Data from 20240831
Play 20240831234709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 23:47:09
Forty just left.
Go ahead, Forty.
Cincinnati, if you have traffic, they’re all set.
Play 20240831233951.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 23:39:51
4U, dispatch on scene.
4U, scene.
Play 20240831233325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 23:33:25
Dispatch to 40.
40, can you assist AFD? 1500 West Street, the Notch Visitor Center.
They secured the lost hiker, but they need help with some
Received, we’ll follow the traffic.
Play 20240831230915.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 23:09:15
Forty dispatch.
Go ahead. Forty.
Ten, we’re going to be all site here. Get something there.
Okay, I’ll get something right here.
This is combat command.
This is a service order.
We request an program.
Very sweet.
Play 20240831230137.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 23:01:37
Go ahead, Tenton.
I’m on Grantwood.
Racy, the Uber driver is waiting in his car.
40 dispatch in the area.
Play 20240831225730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:57:30
Dispatch, 10-40.
10-40, can you take a disturbance? 287 Grantwood Drive.
Uber driver attempted to drop a, sounds like an ETOH student off.
A student threw up in his car.
Uber driver requested that he clean it up, and the student got
Looking for a black Toyota Camry. They’re both on scene.
10-receive from center.
Play 20240831224325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:43:25
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
Got you.
They’re on their way back to Lincoln Ave. You can clear us.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240831224059.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:40:59
20 is back.
Go ahead, 20.
Responsible party for her is off mast 0A, 195.0073.
Play 20240831223928.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:39:28
20 is batch.
Go ahead, 20.
The ETOH party here, Matt Sierra, 286, 211, 71.
Play 20240831223437.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:34:37
20 to 40, she’s over here in the bush where her seat is.
Received, I’ll start heading that way.
Play 20240831223131.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:31:31
28 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
For a crewman that doesn’t have an MBT,
You said, is there a vehicle associated with this call?
Or am I just meeting the RPs outside of the fulk?
It should be a Jeep Cherokee, the plate is 8 ZZulu, ZZulu 712.
Receiving, does that belong to the team that we’re doing the wellbeing check on or is that the RP’s vehicle?
That’s going to be the RP’s vehicle.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead 40.
Could you put me on that call with 20 and 40 to 20, they’re going to be right behind this bulk, I’ll be out with them right now.
20 dispatch monkey.
Play 20240831222133.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:21:33
That’s 20.
Can you take a well-being check at 35 East Pleasant Street?
It’s going to be the spoke.
My RP states that they’re concerned for their friend.
She’s ETOH and walked off.
They’re not sure if she went back in the spoke.
They think she’s very ETOH concerned for her
because she’s by herself now.
They’re going to be waiting in the parking lot.
They’re in a 2007 Jeep Cherokee.
The plate is 8ZZLZZL712.
Received. I have to switch out my cruiser before I head over there.
Play 20240831220334.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:03:34
We’re going to be clear with a verbal warning, there’s about 10 people here, including the
six residents, along with a loud radio which was turned down.
Play 20240831220152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 22:01:52
We’re in a discussion.
Go ahead, 85.
Got six MNWs when you’re ready.
Sierra Alpha 5960703.
Sierra Alpha 5170982.
Sierra Alpha 4480508.
Last number is four.
Dispatch to 85.
Go ahead.
I’m sorry, that last one that you just gave, Sierra Alpha 4405084?
Sierra Alpha 4480504.
Also have a main oil line at 4963372.
Dispatch to 85.
85, dispatch.
Go ahead, 85.
Rhode Island 40149457.
57 for the last two.
Go ahead, 85.
Units walking on each other. Go ahead, 10.
Go ahead, other units.
Next one, dispatch, I’m clear.
There you just finished, I’m clear as well.
Received, 30.
Next one, dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
For the park, do you guys have the rescue team on duty?
Received, they’re going to be off then.
85, dispatch.
85, dispatch.
Go ahead, 85.
And the final one is going to be Connecticut 139750003.
Play 20240831215156.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:51:56
20 to dispatch
I’m out, Bonnie
I’m out, Wes
Thank you
Play 20240831214917.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:49:17
8-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
I’ll be on you.
Play 20240831214336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:43:36
Dispatch to X1.
Just to be advised, I’m holding a
X1 to E5.
Go ahead, sir.
It’s going to be a great day.
Yeah, I can take care of that.
Play 20240831214009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:40:09
Play 20240831211441.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:14:41
X-1 Dispatch
Got X-1
You got anything pending?
X-1 to 10
Go ahead
What’s your status?
I’m standing by with the team
Got the parking lot as a notch
X-1 to 10
Play 20240831210824.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:08:24
X on this. X on to the S.O.
If we reach, if we reach that map down from this Bear Mountain by 10 o’clock, Bolo’s going to be 40 GAR.
We can take S.O.
I copy. Bolo’s coming in what sector?
30 GAR.
I copy.
3 C.
5 X 1.
3 5.
Do you want me on a bike tonight or do you need me in a car? What do you need?
Reference 85.
Play 20240831210149.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 21:01:49
X-1, can you give Dispatcher 4, please?
Dispatcher 4, do you read me?
Play 20240831205840.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:58:40
1, 2, 3.
Ja, vi har blant annat blitt blått på hålen, ja.
Vi kan ta oss till højst tider.
Er du med på T-Michaels just nu, eller nej?
Play 20240831205538.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:55:38
10. Next one.
I think God knows where you’re at. I guess he talked to the woman directly.
And even if you do find her, she’s probably going to have to get rescued somehow based on some pre-existing conditions, I guess.
Play 20240831205129.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:51:29
And dispatch.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
On scene.
Play 20240831204809.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:48:09
10 to switch
Go ahead 10
We’re able to get 3 words
Negative, I’m attempting
Station officer to X1
Go ahead
Dustin is here, he says he’s here for a ride along with you
Negative, point one, take Dustin
X1, I didn’t catch the end of that
X1, he’s going to take that for me
X1, can I put it on hold for a bit and take over?
20, ESO, I’m just going to fuel up while I have a second and I’ll come and grab him
Okay, received
Play 20240831204414.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:44:14
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
We wouldn’t know whether or not she’s been blowing her whistle.
She’s trying to blow it, but she doesn’t have the strength, so it’s coming out as a very faint whistle.
X-1 from 17… X-1 from dispatch.
Go ahead.
You should go ahead.
Dispatch to 10, that’s affirmative.
If you can give me those three words, I’ll plug them in.
I’m headed down.
What three words, Ab?
Once I get the words from dispatch, my phone, bring us right to her.
Come on, stand by there.
Okay, good luck.
There’s no one to run out of flashlight battery.
It’s pretty gnarly in here in the dark.
I’ll grab a couple of spares, actually.
Dispatch to 20.
Would you mind responding?
When we head back down and meet up with
Make a move down here.
That’s why nothing came over.
Are you on your way up here?
Affirmative. I was just grabbing the extra flashlight.
Play 20240831203703.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:37:03
I’m on it, 30.
Roger that.
I’m just about to the top where the double white lines are in the
I’m facing green, but I can hear you calling out to my right.
30, next one.
Next one.
You’re just above me.
I’m not hearing any whistle.
Play 20240831203325.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:33:25
We are on the phone with her, she’s got a whistle that she’s gonna be trying to blow,
she cannot hear anybody.
Sandy, I spoke to Pete Michaels and he said that she is on the north side of the Bear
Mountain Trail, but she is not on a trail, she’s in the woods.
It is bad, you can’t tell her to blow the whistle when the wind stops, it’s really windy
up here.
Play 20240831202922.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:29:22
30, you say?
Are you in line with her?
I tried to give her a call, but Pete Michaels was calling her, so she had to hang up. I will call her back in a few minutes.
We’re basically at the top. We’re calling her name.
Play 20240831202120.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:21:20
20 to X1.
Go ahead.
Are you guys going to be all set or do you want me to start heading down there?
We should be all set.
X1 20.
I have a right along coming in at 10, 9.
Can you take care of that for me please?
30 X1.
Go ahead.
Are you on the white trail?
X1 30.
Go ahead.
Just stand by down there.
What’s the party’s name?
Rebecca Rice.
30 X1 you want me to stand by down here?
I started up the mountain already.
It’s up to you if you want to continue or stand by down by the cars.
Play 20240831201630.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:16:30
I heard it this time.
I’m in the area.
Play 20240831200839.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 20:08:39
Negative but Pete Michaels just called me, if you could give me a landline please.
Play 20240831195358.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 19:53:58
There it is, right clear, Mr. Hill.
Thank you.
Play 20240831194554.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 19:45:54
I’m on scene. There’s no answer to the door. Can you call her back to make sure she’s actually home?
She was right over 222 Belchertown Road. She had me on speakerphone and there was someone in the background telling her what the address was and stuff. I’m calling back now.
She went straight to voicemail.
Should I get her at the door now?
Play 20240831193925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 19:39:25
Dispatch, Charlie 7.
Okay, so now I need to go 9-1-1 wireless hang up, 222 Belcher Town Road.
Upon a call back, a female by the first name of Jessica answered, stated that it was accidental.
Last CAD history we had at that location was back in, uh, 23 for, uh, medical.
Play 20240831190742.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 19:07:42
20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Everything appears to be secure. 15, no one’s home. Clear.
Ready to save.
Play 20240831190255.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 19:02:55
Try it, it’s back in the Baltimore area.
I can see him.
Play 20240831185611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:56:11
Just making sure you’re aware that they’re headed to the judge’s residence for the residential.
30, is it better to go West Street or Southeast?
Follow me.
Play 20240831185353.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:53:53
Dispatch, Charlie 30, 20.
30, 20, take a residential 67, 387 Bay Road.
Judge Ponder’s residence for a motion censor in the foyer.
Fire in the…
Play 20240831183133.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:31:33
It was the same male party that we responded to for earlier, it sounds like he mistakenly
went into the RV department and touched it, and we checked all three floors of the building,
it doesn’t seem like he’s in here, and he’s not on the outside of the property either.
Thank you.
Play 20240831182545.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:25:45
There you go.
Play 20240831182342.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:23:42
28th badge, looking into an area.
Disregard, it’s not 38th, that’s 1.
Sorry, you said it was X1, not 30?
Yeah, affirmative. Myself and X1 are on it.
Play 20240831181746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:17:46
You can take a suspicious one university drive south, my R.P.’s calling from apartment 109, she states that a male party has been outside in the area for a few hours now, looks like he’s distressed, she stated he walked into her apartment, her service dog,
scared him off, he walked back out, is now on property still in the parking area, states he’s a very skinny male, dark brown hair, wearing a light grey t-shirt, shorts, khaki shorts.
Ruthie, can you check and see if he has a beer or two?
That’s fine.
My R.P. states he just had a short beard and he was walking around holding a soda.
Play 20240831180426.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:04:26
Go ahead, Tony.
You can show that your unit is clear.
They are issued a 35.
You can shut their music off for the night.
Right, Sam.
Play 20240831180236.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 18:02:36
I have four licenses, when you’re ready.
I’m ready.
First one, Colorado, 1-7-0-9-7-6-3-5-2.
Second, off of New York, 1-9-5-2-2-5-5-7-2.
And the last two are off of Massachusetts.
First, Sierra, 2-5-7-7-1-1-2-4.
And the last one is Sierra Alpha, 0-9-9-0-2-6-4.
All right, Sam.
Play 20240831175811.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:58:11
And dispatch.
Go ahead, Ted.
I’m in the area.
Me too.
Play 20240831175541.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:55:41
20 is back.
Go ahead, 20.
In the area.
I just got a second reporting party on this as well. He’s calling from 180 Strong Street.
Play 20240831175237.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:52:37
Dispatch, Charlie. 20, 10.
20, 10.
20 received, made it north-western.
20, 10.
20 received, made it south-western.
20, 10.
20 received, made it east-western.
20 to 30.
It looks like it was a…
There was a registered party in the past, but not currently.
Play 20240831174930.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:49:30
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show both units clear.
We mediated the situation.
I receive.
Play 20240831174519.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:45:19
Dispatch, Text 1, your information’s up when you’re ready.
Bianca, Cardinal 99-2003, negative active out of Munson, no BOP.
And Gabrielle, Cardinal 330-1996, negative active out of Munson as well, no BOP.
Play 20240831174332.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:43:32
I need you to do 11-14 from 2-0-11 to the MAF, Sierra 8-Alpha-2-1-0-0-3-9-1, MAF at Sierra 8-1-7-9-3-4-5-4.
Play 20240831173639.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:36:39
30-6, I’m clear. I’ve let the RP know what happened.
Alright, good.
Next one, dispatch.
Go ahead, next one.
I’m in the area. Where’s the RP from?
So, my original RP is calling from 83 N Prospect Street to Alex Kent.
My partner then took a call from the female party of this, and she is currently at 79 N Prospect.
Play 20240831173429.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:34:29
It’s not a sex one.
One of the dogs got out over here and they’re screaming for help.
That’s one.
It’s got a disturbance.
My calling party is calling from 83 North Prospect Street.
State study.
Big white SUV went down the wrong way.
Very loud music.
He went outside, asked them to turn the music down and then it became a yelling match.
It sounds like they are separated at this time.
My calling party was back inside.
I’ll go check it out.
Gracie, it sounds like the female party that was involved is also still on scene.
But she’s going to be at 79 North Prospect Street.
22 said.
All right, Tony.
I’m going to head over with X1. I’ll be clear to follow up.
Gracie, thank you.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
I’m clear.
Ready, 2.
10, thanks a lot.
10, go ahead.
10 to X1, you want me to head over to North Prospect?
We will advise.
Thank you.
Try it, dispatch. I’m in the area.
Play 20240831172857.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:28:57
There he is.
He said it was sounding like he got towards Station Road, could be down at Juneau.
He doesn’t know where it came from, just a male voice saying,
I’ll leave me alone and someone help me.
So, we’ll go check over there.
Received. 10, dispatch.
Again, put me in the area.
Area 10, looks like there’s a gathering at 536 Station Road.
526, sorry.
Been checking with them.
Received. Still coming down Wildflower now.
Play 20240831172351.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:23:51
30, did you come from Station Road or Amherst Woods area?
Down southeast of Station Road.
I’ll go to the Amherst Woods area.
Play 20240831171950.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:19:50
Dispatch to 30. 10.
Suspicious. My calling party is calling from 15 Alyssum Drive.
He states he heard a male party screaming.
Screamed, someone help.
And then also screamed ouch.
He’s not hearing anything anymore.
He believes it came from the area of Station Road, Wildflower.
He did state before he heard the male party scream, someone help.
He was hearing some sort of commotion beforehand.
Very good.
I received one alert.
Play 20240831171658.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:16:58
30’s in the area of that motor vehicle plane.
30 received.
Dispatcher, ready.
All right.
Hadley, he called Tuesday. He just watched that vehicle pass him a few minutes ago, headed towards Northampton.
Okay. See you then.
Play 20240831171408.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:14:08
20 is dead.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you put me on a follow-up chat for that dispatcher’s call?
It was just that he didn’t need to make a phone call.
Thank you.
Play 20240831171001.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 17:10:01
There he is.
Med Party.
He’s here visiting his girlfriend who lives at 208.
And he had the key…
He had the key fob to his car propped open with a door.
And he can’t find the key fob so he’s waiting for his girlfriend to get back.
Get him a ride back to Turner so we’re clear.
There he is.
There he is too.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
Taking motor vehicle complaint.
Last seen in the area of 431 Bay Road.
There are vehicles on Bay Road.
Last seen passing South Middle Street.
It’s Mast PC3.
Should come back to a 2023 Toyota Camry color blue.
My calling party states that he was passed in a no passing lane.
In Belcher Town.
And that car then proceeded to do unsafe speeds.
The RP states that the car is now behind multiple cars.
Not passing them.
The last seen is that listed location of the South Middle heading into Amherst.
There was no other incident other than just being passed in a no passing and then doing unsafe speeds.
And the passing happened in Belcher Town.
They transferred that calling party over to us due to them not being able to get to it.
And him heading into Amherst at that point.
30 that owner also comes back at a Cherry Valley mess.
I don’t have anything local here in the local task for him either.
Play 20240831165422.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 16:54:22
Go ahead, engine two.
Engine two, go ahead.
Go ahead, ten.
I’m clear.
Very safe.
Play 20240831165012.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 16:50:12
10 to dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
Can you put me on a security check?
Be out at townhouse for a little bit.
Thank you.
Play 20240831164108.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 16:41:08
Affirmative, I’m just going through it now, Jason, England, 6-26-19-82, negative active
out of Turner’s Falls, he’s got 41 on the adult and it looks like he’s on probation
or some sort of supervised release status.
Play 20240831163754.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 16:37:54
Twenty to seven.
Go ahead, twenty.
He just went into one of these side doors down here. I don’t know if it’s a maintenance room, but he is in grey pit sweatpants and shirtless.
I’m going to take a guess. He has no business being in that space.
Twenty to seven.
Go ahead, twenty.
So the door he went in is now locked. I’m not getting an answer. Can you call maintenance here and see if they have anyone working in this westbound door? I don’t know what it goes to.
Go ahead, twenty.
Twenty to seven.
Go ahead, twenty.
You can disregard for maintenance. He came back out.
30, this is Mastel on Sierra 334, 87277, sending back with Jason Engel.
Play 20240831163136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 16:31:36
Come on in, it’s Max.
Go ahead, Tony.
You can put me in the area.
Right, Steve.
Play 20240831162948.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 16:29:48
This is badge Charlie 20…30…
Two suspicious, one University Drive South.
My calling party states that there was a white male who was acting violent and in an
Described him as shirtless with grey sweatpants.
They are no longer on scene.
We see that when they were trying to park, the male party started walking towards their car, waving his hand, saying something, but they believe he was actually talking to himself.
Fire team, bring…
Play 20240831135502.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:55:02
I-8-6, dispatch.
CADD, please, motor vehicle stop.
You can use Main Ave, Boultwood, MASS, 9, M, Mike, K, Kilo, 4, 6, 5.
Operated by MASS, Sierra, 3-1-5, 4-6-0, 0-3, clear at the 35.
Play 20240831135224.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:52:24
Plane is back.
Instead of them being on the crosswalk median, they’re going to move to the sidewalk.
Play 20240831134941.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:49:41
Fire is back in the area.
3 C-20
Play 20240831133857.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:38:57
86, dispatch.
Go ahead, 86.
AFD is on scene. I’m going to be clearing.
Over to you, team.
Play 20240831133646.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:36:46
That’s for 30.
30, can you take an assist to
How do you need 6 to 30?
How do you need 6 to Bravo 30?
Yeah, I’m on Northeast at Arborway. I’ll check out that
Received. Thank you, sir.
8-6, dispatch.
Copy, direct 8-6.
Received. I’m sure you don’t have me on duty. I’m in Unit D, Tango.
1-8-2, dispatch.
Go ahead.
One of the student force firefighters just stopped me, apparently at the Rotary at East and North Pleasant.
There’s some young ladies in the Rotary with signs, they’re creating a
Received. You said East and North Pleasant?
No, at the Rotary at North Pleasant and Triangle.
Sorry. Received.
Go ahead, 6-0.
I believe that’s a fundraiser for High School 14. Please receive an email about it.
6-0, I’m sorry, there’s a lot of background
Do you still want me to have someone head over there and check?
Yeah, sorry, they stationed me right by the DJ.
Yeah, maybe just inspect the car, swing through, make sure they’re doing it safely.
Received. Dispatch to Bravo 20.
Copy, direct.
5-8-6, dispatch.
I’m on scene for a river. There’s an audible alarm that appears to be a 15. Nothing visible.
Play 20240831131901.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:19:01
20 is set.
20 is 20.
ID9 was able to get a hold of the owner of that vehicle.
He’s going to come move it when he’s able to.
You can show me, Claire.
Play 20240831130611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 13:06:11
20 dispatch.
20, 20.
Today to play was 2, W. Whiskey, Alima, and November 8th, 1.
November 8th, 20.
Play 20240831125730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 12:57:30
Dispatch to 20.
20, can you take a
The RP was reporting a gray Chevy Impala
with a license plate 2, whiskey, what’s the year?
Lima, November 81.
Parked right in front of her driveway.
Play 20240831114418.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 11:44:18
11, dispatch.
Go ahead, 11.
Backing down, clear and available.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Spoke with Ashley Spencer. It was not domestic. It was a disturbance.
And all involved parties are mostly uncooperative.
And you can show all units clear.
Play 20240831113958.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 11:39:58
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m in the area.
Play 20240831113606.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 11:36:06
Can you take a possible domestic up at Village Park, 497 East Pleasant Street?
The residents of 148, it sounds like they’re outside of the apartment in some common area in front of it.
The RP is calling from apartment 143.
She said there’s a girlfriend and boyfriend out front.
The girlfriend is physically hitting the boyfriend.
She keeps seeing this because it’s setting off her security camera.
So she’s been watching it.
Dispatch to X1.
I don’t have anyone to send with the 20 car up for this domestic.
Clearing right now from Main Street.
28 dispatch, do we know who the residents of 148 are?
I’m looking now. She said she knew the girlfriend’s first name is Ashley, but I’m going to check history.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
You can show me clear of that while being checked in at Route 2 of Village Park.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll make clear of the while being checked as well.
10, 20.
The resident at 148 Village Park is an Ashley Spencer.
The resident at 148 Village Park is an Ashley Spencer.
The resident at 148 Village Park is an Ashley Spencer.
The resident at 148 Village Park is an Ashley Spencer.
The resident at 148 Village Park is an Ashley Spencer.
10 dispatch, you can show myself and 20 in the area.
10 dispatch to 10.
10, I was trying to look up history with Ashley.
It looks like she was involved in a domestic outside of apartment 107 or at 107 back in October.
There was a couple of male parties there, Jonathan Santiago and Rufio Santiago.
Not sure if they’ll be either of the ones involved here.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240831112833.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 11:28:33
11, dispatch.
Go ahead, 11.
Clear from the house and route back to town.
Free seat.
Next one to the S.O.
Go to the S.O.
How many numbers are you in?
One, E.E.E.C.O.
The I.P. is one number.
The I.P. is one number.
I do, the I.P. should be meeting you guys there.
He just left.
Force of Node.
Can you take a WB check at 702 Main street.
Apartment one.E.E.
The involved party is a Logan Mio.
He left a message on DRP’s phone wishing to harm himself, and it happened last Thursday.
Hi Bobby, we’ll put you on.
Go for both.
Just to clarify, the involved party said he was going to kill himself.
3-2, we’re on 2.
Play 20240831110844.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 11:08:44
11, dispatch.
Go ahead, 11.
Out of the house, ending is going to be 582.4.
Play 20240831104535.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 10:45:35
11, dispatch, you’re raising north gate.
11, dispatch.
Headed over to the house of corrections, starting at 8573.1.
Thank you.
Play 20240831103920.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 10:39:20
11 Dispatch
11 Dispatch, you’re in Southgate, please.
Get re-secured and I’ll just open up
Get re-secured.
Play 20240831094256.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 09:42:56
Play 20240831093320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 09:33:20
I.D. 1-2-2, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-2-2.
I’m clear of Amherst Farmer Supply.
Received and in.
Play 20240831091652.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 09:16:52
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I spoke to the resident, Robert DiCarlo, and he hasn’t had anything on video.
You can show me, Claire. I believe it was just a intoxicated college student.
Received, 20.
Play 20240831091159.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 09:11:59
20 dispatch.
Doesn’t seem like they were trying to break into her house.
Might have just been intoxicated college students.
I’m going to check in with number 86, who’s the RP’s neighbor and see if he has anything on camera.
Play 20240831085420.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 08:54:20
Dispatch, this is Bravo 11.
Can you get me on fire, please?
Dispatch, this is Bravo 11.
20, dispatch, I’m in the area.
Copy that.
Play 20240831084617.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 08:46:17
Dispatch, 20.
20, are you clear to take calls?
20, can you take a suspicious at 78 Gray Street?
The reporting party said she has a video of four individuals who are in a truck.
And one individual tried to break into her house by going around her house and trying to open doors.
Happened around midnight.
Play 20240831083655.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 08:36:55
Dispatch to X-1.
X-1, can you call dispatch when you have a chance?
Roger that.
Play 20240831081852.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 08:18:52
Go ahead, Tony.
You can show me clear from here.
I’ll be on it too.
I’ll call up and give you all of the victim and witness information.
Play 20240831080205.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 08:02:05
Go ahead, twenty.
I’m gonna head over to Matt’s, try to get some statements from people.
Play 20240831080045.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 08:00:45
117 dispatch go ahead 117
the part of you under I’ll be on a transport from town hall over the
station received
just that you opened north of the valley
Thank you.
Dispatch to 117.
Play 20240831075812.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 07:58:12
This guy’s still at 20.
We have you in a two-minute match-firing shot.
Black male, about 6’2″, walked in and started assaulting people.
He’s assaulting other people now that are injured.
He’s over by Mexico, he’s already now heading towards the bank.
Fire team, one-on-one.
Black male, about 6’2″, blue shirt.
He has white leather on the front that says, maybe, or maybe not.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Myself, 10 and 20 right here.
Go ahead, A3.
117, dispatch, in the area.
X1, 10, 20, what do you guys have?
Trying to find him.
11 will touch base with Matt.
10-3, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10-3.
10-3, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10-3.
W-O-I-C-N-M, you can put me on that call.
I’m on foot, walking through Clark Coast.
20, dispatch, he’s out here by the yogurt shop on Amity.
Everyone’s pointing him out.
He wants a fight.
Just confirming, he’s on Amity.
Behind Bank of America.
30, dispatch, put me on this call.
Received, 30.
Where are you?
In front of the church on Ballwood.
Any updates?
Play 20240831060718.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 06:07:18
This is X-1.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240831055515.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 05:55:15
20-desgress, can you read the spelled?
You can secure it, thanks.
I was trying, it wasn’t working, but I got it.
Play 20240831052039.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 05:20:39
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty-one.
The FDMO party is on board with the FD to be transported to CDH. You show me clear?
Play 20240831050640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 05:06:40
21 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Do you have her information?
I don’t, especially because I was told it was a male.
Uh, her name is Phyllis-O-33042.
What’s the last name again?
Received. Thank you.
Play 20240831045836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 04:58:36
21 Dispatch, on scene with AFB.
Received, 21.
Play 20240831045423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 04:54:23
Dispatch to 21.
21, respond to 130 University Drive at the Arbor’s Room 127.
Her male in his 80s who’s having difficulty breathing.
AFD has been dispatched.
Received, 111.
Play 20240831042156.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 04:21:56
21 Dispatch
I said 21
35 is your TDRR, I’m clear
Play 20240831041757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 04:17:57
21 Dispatch
Yeah, 21
Port of view of the sub, East Pleasant at Mt. Pleasant
With mass 5 November Delta Foxtrot AT, all set
Play 20240831040028.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 04:00:28
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
There’s three kids sitting out on their porch.
They said they were going to head in for the night.
Show me clear 35, shoot.
Play 20240831035803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:58:03
21 Dispatch
Go ahead 21
We got one party off in New York
2 5 7 6 2 4 6 9 5
2 5 7 6 2 4 6 9 5
Roger 2 20
2 5 7 6 2 4 6 9 5
Do you read 21?
I did
That comes back to CM Malata
2 Valerie Drive, Glenhead, New York
Data board 8 6 0 3
He is negative and active
Where is he?
Play 20240831035438.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:54:38
21 to 30.
Just three kids sitting on the porch, all alive.
Play 20240831035236.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:52:36
Dispatch to 21 and 30.
Dispatch to 30.
21 and 30 respond to 44 Kellogg Ave.
For a
For a
For a
21 received, you can put me on scene.
30 received, go ahead.
Play 20240831032833.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:28:33
Next one is 10.
I’m going to switch you over to the 21 car.
Play 20240831032619.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:26:19
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
License operator taking custody of that vehicle is going to be Alpha-Mass Sierra 98251306.
I’ll take an AR summons for the original operator I called in.
Show me clear.
I can do all of that, but I need you to give me the OLN again because the radio cut out.
Reshoot. It’s going to be Sierra 98251306.
Play 20240831031757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:17:57
10th Dispatch
Car’s on with Ernie, you can show me clear
Play 20240831031252.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:12:52
Can you just update the driver as to the reason for the tow, I wasn’t sure at the time if
it was for the unregistered or the other operating under.
Play 20240831030235.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 03:02:35
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be clear, 10 to stand by for the host.
Play 20240831025633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:56:33
to 20. Good. Early is called. They just had to pick up two before yours, so they are 10 minutes out.
Received. 10 will be sticking with the car. I’ll be on it too.
Received. Is our operator under?
Affirm. 90, 24. Received.
Play 20240831025239.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:52:39
30, this is 30.
Go ahead, 30.
Just an update, we will be standing by for a licensed operator to take custody of that vehicle.
Nice, Eagle.
Play 20240831024822.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:48:22
Next one, this one.
What are you trying to reach with the badge?
Affirmative. Starter.
Play 20240831024544.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:45:44
30 dispatch, UOFD, do you copy?
Copy, 30.
Play 20240831024226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:42:26
20, dispatch, we’re going to be pulling the driver out for rest of the Tuesday.
Received, 20.
X-1, Tad, do you want to fly down here?
X-1, Tad, do you want to fly down here?
30, dispatch.
20, 30.
Can you actually contact UMAS to see if they have a Spanish speaking officer?
Dispatch to X-1.
X-1, I called and spoke to Enfield PD dispatcher and they said that their system is showing 7-4 of 21 is the correct expiration date on that.
Yes, it is.
10, dispatch, out with 20 and X-1.
Received, 10.
Dispatch, 10-30.
Spanish speaking officer is headed your way from UMPD.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240831023756.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:37:56
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator’s off. Connecticut, O-L-N, 0-9, 9-4, 4-6, 0-2-8, 11 and 14.
2-2-6, stand by.
30 to switch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator’s going to be EMAS, Sierra, A-4-0-5-1-1-9-3.
She’s going to be I-D only, EMAS.
10-Dispatch, Ernie on scene.
Received, 10.
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
That O-L-N comes back to an Edward, Nyarko, 130 Nutmeg Lane in East Hartford, Connecticut.
He is showing negative and active, no matching in mass.
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you run that plate and see if it’s showing active?
Just want to verify, A-U-U-9-6-5-9-8.
Received, stand by.
10-Dispatch, Ernie on scene.
10-Dispatch, Ernie on scene.
10-Dispatch, Ernie on scene.
10-Dispatch, Ernie on scene.
10-Dispatch, Ernie on scene.
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
20, I ran it to receive, just the same thing, vehicle registration, expiration date is 7-4-2021, on the 2009 black Pontiac, G-5.
Okay, received, thanks.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
That car is going to be with Ernie, the operator, with the CRIM app, and can I have an AR number
when you have a second?
And then you can show me there.
Yes, and I will get you certified copies.
Thank you.
10 to 30, you all set?
Affirm, I’m all set.
Just trying to make contact with the operator.
She’s Spanish only, so she’s using a translate app.
30, you want to call UMPD if they have an emergency?
I should be all set.
Play 20240831023029.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:30:29
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll be clear at 10,000.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35, NASA LLM Sierra Alpha 6680801.
Go ahead, 20.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Rolling 9 and 10. Connecticut A-U Uniform 96598.
Received. Standby.
Dispatch to 20.
20, Connecticut Point A-U Uniform 96598.
Comes back on a 2009 Pontiac G5 color black.
Registered to a Gertrude Doocy 106 Homestead Street in Manchester, Connecticut.
It is showing that it expired back in 21.
Put me out of that vehicle.
It’s not pleasant in the spring.
Received. Would you like another?
I’m going to 30, dispatch.
I’m going to 30, dispatch. I’m going to be on a stop at Northampton at Hazel.
It’s going to be Mass Ridge for W Whiskey Beach Hotel, Z Zulu 59. All set.
X1, dispatch. I’ll go back up for you.
Thank you, X1.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Thank you.
Play 20240831022311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:23:11
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Stopped by AFG Center.
Ma’am, 4A-A-S-C-R-F-X-X-Ray-4-8.
All set.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240831022056.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:20:56
10 to 10.
Go ahead, 10.
Operator of this vehicle is MASS Sierra 44069607.
He’s showing suspended, but he has an operator to pick him up.
He’s going to be off MASS Sierra 8Alpha 3691369.
Play 20240831021722.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:17:22
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35 to the RO, clear.
Play 20240831021349.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:13:49
10-X-1, clear for the hook, revoke insurance.
Dispatch copies, correct.
Play 20240831021235.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:12:35
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop Amity at Lincoln with MASS 4, November, Tango, Lima, 5-8, showing revoked insurance.
2 fresh to 10.
10-4-N-T-L-5-8, is revoked for insurance, verification was on 7-28-24, would you like another?
Go again with that last part.
Would you like me to send you a backup unit?
Yes, please.
Dispatch to 20.
Anybody in Lincoln to assist 10?
Yeah, I think 30 is just pulling up right now to him.
30, dispatch, I’ll be out with 10.
Okay, thanks 30.
10-4-N-T-L-5-8, is revoked for insurance, verification was on 7-28-24, would you like another?
20, dispatch.
10-4-N-T-L-5-8, is revoked for insurance, verification was on 7-28-24, would you like another?
Stopped, Amity by Amish Coffee, Mast 5, Kee Papa, KQO, change way at 5-7.
20, do you need your information back? You’re all set.
Should be all set.
Play 20240831020142.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 02:01:42
30, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Small gathering here, approximately 10 to 15. They were advised to wind it down for the night.
I’ll MDT you the resident info, 35 issued. You can show myself then, 20, clear.
Over to you.
Play 20240831015538.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:55:38
20’s in the area.
Received, 20.
Play 20240831015254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:52:54
X-1 to 40.
You can head in, thank you.
Appreciate it, thanks.
Stay five, Sam.
X-1 to 40.
Go ahead, X-1.
Do you have any
Just one at the intersection of East Hadley and South Pleasant.
Appreciate it.
10-30, check it out.
Roger, 10-30, you only sent two cars, sir.
I’m sorry, where did you say it was? East Hadley and South Pleasant?
Yeah, in the vicinity. Loud blaring music.
Yeah, 10-30, if you find something that needs to be addressed, we’ll send another car down.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
10-30, dispatch, I’m here.
10-30, the caller was from 647 South Pleasant Street and said that it was in the area.
I don’t have anything further.
How long ago did they call?
25 minutes, they called at 1-22.
Received, some loud music. We’ll take a small group of kids to address it now.
20 to X-1, okay for a 2.
10-30, you going to want another unit down there or not?
X-1 at 30.
X-1 at 20.
L-Star heading that way.
Thank you.
Play 20240831014458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:44:58
Go ahead A5.
I’ll be clear.
You can assign me two numbers for QBL.
I hope we keep doing our violations.
Play 20240831014241.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:42:41
30, this is Metro.
Go ahead, 30.
Operators, MAF, Sierra, A-Alpha, 3-2-3-0-0-3-6, clear 35.
Play 20240831013833.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:38:33
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
College at Dickinson, Mazarev Street, W Whiskey, J Juliet, 913, all set.
Received, dispatch to 8-5.
Go ahead.
Sierra, Emily, Maccas, 3, chance to relay out of Rochester, New York, date of birth 12-31-03.
Her MNW is negative.
Okay, received.
Play 20240831013638.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:36:38
Forty to dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Escort a 9-10 on Rhode Island, 1-V-Victor-F-0-1-6-1.
Dispatch to Forty.
Forty, I have that coming back to a 2013 Blue Mini Cooper, registered to a Daniel Rose, 42 High Street, Cumberland, Rhode Island.
It says that it is registration suspended. I’m going to run it in stages.
Received, thanks. Yeah, I saw it, it still should have been active, but suspended, so I was confused. Thank you.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty.
South Pleasant at the Spring Line, Mast 3-8-2-G-G-G-O-L-F-7-0, all set.
Received, dispatch to Forty.
Forty, just confirming, yeah, the title is active, however, the registration is suspended, but I don’t have a reason why.
Five, dispatch.
Go ahead, Eight-Five.
Negative, two M&Ws, verbal only. First of Nikolai, N-I-C-O-L-A-I, last of Robbins, R-O-B-B-I-N-S, 5-29 of 2004 out of Massachusetts, copy one.
Scratch that, 5-24-04.
Copy one.
Second, first name Sierra, S-I-E-R-R-A, middle E-Echo, last in November, A-Alpha, K, Kiro, A-Alpha at Sierra, 12-31-03 out of New York, she is a UMass student.
And I’m at Steering at Allen.
Steering at Allen.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty.
Negative, two M&Ws, verbal only. First of Nikolai, N-I-C-O-L-A-I, last of Robbins, R-O-B-B-I-N-S, 5-29 of 2004 out of New York, copy one.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Twenty.
Thirty-five to the R-O, the R-O is going to be the sun, date of birth, and then O-1, show me clear of the thirty-five.
Ten, dispatch, can you show me out with eight-five?
Received, Ten, dispatch to eight-five.
Go ahead.
Eight-five, Nikolai, Bradford, Robbins, out of 30 Palmer Road in Munson, Mass, his M&W is negative. We’re not getting a return on Sierra, we’re still looking.
Contact UMass and see if you have a listing.
Will do, standby.
Play 20240831012331.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:23:31
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operators off the New Jersey OLN, T-Tango, 3594, 3117, 462986.
35, show me clear.
Dispatch, go ahead 8-5.
Alright, I’m going to be clear.
UMPD is issuing that party a trespass.
You can call their dispatch and they’ll give you his name.
Play 20240831012000.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:20:00
20 to Sedge.
Go ahead 20.
Stop, East Pleasant M&G Bank, MASS 4, A-ZZ, F-F-51, all set.
Play 20240831011602.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:16:02
Dispatch to 8-5.
8-5, UMPD Dispatch just called.
They said they’re out with a party that matches the description.
Over out by the Robsham Visitors Center in lot 34.
Do you want me to send someone over or are we all set?
I’ll swing down there in a minute.
I’m still up here.
I just released the other party.
Play 20240831011314.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:13:14
Go ahead X-1
Can you clear my cell 4820?
8-5-4-5 on the RP
More of a verbal threat about a firearm, nothing was shown
Copy, beeped
Play 20240831011125.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:11:25
Go ahead, 8-5.
Relations check, MNW.
National NS Sierra.
A-Alpha, 1180236.
Coming back to it.
Caitlin Ann Lynch, 13 Kabul Knoll Drive, South Walpole, Massachusetts.
Date of birth is 5-1-2003.
She is negative and active.
Let’s see if you can put her on the cat.
Play 20240831010759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:07:59
X-1, 8-5.
Stand by 1, please.
Play 20240831010614.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:06:14
8-5, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, 8-5.
I’ll be out at the First Baptist with you, MPD.
Back it down.
Next one’s out.
See you, next one.
Play 20240831010300.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 01:03:00
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Show me out with UMass PD, North Pleasant, right before the rotary.
Okay, received.
Go ahead, 20.
Dispatch to X1.
X1, I just want to advise you, 20 was flagged down by UMPD, but they did call us.
The reason why he was flagged down is because a female party is reporting possibly seeing a male with a firearm on Butterfield.
Here is it.
X1 to 10-40, you want to slide over to him?
X1, 85.
I’m en route from Kellogg at this point.
Thank you.
40 to 20.
Do you see the description at all?
I see you, Matt, working on one.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240831005746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:57:46
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
35, issue to the R.O., you can show me clear.
Dispatch to 20.
20, do you need that information back or are you all set?
35 to the R.O., show me clear.
Play 20240831005605.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:56:05
20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Cleared 35 to the RO.
Can you add me on another stop?
North Pleasant at Halleck.
20, go with the plate number.
MASS 4, Alima, D-Delta, Alima, 7-4.
Play 20240831005417.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:54:17
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop College at Dickinson with one Charlie Delta Whiskey 7-7, all set.
Play 20240831005155.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:51:55
20 just finished.
Stopped. East Pleasant by MNC Bank.
Matt 3, WSQV, Victor 293. All set.
Play 20240831004037.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:40:37
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
39, just a full walk around, all doors and windows appear secure.
Your show is clear with a 15.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Veering and out, liquid law violation.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
First name David, common spelling, middle initials S-Sierra.
Last name E-Gulp, I-India, L-Lima, I-India, N-November.
Date of birth 12-6-04.
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll be out with 20.
Received. Dispatch to 20.
Dispatch to 20.
Go for 20.
David S. Gillen, G as in Gulf, I as in India, L as in Lima, I as in India, N as in November, 12-6-04. Has no matching out of mass.
Out of New York.
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can show me clear.
30 Dispatch.
Dispatch to 20.
20 Dispatch, you were calling me?
I was, just letting you know that I did get a return on David Gillen, 15 Varian Lane out of Scottsdale, New York. He is negative and active.
Perfect, 35. Show me clear.
Play 20240831003310.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:33:10
Go ahead X1
Hoppers left 0611, 81295, clear for takeoff
Play 20240831003002.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:30:02
20’s on scene.
Received 20.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Stop southwest, southwest, and it’s no mass.
Victor Echo, 9-7-0, Michael.
Play 20240831002819.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:28:19
Twenty to switch.
Thirty-five, Manitoba Lens, Sierra Alpha, zero-two, five-one, four-two-two, clear.
Ten, dispatch.
Go ahead, ten.
Small group of about ten, music shut off, they’re shutting it down for the night.
Be sure it’s clear, thirty-five is shooting.
Dispatch to twenty and thirty.
Twenty and thirty, respond to one-seventy, Chestnut street for commercial sixty-seven at Amherst Regional Middle School.
It’s gonna be zone three, south entrance, door D-four.
4 and then zone 13 and 0 but no information on what that means
20 received hearing
30 received trying
and 0 to
what they take to be delivered
for counseld
One second.
30, dispatch on to you.
Received, 30.
Play 20240831002352.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:23:52
Twenty to switch.
You said twenty.
Until ten clears, I’ll be on foot, bearing at Lincoln.
Okay, do you want like a CP cab?
Nah, just waiting for liquor loss.
Very good, Dave.
Ten, dispatch.
Go ahead, ten.
Quick area search of the area. There goes nothing. You can show me clear?
Ten, dispatch.
Switch to ten and forty.
Ten and forty, respond to ten forty, North Pleasant Street, at Pompton Village, apartment number fifty-five.
Ten, this is Sandhills.
Forty, got it from Poppers.
Thirty, dispatch.
Go ahead, thirty.
Scott, East Pleasant at Bray, mass, four, and November, T-Tango, C-Charlie, three-seven, all set.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
What was the number for the Cottage Street
Ten, dispatch, in the area.
Received, ten.
Dispatch to twenty.
Tony, my apologies, that is going to be number ninety, the yellow one on the corner there.
Okay, received. I’m not hearing anything at the, uh, I’m right there, so.
Forty, dispatch, I’m in the area.
Received, forty.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
You can show me clear, T-O-A, looks like most of the lights in the house are off, so.
Thirty, dispatch.
Go ahead, thirty.
Operator, MAF, Sierra, A-alpha, three-six-four-zero-two-zero-one, clear, thirty-five.
Operator, MAF, Sierra, A-alpha, three-six-four-zero-two-zero-one, clear, thirty-five.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
Stop, he’s pleasant and strong, MAF-2, are Romeo and Romeo-2.
Roger, go ahead, twenty.
Go ahead, twenty.
Stop, he’s pleasant and strong, MAF-2, are Romeo, are Romeo-A-alpha-five-two-also.
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, forty.
First resident, MAF, Sierra, A-alpha, zero-five-six-zero-four-seven-one.
Forty, unfortunately your radio clipped out, I got S-A-zero-five, and then I’m missing most of what’s after that.
Forty, Sierra, A-alpha, zero-five-six-zero-four-seven-one.
Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, forty.
Got two more for you.
First, MAF, Sierra, Alpha, one-two-six-zero-six-eight-six.
Second’s gonna be MAF, Sierra, two-eight-eight-two-three-two-nine-two.
Play 20240831000754.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:07:54
Dispatch to 20 and 30.
20 and 30, respond to 90 Cottage Street for a
It’s going to be the yellow house on the corner of Cottage and Chestnut.
Approximately 10 people outside.
Just being loud and talking.
20 received, Phillips.
30 received, Maine.
Next one, Dispatch.
Okay, next one.
Just hold that until 10 and 40 clear up north.
I don’t want to tie the entire ship up for a
10, Dispatch, in the area.
Received, 10.
Play 20240831000216.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 08 31 00:02:16
Dispatch to 10 and 20.
10 and 20, respond to 81 State Street. It’s going to be in the backyard.
Calling party states that he saw somebody walking through his backyard between his house and the condos.
Person was back there with like a light on their phone.
He called out to see what they were doing back there and then they heard a
Unknown if that party is still in the back.
10 received, spring.
20 received, triangle.
Next one, 20.
Need to stay central.
20 received.
40 to 10.
I’ll stay nearby, so just let me know if you need any assistance.
Received, thank you.