Data from 20240921

Play 20240921234006.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 23:40:06

X-1 to 30.
Guys, they just arrived two minutes ago. We’re backing up right now.
Should be out of here in five minutes.
Okay, received.
Play 20240921231911.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 23:19:11

Dispatch, this is 21, you’re still unreadable.
21, you’re still unreadable.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Play 20240921231057.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 23:10:57

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, Tom.
You can show me on the 21.
Dispatch, 21, I have that information, when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
Isaiah Patrick White, comes back negative P, out of 68 Chesbro Road, West Roxbury.
Negative what?
For an active permit.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20240921230906.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 23:09:06

I need it to crash.
Go ahead, 21.
Can you put me out at Suspicious, in front of the Hillel House, and I’ll have an ID for you momentarily.
10 to 21, you’re going to be all set over there.
Yeah, we just got some more signs.
10 to 21, you’re going to be all set over there.
10 to 21, you’re going to be all set over there.
10 to 21, you’re going to be all set over there.
10 to 21, you’re going to be all set over there.
10 to 21, you’re going to be all set over there.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 121.
Party’s going to have a first name, Isaiah.
India, Sierra, Alpha.
India, Alpha, Hotel.
Middle initial, P, Papa.
Last name, Wyatt.
Whiskey, Yankee, Alpha.
DOB should be 726 of 06.
Should be from Mass. M&W, please.
Play 20240921224348.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:43:48

21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Vehicle is unoccupied. No one’s in the area. I’ll be clear.
Play 20240921224106.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:41:06

21 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
I’ll be checking on a vehicle parked by the basketball court of Fort River.
It’s going to be MAF 7B Bravo, B Victor, 654.
I’ll start with the info.
Play 20240921222908.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:29:08

20 to 30.
You all set?
Yeah, I think so.
It’ll be entertaining to see them back this thing up, but
I think with the help of their management, we’ll be able to figure that out.
I’m good, thanks.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921222716.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:27:16

X-1 to stretch.
Go ahead, X-1.
You can clear me.
30 to stretch.
Go ahead, 30.
Figuring it out.
20 to stretch. I’m clear.
21 to stretch. I’m clear as well.
21 to stretch.
Play 20240921222437.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:24:37

X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
The RP for this, where does she reside in relation?
The RP resides at 76 McClellan Street.
Play 20240921222137.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:21:37

10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
RO, renewed online. We’ll be clear with 35 to the RO.
Play 20240921221820.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:18:20

This is badge 20, 21.
I got a complaint about the noise decibel over at the spokes from Miss Greeny.
She went there with her phone app and measured the decibels.
She knows that they can’t be over 70 at that establishment.
And they’re at 80 or 90 or 100.
So she says it’s above what they’re allowed to have.
She’d like them to quiet down.
20 received.
X-20, you got a preference for that?
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
Can you head to the area of Southeast and CV Railroad, 400 Southeast Street?
RP’s reporting a flurry of traffic.
RP’s reporting a PVTA bus that they believe is stuck under the bridge
because they have their hazard lights and they’re not moving and holding up traffic.
Received from culture.
21, dispatch in the area.
Milo South.
Thank you.
20 fresh.
30 is fresh.
30 fresh, 20.
X-1 to 20.
I’ll be there in a second.
Manager’s going to come out and speak with us.
Play 20240921221139.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:11:39

10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop. East Pleasant at Pine, NASRAJ 3, the Victor, G-Gaul, CZU 4, 8, all set.
Play 20240921220721.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:07:21

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Mute’s been turned off. They’re going to shut it down for the night. You can chill, unit’s clear.
Play 20240921220219.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 22:02:19

10 is good.
Myself and 20 are in the area.
Excellent dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
You can also put me in the area.
Play 20240921215455.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 21:54:55

32 units. I got nothing showing. That’s the only call on her. I think all is clear.
20 to 30. Good.
That was ERP. She’s getting help. Pushups. Flexing.
I didn’t get any of that. I felt like you were kind of far away.
22 to 30. Good.
Because he dropped and did about 20 pushups and was flexing.
So I assume it’s Josh McDonald. He’s sort of headed towards Jill McKenzie’s apartment.
Okay, yeah, it definitely sounds like him.
30, dispatch, you can clear units.
Dispatch, Charlie 10-20.
Head back up to 100 Coles Road. The party has started up again. A lot of outside shouting and yelling.
It’s on fire right this moment, Casey.
Loud music.
10 received.
I got two calls on it.
Play 20240921214724.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 21:47:24

20 is finished.
Go ahead, 20.
I got verbal information for the resident.
First name, J. Juliet O. Oscar, S. Sierra, I. India, E. Echo, N. November, E. Echo.
Last name is going to be A. Alpha, N. November, T. Tango, U. Uniform, N. November, E. Echo, S. Sierra.
Date of birth is going to be December 27th, 1998.
It’s a baby shower, but they agreed to turn it down for the night.
Do you know the house number?
Stand by one.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
The ETOH party here is MASS Sierra Alpha 2840030, copy one.
Copy one.
Second party is a sister to take custody of her, MASS Sierra 98423360, M&W, both host parties, please.
Go ahead, 20.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
House number is going to be number 100, CALS.
21, dispatch, 21.
Go ahead.
Sydney Matthews is negative active out of Coral One MASS, and Chloe Binding, also negative active.
Roger, thank you.
20, dispatch, you can clear.
Dispatch, 20, 30.
20, 30.
Pick up, I guess, disturbance.
It’s going to be the area of 693 Main Street.
RP’s calling from apartment 12.
She states that there was a male party who was in the street, took his shirt off, had his hands down his pants.
Going to get you a better clothing description in a moment.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
He’s now walking towards the entrance.
She states that he’s either Hispanic, white, or Asian, wearing maybe a black shirt and black shorts.
20, dispatch, is the call just about more of a well-being check, or did he do something?
She’s not sure if he was on something.
Was concerned about his behavior and his hands down his pants.
He’s now by the front building at that location.
Appreciate it.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
Go ahead, 21.
You can show me clear.
I’ll narrate, and I’ll make my way to Main Street as well.
30, dispatch, come here.
3230, last you said was that they were somewhere by that front apartment, by the front building in that apartment complex.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
Sounds like it’s Alabama, PMF.
3230, do you think it’s Joshua down?
21 Dispatch, in the area.
What do you see 2121?
X1 Dispatch, same traffic.
What do you see, X1?
Not seen him in Watson Farm.
Maybe we can check on Main Street.
You put me in the area, but I’m not swinging around to the back entrance of Watson Farms.
Play 20240921213616.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 21:36:16

Dispatch, 21.
Can you take a well-being check? It’s going to be 63 South Pleasant Street in front of Vera Cruzana.
RP called, states there’s a college-age female, white female, with red pants.
She’s EQH, vomited, and also urinated on herself.
22, dispatch, I’m in the area.
22, 20.
20, we had a second caller who resides on Summer Street who thought it might be the second house on Cowles from Route 63.
Appreciate it.
10, dispatch, also in the area.
Received, 10.
Thank you.
30, dispatch, in the area.
Received, 21.
Play 20240921212526.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 21:25:26

Dispatch, 10-20.
10-20, take a noise complaint.
RP’s calling from 35 Ball Lane.
He sees that there’s loud bass coming from the cold road area.
He’s not sure of the number.
Play 20240921210238.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 21:02:38

There’s no damage to his vehicle, thankfully, um, and we’re at the wrong place at this point
in time.
We’ll just leave it as a CAD, I’m clear.
Play 20240921210001.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 21:00:01

30, dispatch, I’m in the area.
What do you see, 30?
Uh, the RP is in, uh, 2008 Ford Edge color white, MAF 9RTC766.
Received. Uh, try this plate, MAF 4FVL46.
Disregard that plate.
Play 20240921205735.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:57:35

30 to stretch. Can I have that plate again? Sorry.
The plate I was given is 417474.
I tried running it a couple different ways and I didn’t get any match back.
Okay. Did he happen to mention what type of car it might be?
He did not provide me with that.
Play 20240921205545.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:55:45

Dispatch, 30.
30, take a…
put in a vehicle, hit and run, I guess.
Um, 35 Boca Chow Road, Cumberland Farms.
RP states that he was parked at the gas pump,
and another vehicle backed into him and left.
He did not witness this.
Uh, witness provided him a plate of masks.
I should run that still.
But the RP is standing by to take the…
or to give you the report.
Play 20240921204311.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:43:11

20, that’s special.
Go ahead, 20.
35, issue to MASS, Sierra Alpha, 3771, 231.
Play 20240921204009.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:40:09

20 is measured.
Go ahead, 20.
Puerto Rico, South Syrian, North Pleasant, excuse me, MADS 5, T-PAPA, F-LOX, T-TANGO, 8, 9, all set.
Where is it?
Play 20240921202658.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:26:58

20 is fresh.
Go ahead, 20.
35, you should have mass. Operator, Sierra 1426, 0114. Clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240921202321.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:23:21

21 X-1 for a two.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead.
Puerto Rico, stop steering and clear NAS 3, T-Tango, XXR8.
C-Charlie, 2-9, all set.
Play 20240921201923.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:19:23

21 Dispatch.
Yeah, 21?
Operator’s gonna have a Virginia license.
T-Tango 66002889835 was issued, and I’m clear.
Play 20240921201202.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:12:02

21, dispatch.
Alright, 21.
Stop, main at Boltwood Walk.
Yield with Florida.
5-3, B-Bravo, S-Fiera, H-Hotel, P-Papa, all set.
Alright, sir.
Play 20240921200646.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:06:46

21 Dispatch.
Good, 21.
Operator, MASS Sierra
35 issued and I’m clear.

Play 20240921200054.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 20:00:54

21 dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Motor vehicle stopped south-closing by the Spring Street lot.
Be out with mass 1K kilo x-ray, FC era 5-6. All set with the info.
Play 20240921193111.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 19:31:11

10-X1 Clear for 2
Play 20240921192413.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 19:24:13

20 to dispatch, I’m on Grantwood.
What did you say, 20?
10 to 20, I should be all set. Went up and down Grantwood. Can’t hear anything.
10 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Noise is going to be GOA. You can show both units clear.
Play 20240921191713.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 19:17:13

20 to switch.
No active party going on, but I issued a 35 to register Sydney, Matthew. I’m clear.
21 dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Information sheet exchanged. Show me, please.
Dispatch, 10-20.
10-20. Take a noise complaint, 287 Grantwood Drive.
Caller is calling from 7 Jason Court. He states that Grantwood Drive has a lot of loud music and screaming.
10 received.
20 received.
Next one to fetch.
Do we have any history, 287?
It looks like the last thing we had was a disturbance on August 31st.
But it was outside of that location. Looks like a passenger vomited in an Uber driver’s car and then got aggressive.
Appreciate that.
Play 20240921191148.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 19:11:48

Party’s fresh, I’m on scene.
Breathe A-20.
Party’s fresh, I’m on scene.
X-1 to fetch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Behold, it’s 20 is on. Can you recode that to a noise complaint?
Um, I can. It was just, I had closed the original noise complaint, so I just made this a follow-up to it.
Okay, received.
Play 20240921190730.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 19:07:30

Dispatch, 20, 10.
20, 10. Can you respond 41 Gray Street? It’s going to be a noise complaint for a registered party.
The SO attempted to make contact via phone, but the listed person did not answer and there was no option for voicemail.
20, 10.
Play 20240921190445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 19:04:45

21 Dispatch.
Sierra 21.
Operator of the GMC is going to be MAP.
Sierra Alpha 9-7-3-0-3-5-0.
Can I get 11 and 14?
And I have a passenger for the Malibu as well.
When you’re ready.
Go ahead with the passenger.
Passenger of the Malibu, California.
W Whiskey 19276-82. Copy 2.
Thank you.
Dispatch. 21.
Go ahead.
The operator of the Sonoma.
Edward Allen Brunovic.
720-250 out of Sunderland.
He is negative. M&W is inactive status.
Roger. Thank you.
Thank you.
10-2 Dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
Can you assign me an AR number for a section 12?
That party is going to be on board with AMD to CDH.
Received. We do not have that party’s name.
Received. I’ll send it over on the MDP.
Play 20240921185840.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:58:40

20 is special.
Go ahead, 20.
Jane refused to give me date of birth or any other names.
Also, declined services.
We’ll do a lot for now, clear?
UC, yeah, we’re trying to remember the last name of that party.
Somebody knows, I know some people are familiar, but until then, I’ll be clear.
Yeah, I’m familiar, I just can’t remember right now.
30 is special.
Go ahead, 30.
Ernie says vehicle on foot.
Ernie says.
Play 20240921185436.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:54:36

Dispatch, 20.
Just checking on you, are you okay?
I’m okay.
Play 20240921185255.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:52:55

201 dispatch, in the area.
Reese’s, I believe we just need operators for the truck, or both.
Play 20240921185053.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:50:53

Dispatch, 21.
Go ahead.
21, take a MVC, no reported injuries, 14 bolt would have by the Grace Episcopal Church.
You’re looking for a…
Black Chevy pickup.
A black Chevy pickup.
Or a gray Chevy pickup.
And a Malibu.
Play 20240921184550.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:45:50

Excellent, man, I’m 20.
21 to X1, you guys all set or do you want me to fly down there as well?
Play 20240921183951.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:39:51

10, Dispatch, on scene.
I hear you, 10.
30X1, OK, fellow hook, they just needed to get off the road.
Could I have you please call for him?
Go, Captain.
Affirm, clear for the hook.
Dispatch, copies, we’re calling Ernie’s.
20, Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Play 20240921183724.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:37:24

Dispatch, Charlie 30.
Go ahead.
This is the operator of the RO, Angelica Morello.
Warning, 87.
I believe it’s a male who was driving. There’s a couple females here.
Are they positive paperwork?
Negative, I’m just trying to get the operator of the vehicle for the CAD.
Dispatch, Charlie 30.
No rush, thank you.
Dispatch, 20.
20, can you take a medical mental?
It’s going to be 76 North Pleasant Street, inside the CVS.
The store manager called me.
She says that there’s a party named Jay in the store who is requesting assistance through us and CSO.
Jay feels like there’s something very wrong, but was unable to specify further.
Just stated they needed help.
And they’re just calmly sitting by the pharmacy in the back of the store.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Is there anyone else available to swing by here?
Help me push this car onto Blue Hills.
We’re going to need to stop traffic for a moment.
Dispatch, 10.
10, copy, direct.
Dispatch, X1.
Go ahead, X1.
X1, sign up for extended care.
Be West 1, you have to enter through the back entrance.
They have an 80-year-old male, he attacked another resident, put him in a chokehold.
Staff has him separated, but they’re requesting your assistance.
We’ll get AFD going once you get there.
32, 10.
Disregard me, I’ll figure something out.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
You can show me you’re responding with X1.
Thank you.
Dispatch, Charlie 10.
10, make sure you use the back entrance, and that patient will be in West 1, and he has been separated from the other residents.
Play 20240921183028.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:30:28

30 to stretch.
Okay, go ahead, 30.
I was a DMV, North Hampton Road, at Blue Hills, MAP 2, X-ray Hotel, November 25.
We’re in traffic, I’m on standby.
And see how long it’s going to take them to get a tell.
Otherwise, I’ll be doing the police one. I’ll let you know.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921182320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:23:20

Dispatch, Eighty-Eight-Five.
UMass just called and said no southbound traffic allowed down University Drive, she said.
Roger. I’ll be back on post in about a minute and twenty-four seconds.
Play 20240921181124.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 18:11:24

Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-4.
Can I get a CAD for a liquor law violation?
I’ll be out at 277 Lincoln Ave.
And I have a license check at the W. Are you ready?
Go ahead.
It’s going to be Mass O-Land, Sierra, 596-875-78.
Thank you.
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
Richard Francis Doyle, 8-4-2001, negative M&W, out of Weymouth.
Received. 35 is you. You can clear me.
Play 20240921175942.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:59:42

10-X-1, clear for a two, paperwork.
Play 20240921173951.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:39:51

Thanks for the question.
Play 20240921173350.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:33:50

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Vehicles are on their way. We’re clear.
Where is it?
Play 20240921173057.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:30:57

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Just a verbal dispute with the ORP and Josh McDonald.
Josh McDonald is going to stay there for the night and the residents are okay with it. We’re clear.
3K, they didn’t happen to give you Peter’s last name, did they?
Negative, just Peter.
Employee from ServiceNet.
Play 20240921172557.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:25:57

X-1 to fetch.
Got X-1.
You can put me in the area.
X-1, uh, 20.
Did you make contact with the RPF?
Negative, I was, uh, Joshua down now.
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
You got a Donald Tyrell?
See if, uh, anything pops up there.
Affirmative, he resides at that address.
Uh, he is negative, MNW.
Received. Uh, what is the RP saying that happened?
RP stated that, uh, Josh McDonald and another party had taken over Donald Tyrell’s apartment and that Donald was scared and wanted them to leave, but was too afraid to call us, so had this party named Peter call.
Play 20240921172055.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:20:55

20, dispatch, I’m in the area.
Received, 20. Negative, I’m in W for Josh McDonald.
Received, thanks.
X-1, 20.
Go ahead.
I’m just making my way through the center. Should be there shortly.
Received, sound good.
20, dispatch, you still on the line with the caller?
Negative, he hung up on us and he was calling from, I believe, the T-phone or the desk phone that’s inside combis.
Play 20240921171813.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:18:13

Dispatch, 20X1.
20X1, take a suspicious, 81 Belchertown Road, Colonial Village, Apartment 13.
We have a 911 caller, Peter, refused to give his appropriate last name.
States that in Apartment 13 at Colonial, should be Donald Terrell’s apartment.
There are parties that took over the apartment.
One of the parties mentioned was Squinto. I believe that’s Josh McDonald.
Um, stated that Donald did not want them in the apartment, but he didn’t know what to do.
He was afraid to call for himself.
X1, receive.
20, receive. 101.
He also claimed that one of the parties that was involved there had a history of violence and has three warrants.
We’re at least checking Josh McDonald.
10X1, you want me to slide that way?
You just head central. We’ll advise.
Dispatch, you can show me clear of this traffic head.
Play 20240921171423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:14:23

3C-30, I believe I have both of the plates, I just need the operator of the New York vehicle, as long as it’s a Honda Odyssey.
3C, if you can, hit him.
20 to 30.
I’ll be good with traffic, thank you.
Play 20240921171219.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:12:19

Dispatch, 30.
30, take a two-car motor vehicle accident, no reported injuries, 521 South Pleasant Street by the common school.
What do you see from the center?
Play 20240921170909.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:09:09

Go ahead, 10.
Can you put me on a traffic CAD? I will be at Pine and State Street.
Play 20240921170125.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 17:01:25

Uh huh.
Okay, the box contains a plastic wrapper. Everything checks okay. I’m clear.
Appreciate it, sir.
Play 20240921165553.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 16:55:53

10, dispatch, on scene.
Ready, save 10.
10, dispatch, on scene.
10, dispatch, on scene.
Play 20240921165307.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 16:53:07

Play 20240921164757.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 16:47:57

10 Dispatch
Go ahead, 10
If you can show me responding up to Rosemary, check on the Suspicious Pact
It was by the entrance of Pine Hollow, 208 Pine Street
Appreciate it
10, you’ve got an open mic
10, open mic, open mic
10, open mic
10 Dispatch, radio check
All clear now
Appreciate it
Play 20240921163956.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 16:39:56

X1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X1.
You can put me on that motor vehicle complaint CAD. I’m in the area.
Appears to be GOA.
You can clear me.
Thank you.
Play 20240921162146.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 16:21:46

Dispatch, 20.
20, you can take a motor vehicle complaint.
It’s lasting, turning right off of Northampton Road, up University Drive.
You’re looking for a Mast 765C-SDR8.
Comes back negative active on a 2017 Chevy Traverse, color gray.
IP states that there are three college-age girls who are hanging out of the window on that vehicle.
Three people.
Play 20240921155818.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:58:18

Dispatch, ID 1-0-4.
Disregard accidental.
Very easy, thank you.
Play 20240921153748.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:37:48

Go ahead.
I relayed the party’s name to the, to Antonio’s in case they wish to trespass, I’ll be clear.
All right.
Next 1.
Next 1, is everybody clear?
Received, thank you.
Dispatch, 10.
10, I had a caller who’s concerned that at the entrance of Pine Hollow on 208 Pine Street,
there’s a tin that looks like it could either have soy supplies or cookies in it
that’s sitting on the crosswalk by the side of the road, and he thought it was strange.
Received, he said there was a tin with cookies in it that he thought was strange?
You know those like butter cookie tins and people, you keep them and sometimes put soy supplies in it?
He saw the tin and thought it was strange.
Play 20240921153411.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:34:11

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
Do you want a triple I on that party, 20-12-N?
Um, it looks like he has a triple I but it’s just out of Massachusetts, nothing out of state
Does he have any open cases here, Mass?
He said he has open ABDW case
I’ll open his lap and see what we’ve got
Um, it looks like on his BOP he has from July 22nd of 24, A&B dangerous weapon, blunt object
And then from September 19th he’s got knowingly receiving stolen property and disorderly
That most recent charge, what jurisdiction is that of?
It says Palmer District Court
Received, thank you
Play 20240921152856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:28:56

3, stag 20?
Go ahead.
I’m not getting any MATCH on that name.
3, stag 20.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Try last name of Carpenter and Jonathan is J-O-N-A-T-H-A-N.
Oh, I don’t…
Go ahead, 20.
Go ahead.
Jonathan David Carpenter.
Two 19-0-2.
He suspended out of Gardner.
Three on the adult, negative on the W.
We’re looking forward to get out of the CAD.
Play 20240921152553.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:25:53

X1, bust up.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
29, located that part. You have the bus stop next to Brugger’s.
10, dispatch. You can show me out with 28, X1.
Ready to do 10.
28, X1.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Meggett and M&W, first name is Jonathan, common spelling.
Last name of Carpenteo, D.Charlie, A.Alpha, R.Romeo, P.Papa, E.Echo, N.November, E.Sango, E.Echo, O.Osper, DOB 219.02.
Play 20240921152110.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:21:10

10, it’s going to be a grey sweatshirt, and it looks like there’s white writing on the black hat.
Received. Check the lot, didn’t see anything back there. I’m heading down, pulling one out now.
Play 20240921151949.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:19:49

10 to 20, do you guys have a clothing description? I’m in the Boltwood lot now.
Hotel Mike, black hat, black sweatshirt, skinny, approximately 25 to 35.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921151728.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:17:28

Dispatch, 20-30.
20-30, ticket disturbance at Antonio’s, 31 North Pleasant Street.
Called in by the general manager, Bill.
Says that there’s a male party inside.
Angry, he’s verbally aggressive, threatening physical violence, no weapons shown.
Described as a 26-year-old Hispanic male wearing a black top and maybe black pants.
10-13, Ma’am.
No audio.
X-1, Dispatch.
Myself and 20 are in scene.
10-X-1, do you need another unit down there?
X-1 to all units, nothing active at this time.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Just an update, a party has fled the area prior to our arrival. I’ll update you if we need further.
Play 20240921151116.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:11:16

Time to dispatch.
Go ahead, Tim.
To the CAD please, can you add mass?
Sierra 60440292.
Everything checks okay here. You can show me clear.
Play 20240921150636.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:06:36

10 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Are you able to MDT me the alarm’s contact info that we can pass along to the residents here?
Sounds like it’s a language barrier that’s causing some trouble with the alarm.
Brief you, will do.
Brief you, thank you.
Thank you.
30 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I spoke with the involved party, and I’m clear.
Play 20240921150336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:03:36

10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
I should be all set up here if residents are having issues with the alarm code.
I’ll have the OLN shortly.
Received. The alarm company stated that the previous resident was still on the account,
so they didn’t have updated contact information for anyone.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can put me in the area, I’m clear.
Play 20240921150121.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 15:01:21

10, dispatch, on scene.
Received, 10.
Play 20240921145928.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:59:28

Dispatch, 20-X-1.
20-X-1, I’ve got a residential 67-208 Pine Street, Pine Hollow, apartment 44.
It came in for three different areas, interior motion, entry-exit, and perimeter backdoor.
Hold for speed at 111.
20-X-1, I can head over there now. I’m already up north.
X-ray received.
Play 20240921145718.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:57:18

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Could you add into the CADMAS 9 C-Charlie K-Kilo 5-6-3?
Received, already done.
Received. I’m going to head over to 26 Woodlot and speak with the involved party.
Received, it’s 23 Woodlot.
You alright?
Play 20240921144637.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:46:37

Go ahead 30
On 3
10 this way
Go ahead 10
Can you start me a traffic cat please? You can use Pine at Rosemary
Play 20240921143548.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:35:48

Dispatch, 30.
30, assist a citizen down at Rolling Green, number 18, 422 Belchertown Road.
Um, RP resides at that address.
She states that she wanted to report some illegal dumping
and she has a license plate of the vehicle and a video of the issue.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Bunker Law, nearing at Nutting.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
20, none of that went over, just static.
Mass at Sierra, 885-275-70.
X1 to 20.
Go ahead.
When you’re clearing, you may need a signal to borrow another portable from someone.
Dispatch, Bravo 20.
Go ahead.
Andrew Walter K, 12-17-2001, negative M&W, at Oneidic.
K-35 was issued, I’m clear.
Play 20240921142130.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:21:30

Xon dispatched

We got Xon

We can show both units clear

Play 20240921141828.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:18:28

Dispatch, X-1.
I’m not getting a return out of New York for that party but
looks like they might have had some interactions with the R&B here in Mass.
It’s not even an ID, it’s just a CR number that was assigned to them.
Anything local?
She says she lives at 32 Huntingham.
Negative. It doesn’t give anything local.
Again, it’s just a CR number with a date of birth.
And then it gives me a vague address out of Latham, New York
but no New York all in with it.
Received. That’s the same involved party.
If you could please sign me a summons number.
Alright, thank you.
Play 20240921141548.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:15:48

10 to fetch.
Go ahead, 10.
Units locking on each other. Go ahead, 10.
Did you get anything back on that party?
It comes back negative active, James Proia, 10-11-03, out of Ashland, no Bob.
Received, 35 issued to that party.
Received, go ahead, X1.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Same cat as 10. I have a party for you when you’re ready. Verbal only, out of New York.
I’m ready.
First name, I’ll spell it. P-P-A-R-O-M-E-O-A-L-F-A-P-P-A-P-T-T-A-N-G-O-I-N-D-O, P-P in the middle.
Last is Patel, P-P-A-R-O-M-E-O-A-L-F-A-T-T-A-N-G-O-I-E-C-O-L-E-M-A-9-27-2004, again out of New York State, Albany specifically.
Play 20240921140855.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 14:08:55

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I believe 20’s trying to get in touch with you.
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
X-1, that wasn’t 20, I think that was A-1.
I think his radio’s just going off.
Appreciate it.
20-8-1, X-1.
Yes, that was me, and I was just trying to say that I was Signal 4 for WD.
Tell the French.
Go ahead, 10.
CAD, please, for a liquor law violation.
First name, James, common spelling.
Last name, T-Papa, R-Romeo, O-Oscar, I-India, A-Alpha.
Date of birth, 10-11-03.
Should have a mass OLM.
Play 20240921135438.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:54:38

X1 Dispatch
Go ahead X1
We’ll be clear
All parties are issued 35
Play 20240921135041.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:50:41

And dispatch
Had for a liquor law violation look to lower at fearing the New York all in
nine seven nine
three seven three
Hey fun dispatch
You put me on the same cat with a 10 I have a few parties for you
First is gonna be s 0 3 5 5 1 0 1 2 0
Second is s 0 a alpha 2 0 2 0 3 5 5 I have verbal on a third
Give that chain a moment
Then the all-in you gave me from out of New York comes back to a James Walsh in 613 2003 negative active
X 1 to ID 8 5
Play 20240921134453.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:44:53

Patch 2, X-1.
X-1, just coming back to a cheat and harsh, uh, negative, negative active.
X-1 to 20, you calling dispatch?
X-1, this is dispatch calling, we’re just letting you know that party was negative and active.
Appreciate it.
That is someone in the background, or someone trying to talk over the radio.
Play 20240921134140.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:41:40

Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
If that information comes back, I’ll be clear of the 35.
Play 20240921133944.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:39:44

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
Another cab please, we’ve got a violation, you can use the McClure Ave Ferry
New York O-Lin of 384-645-294
Play 20240921133252.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:32:52

X1 Dispatch
Go ahead X1
I’ll be clear
Play 20240921133034.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:30:34

Excellent, dispatch.
Excellent, that’s excellent.
Where are you able to locate that party out of Connecticut?
Negative active.
Appreciate it. Please assign Barry an AR number for me, and you go over there with it when you have it.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
That’s two, excellent.
Excellent, your number is six zero seven.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921132504.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:25:04

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Two parties. First, they’re going to be out of mass, S-Zero-A-Alpha-Two-Eight-Two-Zero-Nine-Seven-Three.
And the second party, first name of Brooke, E-echo at the end.
Last name Barry, Bravo-Echo-Romeo-Romeo-Y-Yankee-Twelve-Thirty-One-Two-Thousand-Four.
She has R-Romeo in the middle. She’s out of Connecticut.
Play 20240921132229.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:22:29

X1 Dispatch
Go ahead X1
Cab please, another liquor law violation, somebody ferrying out Lincoln
Steve, you can go ahead with the information when you got it
Received, stand by X1
Play 20240921132027.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:20:27

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
Cab please, liquor law violation 374 North Pleasant Street, 2 oil ends when you’re ready
Go ahead X-1
First will be S078299746, second S085976520
Go ahead X-1
X-1 Dispatch
Please show me clear 35, shoot both those parties
Play 20240921131141.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:11:41

Station Officer to Parking Enforcement.
Parking Enforcement, go ahead.
Can you give me a call at the desk, please?
Play 20240921130051.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 13:00:51

X1 to Special.
Go ahead, X1.
We got the cowl back in the fenced in area.
We found the key to the gate.
Play 20240921125403.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:54:03

Flash to 10. Bravo 10.
10, I made contact with Cirrus Launch and uh,
said she’s gonna head down there, but they’re about 30 minutes out.
Appreciate it.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’m in the area. Where was the last known location of the animal?
Last location of the animal was down at 20 Hobart Lane.
20 dispatch, I’m in the area.
Appreciate it.
Dispatch to X-1 and 10. I just have a call from an RP at 10-63 North Pleasant.
So the cow’s in his yard, and it’s right near the yard for 10-69.
It’s trying to actually get back in the gate, but it can’t.
X-1 received.
Play 20240921125014.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:50:14

I just spoke to a UMPD sergeant at the intersection there, he just went by that address on East
Pudson Street, that suspect vehicle that follows, it’s not there.
Appreciate it.
Spash to 10.
10, so Simple Gifts Farm doesn’t have cows anymore, but 1069 North Pleasant does.
Do you think that’s the right spot?
Rishi, I believe that’s going to be the address of the cows’ residence.
Rishi, we’re calling the owner now.
Rishi, thank you.
Play 20240921124746.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:47:46

Dispatch to Bravo 10.
10, can you take an animal complaint at the end of 60 Hobart Lane?
I got a call reporting that there’s a loose cow running down that lane,
said it was down by the condos now.
Received. Do you have any contact information for that farm that’s a few houses down?
I can’t remember the exact address.
We’ll check that out, 10.
Play 20240921123925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:39:25

Dispatch, X-1.
X-1, UMPD heard our bull, and they have the last known operator of that vehicle in their parking system.
And his last known address was 525 East Pleasant Street.
He’s probably down at the tailgate right now, but we believe that’s where he lives.
Appreciate it. If you can send that over, UMPD.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Play 20240921122948.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:29:48

Dispatch, Amherst Units, Paracopio, Bolo for a vehicle throwing rocks at other vehicles.
Amherst Units, Bolo for MassRege, 197J Juliet, 2-0, it’s a 2013 BMW 335, color gray.
It comes back to a party at Chelmsford.
RP State, she was at the light, North Pleasant, Pine, that area.
Vehicle pulled up next to her, party threw a rock at her vehicle, no damage was done to her car.
She just wanted to pass along the info.
She went on her way, unknown direction of travel on the BMW.
30 received.
X-1 received.
X-2 received.
X-3 received.
X-4 received.
X-5 received.
X-6 received.
X-7 received.
X-8 received.
X-9 received.
X-10 received.
X-11 received.
X-12 received.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
If you could, create a catch for that, put me on that.
Clear me.
Play 20240921122502.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:25:02

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Okay, as for liquor law violations, we sunset at fearing the ADMAS OLN, ACERA, AALPHA, 2130242.
Thank you.
At 86, dispatch.
Okay, the food trucks are just in process of trying to get themselves situated for the day and shuffle some vehicles around that are their own.
They’ll be out here for another few minutes, but then that should resolve the issue. I’m going to be clear for now.
Thank you.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Do you have anything back on that OLN I gave you?
I’m still running and waiting for it to come back.
We’re down here.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Dominic Bocelli, 92203, negative active out of Ashland.
Be at 35 to that party.
Play 20240921121947.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:19:47

8-6, dispatch.
Yeah, looks like a little bit of an argument.
Trying to figure out space, and there are people legally parked here.
I’m going to go talk to some of the owners, see what’s going on.
Play 20240921121802.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:18:02

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be clear from the cannon.
Parties can be summoned just for being a minor position.
Play 20240921121632.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:16:32

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Another liquefaction violation, please. Same location, fairing at sunset.
Mass Oland, STRA Alpha 3520286.
787 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 787.
I got two food trucks blocking traffic on the bottom of North Pleasant. What should I do about that?
Where are they at North Pleasant?
On the bottom of North Pleasant, across from the bank.
So down by where Old North Pleasant comes out, which bank is it?
I believe it’s by Hallick Street.
Dispatch to X-1.
X-1’s on Liquor Lockhead, dispatch. I’ll swing over and check it out. I think they’ve been parking there frequently.
Received. Thank you, 86.
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I apologize if you were calling me. If I could get a summons number for that gentleman.
X-1 to 86. Thank you.
They’re received. If they are where they have been, Nick, I don’t think I’m going to disturb them. They’re blocking traffic. It’s a different issue.
Play 20240921120847.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:08:47

X-1 to Inspector.
I’ll be clear from that, Captain.
Play 20240921120622.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:06:22

That’s the X-1.
Coming back to a Jeremy Liebman, 4-18-2003, out in New Jersey, 11-14, negative active, no history of mass.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
There’ll be another 35-ish to that party.
Play 20240921120301.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 12:03:01

X1 to dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Is it back on him? And do we have any history?
X1, negative MW, active. Nothing local.
Can you go with that, Fogan?
Negative, active. There’s nothing coming back local either.
Appreciate it. Keep that cat open. I’m going to have another one in for you in a second.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Second party, same location. For the cat, please. First name, Jeremy. Last, Lima, India.
Echo, Bravo, Mike, Alpha, November, Sierra in the middle.
Should be out of New Jersey. 4-18-2003.
I have a U-card only.
Received, X1.
Play 20240921115922.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 11:59:22

X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
CADD please.
Cleared a law violation.
Some sediment faring.
Out with Mass.
Matthew Gates out of Franklin.
Play 20240921111536.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 11:15:36

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Play 20240921110518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 11:05:18

30, dispatch
Go ahead, 30
Gene McDonald, 826.32
Excellent, 30
Go ahead
Be all set
They’re gonna transport
Looks like it’s due to change
Received, thank you
Play 20240921110320.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 11:03:20

322, go ahead.
Go ahead, 30.
Do you need patient information or your health information?
Yeah, we’ll take it.
Play 20240921104908.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:49:08

20 dispatch, I’m clear.
Play 20240921104658.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:46:58

80 to the Dispatch
Signal on dog to be clearing at sunset
20 to fetch
Go ahead, 20
Can you put me on a follow up at 510 North Pleasant Street to that big white car?
Play 20240921104349.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:43:49

Dispatch, this is 30.
30, can you head down to 26 Greenleaf Drive, building 26, apartment 623,
for an assist AFD for a 92-year-old female, difficulty breathing.
Play 20240921103709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:37:09

There was no available plate, it is a white pickup, and I will send pictures of the suspects
to the shift in case they see them, but I will be clear.
Play 20240921103132.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:31:32

8-5 Dispatch
I’ll be signal 1-0-W-D
M-A-D at University Drive
Play 20240921102817.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:28:17

20 Dispatch, received.
Received, 20.
Play 20240921102422.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:24:22

There is a vehicle parked on the side of the road, but not in the middle of the road, and
it left upon my arrival.
Looks like it was just parking from Amethyst Brook Trail.
I’m clear.
No problems with that.
Play 20240921102215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:22:15

I’m clear. The incident happened last night around 1230 and they heard parties laughing
and running. Most likely college students visiting a house nearby. I’m headed over to
Ward. Passerby stopped me. Said there’s a vehicle in the road. Parked. There’s no one
there. Precinct.
Go for 20.
20, can you head down to the Big Y on University Drive? They just called reporting a walkout.
$255. They made a report. I’m pretty sure they said they had footage. I didn’t get any
information on the party walked out itself.
20 received.
85 to 20.
That’s going to be nothing active down at Big Y. That happened about a half an hour ago.
Just stopped in on my way to detail.
Good to know. Thank you.
Play 20240921100950.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:09:50

30, dispatch, I’m free.
Play 20240921100216.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 10:02:16

Um, R.P. was stating that their mailbox got knocked over at around 12.50 a.m. last night, and it happened before, a couple days ago.
Play 20240921095755.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 09:57:55

8-1, confessor.
Signal 1-0-WD, chestnut street, you can use the middle eagle.
Play 20240921084713.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 08:47:13

X 120
You can be all set
Not sure yet, I just made it to the back door
10-Dispatch, X 120
OK, that’s good
Did X 120
Back up
All lights
20, dispatch.
Spoke with an employee.
She just didn’t get to the alarm fast enough.
15, clear.
Play 20240921084344.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 08:43:44

Dispatch to you, 20, 10.
Bravo 20, Bravo 10.
Can you take a commercial 67, 26 Main Street, Pasadena, Boston?
Zone coming in with zone 3 basement door.
No other information.
20 received, 11.
10 received, 11.
20 dispatch, on scene.
Play 20240921081638.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 08:16:38

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
All units will be clear. That party needs a voluntary transport.
Play 20240921080540.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 08:05:40

X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
If you just give AFD an update, we’re still looking for this party, the patient.
According to mom, he’s under the influence of some form of synthetic methamphetamine drugs.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
We located that party.
They came back to the residence at 161. If you could start AFD over to our location.
Excuse me, 167.
Play 20240921075849.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 07:58:49

10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Sounds like that party has left the house.
He should be walking around the apartment complex.
Told his mom he’s coming back to the house.
Myself and 20 are going to take a look around, see if we can find him.
See you.
X-1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
On scene.
Play 20240921075644.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 07:56:44

X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’ll be en route as well.
Also, the third car is going to be ID 101.
I’m going to use a K-Kilo.
Station officer is ID 91.
Play 20240921075512.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 07:55:12

10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you go again with the apartment number?
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921075327.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 07:53:27

That’s two, Bravo 10, Bravo 20.
Uh, just a description of the son, uh, was described as wearing a skirt, leggings, yellow shirt, and a multicolored hat.
We’re gonna shoot both units in the area.
Thank you.
Play 20240921074854.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 07:48:54

Dispatch to 10-20.
X-1 Dispatch, what do you got?
X-1, um, 10-2 officers head down to 497 East Pleasant Street, Village Park, 167.
Um, we’re still on the phone with a mother, says her child is being very erratic, has very erratic behavior.
Um, she didn’t give us a lot of information, she asked us to stay quiet.
Receive, how old’s the child?
Receive, we’ll get a couple of units up there shortly.
X-1 Dispatch, what do you got?
X-1, um, 10-2 officers head down to 497 East Pleasant Street, Village Park, 167.
Um, we’re still on the phone with a mother, says her child is being very erratic, has very erratic behavior.
Receive, how old’s the child?
Receive, we’ll get a couple of units up there shortly.
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
I’m gonna have IED 155 at my 10 car, responding in unit G.
IED 138, 20, responding in H.
Any previous call history to that address?
Just a lot of medicals.
Um, we also got a report of, um, the son walked out of the apartment.
X-1 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
Could you start AFD and have them stage?
Play 20240921054543.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:45:43

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I have an incident number for that, and that party has been reunited with his friends and all units, to be clear.
Play 20240921054157.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:41:57

Excellent distance.
Actually cancel AFC.
Play 20240921053913.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:39:13

20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Do you have AFD start heading this way?
Dispatch to 20.
Just confirming, you guys are at 41 Green Street or 94 Green Street?
Play 20240921053302.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:33:02

X-1 dispatching units, I’m out with an F-41, Grey Street.
Party located at 4-1, Grey Street.
Play 20240921052947.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:29:47

That’s a nice one, we’re back on Gray Street, just hitting the backyards.
Play 20240921051136.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:11:36

X-1, this is X-1.
Go ahead, X-1.
The 30 car is going to be with the K-9 unit.
Did you say 35, sir?
The 30 car is going to be with the K-9 unit.
Received. Am I able to take 10?
I have a well-being check for a student with low blood sugar.
It’s been going on for about 20 minutes.
I need someone to wake him up.
Seems like a medical call now.
He just needs to get woken up to take his insulin.
His parents are able to monitor it remotely.
Right. Is he being dispatched?
I can dispatch them.
Yeah, this is more of a priority.
Play 20240921050456.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:04:56

Go ahead, 20.
Uh, can you turn it off for me?
I just want a 20, myself a 30, if you’re with me.
Her transmission was completely unreadable by dispatch.
I’m sorry.
Go ahead, 20.
Uh, can you turn it off for me?
I just want a 20, myself a 30, if you’re with me.
Her transmission was completely unreadable by dispatch.
I’m sorry.
Go ahead, 20.
Uh, can you turn it off for me?
I just want a 20, myself a 30, if you’re with me.
Her transmission was completely unreadable by dispatch.
I’m sorry.
Go ahead, 20.
Uh, can you turn it off for me?
I just want a 20, myself a 30, if you’re with me.
Her transmission was completely unreadable by dispatch.
PR, K-9 on scene.
This is K-9 on scene.
Play 20240921050213.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 05:02:13

10 dispersion.
Go ahead, 10.
I checked some houses in that area, but still unable to find anything.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240921045043.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:50:43

X-1 to 30.
Check the middle school and the playground area behind Wildwood.
Appreciate it.
That’s kind of where the overlap of the things are, that area.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921044655.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:46:55

Patch to 10.
Go ahead.
10, there was a ping that we got that came in with a radius of 300 meters
that is showing him kind of in the backyard of 226 East Pleasant.
Received, I’ll head up there.
Play 20240921044116.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:41:16

News in the area, I’m calling the subscriber of The Missing Party’s phone in case you see something light up in the dark.
Play 20240921043748.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:37:48

10 to 20.
They didn’t happen to attend a house party or something in the area, did they?
They said he did not, does not know anybody in the area.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240921042440.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:24:40

X-1 to 30 and 10.
Let’s not contaminate the area on foot.
You guys want to get back to your cruisers.
Continue to search the area from the car.
Not contaminate the area to the south.
Thanks for watching!
Play 20240921042040.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:20:40

X-1, I just got a call from a trooper who’s currently in Leicester, he says he does have
a dog but it’s going to be a minute before he can get here, do you want that dog or are
we all set?
Yeah, if he wants to start this way, let the area narrow down, more of an area search than
anything else.
Play 20240921041633.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:16:33

Dispatch to X-1.
X-1, I just got the ping back from Verizon.
The meters are 653 meters, and the ping is actually showing up right at the corner of Clifton…
…and this is Clifton and Gray, I believe.
I receive.
20, did you check the house, make sure he didn’t come in the back door, pass out somewhere?
Yes, I just walked through.
I receive.
31, do you want to give me a Clifton and Gray?
X-1, he may be in the yard of 91, possibly.
I receive.
32, copy.
Negative, sorry, you’re cut off, say again?
You should meet me at Clifton and Gray, we’ll get out on foot.
Appreciate it, headed there now.
Time to X-1, I’m pulling onto Clifton now.
I see.
We’ll all get out, take a walk around.
600 yards, still a big circle.
32, Dispatch, how recent was the ping?
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Dispatch, any response on 1-Lack?
No response on 1-Lack, I can certainly go over again if you need me to.
Yeah, I wouldn’t hurt.
Play 20240921040608.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 04:06:08

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
That party is also Q5.
Received. I will update you and PD as well.
20, how long ago did he leave?
Approximately 3 hours ago.
Did he make any statements of means or anything?
No statements or anything.
He was saying that he doesn’t want to live.
Received. Dispatch, you said the phone was off?
Calls are going to voicemail.
Is it ringing first or is it just going straight to voicemail?
I get 3 rings and then voicemail.
He would try to hang up.
Will do.
Dispatch to 20.
Could you ask your RP if she knows which cell phone provider our missing party has?
It just makes it easier for me to start to ping.
They do not know.
Received. Thank you.
Go ahead, X1.
Just go over one mic, try to get a K9.
Go ahead, X1.
Thirty two twenty.
Did he drive here in a vehicle?
And if so is his vehicle still at the house?
If he did not drive, he was brought here by his friend who’s at the residence right now.
Appreciate it.
20, if you could, obtain a photo. Send it out to everybody on shift.
Over to you, Chief.
Dispatch, you can put Cat N 30 on this cat.
Play 20240921035914.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:59:14

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I’m at 94.
Received. Calling party was named Faith.
Play 20240921035527.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:55:27

X-1, this is X-1.
Go ahead, X-1.
In the area grey, doing an area check for that party.
10 and 30.
Stay on out, if you find this gentleman.
30, Scout.
Play 20240921035335.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:53:35

Next one, dispatcher.
Go ahead, next one.
We’ve made contact with the registered owner.
I should check the vehicle.
Nothing appears to be missing.
None of the other vehicles in the lot are unlocked.
We’ll check the area, but we’ll be clear.
Dispatch to 20.
Respond to 94 Gray Street for an assist, Citizen CAD.
The RP states that our involved party, a Brady Halpin, is in town visiting from Seekonk.
Walked away from that location in an ETOH state about three hours ago and hasn’t been seen since.
Does not know anyone else in town is here with her.
Calls to him go to voicemail.
I did try calling UMass and Amherst College.
They haven’t arrested him or seen him either.
We may need a missing persons report.
Greetings from University.
20, dispatch.
Was there a description of this person?
Yes, he is a white male, short dark hair, in a collared white button down shirt and black shorts.
Thank you.
Play 20240921034302.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:43:02

X-1 dispatch.
Bad X-1.
Nevermind, I found it.
I’ll be the help.
Play 20240921033637.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:36:37

9 and 10 on NASA, Romeo, Whiskey, Tango, 3-5-0.
Roger, stand by.
Match to X-1.
X-1, that vehicle comes back negative active on a 2014 grade Toyota 4Runner,
registered to a Bonnie McIntosh, who is a resident at 130 University Drive, room 103.
Play 20240921033317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:33:17

20 dispatch.
We’re 20.
In that area.
Copy that.
30 dispatch. I’m in the area as well.
Copy that.
X1’s in the area. At least we’ll have eyes on this guy.
I had to disconnect. There was another 911 coming in.
30 dispatch. You said it was on the right side, parked under a light?
Correct. She said when you pull in, it’s going to be to the right, under a light, a white or gray SUV, door open, male party walking around it.
Copy that.
Play 20240921033033.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:30:33

to 30 and 20.
30 and 20 respond to 130 University Drive for suspicious activity.
Employee there is calling saying that there is a white or gray SUV in the
parking lot.
No party right now with the door open has been checking car doors of the
employees that are there.
30 received 101.
20 received Triangle Rotary.
Units responding, that car is going to be parked under a light that’s on your
right hand side when you pull in.
30 dispatch.
Just to clarify, 130 University Drive is the arborist, correct?
Appreciate it, thanks.
Play 20240921031544.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:15:44

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I am not seeing a vehicle matching that description, so I’m assuming it’s a GLA.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921031422.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:14:22

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Come for me, I’m area.
Play 20240921031246.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:12:46

Dispatch to 20.
20, at Fearing and Lincoln, or possibly Fearing and Sunset,
there is a gray van that is currently in the middle of the road with the doors wide open and a bunch of college-age
students all around it.
For a suspicious activity, if you could just check it out, called in by AFD, who is passing the way.
3-3 from the Triangle Records.
Play 20240921030046.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 03:00:46

Twenty to five.
Two and twenty.
I’ll be clear with a written warning to the operator.
It will be Florida OLN.
Be Bravo six one zero.
Five four two.
Eight seven two five six zero.
Five four two.
Eight seven two.
Five four two.
Eight seven two.
Five four two.
Eight seven two.
Five four two.
five four two.
Five four two.
Thirty eight, True One confirm to you.
Okay, affirmative.
3-X-1, cleared for take-off.
Cleared for take-off, affirmative.
Play 20240921024729.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:47:29

Twenty dispatch.
Stop triangle by lefty with Florida PC 8 1 E echo E echo E echo D delta all set.
Play 20240921023329.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:33:29

Time to dispatch.
Go ahead, Ben.
That animal is deceased on arrival. You can show me clear.
Clear to receive.
Play 20240921022550.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:25:50

Can respond to the area of 269 Leverett Road for an animal complaint.
The RP who is no longer on scene states that there is a possum in the road
that appears to have been hit by a vehicle and is in need of dispatching.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240921021055.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:10:55

10 to 6.
Go ahead, 10.
It’s going to be a 35 to that RO.
They were already parked in the Butterfield-U-Mass parking lot,
and they’re going to renew it when they get a chance.
You can show me clear.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Be clear with the 35 to the operator,
Mass O-Land, Sierra A-Alpha, 3-9-8-0-5-2-9.
Play 20240921020653.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:06:53

10 disperse.
Go ahead, 10.
Also, it’s the RO operating.
Copy, I will have it checked.
20 Dispatch.
Top South Pleasant by Spring with MAPTC 2GG, EECHO, HH81, all set.
Play 20240921020443.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:04:43

I’m sure you saw, but it expired at the end of July, would you like another or are you
all set?
No, I’m all set.
They’re going to have to renew them, I’m sorry.
Okay, received.
Play 20240921020321.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 02:03:21

Go ahead, 10
Stop, Butterfield at North Pleasant, Mass Rage 2, Jay Juliet, B-Bravo, F-Foxtrot, 9-7, Sheppield set
Play 20240921015924.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:59:24

Over and out
Play 20240921015308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:53:08

X-1 to 21.
Signal 2 secure, thank you.
Received, thank you sir.
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
You take 21 off the board please.
X-1 to 21.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
Clear with a 35 to the RO.
Play 20240921014913.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:49:13

20 to such.
Stop on College by Amherst Tire with NAVTC 1-X-X-Ray-Z-Zulu-J-Juliet-5-3.
All set.
Play 20240921014436.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:44:36

10, dispatch, in the area.
Received, 10.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
The noise will be GLA and both units will be clear.
Play 20240921014247.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:42:47

20 to Satch.
Go ahead, 20.
In the area.
Over you, Chief.
Play 20240921014117.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:41:17

There it is, gotcha.
Go ahead, 30.
I’m clear.
Dispatch to 10 and 20.
10 and 20 respond to 35 Butterfield Terrace for a noise complaint of loud, rowdy screaming coming from that location.
10 received. Over.
20 received. Triangle.
Play 20240921013734.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:37:34

30 to 40, I should be all set. 30 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Virginia Air Mass Sierra Alpha 4700128.
30 to cease.
40 to dispatch, you can show me clear.
30 to cease.
30 to 30.
Dispatch to 30.
Q and W check is negative.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Play 20240921013504.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:35:04

Forty to Finch
Go ahead, Forty
In Mill Valley
Play 20240921012733.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:27:33

I’ll be clear with 35 to the RO.
40 feet.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
How many noise points do you have to tag?
REC, send them out.
Dispatch to 30 and 40.
30 and 40 respond to 360, 360 Riverglade Drive at Mill Valley, Apartment G, Gulf.
Front noise complaint. Does have a little bit of time on it for loud bass music and drunken yelling.
30, receive. Sorry, I’m just trying to navigate. There’s a baby bear in the road.
40, receive. 30, don’t pet it.
Play 20240921012306.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:23:06

20 dispatch.
We’ve hit 20.
Stop East Pleasant by Chestnut with Mast PC 5B Bravo V Victor XXR 39. All set.
20, what was the number before the 9?
3 people.
Play 20240921011917.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:19:17

Forty dispatch.
Go ahead, Forty.
We’re clear, we spoke with the residents and we’re able to get the table out of the road.
Play 20240921011553.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 01:15:53

40 dispatch. Go ahead, 40. Stop, Lincoln at Amity Mass 4, D-Delta, L-Lima, P-Papa, 9-6.
I think he’s just starting on units this way. He tried to hide out from me on Lincoln.
Received. Your radio’s kind of low. You asking for a second unit?
Yeah, affirmative. He was on North Hampton Road and tried to hide out on Lincoln from me.
Copy. Dispatch to 21.
21’s on train.
Dispatch to 40. That vehicle’s coming back negative active.
Dispatch to 40.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
What’s up? I just made it to the Boltwood area. It’s a lot. It’s going to be… I’m not sure the state. It’s covered. 36935. I’ll get you in a second.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
They’re taxiing me out of Maryland.
Go ahead, 30.
21 dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Received. Dispatch to 30.
30, we ran that Maryland plate 36935 as a PC and as a ZZ and no return on either.
Could you try 36935 Hotel over Tango?
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead, 30.
30 dispatch.
Two units walking on each other. 30, go ahead.
35 issued to Maryland 10272242049. Clear.
Received. 20, go ahead.
Stop on South Pleasant by Spring with MAF PC4JJDAL67. All set.
40 dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Clear on 35, just a door dash, you’re not paying attention.
Go ahead, VRL.
ROT operator.
Received. Thank you.
Go ahead, 75.
Motor vehicle stopped, University Drive, MAF 1, Sierra X-ray, Foxtrot 7-9. 9-10, please.
Received. Do you have a cross with University?
Athena’s Pizza.
Received. Thank you.
Dispatch, 275.
752 dispatch, go ahead.
1, Sierra X-ray, Foxtrot 7-9. Comes back on a 2012 great actor, a TSX. Registered to a Caitlin LeDoux out of Methuen, MAF. Both vehicle and driver are negative and active.
Convolution check, M&W, SOLN, that’s Sierra, A-Alpha, 6430998.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35 issue to MAF, SOLN, Sierra, A-Alpha, 8110100.
Dispatch, 275.
Go ahead.
75, you’re a radio cut out between the Sierra Alpha and the number 4. We’re missing a digit, probably right there.
Received. Standby.
Dispatch, 275.
Go ahead.
Alexander Guzman, 9 Meadow Street out of Methuen, MAF. Date of birth 4-21-05. Is negative and active.
Received. Care, please, for the stop.
Dispatch, 275.
75, you’re in dispatch.
Go ahead, 75.
Clear the stop.
Received. Go ahead, 40.
Cupid 39 out of 82 Triangle. Someone’s blocking the road with a giant table. Here, we’re going to try to get out of the way.
Play 20240921005935.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:59:35

240 to switch.
Go ahead, 40.
Clear 35 to the RO.
Play 20240921005636.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:56:36

Forty to switch.
Go ahead Forty.
South, South, pleasant at Spring, Mast 5, P-Papo, Y-Yankee, M-Mike, 9-4, all set.
Twenty-one, that was Forty.
Received, Twenty-one.
Play 20240921004610.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:46:10

21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Can you add Luke, common spelling, middle initial A-alpha, last name Arnold, common spelling, date of birth 4-20-04.
Can you also add first name Anthony, common spelling, middle name D-Delta, last name Mike, alpha, Charlie, Oscar, Romeo, Echo, Yankee, date of birth 11-24-03.
10, dispatch.
I’m going to MDT you some names to add to that CAD, but you can show me clear.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show me clear as well.
21, dispatch. I’m clear.
Received, 21. We’re not getting a return on Anthony D. McCorry, 11-24-03. Is he out of mass?
I apologize. Last name is Mike, alpha, R-Romeo, Oscar, and E-Y.
30, dispatch. I’m clear as well.
Play 20240921004222.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:42:22

Thirty dispatch.
Go ahead thirty, you’re very low volume.
Thirty dispatch.
Go ahead thirty.
Initially it was for noise as well.
no ways as well.
When it started as a noise complaint approximately 45 minutes ago, the same caller called back
and believed that there was a fight going on because of us throwing things and it getting
Appreciate it.
20 and 21 are out.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Play 20240921003747.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:37:47

30, Dispatch 113.
Received 30.
10, Dispatch 113.
Received 10.
Play 20240921003623.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:36:23

Dispatch to 21 and 30.
21 Dispatch, I’m out with a signal 8 on Northeast Street.
30 and 20.
Units are walking on each other. 75, go ahead.
75 to 21, if that’s the one by Hedgerow, they’re just waiting for AAA still.
20 and 30, respond to 778 North Pleasant Street at Kappa Sig.
Call originally came in as a noise complaint about 45 minutes ago.
We just got another call that they believe there is a big fight in the backyard with lots of screaming and throwing of items.
30, got a triangle.
20 received, Amity by Lincoln.
21’s in a round of 10, please grab that.
10 received, on my way.
10 received.
21’s in a round.
Play 20240921003308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:33:08

7-5 Dispatch
Go ahead, sir
God, please, just stop for a warning. I’ll be clear.
20 Dispatch
Go ahead, 20.
I’m clear.
Received. My colleague is back entering that.
Play 20240921003112.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:31:12

Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty-one.
Can I get eleven and fourteen for North Carolina OON?
Zero-zero, zero-zero, four-six-two, four-zero, three-four-three.
Three-three, stand-by.
Dispatch to twenty-one.
Comes back to a Siani Simone Ammons three-nineteen-oh-five.
Expiration date on that is three-nineteen of twenty-thirty-two.
She is negative and active.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
Seven-five, dispatch.
Go ahead, seven-five.
Motor vehicle stop.
North Pleasant Street by the Campus Pond.
New York.
Kekilo J. John F. Frank.
Ninety-ten, please.
Received, stand-by.
Thank you.
Seven-five, dispatch.
Go ahead, seven-five.
License check M&W, please.
New York OLN.
Sir, I apologize.
The nine-one-one rang.
Can you go with that number one more time?
New York OLN.
And I am not getting a return on plate Kilo Juliet Foxtrot one-four-two-five.
I’m getting it as both a ZZ and a PC and nothing’s coming back.
Out of New York?
Out of New York, sir.
Received. I have an active wrench in hand.
Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, brass unit.
Twenty-one, dispatch. Thirty-five issued to that operator. Clear.
Twenty, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty.
Thirty-five issued to Florida OLN K-Kilo five-two-zero-six-six-five-three, sorry, zero-three-nine-one-eight-zero.
Play 20240921002248.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:22:48

20 Dispatch, go ahead 20.
Stop on East Pleasant by Chestnut Court with Florida PT 5-0-A-Alpha-L-Lima-H-Hotel-R-Romeo, all set.
Play 20240921002051.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:20:51

Twenty-one, dispatch.
Go ahead, twenty-one.
More vehicles stopped on Main Street in front of Black Sheep, North Carolina Ridge, Hotel Lima, Charlie, five-three-one-four, negative-nine-ten.
You can, I just needed that north or south, your radio clipped out.
Main Street, next to Black Sheep.
Is that north or south Carolina, sir?
North Carolina.
Thank you.
Dispatch to twenty-one.
Comes back to a 2018, I believe Kia Soul, registered to a Felicia Ammons.
It is negative and active until November 15th of 2024.
Thank you.
Play 20240921001601.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:16:01

Dispatch to 40 and 30.
40 and 30, respond to the area of 59, could possibly be 51 E Street for reports of a fight on the front porch.
It’s going to be that little southeast street cut through on that section.
40 received mate, 30.
40 received.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Stop, Chestnutty, East Pleasant, Mass Ridge, 492 C Charlie M Mike 9, should be all set.
40 received.
21’s en route to southeast.
Received, 21.
30 dispatch, I’m on T.
Received, 30.
. . .
The only description we got was 3 males, 1 female, 1 in a black hoodie and 1 in a white
There were girls who were there driving by, they didn’t want to get too close.
The only description we got was 3 males, 1 female, 1 in a black hoodie and 1 in a white
The only description we got was 3 males, 1 female, 1 in a black hoodie and 1 in a white
The only description we got was 3 males, 1 female, 1 in a black hoodie and 1 in a white
The only description we got was 3 males, 1 female, 1 in a black hoodie and 1 in a white
Play 20240921000912.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:09:12

10 to section.
Go ahead, Tassel.
That party’s going to be on board with AFD, you can show me clear?
Play 20240921000346.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 21 00:03:46

Dispatch, Alpha 10.
Go ahead.
Medical Assist 38, Mounting Ave, Phi Kappa Phi.
Send me for a 20-year-old female who was vomiting and intoxicated.
We have now called back stating that she’s gone unresponsive, but breathing.
We’re going to see if you can put me in the area.


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