’t sound like she’s choking anymore.
She’s breathing, still unresponsive and shaking.
I can actually hear her trying to breathe in the background.
X1 to 20.
Can you free up from there?
Play 20240813170503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:05:03

Dispatch, X-4.
X-4, I’ve got a medical rolling green.
Apartment 42.
X-4, I’ve got a medical rolling green.
Apartment 42.
It’s a 30-year-old, breathing, unresponsive.
We’re using the language line to try to get more information.
The husband thought it might be a seizure.
She’s breating but unresponsive.
Greasy, what’s the language?
We have no signal.
Spanish. We have a translator on the phone.
Received. I’ll head that way from Autumn Lake.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20240813170108.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 17:01:08

Dispatch, Charlie 10.
Signal 8, north-west at Pine, bus versus passenger vehicle, no injuries, they’re in traffic.
Very safe and hold their health.
Play 20240813165259.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:52:59

X1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Myself and 786 on scene.
30, this is X1.
Go ahead.
You can start A to B, if you’re willing to go.
Play 20240813164738.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:47:38

30 Dispatch, I’m in the area.
20 Dispatch, you can show me on scene.
Received, 20.
Play 20240813164350.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:43:50

Go right of 10.
Go ahead.
I might have missed it, but what statements were made and who were they made to?
The reporting party is his father. Both parents are on scene with him.
It’s just general vague statements about not wanting to go on anymore and wishing he wasn’t alive.
No specific threats, no access to any known weapons.
He’s currently in his bedroom upstairs. He did ask his mother to leave his room.
He’s in there crying currently.
Play 20240813164116.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:41:16

Dispatch, Charlie 30 and 20.
30, 20, medical mental well-being check. 19, Autumn Lane.
The most part is a Jace Jemison, 24-year-old, in transition.
Having some suicidal ideations, no active threats at this time.
He’s crying and upset, though despondent.
I guess this has been ongoing for a couple weeks now.
Today has been the worst day.
They’ve been in contact with his therapist, who’s out in Boston, who’s recommending a Section 12.
However, they are not on scene to evaluate him at all.
Family is requesting some assistance in getting him to the hospital.
He is not willing to go voluntarily.
I’m looking up a category right now, but I don’t see anything relevant right now.
30 receive, Belchtown Road.
20 receive, remain.
786, dispatch.
Go ahead, 786.
I’ll head that way as well. 19, Autumn Lane.
Yes, ma’am. That’s affirmative. 19, 19, Autumn Lane.
786, I’m at 111. Do you need a ride?
Sure, I’ll come down.
Play 20240813163428.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:34:28

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m not seeing any debris in the road over by North Plains and Hendry Park.
You can just show me clear for now.
Very good, thank you.
Play 20240813163105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:31:05

Dispatch, Charlie 20.
Can you check North Cousin Street around Kendrick Park?
The town manager’s office took a call from two bicyclists who were complaining about
stones or road debris in the road that were a hazard.
I’m not sure if it’s RGBW or if it’s a private contractor that left the mess.
If you could just check that out and let me know.
Roger, I think probably in the area too.
Play 20240813162531.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:25:31

10 Dispatch
Go ahead 10
I’m clear, can you put me on a follow up at 111?
Play 20240813162124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:21:24

10-Dispatch, on scene.
3-Standard, I’ll give her a call.
10-Dispatch, on scene.
Charlie 10, she’s on her way out.
Where is she?
Play 20240813161402.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:14:02

Ready to dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
I have immediate issue for now, you can call me clear.
Very safe, thank you.
Play 20240813161109.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:11:09

Dispatch, Charlie 10.
Can you head up to the restaurant? There’s three amigos.
I’m going to have the lady step out.
She was waiting on the bench and she has a bunch of IDs.
Cards belonging to a gentleman that she found.
I’ll give her a call and let her know you’re on your way up there to grab them from her.
Appreciate it.
It wasn’t convenient for her to stop and bring them here to us.
Play 20240813160820.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:08:20

ID 423 did tell me this woman’s also got some mental health issues as well.
I think Carol talked to her today and told her to stop taking care of other people’s
786 to dispatch.
Go ahead 786.
I can have over there too.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240813160352.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:03:52

Dispatch, Charlie 30.
Could you head to the Amherst Dog Park?
I’m going to be looking to speak to a Teresa Zucker.
Another dog person there
that is being verbally threatened by that dog walker that’s been
treating, uh, abusing dogs up there.
I’ll MD2 some more information.
Thank you.
Play 20240813160014.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 16:00:14

Dispatch, sorry, 30.
30, just checking.
Are you headed to Rolling Green?
I was on my way.
Is that being dispatched?
No, I was just going to tell you if these are going to be dispatched or not.
I’m just going to let you know.
I was on my way.
Is that being dispatched?
No, I was just going to tell you.
AFD has been on scene about four minutes.
I guess she was cleaning with chemicals, mixed chemicals, and that’s why we think she’s
having a difficulty breathing, but unsure.
Is AFD all set?
They haven’t said so.
I’m just going to let you know.
Play 20240813155052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 15:50:52

Dispatch, X1.
X1, ASDZ to Rolling Green, apartment 179, for an 80-year-old female, difficulty breathing.
Received, I’ll get the lineup in.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240813153457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 15:34:57

20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I was able to speak with the RP.
She had $9,500 taken.
I will take an OF for that and then I’ll narrate.
Play 20240813153257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 15:32:57

7-8-1, is this Max?
Go ahead, 7-8-1.
The cat is safe and sound, back in her car.
Thank you very much, that was very kind of you.
You’re welcome.
I’ll let Carol know.
Well, fortunately the owner was able to get it before I got here.
Thank you.
Dispatch, 9423.
Play 20240813152305.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 15:23:05

Dispatch, ready 4-2-3.
4-2-3 is on.
Carol, I’m sorry, but down at Atkins, I’ve got a lady who, for whatever reason, her cat got out of the cat carrier in the car and got out of the car, and now it’s in the wood line, won’t come out of the bushes.
She can’t crawl in there because she’s on crutches.
She called 911. She thought she had the cat, but just called back and said she doesn’t.
Can you go down there and try to help her?
Play 20240813150208.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 15:02:08

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can put me on soon.
You’re received.
Thank you.
7-81, is this best?
Go ahead.
I’ll be clear.
You’re received.
Play 20240813145719.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 14:57:19

Dispatch, Bravo 20.
You take a, it’s going to be a fraud or larceny, 51 Spalding Street.
You’re going to be meeting a resident, a Ms. Levant.
Somehow scammed her bank account was out of several thousand.
We see you’re strong.
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
Information was exchanged, I’m clear.
Play 20240813145100.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 14:51:00

781, is this best?
Go ahead 781.
I’ll be out at the bank center for a minute.
Play 20240813144203.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 14:42:03

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Trash truck will be mass apportioned to plate 4265B Bravo.
And that was operated by Sierra 530-37774.
And the other vehicle involved will be a mass for
G-Golf, P-Papa, E-Echo 27.
And operated by the RO.
Play 20240813143439.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 14:34:39

3rd Dispatch, put me on scene.
3 safe.
Play 20240813142759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 14:27:59

Dispatch Bravo 30.
Can you take a two car signal, it’s going to be in the rolling green parking lot up by apartment 169.
White Mazda versus a trash truck.
Dispatch Bravo 20.
20, you can disregard.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240813140730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 14:07:30

I.D. 4-5 Dispatch.
Go ahead I.D. 4-5.
We’re clear of the road job, the traffic is back to normal.
We receive, thank you.
Play 20240813133215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 13:32:15

Copy that.
Play 20240813130030.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 13:00:30

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I spoke with the flaggers. I was able to give them some pointers on how to control traffic through there and be visible.
And I spoke with the operator, the driver. Doesn’t appear to be the problem here. All clear.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240813125538.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 12:55:38

Go ahead, Trent.
Be clear, he’s all set.
Are you, sir?
Play 20240813125305.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 12:53:05

Dispatch Alpha 20.
Tony, are you clear of this Amtrak call?
I can’t hear you.
Lucy, thank you. Dispatch 20, 10.
Copy, point.
We take a commercial 67, 189 North Pleasant Street, Astor and Pine Market.
It’s coming in as a silent hold up.
Dispatch Bravo 20.
I just got a call from an employee on scene.
Bill, last name Nurse.
He said he accidentally set it on fire.
I don’t know what happened to him.
He said he accidentally set it off trying to move it.
Appreciate it.
I’ll take it. I’m right here now.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240813124446.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 12:44:46

30 to dispatch, put me in the area.
Play 20240813123344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 12:33:44

I just took a motor vehicle complaint call from a flagger working on West Primary Lane.
He said that a blue Lexus just came through the location where he’s working.
She didn’t stop, he was waving at her.
She almost struck him.
She was coming from Moody Field side.
I did get the plate number.
It comes back to one of our residents on Iduna Lane.
He said it was a female, older female driver.
She lives at 130 Iduna Lane.
If you could just touch base with her.
Again, it happened 30 minutes ago.
I guess she did stop and talk to the flagger.
She said she didn’t see him.
Play 20240813120132.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 12:01:32

7-81 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-81.
I’ll be clear, he’s pleasant.
Play 20240813114307.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 11:43:07

4-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 4-5.
Do you have a fire alarm coming in on Colorado Village?
Affirmative, we just got a call from the alarm company. AFD is being turned as we speak.
Okay, thanks.
There’s nothing showing. It’s just an alarm going off.
Received, thank you.
Thank you.
4-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 4-5.
Have him accessed by cell phone.
Received, thanks for the reminder.
4-5, dispatch.
You all go in that parking lot.
Play 20240813113519.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 11:35:19

781, is this X?
I’ll be out at 321 East Pleasant on a follow-up.
Play 20240813105644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 10:56:44

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can put me out at the train track.
Play 20240813104110.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 10:41:10

1-5-5 Dispatch
Go ahead, 1-5-5
Can you update my location to 15 Jenks Street?
Play 20240813101824.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 10:18:24

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show myself in 781 clear. He was offered services and left under his own power.
Play 20240813101309.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 10:13:09

X-1 dispatch
Go ahead X-1
I’m clear
Play 20240813101143.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 10:11:43

X-1, this is Pasha.
Go ahead, X-1.
The I.B. down here with us, does he have a man-cat history?
Looks like we just really started dealing with him again in June…
…2011. It was…
…motor vehicle frictations. June 9th is when we started dealing with him.
June 4th, medical mentals.
We see, does he have a local address?
Local address out of Ashfield.
Any cats tied to something on the road?
Yep, there’s one in here from… looks like 485 Thunderwood Road, back in March or June.
Oh, I see. Thank you.
Play 20240813094436.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:44:36

Search and dispatch, I’m clear.
I’m safe.
Play 20240813094255.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:42:55

I spoke to the R.P. as well as the Jackie Thurston, date of birth 9-30-65, they didn’t
have any new information to provide but I advised them if he does return to call again
you can show me clear for now.
Received, was Jackie an employee from Cherokee?
From Zomek and Zomek.
Received, thank you.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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781 to Dispatch.
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781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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781 to Dispatch.
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781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
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I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I believe I have a call from Jackie Thurston.
781 to Dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
Play 20240813093628.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:36:28

7-8-1, dispatch?
Go ahead, 7-8-1.
I’ll be hearing, Claire.
20 to 30.
I should be all set here, ECOA. I’m just gathering more information.
3-2-30, dispatch. I’ll be quick.
Play 20240813093234.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:32:34

7-5, Brian.
Yeah, just pull up in front of me and back in.
A male party’s long-haired, down by, past his knees.
And a dog.
Received. I’m not seeing that vehicle in the parking lot, but I’m going to go inside and talk to the IP.
Received. The caller was from Cheryl Nina Salon, calling on behalf of Saliki Real Estate.
Said it was in the back of that building.
Play 20240813093026.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:30:26

20, disperse on scene.
Play 20240813092903.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:29:03

781, do you want to descend?
Go ahead, 781.
I’ll go that way as well.
You’re safe.
Play 20240813092745.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:27:45

Dispatch to 20 and 30.
20 and 30, if you take a disturbance, 35 University Drive, the Swicky Real Estate, in the back of the building,
there should be a green and silver Subaru, male party inside, has a dog.
He went into the building and was acting strangely to the staff, saying he had PTSD and he thought he was going to lose it.
They last saw him getting into his vehicle and driving to the back of the building.
He’s a white male with long hair.
She didn’t give me any further description of him.
20 received, call it straight.
30 received, Bay Road.
Play 20240813090357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 09:03:57

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Touch base with the RP.
Heard her perspective of the noise. It’s not unreasonable.
And I’m not going to make contact with Juliet.
Myself and 781 are clear.
Play 20240813085335.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 08:53:35

761, nothing, I’ll see you.
3rd Air Dispatch, can you give me a call if there’s an issue in Bosnia?
Bravo 3rd, the RP is not answering her phone.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240813085017.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 08:50:17

Dispatch, Bravo 30.
Go ahead.
I just got a call from my RP.
She said that Julia just left the apartment, left the music blasting,
walking over towards the area out by Route 9 where they can smoke.
She’s getting in the area now.
Received. 781, did you copy?
Received. I have to take a little detour because of the construction. Be there in a minute.
Received. No rush.
30 to 781, I’m going to go up and just check the level of noise at the apartment.
Looks like she was down there at the smoking area now at the entrance to Roland Green.
Play 20240813084349.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 08:43:49

1-5-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-5.
Can you just update my location to 420 Meadow Street?
Affirmative. Thank you.
Play 20240813083453.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 08:34:53

Dispatch Bravo 30, 20.
Bravo 30, 20. Take a noise complaint, flash medical mental.
It’s at Rolling Green, apartment 149. The resident, Julia Farrokh, is blasting music again.
30, received. 20, I can handle it.
30, are you familiar with her? She’s got severe 62 issues.
70, do you want a dispatch?
I was just going to call you. I’ll put you on a call as well.
Play 20240813070348.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 07:03:48

Good morning, O-W-D with Buckley Cable, starting off on Heatherstone area.
Good morning, I’ll put you on the line out.
Good morning, I’ll put you on the line-up.
Thank you.
Play 20240813065320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 06:53:20

20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35, issue to DRO, I’m clear.
3, safe.
Play 20240813064949.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 06:49:49

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Motor vehicle stop on northeast at Harbor Way with mass for Romeo Azulu 676. All set.
Play 20240813064112.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 06:41:12

10 to touch.
Go ahead, 10.
The ticket is issued, placed on that vehicle.
Ernie’s going to have that vehicle, I’m clear.
Play 20240813063251.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 06:32:51

Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Friendlies in route.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20240813063040.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 06:30:40

10 to search.
Okay, I got 10.
Could you start me a traffic ad and start Ernie’s over to 166 Summer Street.
There’s a vehicle that’s parked in town, walk smooth. It’s going to be 7, Alima, Waiyangi, GECO 10.
Play 20240813060111.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 06:01:11

ID 4-5 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 4-5.
Myself and 774 are on for Caracas at 81 Belchertown Road.
We’re going to have a…
We’re going to have a B-24 for the eastbound…
for the westbound traffic going down Stanley Street to southeast.
And the eastbound traffic will come through the work zone.
Play 20240813020805.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 02:08:05

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the check of the homeless trailer, please?
Play 20240813014805.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:48:05

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s mask, Sierra, Alpha, 521, 0703, clear 35.
Play 20240813014505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:45:05

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the check of the GACA, please?
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop, West Staten Island, Holyoke, Mass Ridge, 9, B Bravo, KQO, 262, all set.
Play 20240813012757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:27:57

Send dispatch.
Go ahead, send.
That Reznor is just playing a video game.
He’s advised to turn the volume down for the night.
Thirty-five is assured. Clear.
Play 20240813012546.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:25:46

10 dispatch
Go ahead 10
It’s gonna be a UMass student
It’s gonna be first name D-Delta, A-Alpha, K-Kilo, F-Sierra, H-Hotel
Last name is gonna be B-Bravo, H-Hotel, A-Alpha, T-Tango, T-Tango
10 dispatch
Go ahead 10
The date of birth is gonna be 12-7-2003
Play 20240813011526.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:15:26

20 dispatch, on scene.
Play 20240813011325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:13:25

10-2, dispatch, 10-4, residential.
Play 20240813011133.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:11:33

Dispatch to 10-20.
10-20, you can take a noise complaint. It’s going to be 950 North Pleasant Street, Presidential Apartments, number 106.
An anonymous RP called in reporting loud music when the window is open from that apartment.
I’d like to see if we can get quieted down for the night.
20 received, College.
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you just add the RO to that CAT as well? He’s just sleeping in the vehicle.
He’s planning on staying at the visitor center overnight if he was advised to move along.
Everything checks okay. You can show me clear.
Play 20240813010700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:07:00

Dispatch to 30.
30, I have that vehicle’s information if you want it.
I should be on site.
What did you say?
Play 20240813010335.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 13 01:03:35

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you put me on a CAD for a suspicious motor vehicle? I’ll be out at the Notch Visitor Center.
Vehicle’s going to be Oregon Ridge, Wyankee, Sierra, Victor, 165.
Should be all set.
30, heaped.


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