Data from 20240920

Play 20240920234322.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:43:22

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show all units clear.
Play 20240920234020.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:40:20

Go ahead, 10
Two IDs for the CAD, first is California, OLN, Y-E-T-6-6-9-0-4-6-8, copy 1
Copy 1
Second, New Jersey, OLN, B-B-6-2-1-2-3-8-0-7-4-0-2-0-3-4, copy 2
Copy 2
Play 20240920233750.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:37:50

20 as such units in the area.
Received 20.
Play 20240920233638.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:36:38

20 and 10 respond to 11 Phillips Street for a report of fight on scene only got one call
from somebody saying that there were parties fighting and they didn’t want to see somebody
get hurt.
No additional calls on this.
Play 20240920233051.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:30:51

30, this is Patrick.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear. Uh, you just go wait for AAA.
Okay, received.
Play 20240920232140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:21:40

30, are you on scene?
I am. I’m just out with the operators. I’m sitting on AAA right now.
Racing. Just wanted to make sure.
Are you going to send me a crash number? If you could, please.
Crash number is 24-270-AC and the time is 22.45.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240920231942.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:19:42

20, dispatch, can you raise the south gate?
Received, 20.
And secure, and I’m clear.
Play 20240920231727.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:17:27

7-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-5.
Motor vehicle stop. Flying Primos, Mast 3, Victor, John, Victor, 8-1. 9-10, please.
3-6, stand by.
Dispatch to 7-5.
Go ahead.
3, Victor, John, Victor, 8-1. Comes back to a great 2010 Volkswagen Golf, registered to a James Brody 192 Lincoln Circle out of Northbridge.
Vehicle and driver are negative and active.
Received. 35 issued.
You have my location as 200 Southeast Street. It’s actually behind Primos, but it’s on Triangle Street.
Received. I thought you said behind Colonial. Thank you for the correction.
Play 20240920231333.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:13:33

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Ending mileage 89.5, can you read the north?
10, dispatch, you can show me clear.
10, was that you calling clear?
Thank you.
Go ahead, 20.
Ending mileage 89.5, can you read the north?
10, dispatch, you can show me clear.
Play 20240920230901.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:09:01

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m going to be transporting ID 111’s custody starting mileage 88.3.
X1 dispatch, I’m clear from 496.
Received, X1.
21 dispatch, X1.
21 dispatch.
I’m on a 2 for booking and a 20 car is going to be transported home for me.
Play 20240920230507.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:05:07

10 descent.
Go ahead, 10.
One more party for the CAD. First name is Aiden, common spelling, last name is A-alpha, your uniform, B-Bravo, E-Echo, R-Romeo, D-Tango, I-India, N-November, E-Echo, date of birth, 11-25-03.
Should be a match to all that.
ID-102 to ID-102.
30 to dispatch.
ID-7-5 is going to stay on scene until he makes contact. You can dispatch me to MVC.
ID-102 to ID-7-5.
Go ahead.
I just spoke to John by phone. I don’t know if he’s coming to the door or not, but I did talk to him and he, that message was relayed. If he’s not at the door, I’m assuming he can hear.
Speaking with him right now.
Match to 10.
10, I’m not getting any return on Aiden, Aubertine, or Aubertine. A-I-D-E-N is how we’re spelling the first name.
Negative, it’s A-alpha, I-India, E-Delta, A-alpha, N-November.
Roger, 10-30.
10-30, respond to the intersection of Hedgerow and North E Street for motor vehicle crash property damage only. It’s going to be vehicle versus deer. It’s a 2005 Volvo S60 Black.
Received. You got operator info?
Yes, I do.
Thank you.
Match to 10.
10 dispatch, I’ll take another AR number for a summons PPL violation.
Received, do you need info back on Aiden?
Negative, I should be all set.
7-5 dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-5.
Spoke with that party, he’s all set, I’ll be clear.
Received, thank you.
Dispatch to 30, I’m sorry, dispatch to 10.
Go ahead.
Aiden’s number will be 605-24-605-AR.
Appreciate your information.
Play 20240920230021.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 23:00:21

21 dispatch. Go ahead, 21. We’re going to have a first name of Brady, common spelling, last name Cabral, Charlie, Alpha, Bravo, Romeo, Alpha, Lima, 4-25-2006, under at this location.
ID-102 to ID-75.
Go ahead.
I called both of those numbers for both John and Sarah, and they ring and go to voicemail. Messages were left unvoiced.
Received. We’re going to clear.
75, stand by one. I got one calling back.
Received. We’re all safe.
Play 20240920225826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:58:26

Go ahead, 75.
Do you have a phone number for this party?
I do.
The doctor’s office has been trying to call for well over an hour.
I can call it again, though.
That’s why I’m calling you guys.
I want to hear it from Frank.
10, dispatch.
21 dispatch. Go ahead 21. I have a miner in position at 496 North Pozingas Adams in the
original category, Connecticut Hole Line 109943062, Connecticut Hole Line, it should be Tyler
Farsten. Received, do you want a liquor law violation for him? No, just put him in the
cat and no, he was a miner we identified leaving the party. Received, dispatch to 10. 10. Jared
Steven, Paysant 110, Christina Drive in Braintree, 10-12-2003, his OLN is Sierra Alpha 2900458,
negative active. Received, call TEPA, AR number 3, TPL 7. Received. Next one dispatch.
Go ahead, X1. I’m gonna have another miner here, first name of Madeline, last name of Hollister,
H-O-T-L-O-O-L-L-L-I-N-D-E-S-T-R-A-T-T-A-N-G-O-E-R-O-N-E-O, date of birth of 4-25-0-0-7,
can you just confirm she’s out of Southampton? Received, stand by.
10, dispatch. Go ahead, 10.
10. I’ll take the AR number over the air, please.
10, your number is 24-603-AR.
Go ahead, X1.
Madeline Hollister, 4-25-0-7, she is negative active and is out of Southampton.
X1, to ID75. Go ahead.
Go ahead, X1.
Just wondering if you guys had any luck making contact over there?
We’re still working on it.
Are you all set over there?
Yeah, we’re issuing some TBLs right now.
Received, got some photos at the end.
Play 20240920225013.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:50:13

Everybody dispatch.
Go ahead, 75.
Bono, Wildflower.
Play 20240920224838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:48:38

Dispatch to X-1.
Go ahead.
Just advising that I have a vehicle versus deer and hedgerow in northeast.
No available officers right now.
Received. We’ll get to it when we can.
Play 20240920224517.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:45:17

Go ahead, 30. Your transmission’s very garbled.
30, this is Special. Yeah, I’m not getting any answer at the door. Lights are all off.
Door’s locked. A couple of windows are open. I don’t know how serious the faults are.
Received. The doctor’s office said that if he feels fine, he’s fine. It’s kind of a vague answer. I don’t have a good answer for you.
Received. I can’t get in touch with him to find out. MSX20, you got a preference?
75 to 30, I’m heading your way.
Dispatch to 30.
It looks like he has a max plate of 2 WSDG Delta J Juliet 5 2. It’s a 2003 Lexus ES color red.
Received. It must be garage. No windows to the garage. The garage doors are shut.
Play 20240920224126.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:41:26

30 dispatch, I’m on scene.
Received 30.
We spoke with Mateo at 510, he’s going to shut it down, and QSTAR is another one for
We’re going to find a resident of this one as well.
Play 20240920223738.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:37:38

21 to fetch.
Go ahead, 21.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Party is registered to a Mateo Piacenti.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Party is registered to a Mateo Piacenti.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Party is registered to a Mateo Piacenti.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Party is registered to a Mateo Piacenti.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Party is registered to a Mateo Piacenti.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
Yeah, it’s 510 North Pleasant.
We’ll try to find a resident here.
21 to ESO.
Go ahead.
Disregard, I found a registrar here.
Excellent, disreg.
Go ahead, excellent.
You can put me out at 510 as well.
Play 20240920223342.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:33:42

30 respond to 182 182 wildflower drive for a well-being check they’re looking
for a John Nile his medical team needs to make contact with him regarding some
critical test results that they’re trying to reach him about if you could
please have him call his primary care doctor ASAP that would be ideal thank
21 to x1
the only noise here is I’m guessing the loudspeakers at 510 or 496 North
Pleasant the frats there you want to shut those down I just know it’s gonna
be a large one over there
are you able to hear that from the RP’s residence yeah definitely do we know if
those parties are registered yet 21 dispatch you check for 96 or 510 North
Pleasant see if they have registered parties 510 does have a registered party
I do not have one for 496 receive let’s see if it’s a 510
10 to 21 I can swing by there right now
receive yeah I think if we get them to shut off the loudspeakers that probably
solve the problem
Play 20240920222900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:29:00

20, dispatch.
I’m at 20.
On pairing.
21, dispatch.
I’m in the area.
Play 20240920222627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:26:27

Dispatch to 20 and 21.
20 and 21, respond to the area of Phillips and Nutting.
Our caller from 73 Fearing Street from earlier states he can hear a developing party.
20 receive.
21 receive.
21 dispatch.
Go ahead 21.
Is he complaining about the noise or he just doesn’t want a party to happen in the area?
He’s complaining about the noise of said developing party.
Radio, 21 clear for a quick two.
Play 20240920221529.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:15:29

Thirty-five, issue to MASS operator, Sierra Alpha 3670148, clear.
Dispatch to 30, just a radio test.
Can you transmit back to me?
30, dispatch, radio check.
30, thank you.
Play 20240920221047.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 22:10:47

There it is, Patrick.
Go ahead, Betty.
Stop in front of 1 East Pleasant. It’s going to be on Rhode Island, 1D Delta, A Alpha, 445. All set.
Play 20240920212235.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 21:22:35

75 to 20
I can’t hear anything
Appreciate it
21 to switch.
We’re clear, there’s no noise, and the RP’s resonance isn’t really anywhere near 28, nothing.
Play 20240920211838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 21:18:38

Twenty-one to switch.
Answer in the area, where’s the caller from on this?
Seventy-three fearing.
Seventy-three fearing is calling on twenty-eight netting.
Play 20240920211452.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 21:14:52

21 to pitch.
3 Foxtrot…
Do you know if 38 Nutting has a registered party tonight?
38 Nutting is the only registered party on that street.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920211206.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 21:12:06

Dispatch, 20, 21.
Go for both.
Noise complaint. My calling party believes it’s 28 Nutting Ave for loud music and chanting.
Both received 101.
Play 20240920202457.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 20:24:57

20X1, OK for 2.
Play 20240920202154.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 20:21:54

20 dismissed.
Clear. 35 issued to BRO.
Play 20240920202018.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 20:20:18

20 dispatch.
Stop East Pleasant, next to University Lodge, Mass Ridge, 5 Sierra, Bravo, Echo, 8-0, all set.
Thank you.
Play 20240920195014.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:50:14

21 X-ray, clear for two.
Play 20240920194025.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:40:25

21, this is Fitch.
Go ahead, 21.
The RP’s not with the vehicle anymore, correct?
They turned in a different direction.
Received. No sign of them. Clear GOA.
Play 20240920193515.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:35:15

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
20 to 21, I can take that for you.
That’s alright, I got it.
21 to switch.
Go ahead.
Can you put me in the area?
Play 20240920193303.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:33:03

Dispatch, 10.
Disregarder, just realized I have a 21.
Dispatch, 21.
Go ahead.
Just got a motor vehicle complaint, happened maybe three minutes ago.
Last seen on Northampton Road, turning left onto South Pleasant.
So, headed northbound on South Pleasant.
You’re looking for New York, Al-Lima, H-Hotel, M-Mike, 9521.
It’s on a blue BMW 320i.
RP states that it passed him twice on Route 9.
And then turned left off of Northampton up South Pleasant.
Play 20240920192218.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:22:18

20 to switch.
On scene.
Thank you.
Play 20240920191443.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:14:43

20 to switch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you put me on a follow-up, Kat?
I’m going to be at 41 South Valley Road in Pelham
from a walk in Larceny from the previous shift.
I believe around 1,500 hours.
Thank you.
Play 20240920190518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 19:05:18

X-1, 20.
Can you grab either one of the pickup trucks and meet me over at 308 North Pleasant Street?
I found the bike that an individual reported missing from earlier.
Thank you.
Play 20240920185333.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 18:53:33

There it is, Patrick.
All right, I’m sorry.
Roger, you guys have a vehicle?
Send for a certified copy and send me an AR summit number to the RO, please.
And I’m clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240920182717.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 18:27:17

Go ahead
Clear for a hook, revoked for insurance
Copy, direct
Receipt, thanks
Play 20240920182404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 18:24:04

Clear to dispatch.
Uh, 3.
Point of vehicle stop, 591 West Street, MASS 5, B Bravo, XX Ray, B Bravo, 5, 9, all set.
3, 2.
Play 20240920175105.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 17:51:05

There it is, Patrick.
Go ahead, 30.
35, you’re shifted to New York, 357628504. Clear.
Play 20240920174807.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 17:48:07

There it is, Patrick.
Go ahead, Benny.
We’re going to go south, West Palm Roy at Farmington.
Let’s get around to New York.
G-Golf, F-Fox, S-Sierra, 8-7-7-7.
All set.
Thank you.
Play 20240920171657.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 17:16:57

786 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 786.
I’m clear from the Clark house.
Play 20240920163431.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 16:34:31

There it is, Fasher.
Go ahead, Tony.
Order has been delivered. I’m clear.
What do you see?
Play 20240920161910.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 16:19:10

Dispatch, X-1.
Can you give us a call, please?
Play 20240920155853.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 15:58:53

786 to dispatch.
I’m meeting with Nora Brown at the Clark House.
Play 20240920152331.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 15:23:31

20, dispatch.
He’s been dropped off. I’m back in town in service.
Roger, sir.
Play 20240920151212.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 15:12:12

20 is prepped.
Got it, 20.
Tiger 5 to Light, I’m going to be doing a citizen’s transport from here to 41 Salva Valley Drive in Pelham.
All right, chief.
Play 20240920145835.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 14:58:35

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear.
Where are you, Steve?
Play 20240920145414.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 14:54:14

Go ahead
Can you move to the lobby?
Did you say you want me to head to the lobby?
Yeah, that part is causing a little bit of a disturbance. You may have to handle that.
I’m pressing
30, dispatch
Go ahead, 30
Can I get a follow up, CAD, for 18473? I’ll be at the courtyard, Marriott, Hadley
Go ahead, 10
20, dispatch, go ahead
20, received
A, B, if you’re monitoring, I parked there, so you can park in front
X1, dispatch
Go ahead, X1
Myself, 20, 86, you’re going to be on this call
Received, are you going to be all set for AFD to come right in?
Yes, please have AFD respond
Received, we will not have them, please
Play 20240920144206.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 14:42:06

20 is fetched in the area.
I see.
I’m not seeing anything yet. I’m going to check off railroad because they went to like the encampments up here.
Excellent dispatch.
I’ll be en route to college as well.
I see.
X110 is in the area. I’m checking college for nothing so far.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Thank you.
2210. Railroad street appears to be clear and the tracks look clear too.
Appreciate it. Welcome to College Street all the way down to Everett Court.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
College Street, Everett College. Can you let that fell as well?
10 to 20. I also checked College up to 12,000 and nothing.
Okay. Thank you.
Thank you.
10 dispatch, I’ll be clear.
30 to 10.
5 to 20.
Go ahead.
So I just talked to Amherst College and they said he was sitting there about 20 minutes ago.
He cut through the alumni lawn and the last that they saw him was headed towards like the Lord Jeff.
Okay. Perfect. Thank you. I’ll look over there.
Did they give it or can you remind me of the description again?
White male, approximately in his 40s.
Amherst College has him in a plaid shirt, tan hair, baseball hat.
Okay. Thank you.
20, he’s in the lobby of APD.
Well, that works, huh?
786 to dispatch.
Go ahead 786.
I’m on my way to the lobby.
Play 20240920143239.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 14:32:39

Dispatch, Bravo 20.
Go ahead.
Two walls being checked.
It will be in the area of 160-160 College Street, College Route Railroad.
My calling party, a passerby, states that there was a guy sitting beside the road in that area.
Who, as he was driving by, seemed to collapse.
He’s described as a white male, approximately in his 40s, with tannish hair and a baseball cap.
And while driving by, he saw in his rear view mirror the possibility of a spoon in the hand and didn’t know if it was drug related.
Play 20240920133746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 13:37:46

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close a follow-up CAD, please?
Location is 760, A-Alpha, Riverglade Drive.
Reference CAD 18005, and I’m clear.
Play 20240920131354.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 13:13:54

Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
If you could try to make another attempt to that gentleman, I also made contact with 423, and she’ll do the same.
Received, ID 9-1 spoke to him, I’m pretty sure.
If you could try to make another attempt to that gentleman, I also made contact with 423, and she’ll do the same.
Received, ID 9-1 spoke to him, I’m pretty sure.
If you could try to make another attempt to that gentleman, I also made contact with 423, and she’ll do the same.
Affirmative, X-1.
I spoke to that party, he’s 30 minutes out.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240920130412.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 13:04:12

Dispatch to 20.
20, can you take an animal complaint?
It’s going to be in the area of 236 North Pleasant Street.
Amherst Community Connection.
Um, RP is outside.
He’s reporting an injured owl in a box.
I tried to get ID 423, but she didn’t call in for today, so I don’t think she’s available.

X1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I believe it was a midnight day shift that was at…
They had secured that owl in the box until a birds of prey rescuer was able to come and take care of the animal.
Play 20240920122317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 12:23:17

Last unit, your gear didn’t come over, can you hold him?
Play 20240920121117.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 12:11:17

20, this is Vess.
Go ahead, 20.
So there’s going to be a couple of CADs I’d like to have open and closed.
First would be a medical mental CAD for that location.
And then a trespass CAD for that location as well.
And then you can clear all units from buckets.
Play 20240920120710.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 12:07:10

Play 20240920115120.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:51:20

20 dispatch, what’s the address for College Street, Tucker Tone?
312 College Street.
Thank you.
Play 20240920114900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:49:00

Okay, that’s fine.
26, that’s good.
Can I have the call number over there, please?
28, cat, number’s gonna be 18479.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
Play 20240920113527.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:35:27

20 to dispatch, I’m on scene.
Where is she?
I don’t know.
I’ve done nothing today.
I’ll be out on your drive.
Go ahead, 86.
I’ll be out on your drive.
Where is she?
Play 20240920113216.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:32:16

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
The RO of that vehicle is an employee here. This has spoke over into a disturbance inside among staff.
If you could send me another unit, please. And if 786, I believe, is available, maybe they can come down.
This is definitely going to be a 6-2 related issue.
Received, X-1.
20, X-1. I’ll head that way.
Dispatch to ID 786.
786, last rep, do you copy? There’s a disturbance, 6-2 related, at the Dunkin’ Donuts on U Drive. You can head there.
Okay, on my way.
Play 20240920112832.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:28:32

X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’m familiar with the RO of that vehicle.
She’s an employee there.
I’ll be out talking with her.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920112602.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:26:02

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Can you go with the plate description again, please?
I know it’s a Corolla.
Yeah, it’s a 2024 Toyota Corolla, color gray, mass 8, ZZulu, D-Delta, 888.
Probably parked at Duncan Hill.
Appreciate it.
I’m arriving on U-Drive now. Show me up, please.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920112401.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:24:01

Dispatch to X-One.
X-One, the RP for that motor vehicle complaint is still at Dunkin’ Donuts.
I’m not sure if you want to send anyone down to make contact with him, and we’re not.
Received. I’m in a room.
Okay. Received.
Play 20240920112007.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:20:07

dispatch to 20
20 can you take a motor vehicle complaint vehicle is just passed through
the South Pleasant Street and College Street lights headed northbound under
South Pleasant it’s a gray Toyota Corolla a alpha diesel or d-delta 888
RP is behind it hitting it’s been passing illegally over the double yellow
if he took a left actually on the North Hampton Road he’s going down the hill
past the Amherst College Field okay I’m in South Amherst right now I’ve no
chance of me catching it maybe we could pass that on to Hadley
What do you see?
Ashwin, Received
I’m in
Ashwin, Received
Dispatch to S1
S1, Let Raddick
X1 that erratic operator in the Corolla is now at Dunkin’ Donuts on U Drive.
I don’t know if anyone can head there.
The chief complaint was simply passing in a no-passing zone, is that correct?
Yeah, RP said she was passing on South Pleasant Street, northbound across the double solid line.
Also turned from the left lane all the way to the right, cutting people off on North Hampton to U Drive.
Um, Cougar said it’s Renat Schmerling going to work at Dunkin’.
Play 20240920110356.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 11:03:56

1-2-3, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-2-3.
At the course.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920105808.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:58:08

I just need you to add a couple names to the CAD and also add an incident report.
The victim is Sierra 477-333-42 and the mother of the suspect is Sierra 4988-6546 and also
add the sister of the suspect Sierra A-1730-795.
I spoke with the victim and the sister and I’ll contact the mother later on when she’s
I’m clear for now.
Thank you.
Play 20240920105352.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:53:52

Traffic after these cars, bus coming.
20 is fetched.
Go ahead 20.
Message is passed on, I’m clear.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Play 20240920104824.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:48:24

Dispatch to 20.
20 Ernie’s is going to have her vehicle, they towed it, property manager asked them to tow
I guess it was blocking the entrance to one of the buildings, not even parked in a parking
Okay, I’ll let her know.
You can put me in the area.
Please leave.
Thank you.
Play 20240920104429.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:44:29

1-2-3, dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-2-3.
Can you raise the south gate, please?
1-2-3, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you start me a prisoner transport cad?
I’ll be transporting Mr. Bennett
from APD
to the Eastern Hanford District Court.
Play 20240920104159.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:41:59

Southbound and northbound lane.
Play 20240920103900.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:39:00

4-8 to Public Works.
Go ahead.
I just talked to Nate. They may want to just leave that closed because they may actually switch their paving operation back up there.
So they’re supposed to get back to me and let me know.
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
20, can you head down to 24 Greenleafs Drive? It’s going to be apartment 413. Looking to speak with a Jane Madden.
She’s reporting she believes her vehicle was stolen sometime between yesterday and today.
She gave a description of her vehicle as a 2014 black Toyota Corolla.
Missing its front two hubcaps.
She gave us a plate of Mast PC3, T-Tango, T-Tango, 660.
But that comes back to a different vehicle, registered to someone else, or cancelled to someone else.
So, not sure what exactly is going on there, but she’ll be waiting at the apartment to speak with you.
Did you run her to see if she actually has any vehicles registered to her?
Yeah, we tried. Last time we dealt with her was in like 2013.
We don’t have any real information and we can’t find her out of Massachusetts.
Play 20240920103411.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:34:11

1-5-8 dispatch
Go ahead 1-5-8
Clear OWD. Could you notify DPW? Let them know that there’s some of their items down by a crack of farm on West
That accident from this morning is all cleared so any items we dropped off can be picked up
Okay, thank you
1-2-3 to dispatch
Go ahead 1-2-3
Can you raise the north please?
You can secure the north
Play 20240920102856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:28:56

Coming through, northbound.
Coming through.
Boss, coming.
Play 20240920101947.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:19:47

158 to X1
Horizon just cleared, they’re all set, we can open the road back up
Received, thank you
Play 20240920101732.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:17:32

Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
I made contact with Christine. She is home and she’s going to open the door for you.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240920100839.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 10:08:39

There’s a bus coming up, you guys.
Go ahead, 6-9.
And I’ll be out at the Senior Center. CP, please.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920094803.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:48:03

30, respond
Go ahead, 30
Play 20240920093953.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:39:53

Another bus coming up. Another bus coming up.
Play 20240920093539.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:35:39

Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30, can you head down to Meadowview Apartments?
You’re looking to make contact with Penny.
She’s a community manager. She’s going to be in the office building there.
She’s reporting she has camera footage of a female party stealing a package from yesterday.
She’d like an officer to go over the footage and possibly speak with the female party and her mother.
The female party that was stealing the package is a 19-year-old.
Her name is Ihuoma Onyukuru.
Her mother is Regina, same last name.
The R.P. stated that the mother and daughter can be confrontational at times
and will likely deny the allegations, but she has footage.
Where is she?
Play 20240920093204.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:32:04

20 is fetched.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m clear.
Release it.
Play 20240920092811.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:28:11

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear.
Where is she?
I don’t see her.
Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
I’ll be clear as well.
Considering the congestion down there, everything is moving around pretty well.
Where is she?
I’m getting another bus, you guys.
Coming up this way.
Play 20240920092253.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:22:53

Play 20240920091351.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 09:13:51

Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Can you put me on a traffic CAD so you can get to that West Street location?
Just FYI, the area between Pomeroy North to Shays is still going to be closed for about another hour and a half.
Appreciate it.
Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920083802.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 08:38:02

20 is fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you put me on the same CP cap as 10, please?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920082838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 08:28:38

Could you put me on a CT cat, I’ll be at the bank center for a little bit, I’ll let you
know when I’m clear.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920082230.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 08:22:30

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Unseen. Further enough, uh, excuse me, far enough away from the intersection.
And there’s only two vehicles, one’s off the road and one’s half on the streets.
Not a problem on a dead end.
Play 20240920081944.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 08:19:44

Chris, and Ron, any of you guys have a radio on?
Yeah, I do.
There’s a bus coming up through, so don’t let anybody out.
The bus that just came through?
I’m taking that as a yes.
Play 20240920081432.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 08:14:32

Dispatch to 10.
10, when you get a chance, can you head up to the intersection of East Pleasant and Owen Drive?
RP lives on Owen Drive. He’s reporting kids from the College House, 984 East Pleasant,
are parking at the entrance of Owen Drive and making pulling in and out of traffic a concern.
Appreciate it. I’ll check it out.
Play 20240920075313.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 07:53:13

That apartment complex right there, is it accessible from this side or the other side?
We have a school bus that needs to get in there.
Turn around and head to the other side.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240920074718.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 07:47:18

Go ahead, 10-4
Ernie’s has that vehicle and I’ll be clear
Play 20240920072023.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 07:20:23

Just break with DPW, they’re going to detour traffic from the rotary.
Play 20240920071357.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 07:13:57

1-5-8, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 1-5-8.
Signal 1, RZVD, 75206, West 3.
Dispatch, X-1.
DBW is notified, they’re going to get some signs placed out there.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240920071125.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 07:11:25

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
Can you contact DPW and see if they can help us out and put some detour signs at Pomeroy and Middle and Shays and Middle?
Kind of help people out that can’t go down West Street because it’s been closed for a little while.
Play 20240920070213.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 07:02:13

Dispatch, this is 10.
Go ahead.
Your earnings has been notified, usual ETA.
Appreciate it, thank you.
Play 20240920065942.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 06:59:42

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you go ahead and start Ernie’s this way?
Play 20240920063623.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 06:36:23

Dispatch to 10.
Go ahead.
10, you’re on scene with that car versus pole, right?
Is it possible for traffic to get through at all or no?
Negative. The road is blocked on both sides.
Pretty much at Shays Street and then the other side at the elementary school.
What is it?
Can traffic go through Crocker Farm and make it out on the west of Shays?
Negative. If you’re going northbound, you’re going to have to go to Pomeroy and then go around that way.
And if you’re going southbound, then you’ll have to take Shays and then get on to Pomeroy.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20240920062913.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 06:29:13

7-7-4, dispatching.
Go ahead, 7-7-4.
The detour signs are up, but we are able to get a vehicle by if needed.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240920054400.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:44:00

Forty to switch.
One hundred forty.
Turn to the south gate please.
You can secure and clear that transport.
Play 20240920053628.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:36:28

Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Tending is 33.6, can you read the north valley?
Play 20240920053220.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:32:20

20 dispatch
Go ahead 20
That party is on board with ASD and all units will be clear
Received, any chance you have that party is O-R-N?
Dispatch, I’m sending it to you on the NBT
Received, thank you
Play 20240920052320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:23:20

Forty to dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
Headed back to 111 PH. My starting is 25.4.
Play 20240920051701.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:17:01

20 dispatched
Go ahead, 20
On scene
Excellent dispatch, beyond
Play 20240920051505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:15:05

Go ahead, X-1.
Enter to Lincoln Avenue.
Play 20240920051344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:13:44

Dispatch to 20.
Can you head to 290 Lincoln Ave for a medical assist?
A 21-year-old female is having hallucinations, seeing things, and Tora Perum is getting aggressive.
And AFD is going to evaluate her mental state, if you can assist with that.
I see 21.
Play 20240920050019.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 05:00:19

Forty, dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
You put me on a prisoner transport cad, I’m gonna head to CDH and pick up ID 121 and the prisoner.
Play 20240920042247.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 04:22:47

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’ll be clear from that traffic head.
Roger, shoot.
Play 20240920041735.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 04:17:35

Time to 20.
I’m here to relieve you if you want to come back to your cruiser really quick.
I’m actually on the other side of where you probably entered.
Received. I’m coming.
Play 20240920040931.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 04:09:31

X1 to 10.
Go ahead.
Would you mind taking over for the 20 car at that crash?
I need a report. She needs to get done by morning.
Received. I’ll head over there.
Thank you. Let us know when that resource is ready for Ernie.
We’ve got an inventory of the vehicle pretty good.
Play 20240920030943.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 03:09:43

Go ahead, 10
Both those parties have been sighted. Had everybody move inside for the night and you can show all units clear.
Play 20240920030530.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 03:05:30

Go ahead, Tim.
Can I also get an AR number for this Christopher party?
Received. Do you want that over the air?
Yes, please.
Dispatch to Tim, your AR number is 24-601-AR at 0218.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240920030312.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 03:03:12

Tango dispatch to X-1.
Tango dispatch.
Go ahead, Tampa.
Can you run a Christopher, common spelling, last name Morano,
M-Mike, A-Alpha, R-Romeo, O-Oscar, T-Tango, T-Tango, A-Alpha, 0-8, 0-6, 0-3, should be out of New York.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
You’re following me.
We’re just letting you know that Eversource called, stating that they estimate the detail to be 8 hours.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Arizona here, Mast 0-1-3-3-4-3-2-4-8, first name Andrew.
Can you sign me someone’s arrest number for him, please?
Go ahead, X-1.
Go ahead, X-1.
Yeah, I don’t care what…
Tango inspection.
Go ahead, 10.
Were you able to get anything back on that party?
One moment, it’s just loading up.
Go ahead, 10.
Dispatch to 10.
Go ahead.
He is negative MNW out of New York and no matching in mass.
Can I get a license number for that, please?
License number is 257624695.
Received, thank you.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
I have an arrest number over the air for Andrew.
Your arrest number is 24-600-AR at 0218.
Play 20240920025629.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:56:29

40 X-1.
They’re demanding a supervisor.
So, uh, yeah.
Play 20240920025320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:53:20

And dispatch on scene.
Play 20240920025139.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:51:39

Go ahead, 10
That noise is going to be GLA. Show unit is clear.
Received. In 10-40, I have one more noise complaint in the area of 44 Kellogg Ave.
There are a few reports that there’s loud music. People are screaming and talking loudly.
Play 20240920024627.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:46:27

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’ve restored 20.
And they are requesting an emergency detail.
40 to the station officer.
Go ahead.
I don’t know if he copied that about the details, but if you call 134, I know he’s been looking for a detail.
I don’t know if he copied that about the details, but if you call 134, I know he’s been looking for a detail.
I don’t know if he copied that about the details, but if you call 134, I know he’s been looking for a detail.
I don’t know if he copied that about the details, but if you call 134, I know he’s been looking for a detail.
Dispatch to 20.
One or two officers for that emergency detail.
Two would be preferable.
Thank you.
Play 20240920024221.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:42:21

10, I’m all set.
Received, thank you.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Resident of Mass, SCRA Alpha, 27E0124.
Resident of Mass, SCRA Alpha, 27E0027.
Resident of Mass, SCRA Alpha, 26EMS.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead 40.
You took the speaker in. I’m clear. 35 issue.
I’m clear, 35 issued.
Dispatcher, 10-40.
Can you head to the area of 47 South Prospect Street, 7 in South Prospect.
RP reports loud music and screaming coming from the area.
Play 20240920023856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:38:56

Dispatch, this is 40.
Are you clear of the motor vehicle crash?
Do you have a call for me?
Uh, so, one moment.
Dispatch, this is 10-40.
40, 9.
We have three pending noise complaints.
The first one will be in the area of 19 Phillips Street.
The RP reports that the neighbors have been placing their speaker outside across the street
and are playing loud music towards them.
10-40, and they’re playing loud music towards them.
I guess 40 received that.
X-1 to 10.
Do you copy that?
Sorry, go one more time.
Do you copy the call from dispatch? I didn’t hear you. Click up either time they called you.
Yes sir, I’m on my way.
40 to dispatch.
Go ahead.
I’m on Phillips Street.
Play 20240920022945.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:29:45

Dispatch, Stax One.
Initial responding crews are a few minutes out now.
Sorry, you go again.
Initial responding crews are a few minutes out.
Received. Just talk to DPW. We’ll be on scene in five minutes.
Play 20240920021505.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:15:05

We’re waiting on that resource for more detail, but our dig save ETA is 20 minutes.
See you, thank you.
Play 20240920020141.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 02:01:41

X-1, this is Mitch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Let me be clear. FYI, West Street’s closed between Shays and, uh…
Keep a 20 on that CAD for traffic.
Received. I’ll do that.
Dispatch, this is X-1.
Go ahead.
Can we give them a quick call?
Go ahead.
Play 20240920015705.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:57:05

Twenty to seven.
Go ahead, twenty.
Can you put me on the call for on West Street?
Play 20240920015459.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:54:59

Go ahead, 30.
I will have that party under, he’s going to be transported by AFB, so I will be riding
with them.
Play 20240920015034.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:50:34

20X1, I’m in the route.
Play 20240920014350.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:43:50

Go ahead.
Every source call, just letting you know, it’s a 45 minute ETA.
Excellent, ASO.
Thank you.
Play 20240920013950.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:39:50

X-1 to 20.
Can you swing into 111, pick up a form from the station officer and bring it down here to West Street, please?
Play 20240920013329.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:33:29

Dispatch, this is Saini.
Every source has been contacted, they did not give an ETA.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20240920012959.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:29:59

Dispatch, this is 30.
Go ahead.
Are there any wires involved?
There’s no lines down per se, it’s just the base of the pole is almost severed.
Very safe, thank you.
Play 20240920012644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:26:44

We’re already dispatching the area.
Three conflicting stories between husband and wife.
Husband heard it to the left of the house.
Wife heard it to the right of the house.
He thought someone was possibly breaking in.
She thought it sounded more like a car crash.
All for him, it’s going to be the latter.
30 AM is that the crash?
Yeah, for him.
Haven’t gotten out yet, trying to figure out what’s going on.
Dispatching Amherst Gulf.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Go ahead, 30.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Vehicle here is MASH 4, F-Box truck, KQO, Alima, 2-1, and I have an operator.
Received, and ready for the operator.
MASH Sierra 5, sorry, Sierra 6-3-7-6-2-3-2-5, struck a pole.
Let me get your pole number.
Pole number is 21 over 22.
Average source is going to need to be notified.
It’s almost severed in half at the base.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
The operator of the vehicle is awake, breathing, and doesn’t need any medical.
Yeah, if you could just have AMC come for me, Val.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
1-3 on Y-Street.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Yeah, we’re dealing with this so we can’t get to the RP.
Could you just call them back and let them know that nobody was breaking into their house.
We’ve located the source of the noise.
They’re safe.
We’ll notify the RP.
Play 20240920011828.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:18:28

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
If you might be able to leave a voicemail for DPW.
The Allen Street sign on the end of Fearing Street is bent over.
If they could try fixing that at some point.
Received, you’re down on the final.
Thank you.
Dispatch to 30 and 40.
30 and 40, respond to 206 West Street for suspicious activity.
Calling party says that they heard a loud bang outside.
They believe somebody may have been trying to make entry to the home.
The noise is no longer there. No description at this time.
30 received, go ahead.
Fire issued.
Play 20240920011510.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:15:10

X-1, this is X-1.
Can you assign 20 and Insta-report to the original medical cal?
And, uh, we’ll both be clear.
Roger, you too.
Play 20240920011006.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:10:06

X-1 dispatch
Go ahead X-1
I put myself in 20 on Apollo, we’ll get to that medical call by the monkey bar
I got a OLEN for you to have to pick up
Appreciate it
OLEN’s gonna be out of mass, 07620, 2258
Appreciate it
Play 20240920010518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:05:18

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
That party’s exited the premises. He’s been reunited.
You can call me clear.
Play 20240920010310.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:03:10

X 120
Can you meet me at the Spring Street lot please?
Thank you
Play 20240920010149.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 01:01:49

30 Dispatch in the area.
Play 20240920005640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 00:56:40

Dispatch to 40.
Go ahead.
Can you add the 31 Hall Drive, the Valley Medical Group, for an assist citizen?
The citizen is the wife and she’s just trying…
She’s right now in the parking lot waiting for her husband who works as a janitor at night at Valley Medical Group.
And he hasn’t… It’s been 20 minutes and he hasn’t come out and the doors are locked.
And she’s unable to get in touch with him or get in contact with him through phone.
He’s not answering.
30 to 40.
Go ahead.
I’m clearing here. I’ll take that.
Received. Thank you.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
The party is on board with AFD to Bay State and all units will be clear.
Play 20240920005116.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 00:51:16

30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
As it turns out, the party I gave you is not the party in the ambulance.
The party that’s on board with AFB is MAF Sierra Alpha 1-8-8-0-0-8-5. M&W, please.
Thank you.
Dispatch to 30, I have that information when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
Sierra 1 comes back negative active to an Emma Aborn 07-19-2003 out of 21 Sheffield Drive, Branch, Remaths, and has nothing on her BOP.
Received. There was just a person, so that first one I gave you is one of the friends on scene.
Play 20240920004500.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 00:45:00

Thirty dispatch, North.
One at thirty.
Station here, looks like to be MAF Sierra Alpha. Zero, two, five, zero, six, seven, six.
M&W please.
Dispatch to ten.
We have to the area of Spoke, just had a motor vehicle, thirty-five East Pleasant Street.
Just had a motor vehicle complaint of a white Jeep with New York Plate.
And, uh, L, New York Plate L, DP8422.
That was stopping in the middle of a road and it looked like it headed north towards Old North Pleasant Street.
Received, I’m in the area.
X-One to ten.
Got it.
I was behind that Jeep a little while ago, pretty sure it’s Ubering.
Received, thank you.
Dispatch to thirty, I have that information when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
LLN comes back to our Maria, Gamberani, zero, two, sixteen, two thousand three, negative, active.
And our address is one sixteen Pleasant View Drive, Dalton, Mass.
Maria, three thousand three.
Unit, it’s Walking Lion, show me a go ahead time.
I passed that vehicle going southbound on North Pleasant and may have an Uber sign on them, so you can show me clear.
Received, go ahead forty.
Cleared thirty-five to the RO.
Play 20240920004046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 00:40:46

Smasher 20.
Can you get to 63 North Pleasant Street, the Monkey Bar,
for a 21-year-old female who has fallen outside
and is bleeding from the side of her head?
Is semi-alert and possibly intoxicated?
3C from Peering.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll head that way as well.
30, dispatch.
South Pleasant, Walnut, Mast 7, KQL, Wyankee, 869, all set.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
20 and 30 are on.
Play 20240920002633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 00:26:33

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’ll be clear with a 35 to the RO.
Play 20240920002222.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 20 00:22:22

20 dispatch
Go ahead, 20
Stop on College by Dickinson with MAF-DC
1 Alima, Alima, D-Delta, 6-3, all set


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