Data from 20240927

Play 20240927234711.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:47:11

7-5, test traction.
Go ahead, 7-5.
21 to fetch.
Go ahead, 21.
Minus two for the bug.
Go ahead, 21.
20 to fetch.
Go ahead, 20.
So, there was five TBL tickets issued there, so there’ll be five ARs, and then there was a sixth one.
Last one being for the custody that ID-111 has.
If it’s confusing, which I’m sure it is, I will get back to the station and give you all the OLNs.
To simplify, you can give all those ARs to me for the time being. I’ll reassign them once I sign them for the first time, but just to simplify things.
Next one to fetch.
Go ahead, next one.
Okay, you can show all units clear from Meadow Street with the exception of the 21 car who is on the two for the bug.
Next one to fetch.
Go ahead, next one.
Next one to fetch.
Go ahead, next one.
Next one to fetch.
Next one to fetch.
Next one to fetch.
Next one to fetch.
Next one to fetch.
Next one to fetch.
Next one to fetch.
Go ahead.
Next one to 104.
Go ahead.
You have the phone for pictures correct?
Yeah, I have a phone and I take pictures. I tried using the one I have and it didn’t work.
You have the X-1 phone?
No, I don’t know about the 100 micrometer, but that’s fine.
X-1 to 111.
I handed it to 104.
Okay, I thought you were asking if I have the X-1 photo.
I thought you were asking if I used the X-1 photo.
75 to X-1.
I ran my video on the way in, so you should have footage there as well.
Thank you kindly.
Play 20240927233747.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:37:47

21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
I have that open container in custody.
Dispatch, this is 21. I have the information when you’re ready.
Got it.
Welcome back to a Timothy Lang 0702-2003, negative active, out of Falmouth, Mass.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Mass. Sierra 2242-4350. Take an AR number for a TBO over the air.
Dispatch, this is 10.
Go ahead.
Is there going to be a separate TBO? Can I have a TBO for the noise?
For the noise.
Dispatch, this is 10.
Go ahead.
Your AR number is 24-641-AR at 2309.
Play 20240927233200.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:32:00

Go ahead.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
You just had a mass test CRA alpha 1470476.
There’s an open container of alcohol on scene here.
Dispatch, 21. Charlie, 21.
Go ahead.
Do you want a separate CAD for that?
Yeah, just an open container TBL violation.
7-5, dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-5.
I’m on scene.
Play 20240927232925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:29:25

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can put me in the area.
Play 20240927232717.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:27:17

20 is set.
Go ahead, 20.
I can’t hear you. Let’s have April come in for some disturbance.
20, X1 and IR are just passing the pond now.
I can’t hear you.
The residents are in the front yard in the driveway. Is there any responding units?
1-1 received.
32, X1, do you want me to slide that way?
Yeah, you can start out this way. We’re just passing D-Hill.
Appreciate it. Peace, brother.
Thank you.
75, dispatch.
Go ahead, 75.
I’m in Rudolph, Nevada.
Thank you.
X1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Myself and 21 are on Meadow.
X1, if I can grab the X1 phone for me, I can take some photos.
We’re going to photo.
Play 20240927232049.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:20:49

20, dispatch, I’m in the area.
10-20, I’m just passing the shelter now.
Uh, can you head up here? Seems like it’s a pretty healthy one.
Yeah, sure, I’m on the second deck. Be a minute.
X-1 will be in the room.
X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1, X-1
10 dispatch in the area
We see it
Play 20240927231223.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 23:12:23

Dispatch, it’s 10-20.
Getting out to the air. 1-12, MEDROS-2-6.
For a noise complaint, RP is reporting that they hear a loud party and loud music coming from that area.
10-6, along with it.
Play 20240927225317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:53:17

21, Dispatch.
We’re clear with the TBL site issued.
Did that go over?
You said you’re clear with the TBL issue?
Affirmative, I did.
Dispatch, received.
75 to 111.
You have a chance.
Play 20240927224935.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:49:35

This is 21, I have the information when you’re ready for Carson.
Carson, Ireland, Labanere, 10-0-4-0-2-2-0-4 is negative active, our Somerville mass.
21, this is Carson.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Try New York State driver’s license 547670033.
This is 21, I have the information when you’re ready.
Go ahead with that.
That all comes back to Amelia Wampa.
11-19-0-3, out of Sleepy Hollow, New York, it’s negative active, out of New York.
Received, can you give me an AR number over the air for a TPL?
Dispatch to 21.
Go ahead.
Your number is 24-639-AR at 2228.
And dispatch to 21.
Go ahead.
Who is the arrest for?
It’s AR TPL.
Is it for Amelia or for Carson?
The female Amelia, something like that.
Play 20240927224415.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:44:15

Dispatch, 21.
Dispatch, Charlie, 21.
Oh, we’re not getting anything back for Amelia Wampa out of New York.
I’m showing negative M&W.
Bring it here back from UMass.
They’re going to look her up for me.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
First name Carson, C-A-R-S-O-N.
Last name is Ireland.
Country hyphen Latimer, L-E-M-I-A-L-F-A-T-T-A-N-G-O-I-N-D-E-A-M-I-K-E-E-C-O-R-O-M-E-O.
April 2nd, 2004.
Play 20240927224036.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:40:36

21 to switch.
Go ahead, 21.
She’s trying to run a resident. First name is Amalia.
A-Alpha, M-Mike, A-Alpha, L-Lima, I-India, A-Alpha.
Last name is Wampa. W-Whiskey, O-Ocean, M-Mike, P-Papa, A-Alpha.
11-19-2003, she said she’s a UMass student.
Thank you.
That name didn’t come back in mass. Is she out of her different seat?
Yeah, stand by. I’ll let you know when she went back in the house.
21 to switch.
Go ahead, 21.
T-Tango for middle initial out of New York.
Play 20240927223449.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:34:49

21 to switch.
Go ahead, 21.
43 South Prospect, looks like.
Can you repeat that, was it 43 or 33 South Prospect?
40, 43.
20, it’s 517.
Play 20240927223305.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:33:05

Sasha, 20, 21.
Can we head to the area of 46 South Prospect Street
for a noise complaint?
Party is reporting loud music
and believes a party is going on in that area.
Hit it.
10, 21.
If you’re tied up, I can head that way for you.
I’m actually on South Prospect now.
Thank you.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
Put me in the area.
Play 20240927222855.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:28:55

X-1 Dispatch
Go ahead X-1
Myself and uh 21 will be clear if he’s transporting this to the H
21 to switch
Go ahead 21
Just beside main incident number for
Play 20240927222420.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:24:20

Dispatch to 20.
Negative MNW to Joshua McDonald 0709 1991 with a suspended license.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240927222249.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:22:49

20 hits left.
Anybody seen it?
20, uh, just because you looked at me, where’s the ball feed?
M&W, Josh, McDonald.
Play 20240927221433.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:14:33

You can show me on scene and clear.
Play 20240927221017.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 22:10:17

Dispatch, this is 20.
Go ahead.
Can you get to 38 Gray Street for a medical assist?
RP is reporting that his husband’s inside the bathroom and the door is locked
and he believes he’s having a stroke and the water’s running.
Received. Send a second unit. I’m on the second deck.
Wait for me in a sec.
Received. Dispatch, this is 21.
Copy. I’m at the middle of the corner.
X-1 will be en route at 111.
30 to 20, I’ll take that for you.
Thank you.
Copy, direct.
Thank you.
21’s on scene.
Units, if you go past my cruiser, it’s on the left. It’s along your driveway than I suspected.
It’s better if you go down the driveway.
Should we advise AFB that they should pull straight in or back in or neither?
Just pull in. It’s along your driveway. You can turn around up here.
21, X-1.
21, dispatch.
Go ahead, 21.
He’s on the ground talking. He’s semi-responsive. He can’t really move, but he’s breathing. He has a pulse.
Received. A1 just got on scene.
MT just got on scene.
Play 20240927203902.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 20:39:02

21 X-1, clear for two.
Play 20240927202312.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 20:23:12

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
That party is on board with AMD, voluntarily. You can show both units clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240927201625.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 20:16:25

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
You can show both units in the area.
Play 20240927201153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 20:11:53

Dispatch, Charlie 30.
Take a medical assist, 32 Mountain View Circle.
It’s a 24 to 28 year old female who got a hold of a stapler and cut herself with one of the staples on purpose.
30 received, 111.
20 on the switch.
Go ahead, 21.
I’ll head down there with him.
Received, she no longer has the staple.
Play 20240927195513.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 19:55:13

20 is fresh.
Go ahead, 20.
Second time’s the merit of service.
Roger, received.
Play 20240927192354.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 19:23:54

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
He’s on board with AFD. They’re all set. I’ll declare.
Thank you.
Play 20240927191332.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 19:13:32

10, dispatch.
Go ahead.
Be patient and draw.
Negative, we got it.
Play 20240927190925.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 19:09:25

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
It’s apartment 5-2.
Affirmative. Pine Hollow, apartment 52-5-2.
Received. I’m on Pine Street now.
Play 20240927190416.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 19:04:16

Dispatch, Charlie 10.
Medical Assist, 208 Pine Street, Pine Hollow, covering for 52.
It’s going to be for an 82-year-old male with chest pain and shortness of breath.
Play 20240927184640.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:46:40

SO2, X1, cell block clear.
Play 20240927184518.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:45:18

20, dispatch.
Alright, 20.
Excuse me, sir, I’m going to need you to preserve the airport now before you move to your house.
I’m sorry, it was all static, but I did hear a prisoner transport cab.
Affirm, we’re going to move to our house.
You can clear, sir. We’re clearing right now.
Received, 10-dispatch. I’m clear.
Received, 10-4.
30, dispatch.
10-4, 30.
Can you assign me an incident number, and I’ll be clear.
Thank you.
Play 20240927183805.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:38:05

X-1, do you copy?
Can you pop outside for a minute?
Play 20240927183634.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:36:34

111 to X1.
Go ahead, sir.
I’m in town. Do you need help searching for this guy?
Negative at this point. Doesn’t look like it was anything physical.
Now it’s verbal, so I think we’re going to be clearing momentarily.
And you will be 21, sir.
Dispatch, copy, sir.
Play 20240927182230.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:22:30

32 Amherst units just spoke with the sister who is the victim in this domestic.
She’s now claiming that there was no physical altercation, it was verbal only.
X-1, this is…
X-1, this is Patterson.
It’s Pat that leaves from Kiwanis out here.
Last time, 111 tracked him.
He used this route to get to the bus to head to Belchertown.
Play 20240927182024.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:20:24

Response 30, 10.
30, 10. Response 36, Tamarack Drive. It’s gonna be a domestic.
It’s a female party singer. Her 17-year-old son is, I believe, physically attacking people in the house.
She has a 4-year-old in the house as well.
30, received.
10, received. 11.
Text 1 from 111.
10, 10.
…units. It’s gonna be a junior, Ramsey. He’s downstairs, no weapons. Need more information.
OK, received. Are they separated?
They are separated. He’s putting some shoes on to leave. He’s going out the back door.
30, dispatch. Do you have a description on the child?
Black shorts, black shirt, 5-11, dreads. They’re still arguing in the house.
30, dispatch. You can put me in the area.
His mom believes that he went to the field across the street.
20 and X-1 are in the area.
What’s the child’s name?
Junior Ramsey.
20 and 30, are you at the house?
Affirm, at the house, talking to the RP now. Sounds like he struck at least one of the siblings.
OK, myself and X-1 are searching.
ID 102 to X-1 and 10, I just sent you both a photo of them if you need it.
OK, negative at the field.
102 to X1 and 10, disregard on that photo, that’s one of his friends.
Play 20240927180146.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 18:01:46

6-0, dispatch.
Go ahead, 6-0.
I’m going to be signalling OWD, hello house, hello unit, I end you.
Great, thank you.
Play 20240927175909.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:59:09

30, dispatch.
Negative service. I’m clear.
Play 20240927174336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:43:36

10-X-1, OK for a two.
Play 20240927174216.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:42:16

30, dispatched.
Go ahead, 30.
I hit a CAD for a 7 service. It’s going to be docket number 2498.
C-C-R-R-O-M-E-O-0-6-0. Be out at 34 Pomeroy Lane, apartment 20.
Looking to serve a Jessica, common spelling, last name, L-W-A-A-M-E-I-C-E-R-A-O-S-K-R in November.
Received. Anyone out for the last three on that docket? So I just want to make sure it’s 0-6-0.
It’s going to be 0-6-0-6.
Play 20240927173703.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:37:03

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Negative service, clear.
I see.
Play 20240927172938.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:29:38

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Can I get a cab for a summons service?
Gonna be at 867 North Pleasant Street.
Dockin’ number’s gonna be 24-33-Charlie-Romeo-97-4A-Kimberly-Tarrion.
Again, I’m DTU, her name.
Thank you.
Play 20240927172014.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:20:14

20 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I think they’re already set, but I have him under. Can you raise the north?
I suppose you can clear 10 and 30.
And you can locate the one in 7,000.
Thank you.
Play 20240927171612.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:16:12

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
20’s gonna have that party under.
I receive.
Play 20240927171423.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:14:23

Alright, he’s walking towards me behind Amherst-Chinema.
30 received, I’m in the alley behind Amherst-Chinema.
Play 20240927171024.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 17:10:24

20 to dispatch.
Go ahead.
Can you put 30 and 10 with both me on a warrant service cab?
We’re going to the parking lot at South Prospect by Amherst Coffee for 8 and Cluster.
I called him and supposedly he’s meeting me there.
I’m not sure if he’s going to run or not. We’re going to have the officers post up in different areas.
I’ll be calling out a direction if he runs.
Play 20240927164613.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 16:46:13

Tony, are you all set?
Thank you.
Play 20240927162826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 16:28:26

Twenty to ten.
I didn’t want to leave you hanging. Yeah, it was Hakim and Kassan, so…
If you’re still there, I’m good.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240927162059.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 16:20:59

10 to 20, I’m behind banana.
In disregarded.
The other half.
Play 20240927161805.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 16:18:05

10 to 20.
Got up on Prairie Street, right by the old Jones grill station.
You want me to wait by the Triangle Street entrance?
Um, I think if you just hang by the one behind, um, the ZNR, whatever it’s called,
um, the other entrance, I’ll go in through the Triangle Street one and see if,
I don’t know, I’ll let you know if it’s them or not.
Play 20240927161322.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 16:13:22

20 to 10.
You’re going out on the road soon.
I see a couple, I don’t know if they’re kids or not, hanging out at West Cemetery.
Might be wishful thinking, but one kind of looks like Eden.
Just wanted to have kind of both locations covered, like both entrances covered.
If I go up to them.
Alright, I’m going to gear up now and I’ll head out.
Play 20240927154907.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:49:07

28, excellent.
Just saw the PVTA bus leaving Village Park, traveling northbound.
My guess is Stuart and Jules went back to Jules’ mother’s residence at Village Park.
Appreciate it. You can follow up if you’d like to up north or you can wait.
Try to touch base with them at a different time, what do you?
Rishi, I’ll reconvene and follow up with them after roll call.
Sounds good. They’ll give you the opportunity to review that video and cooperate it.
Appreciate it.
20, dispatch. Units will be clear for now.
Play 20240927154433.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:44:33

I’ll be checking the area to see if I can make contact with Mr. Jules or Mr. Stewart.
Play 20240927154134.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:41:34

20, dispatch.
Uh, 20.
Can you assign me an incident number, please?
All righty.
Play 20240927153935.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:39:35

20 to 7.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you add Hakeem, Stuart, and Kazan Jewels to the CAD as well, please?
20 to 7.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you add Aiden and Klooster to the CAD as well?
That’s 20.
For Jewels, is it going to be 1-1-2004 or 6-8-1986?
Thank you.
That’s 20.
Go ahead.
Klooster has paperwork.
He’s not in the area right now.
It sounds like he took off when the ERP made contact.
That’s 20.
Okay, sir.
Could you open that, please, and find out what it’s for?
Looks like it was issued today.
Larceny of a drug, B&E, night time for felony, times two, and larceny of a motor vehicle out of Greenfield.
Thank you.
Play 20240927152714.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:27:14

This is 20, 30.
20, 30. Can’t respond. 141 North Portland Street. The area of the bus stop by the post office in the center of town.
RVC said he was jumped by three people. They’re currently in the little park that’s between the bus stop and the bank center.
20 received. You can put me on scene.
30 received. 111.
The description that the RVC provided was that they were all black males. One was wearing a red hat and one was wearing a green or blue shirt.
Okay. Our anonymous RP would still like to speak with officers. He’s going to be by the bus stop.
20 received. Do you know the RP’s info?
So the calling party is Jorge Garcia. His brother is also with him, but his brother is going to stay anonymous.
And while on the phone trying to get information from him, he kept telling his brother to go and to leave.
Received. I’ll be out at the parking between the bank center and that area.
Excellent dispatch.
Next one.
I’ll be in the area as well.
30 dispatch, I’m on scene.
Checking the area. Boltwood parking lot and between the bank center. I’ll head your way.
Play 20240927152050.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:20:50

20, dispatch.
Roger, 20.
Again, 20.
You can disregard that.
Play 20240927151649.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:16:49

Dispatch to ID 118.
MASPC 17MTT07 comes back cancelled on a 2001 Chevy Tahoe 15 color red.
Mike Tango 0909 are the last two.
12 testing there in a couple of weeks.
That’s good.
Negative active on the 2012 Hyundai Tucson, color gray.
It’s registered to a Milani Olear Eve 12.
That’s it?
No I’m not sure.
It’s a Colors.
I’m not sure.
What’s the status?
It’s a Colors.
I’m not sure.
It’s a Colors.
I’m not sure.
It’s a Colors.
You’re not sure?
I’m not sure.
It’s a Colors.
I’m not sure.
It’s a Colors.
What is it?
A Colors for Hyundai.
Play 20240927151418.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 15:14:18

118, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
ID 118 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 118.
You’re on MASH 17, Mike Tango 09. 17, Mike Tango 09.
Go ahead, 18.
Play 20240927144815.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:48:15

10 just missed.
5-10. They’ve been asked to stay out of the road. They were on the sidewalk when I got there.
Thank you.
Play 20240927144106.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:41:06

7-81, is this best?
That’ll be clear.
4-8, dispatch.
Go ahead, Tony.
Sounds like that party had an asthma attack yesterday.
Everything checks okay today.
Signed a refusal.
We’ll be clear.
Dispatch, Bravo 10.
2-8, good traffic.
It’s going to be in the area of 496 North Pleasant Street.
Centrally say it’s a Chi or one of the surrounding frats.
My calling party states that they’re having a car wash
and stepping out into the car to stop vehicles as they’re driving.
Play 20240927141740.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:17:40

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Could you start AFD this way for D-Val?
Dispatch to 20.
Just making sure they’re going to 33 Caligab Apartment 7.
Roger, thank you.
Play 20240927141546.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:15:46

I just made contact with that party on the phone.
He says he is good, but could you please still check up on him?
Language barrier was a little tough to understand, and he seemed like he was breating kind of heavily.
Affirm. We’re walking into the building now.
Received, thank you. I told him that you’d be there momentarily.
Play 20240927141308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:13:08

20, Dispatch, on scene.
Received, 20.
781, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 781.
I’ll be with 20.
Play 20240927140759.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:07:59

Dispatch to Bravo 20.
20, can you take a well-being check?
It’s going to be at 33 Kellogg Ave,
Anne Whalen, apartment number 7.
Highland Valley is requesting a well-being check
on Guillermo Santiago, 217-1950.
Yes, he didn’t respond to his medication reminder.
All right.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240927140439.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:04:39

20, dispatched.
Go ahead, 20.
Folk, the manager, who was on team with ERP, made this report,
stated she came outside, didn’t hear any honking or see a truck.
Sounds like everything checks okay. I’ll be clear.
3, received.
Play 20240927140153.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 14:01:53

I can’t just touch it.
I’m on scene.
It’s pretty cheap.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show me Yoda at Foreign Savings Bank.
30 to 20.
Go ahead.
I know the call was a bit ago, but I just went down southeast and there’s no British truck.
Pretty cheap.
I’m just going to touch base with the bank here.
Sounds like a good idea.
I’m on scene.
You can show me Yoda at Foreign Savings Bank.
I’m just going to touch base with the bank here.
Sounds like the RP has some 6-2 issues.
Pretty cheap.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Department 131 is out sunbathing in her bikini.
She’s all set. I’ll be clear.
Can you cut out a little Becky? Repeat that.
Tracy from Department 131 is in her bikini sunbathing. I’ll be clear.
Pretty cheap.
7-81 copied that.
Play 20240927135801.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 13:58:01

Dispatch to 30.
Disregard. Dispatch to Bravo 20.
20, can you head down to the Florence Savings Bank, 385 College Street?
We’re suspicious.
Um, we got a call of a Brinks truck that arrived there,
and the RP was reporting that the Brinks truck was honking aggressively.
Uh, he said it was roughly last seen taking a right.
We think it’s down Southeast Street.
One low.
20, it happened about 15 minutes ago.
Brady, were there any other calls in the area?
No, it was just that one.
Is the RP still around?
No, the RP left. Um, he just reported that the Brinks truck was being odd.
Dispatch to 20.
20, I just found out that the RP is Joshua Brinksky,
so he called back to see if they were reporting bad road conditions as well.
Dispatch to 10.
10, can you head up to Rhodes Park, 497 East Pleasant, in 136-ish area?
My RP, who was calling from 143,
stated that an older female,
standing outside in only her brown underwear, bright orange and collars,
is standing there.
Excellent, dispatch.
Go ahead, X1.
Helping route.
781, dispatch.
Go ahead, 781.
I’ll head that way.
Thank you.
Play 20240927130917.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 13:09:17

781 to dispatch.
Go ahead 781.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20240927124921.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 12:49:21

781, is this back?
Go ahead, 781.
I’ll be headed 321 East Pleasant on a follow-up.
Play 20240927121503.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 12:15:03

20, dispatched.
Go ahead, 20.
Can I get a CAD, please, for a signal 8? You can use big Y as the location.
Vehicle here is going to be Mass Reg 6A-BB118, operated by Mass OLN SCIERRA 99301906.
Second vehicle is going to be unknown.
Go ahead, 20.
20, dispatched.
Go ahead, 20.
I’ll take a accident number 2, please.
Go ahead, 2, please.
Dispatched to Bravo 20.
20, your accident number is 277 at 1213.
Received, thank you.
Play 20240927121103.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 12:11:03

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20240927120517.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 12:05:17

X1 to 20.
Could you
single 2 please for single 8?
Rishi, main triangle.
Play 20240927105720.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 10:57:20

That guy was in a hurry.
That’s a special word for that.
Did he say which manhole you gotta go in?
No, I’m gonna park right in front of that Japanese restaurant
and then get a game plan and put my eyes on it and see what we got.
Yeah, copy that.
Play 20240927103752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 10:37:52

ATTW to Water.
Just got a report of water bubbling up in the road at North Pleasant and Pine.
ATTW to Water.
ATTW to Water.
DPW to Water. Put a hold on your response.
DPW to Highway. I need you to respond to North Pleasant and Pine.
Water bubbling up is from a manhole.
ATTW to Public Works.
Yeah, that water is coming out of a manhole. I’m going to give Joe a call.
He was just radioed. We’re all set. Thank you.
Play 20240927102345.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 10:23:45

Over Chris.
Play 20240927095358.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 09:53:58

Radio dispatch, go ahead 30.
Operator, mouth of LNF Sierra 27202473, clear on the 35.
Play 20240927095119.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 09:51:19

30, head straight back.
Stop, main by the JCA, mass range 4, see Charlie, VZ 139, should be all set.
Thank you.
Play 20240927092445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 09:24:45

Six-Nine as such.
Play 20240927083618.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 08:36:18

ID 122 dispatch.
Go ahead, 122.
Signal 1, OWD 162, Southeast Street.
Play 20240927074526.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:45:26

138 to 116.
Go ahead.
There’s nothing. We’re headed back to 111.
Great save. Thank you for the effort.
Dispatch to X1.
Go ahead.
The RP called back a second time and asked if someone could stop by and speak to him.
Yeah, we’ll have somebody swing by at some point.
Great save.
Play 20240927074146.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:41:46

138, you got anything?
Negative, but we’re sitting by Anne Whelan in a parking spot right now, seeing if they can pop back out.
Play 20240927073445.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:34:45

Dispatch to X-One.
Go ahead.
Can you give me a four, please?
Where is he?
Play 20240927072349.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:23:49

10, this is Cashew.
Go ahead, 10.
Could you assign me an offense number, please, and I’ll be clear.
Play 20240927071836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:18:36

Send this message.
Go ahead, Tanner.
Do you have that RP’s info?
I don’t know if it is a…
Appreciate it.
Yep, that’s correct.
Play 20240927070743.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:07:43

10-Dispatch, I’m in the area.
Play 20240927070351.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 07:03:51

Dispatch to 10.
Tank, you take a report of a past B&E. It’s at 85 Olympia Drive, Olympia Oaks.
Staff there said they came in this morning and someone broke into the shed that’s the top of their property by the dumpsters.
They forced the door open. They’re unsure if anything was taken.
They said it happened sometime between 4 p.m. yesterday and now.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240927063316.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 06:33:16

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Earnings has that vehicle, and I will be clear, and then I will just…
Stand by one second.
Okay, 30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator of that vehicle, first name of Michaela, M-Mike, I-India, D-Charlie, A-Alpha, Y-Ingi, L-Lima, A-Alpha.
Last name of Lenski, L-Lima, E-Echo, N-November, S-Sierra, K-Kilo, I-India, UBF 6302.
And out of order.
Play 20240927062948.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 06:29:48

7-7-4, dispatch.
Go ahead, 7-7-4.
Myself at 783 OWD Belchertown Road. The detour is in place.
Play 20240927062247.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 06:22:47

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Yeah, with the DMV, 116 at Meadow.
NAVPC1 at Foxtrot.
Sierra at KQL 076.
Roger, thanks.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you tell me my location?
She’s parked right at the oldest intersection here.
Roger, thanks.
She’s parked right at the oldest intersection here.
30, can you go again with that? Your radio is all static and cut out.
Can you start Ernie? She’s in the middle of the intersection.
Play 20240927061539.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 06:15:39

Dispatch to 10.
Are you all set?
I’m all set. I don’t know if I hit something accidentally on a different car.
Play 20240927055529.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 05:55:29

That’s understood.
That’s excellent.
Now I’ll kill him.
Appreciate it.
30, go ahead.
On scene.
Thank you.
10-30, we’re all set.
They weren’t out here when we got here.
Just gonna let it be.
X-1 at 20.
Go ahead, X-1.
When you get back to 111, why don’t you give DRP a phone call.
Explain to him what we are doing to try to resolve this.
And encourage him to take video on his phone if he can.
Explain to him what we are doing to try to resolve this.
And encourage him to take video on his phone if he can.
Next time.
So we can use that as evidence.
Play 20240927055003.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 05:50:03

20 and 30 back to 44 Kellogg for a noise complaint the boys are outside yelling at the reporting
party screaming at him from downstairs saying that they can see him looking at them being
20 I’m going to come in from Smith make sure that you’re far enough away that you’re able
I’m going to be coming from the North Pleasant side
units responding they may have gone back inside up on their porch one of them is wearing a white
hooded sweatshirt
Play 20240927045127.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 04:51:27

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you open and close me another security check of 71 Mt. Pleasant?
Or sorry, Mt. Holyoke.
Play 20240927033826.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 03:38:26

20-X-Foam is there, Bear 2.
Bear 2.
Play 20240927033700.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 03:37:00

20 Dispatch.
I have 20.
You can clear both units from that. We were unable to get in contact with them.
20. Headlights.
Play 20240927033223.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 03:32:23

30 Dispatch, on scene.
Received, 30.
30 to ID 111.
Did you ID these parties last time you were here? They decided to run inside.
Yeah, affirmative. There’s one on redhead.
I can’t confirm.
Yeah, I did see a few residents last time I was there.
Play 20240927032926.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 03:29:26

Dispatch to 20 and 30.
Go for it.
20 and 30 respond to 4444 Kellogg, 44 Kellogg Ave this time for a noise complaint of 2 or 3 males banging something on the porch and screaming curse words.
20 received triangle.
20 on scene.
Received 20.
Play 20240927023626.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:36:26

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
I’ll be clear.
Play 20240927023036.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:30:36

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you put me on a security check at 7171 Mt. Holyoke Drive?
Play 20240927022103.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:21:03

10-X-One, clear for two, paperwork.
Fire when ready.
Play 20240927021811.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:18:11

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the check of the Craigsthorpe trailer?
Copy that.
Never mind, I’m coming in.
Play 20240927021133.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:11:33

Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the truck on the 3CA?
Go ahead, 20.
Can you open and close the truck on the 3CA?
Play 20240927020821.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:08:21

I have a question.
Go ahead, Ken.
Second one is going to be MASH Sierra 6322 9698.
Ken, I got that you said that’s the second one, but I did not get anything regarding the first one.
Sorry, the first one is RO of the Chief.
Ken, this is MASH.
Go ahead, Ken.
Those parties are looking for South African mantises that they had.
They lost.
What, did they find them in the car?
Yeah, they found them in the car.
Those parties are looking for South African mantises that they had.
They lost.
What, did they find them in the car?
They’re going to move along.
I’m clear.
Just to clarify, the O-L-N that you gave me was the O-L-N that is the RO for the Camry.
Can you vigil from 1966 driving the GMC Sierra?
Negative. All I need to see is the O-L-N.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20240927020450.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:04:50

10, go again, you are unreadable.
Go ahead, 10.
Ta-da, first place is going to be MASH-1, Y-Anchor, Z-Alpha, T-Tango, 1-3.
Second is going to be 4-X-X-Ray, Z-Zulu, A-Alpha, 4-7.
Copy on both.
Play 20240927020300.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:03:00

10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Yeah, with a couple, uh, fish and water vehicles, I’ll probably respond.
I’ll get you info in a second.
3-3, do you need another or are you all set?
Negative, I should be all set.
Play 20240927020012.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 02:00:12

Go ahead Ted.
Could you open and close me a security check of the Old River Wreck please?
Thank you.
38X1, Crestford 2.
Play 20240927014037.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:40:37

30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
35 is issued all around. I will narrate and we’ll be clear.
Play 20240927013753.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:37:53

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
MAFOLN SC27838611.
I have a 2. The next one will be another MAFOLN SCA1410844.
NHLM 18837257.
MAF SCA2810206.
MAF again, and it will be SCA2660464.
MAF 264.
The last 3 were 464.
Received. Thank you.
40 to 30. I’m going through the center now. You’re all set there.
20 to 40. We’re all set.
Play 20240927013404.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:34:04

10 to smash.
Go ahead, 10.
Can you just assign me a WEF number for that flight incident from earlier?
Play 20240927013211.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:32:11

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Don’t call me on that area.
Play 20240927013038.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:30:38

20 dispatch. Go ahead 20. All units will be clear from that site.
30 dispatch. Go ahead 30.
Clicker lost. He wasn’t by the spoke.
Clear received.
30 dispatch.
Go ahead 30.
The involved party here is going to be MASS Sierra A-050-0050.
You need to make sure that actually comes back to a Kyle WAN list.
30 you’re in. Phones up when you’re ready.
Go ahead.
Kyle WAN list 126-2003 negative active out of Kent and no BOP.
Received. Give me a 35.
Dispatch to 20 and 30.
20 and 30 respond to 24 Kellogg AB on the third floor for a noise complaint.
Calling party says loud music and noise coming from the greenhouse with the flag and the lights.
And ongoing complaints with this resident. This is not a normal complaint. It’s somebody new. Just for your information.
40 to 30.
Yeah, that one’s legit. I could hear him screaming and yelling from when I got my cruiser at Johnny’s a little bit ago.
40 to 30.
Play 20240927012143.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:21:43

Go ahead, 10.
You can get rid of that previous OOM and just add MASS Sierra Alpha 428-0318.
Dispatch, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10,
go ahead, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10, go ahead, 10-10.
presented that first ID as his real ID.
Play 20240927011906.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:19:06

Go ahead, 10
Can I get a 11-14, MASS, Sierra, 3-7-6-9-6-5-5-2?
Go ahead, 4-8
Willow party here, MASS, Sierra, 8-Alpha, 4-1-2-0-3-8-2-colon-N-Minger
Received, dispatch, 210
Dispatch to 10, your 11-14’s back
Go ahead
John Heinz Goyach out of Canton, MASS, 3-1-2-thousand, he is negative and active
Dispatch to 40, your info is up as well if you need it
Go ahead
Colin Enslinger out of Reading, MASS, 6-11-2-thousand-4, negative and active
Go ahead, 20
You run MASS, 0-1-S, Sierra, 4-8-3-4-9-6-9-7
Go ahead, 30
Two involved parties, first, MASS, Sierra, 8-Alpha, 3-2-3-0-2-8
I can’t read my own writing
30, my apologies, your radio cut out, can you go with both of those again?
First, MASS, Sierra, 8-Alpha, 3-2-3-0-2-8-6
And the second is going to be verbal only
First name is Matthew, common spelling, middle initial R-Romeo, last name is Felix
Vehicle, I-India, L-Lima, L-Lima, I-India, S-Sierra, DOB 22404
Copy on both
Dispatch, 220
Go ahead
Dispatch, 220
Thank you
Play 20240927011018.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:10:18

Got another fight poppin’ off by subway.
30, dispatch, can you hear me responding to that?
Received, 30.
Cruiser stopped short, they’re running by Bueno.
The one on the east!
20, dispatch, I’ll be out with 10.
30, well-being check.
Got one behind Bueno.
40, that’s one.
Go ahead.
Chained by Johnny.
Oh, yeah.
Go again, 40.
I got one detained by Johnny.
Overwalk, you got anything to lock him up for?
Just disorderly if he’s not cooperative.
One ran, I convinced this guy to stop.
I’ll lock him out to you.
Play 20240927010655.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 01:06:55

Two sets to 20 and 10.
20 and 10, respond to 4 Main Street at the park for two males who are currently fighting.
Calling party says one of them was throwing fists at the other.
The only description I have right now is that they’re both in black.
20 receive, hearing by Nutter.
10 receive, respond.
Most parties have separated and gone their separate ways.
One has started walking towards Subway and the other ones are walking towards Town Hall.
One of them is in white shorts, the one’s going towards Town Hall.
20 receive.
One more witness for the CAD, off the New Hampshire OLN, November H Hotel, Alima, 13101069.
Should be Jacob.
20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Don’t put me in the area.
What’s the other description of the party who went towards Town Hall?
The ones who went towards Town Hall, it was going to be two males together.
One of them was a white male in white shorts.
I’m in the area.
Next one’s in the area as well.
Dispatch, the RP was just a witness, passerby, for one of these calls.
RP was just a passerby who saw it happen, told the boys that she was going to call the cops, and shortly after it broke up.
30 dispatch.
Send me an incident number, and we’ll be clear.
Play 20240927005530.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:55:30

20 this side.
Go ahead, 20.
I’ll be clear with the 35 to the RO.
Appreciate it.
Play 20240927005356.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:53:56

30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Moving on to Wellbeing Checkout, 10-4.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Can you put me up with 30?
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you start AFD for my location?
I have a male party here that fell and hit his head at some point.
He’s conscious and alert right now, but just letting me know.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you start AFD for my location?
Any breathing?
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
That party I just called in is MASS-Sierra-2-0-1-5-2-2-1-5.
30, I am missing a digit.
Can you go one more time?
Copy. Thank you.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Sorry, 30.
Can you also just add a witness, MASS-Sierra-1-0-7-5-1-0-9-4.
It should be a Jonathan.
And that first party you called in is negative, MNW.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Play 20240927004836.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:48:36

20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop North Hampton by Bluehost, Mast PP4, F-Box, F-Box, ZZulu 1-1. All set.
20, your radio cut out after ZZulu.
The last two will be 1-1 and all set.
Thank you.
Play 20240927003709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:37:09

20 dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35 issue to MAF OLN at Sierra A-ALPHA 6740612.
Thank you.
Play 20240927003116.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:31:16

20 dispatch. Go ahead 20. Stop on northeast by main with MAF-TT1-C-V-E-E-E-9-7 all set.
What do you see?
Play 20240927002825.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:28:25

S.O. Dispatch, Northgate please.
We’re secure, thank you.
Play 20240927002410.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:24:10

Thanks, Vancouver, you too.
Play 20240927002034.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:20:34

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
35 issued to those parties and both units will be clear.
Play 20240927001904.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:19:04

20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I have a New Jersey OLN. It will be W Whiskey 470-1042-710-4034.
I have a New Jersey OLN. It will be W Whiskey 470-1042-710-4034.
I have a New Jersey OLN. It will be W Whiskey 470-1042-710-4034.
I have a New Jersey OLN. It will be W Whiskey 470-1042-710-4034.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
I have a California OLN. Y-Yankee 6690468.
20 Dispatch.
Go ahead.
I have another New Jersey OLN. It will be T-Bravo 6212-3807-402034.
Play 20240927001601.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:16:01

20 Dispatch
Go ahead, 20
10 Dispatch, same traffic
Play 20240927001257.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 09 27 00:12:57

Dispatch to 20 and 40.
20 and 40 respond to
11 Phillips Street for a noise complaint of loud music
coming from the neighbor.
Complaint is coming from the neighbor.
20 received. 111.
10 dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
I’m going to take that for 40.
What do you think? 40 you can disregard.


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