Data from 20241020
Play 20241020223026.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 22:30:26
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
AFD advised, they’re all set. You can show me clear.
Play 20241020220817.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 22:08:17
20 to set.
10 to follow.
Party here is Matt at Sierra 72831564.
10 to follow.
Play 20241020220611.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 22:06:11
Forty to twenty, all set down there.
Hey, Fern. Come on, set.
Play 20241020220419.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 22:04:19
Over to the bartender, he did
we don’t try to find them or identify them, so we are going to respect his wishes and
Play 20241020220012.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 22:00:12
How are you this afternoon?
Good, what are you?
I’m on meadow.
What do you think?
I was not even able to gather her name.
Appreciate it.
Thank you.
40, dispatch.
Go ahead, 40.
Both units are on scene.
All right, dispatch.
Play 20241020215557.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:55:57
Dispatch, 20.
20, can you respond? 12 Longmeadow Drive, Butternut Farms, Apartment 25.
RP called 9-1-1. She’s hung up on us twice now.
She’s primarily Spanish speaking.
We did use a language line to try to interpret.
I think she was getting frustrated with the length, like how long it takes to go back and forth with that.
She said something about being discharged from the hospital earlier.
And then, we can start
She was saying that she was dizzy.
Might not still be feeling well, but I’m not entirely sure what else was going on there.
British East, in the meantime, can you see if Hugh Maddox has a Spanish speaking officer available?
Will do.
X-1 Dispatch.
If we’re getting
Yep, they’ve been dispatched.
Also, Hugh Maddox does not have a Spanish speaking officer.
20, receive.
X-1 to 20, do you have one of the translation devices?
Play 20241020214652.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:46:52
Play 20241020214652.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:46:52
Play 20241020213703.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:37:03
20-X-1, OK, we’re 2.
Play 20241020213254.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:32:54
21 X-ray, clear for two.
Play 20241020211602.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:16:02
Désolé, j’ai faim de qualité.
Play 20241020211407.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:14:07
Dispatch, X-1.
Am I good to cancel the ping on that party?
Affirmative, thank you.
Play 20241020210345.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:03:45
Okay, all units are going to be clear, you can assign any number for this.
Play 20241020210054.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 21:00:54
10 dispatch.
Do you have 10?
It was the moon and the trees.
Um, clear.
Play 20241020205142.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:51:42
20, dispatch.
Got it, 20.
35 to the RO, clear.
Play 20241020205029.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:50:29
I have disruptions in the area.
Play 20241020204852.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:48:52
20 to search.
Go ahead 20.
Stop, self-posing SLM, mass charge 4, white Yankee, Sierra, and Mike, 1-1, all set.
Play 20241020204632.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:46:32
Dispatch, 10.
10, take a suspicious 85 Olympia Drive.
Um, RP’s calling from Olympia Oaks number 30.
She’d like to report that there is a drone that was flying around outside of her window
and she was concerned that it might be trying to peep into people’s windows.
Received from Hobart.
Play 20241020204411.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:44:11
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Operator, MASH at Sierra 17249940. Clear 35.
Play 20241020203953.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:39:53
Twenty to six.
Five twenty.
Stop. North Antoinette, Lincoln, Massaridge, one, XXray, B Bravo, Z Zulu, eight one, all set.
Eight one.
Affirm, eight one.
Thank you.
Play 20241020203326.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:33:26
20 Dispatcher.
Go ahead, 20.
Check the surrounding area.
It’s always going to be GOA. I’m clear.
Thank you.
Play 20241020202709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:27:09
20, just mentioned.
Good, 20.
In the area.
Play 20241020202250.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:22:50
Dispatch, 10.
Go ahead.
10, can you take a motor vehicle complaint?
It came to us from Amherst College.
It’s going to be headed southbound, 365 South Pleasant Street.
It’s a maroon sport utility vehicle.
No make, model or plate.
Traveling southbound on South Pleasant with no lights on and all over the road.
Rishi, I’m up at Crestview.
Is there a chance of me getting to them?
Um, yeah, it looks like everyone else is tied up.
Maybe pass it on to South Hadley?
Can you mute a TAD for Crestview?
No, I’m just sitting right at the mouth by the street.
Play 20241020201934.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:19:34
Do you have that IP’s info, name, date of birth, anything like that?
Negative, I was unable to get a good spelling on any of that.
The whole line would be nice.
Yes sir, we’ll let you know when we don’t have that.
30 to special
Go ahead 30
So the last name is Dallas Latimore.
But if you want to run Roma, Romeo, Oscar, Mike, Alpha,
Indira, I-India, N-November, G-Delta, I-India, R-Romeo, A-Alpha,
Blossom, common spelling, Marie, common spelling.
See if anything comes up with that.
30, did you have a date of birth?
Negative, that’s just the info I got from Hampton College.
Play 20241020201120.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 20:11:20
Dispatch, 20.
20, here’s from the area of 30 Justice Drive.
RP’s calling from that location.
She says she can hear fireworks or something that sounds similar coming from the area south of her.
Where is she calling?
Play 20241020195608.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:56:08
X-1 Dispatch.
Campus staff have phone contact with that individual at this time.
All right, Sam.
Play 20241020193739.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:37:39
SO2, X1.
X1, can you call the station officer?
X1, dispatch?
Go ahead, X1.
X1 to X1, how may I assist you?
Very good.
111 to X1.
Go ahead.
I’m pulling on campus now, are you at the Perry Johnson Library there?
Yes, sir.
Receive, I’ll meet you there.
ID 102 to X1, if you can give a 4 to the SL, we might have some more information.
Play 20241020192830.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:28:30
Play 20241020192830.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:28:30
Play 20241020190621.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:06:21
Go ahead.
Next one, umm do you want me to request to continue with TANGS for this phone number?
Yeah for, what uh did you, show?
Alright save.
And did you want us to call Hadley back regarding that drone?
Any idea if it’s heat-seeking?
Affirmative, it is.
Yeah, affirmative, they’re available.
We’ll call back.
Play 20241020190812.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:08:12
Play 20241020190200.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 19:02:00
It’s a T-Mobile phone, and I received a ping, it’s a 3500 meter radius, and like a center
of that would be, I guess, north of Bay Road, east of like the Plum Brook area, so it’s
sort of in the middle of the woods there, or that field.
Play 20241020185907.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:59:07
Dispatch, go ahead.
Go ahead.
The athlete’s surgeon is asking if you’re going to need any help with that surge or drone or anything like that before he goes off shift.
I guess we’ll wait and see what we get back from the team before we do any mobilization.
Play 20241020185448.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:54:48
X-1, this is X-1.
This is X-1.
Can you see if you can ping that phone now that we have more potential information?
Okay, I don’t have a phone number for the IP. Does the SO have it?
Let me know when you’re ready to tap.
I’m ready.
Okay, just to confirm, I got 412-612-8826?
Confirmed. We don’t see the provider.
Thank you.
Play 20241020185113.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:51:13
I just spoke to Rio, she said shortly after she called us, the involved party said something
about running into the woods, possibly in the area of Hampshire College.
Play 20241020184703.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:47:03
X-1, this is Pressure.
If we be in contact with ERP, you can notify Hadley.
No longer need to go by.
I was still in the process of calling Hadley, so they’re aware.
Play 20241020184522.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:45:22
X-1 dispatch.
Go ahead X-1.
What was the time of this call?
T-minute past the 1800.
Okay. Last time the card was used was at the dorm at 520.14.
We’ll take that.
Received. Last time the card was used was 524. I’ve got Rio on the phone.
So I’ll ask her more details about what was on the text messages.
Could you send her down to the S.O. because depending on the outcome we’re going to need a copy of it.
Will do.
Absolutely will do.
Play 20241020184152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:41:52
X-1 dispatch.
Can we have Hadley go knock on that door?
I can. She did mention that she was leaving that location.
Play 20241020184005.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:40:05
Can I have a text line?
Um, how about you just give me the O-O-N for the R-P?
So I see that in the call now.
The staff down here is saying that, uh,
that individual is not to be seen.
Um, they were calling from, I think it was 10 Arrowhead Drive in Hadley.
Uh, their O-O-N comes back 6 Perkins Avenue, Northampton.
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
That party’s refusing, uh, any
Said he’s okay.
He can show myself at 10 clear for now.
I’m driving.
Play 20241020183524.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:35:24
X-1 dispatch.
Hi, X-1.
Do we know if the, uh, the important party in this is a, uh,
another future college student or anything?
I believe so. Um, I just got the name of Rio, Rio Santos.
Play 20241020183315.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:33:15
All needs in touch.
My telephone’s hanging in the area.
All right then.
Play 20241020183034.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:30:34
Go ahead
Sir, I’ve called that phone number twice. Each time it will not ring.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241020182849.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:28:49
Dispatch, 20.
20, case of well-being check.
I believe the party is going to be at 81 Belcher Town Road, Colonial Village number 13.
You’re doing a check on Joshua McDonald.
RP is Erica Fury.
She states that Josh has tattooed on and she believes it’s infected
and thinks that he needs to be checked.
I think she’s calling without his knowledge,
so I don’t know if he actually believes he needs to be checked or does,
so if you could just check on him.
He’s either at number 13 with Donald Trowell
or he might be headed over to Erica Fury’s apartment, which is 25, Colonial Village.
Thank you.
10, dispatch. I’ll head that way as well.
Received, 10.
Play 20241020182559.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:25:59
30, this is Specialist.
Yeah, 30.
Could you give the phone number down to the S.O.?
So the S.O. can make contact.
Uh, speech with a text message instead.
4, this is Specialist.
Play 20241020182226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:22:26
32, go ahead and take it.
32, X-1.
Go ahead.
32, X-1.
Uh, would you open this, uh, the dining hall real quick?
Someone that matches their description.
I’m not sure.
Play 20241020181744.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:17:44
20, Dispatcher.
You can show me clear.
X-1, Dispatcher.
Go ahead, X-1.
We’ll check the room for security.
I’m sorry, the radios are terrible.
I heard you checked the room with security and I lost the rest of the transmission.
It’s empty.
It’s empty?
That’s crazy.
Play 20241020181421.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:14:21
Tanner, are you trying to reach Jeff, badge?
Trying, yeah. So, going in and droplifting. I’m out with him now.
Jeff’s got Yorks on the way here to come pick them up.
I’ll call, I’ll MDT the rest of us, but I’ll talk to you.
Richard, I missed where you are.
CBF, CBF in the center.
Play 20241020181126.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:11:26
Go ahead, 2-7-8-6
We’re in the room, uh, 2-7-8-9
Play 20241020180927.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:09:27
Radio dispatcher.
My 720 are in the area. Can you just give us a dorm number or possibly location of Merrill House?
786 to 20.
There’s a sign that says SPH parking lot. You can park in there. There’s like a queue of dorms and Merrill is the further one.
We’re pulling in right now.
Next one dispatch.
Go ahead next one.
786, now you’re on scene.
Radio team, I haven’t gotten any further updates from security.
They’re at the building. We don’t know if they’ve made contact yet.
Radio team.
They’re at the building. We don’t know if they’ve made contact yet.
Radio team.
Sir, you need to come out with the security camera.
Play 20241020180422.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:04:22
There he is. Catch him.
Got 30.
Just for some background, so the RP was on scene but left?
Negative. RP was calling from Hadley. Received a text message or phone call from the IP stating that they were going to hunt themselves.
Play 20241020180244.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:02:44
Play 20241020180244.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:02:44
Play 20241020180008.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 18:00:08
10 to 20
Go for 20
Killian and his crew are in CBS
Uh, one of them’s got a mask on
You know, I can see this going shoplifting route
You want to swing by here? I’m going to go through a walkthrough to kind of deter things
Thanks for watching!
Play 20241020175054.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 17:50:54
10 to dispatch.
New open and close, a suspicious cad.
Boltwood, Walker, Killian, Hughes, and two other juveniles.
One of them is dressed in head-to-toe in black.
They both got screen masks.
And they look like they’re on a mission, though.
Do some nonsense.
So, figure we’ll timestamp it.
I’ll put the description in there, so when we get a call on them, we’ll know who we’re looking for.
Play 20241020171838.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 17:18:38
20, dispatch.
Try 20.
Made contact with that party. She does live at 104.
Everything checks okay. She was concerned about her husband.
Not in need of any services at this time.
You can show myself and…
786 clear.
Play 20241020171336.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 17:13:36
20 dispatch in the area.
Rishi, this is the wife of the party that was transported earlier.
Rishi, the RP is the wife?
Negative, the party that you’re checking on, Mary Miller.
Also, I called the RP back just to confirm.
She believes that they reside in 104.
Our CAD history has them at S-518, but we haven’t interacted with them in a while.
Okay, Rishi.
Play 20241020170752.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 17:07:52
You’re looking to make contact with Mary Miller, RP also resides at the Clark House, but wanted
us to check to make sure Mary was okay because she has maybe some slight Alzheimer’s and
her husband went to the hospital.
Go ahead 786 I can head that way as well What do you see?
Play .mp3 which was recorded at
Play 20241020164440.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:44:40
Tony, dispatch.
Yes, honey.
The party’s going to be on board with AFT to CDH. Make yourself clear.
Thank you.
Play 20241020163341.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:33:41
20 to Special.
Go ahead, 20.
Just an update.
Received. ASU is arriving now as well.
Play 20241020163218.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:32:18
Tony, this is Fairchance here.
Play 20241020163041.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:30:41
Dispatch, 20.
20, Chicago
It’s going to be inside for the report of a possibly elderly female who fell down a flight of stairs.
Safety is en route.
I didn’t have a lot of information from the person at the desk.
20 receive, stay in place.
Play 20241020162842.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:28:42
20, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can show me clear with an incident number.
I’ll narrate.
Play 20241020162657.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:26:57
20 discharge.
Okay, 20.
Can you assign me an incident number over the air, please?
Discharge to 20.
Received, thank you.
Play 20241020161617.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:16:17
20, dispatch.
Got it, 20.
Do you have vehicle information already?
Affirmative. It’s MASS 4, K-Kilo, H-Hotel, XX-Ray, 5-4.
Negative active on a 2008 Honda Accord, color gray, and she’s the RO.
Rishi, you can put me in the area.
Right, Dave. She’s waiting in her apartment.
Rishi, would you mind just giving her a call and having her meet me outside?
X-1, dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Just curious, any MRIs on that vehicle?
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
Um, I think any MRI, like, it hasn’t been run since August 1st.
Go ahead, X-1.
Dispatch, X-1.
Go ahead.
Um, I think any MRI, like, it hasn’t been run since August 1st.
Okay, thank you.
Play 20241020160856.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:08:56
Dispatch, 20.
20, can you respond to 18, Salem Place?
You’re looking to make contact with a Jamie Daniels.
She states that one of her license plates was stolen off the back of her car.
Greasy, hold on.
Play 20241020160353.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:03:53
Firefighter says 20.
They say it’s an accidental activation due to hugging.
3-6, you can show me on scene and clear.
Play 20241020160056.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 16:00:56
Dispatch, 20.
20, take a
the Unitarian Meeting House.
It’s gonna be for a
no voice contact.
You’re looking to make contact with a Florence Rosenstock.
She comes back out of 35 Gray Street in Amherst,
and it does look like there’s a car affiliated with her,
except that it’s not registered to her.
It’s actually a, she has a second RO.
It’s a 2009 Toyota Matrix, color gray.
It’s mapped to H-Hotel, V-Victor, ET2.
I receive, is the GPS just mapping in that general location?
Yeah, they couldn’t even give me like a radius
of where it might fall into.
They just gave that address.
Receive, 1-1.
Play 20241020155605.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 15:56:05
Dispatch, X-1.
X-1, just be advised, I’m holding a
It’s a GPS one, so he said it was mapping at 121 North Pleasant Street, which is a Unitarian church.
I’m putting the lineup in right now.
Alright, thanks.
Play 20241020153317.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 15:33:17
Dispatch, 20.
20, can you respond to the area of 48 North Pleasant Street?
It’s going to be down the alleyway next to that building, next to Fire.
There’s a reserve spot under some sort of overhang that has a deck on it, I guess.
There’s a Subaru with Virginia tags.
The owner of the property just wants to make sure there’s nothing kinky about it.
He’s planning on having it towed later, but he says there’s some damage to it.
The plate he gave has no match for me.
Dispatch, 20.
Disregard, the RP callback states that the car has been moved.
Dispatch, 20.
Disregard, the RP callback states that the car has been moved.
Play 20241020151616.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 15:16:16
Play 20241020144747.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:47:47
4-8, this is Fletcher.
4-8, 4-8.
Made contact with the RMP. Doesn’t sound like any inappropriate activity is taking place. Everything checks okay. You can show me clear.
4-8, same.
Play 20241020144308.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:43:08
Tony Dispatcher.
God, it’s funny.
Received. I was unable to understand what name she was trying to give me.
Play 20241020143918.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:39:18
Just touch time
10 to respond 321 East Pleasant Street DMH house
Murray King states that a staff member may be having intercourse with a
20 to 10 I can take that for you. I’m on Northeast Street
If you want
Gracie all right up there. That’s copy direct copy
Play 20241020142406.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:24:06
30 Dispatch, I’m clear.
Are you safe 30?
Play 20241020142051.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:20:51
X-1 down in place.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Mom is SCR-88722-760, and I can MDT you the patient’s name.
Play 20241020141125.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:11:25
30, can you repeat that? Your mic did not come through at all.
I’m going to move in now.
AFB headed.
I’m going to stand around.
You didn’t go down.
Play 20241020140427.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:04:27
30 to dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Play 20241020140243.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 14:02:43
Dispatch to Bravo 30.
30, do you take up
We’ve got a report of a 5-year-old female that was on the playground, fell and is bleeding.
I believe from her head.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241020135213.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:52:13
2-1-8, dispatch.
No sign of forced entry. All windows and doors secured.
Looks like they’re having an issue with the alarm. You can show me clear for now.
4-EC, just to confirm, this is a residential alarm?
Play 20241020134949.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:49:49
20, we’re not too sure, it was called in by a citizen.
Play 20241020134814.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:48:14
28, Ascension.
Go ahead, 20.
In the area.
30, Ascension.
30’s on scene, they’re gonna till that vehicle, I’m clear.
I appreciate it.
Play 20241020134454.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:44:54
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
20, do you think it’s suspicious 742 Southeast 3?
RP was reporting her neighbor’s alarm keeps going on and off
and she said she doesn’t think her neighbor’s home
and she doesn’t know what kind of alarm it is.
So coming back is suspicious.
32, I think we were there three or four times last night.
I am at college.
Play 20241020132530.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:25:30
Parked right in front of the gate on the roadway.
Okay for a hook?
Copy direct
Play 20241020132226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:22:26
30, this is 90.
Go ahead, 30.
30, this is 90.
Go ahead, 30.
It’s Nevada 9D Delta 2 W Whiskey 4-6.
It’s 902. 902.
Play 20241020130458.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 13:04:58
Dispatch, X1.
Go ahead.
X1, your missed call is pre-called.
We have a vehicle blocking your property upon military leave.
They’re just looking for permission to tow it.
X1, your missed call is pre-called.
Dispatch, X3.
They’re looking to tow a vehicle with Nevada plates that’s blocking their gate access.
Play 20241020124343.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:43:43
That’s to ten.
Just got a call.
That hydrant’s being flushed out so the
So it should be all set.
Appreciate it. Thank you.
Play 20241020123626.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:36:26
Astrotube Bravo 10
Astrotube 10
Play 20241020123321.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:33:21
10, dispatch?
Go ahead, 10.
Yeah, it’s going to be a black and yellow hydrant. I don’t know if that’s the water department versus the
There is a wrench on it, so I don’t know if they’re flushing it or not. If you could check.
10, whereabouts on Marquette Hill is it?
Area 180.
Play 20241020122733.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:27:33
Go ahead, 10.
Ernie’s on scene. I don’t know if you have it or not, but it’s 3-Paul-Yankee-4-5-7 for the plate.
3-Paul-Yankee-4-5-7. I’m going to take off to the next call.
Play 20241020122305.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:23:05
10 to 10.
Anything from Ernie?
Yeah, we contacted Ernie.
He said they’re going to be there in around 10 to 15 minutes.
I’ll let mom know.
She doesn’t change.
It’s fine.
Play 20241020121543.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:15:43
Dispatch to Bravo 10.
10, can you check Market Hill?
We got a report of a hydrant that is pouring water into the road, but our RP didn’t know whereabouts it was.
10, can you check Market Hill?
We got a report of a hydrant that is pouring water into the road, but our RP didn’t know whereabouts it was.
10, can you check Market Hill?
We got a report of a hydrant that is pouring water into the road, but our RP didn’t know whereabouts it was.
10, can you check Market Hill?
We got a report of a hydrant that is pouring water into the road, but our RP didn’t know whereabouts it was.
10, can you check Market Hill?
Dispatch to Bravo 20.
10, can you check Market Hill?
We got a report of a hydrant that is pouring water into the road, but our RP didn’t know whereabouts it was.
10, can you check Market Hill?
We got a report of a hydrant that is pouring water into the road, but our RP didn’t know whereabouts it was.
4, 5, 7.
10, dispatch.
I am right on scene for the Mill River. I can take that in and head over and check out the hydrant.
20, copy, direct.
Play 20241020121706.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 12:17:06
Play 20241020104624.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 10:46:24
Play 20241020074824.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 07:48:24
20 dispatch.
Go ahead 20.
That vehicle is parked at the address that it’s registered to.
X1 advise that I can be clear.
Play 20241020074520.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 07:45:20
Play 20241020074520.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 07:45:20
Play 20241020040840.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 04:08:40
One on arrival CDH 407
Play 20241020024152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 02:41:52
10 to dispatch.
Go ahead 10.
Did you catch the updated plate for that Bolo out at Springfield?
My Wimlock was cutting in, I didn’t get the full thing.
Yes, the updated plate is one Papa Mike Juliet 5-6 on that blue, Honda Civic 2008,
no local history with it for us, and no information about the alleged kidnapped party.
Okay, received.
Play 20241020021709.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 02:17:09
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you open and close a check of the Yiddish Book Center, please?
Play 20241020020149.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 02:01:49
86 to 10.
Yeah, your friend is definitely still here and in the area.
Do you think he went into the West Cemetery? I was about to pull in there and look for him.
I don’t know. You were there at 177 North Buzzard.
Either way, him and another friend fled behind the house when the 20 car approached the front.
They’re ending the call, so there’s no real need to say hello to them.
20 to special.
Go ahead, 20.
You can clear off on a 35 to that party.
Play 20241020015914.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:59:14
I just want to get back in the area.
Over received.
Howdy, 86, dispatch.
Go ahead, 86.
Put me in the area.
Kellogg, can you be able to run a history on the address?
It might be significant for a
Yes, this is an ongoing situation between our calling party and this residence.
Alright, we’ll assess it. I also think it’s where our PC from last night’s been staying.
30, dispatch, in the area.
Received, 30.
Yeah, I’m pretty sure the kid at the PC last night just ran down the back.
Sorry, dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
Can you add Colorado license 170949083?
Dispatch to 86.
Go ahead.
Sir, I don’t have any history with that PC party from last night at this address.
I do have a history with the Noah Madden, who I believe 30 had a domestic with earlier.
And a different party, Goose Me is the last name.
I wasn’t asking, dispatch. I’m familiar with where this party was last night.
Play 20241020015512.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:55:12
Dispatch to 20 and 30.
20 and 30 respond to 28 Kellogg Avenue for a
20 received no explosive.
30 from College.
Play 20241020013555.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:35:55
10 dispatch. Go ahead, 10. I’m clear 35 to the RO.
Play 20241020013351.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:33:51
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
You can go ahead and clear units and dial when they reach.
10, Dispatch.
10, who are you trying to reach, Dispatch?
I am, I have a stopped Triangle at North Pleasant Mass, 2KKW33, all set.
Play 20241020013148.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:31:48
20 just mixed.
Go ahead, 20.
For that assist, Citizen Cad, I don’t have much to go off, but can you try and find Dakota, common spelling and the last name is G-Golf-O-Oscar-U-Uniform-V-Victor-I-India-N-November.
And he’s from Brimfield, but I don’t have a date of birth. They believe he’s 29 years old.
Received. And the last name again was G-Golf-O-Oscar-S-Sam-U-Uniform-V-Victor-I-India-N-Nancy.
I’ll just read it again. G-Golf-O-Oscar-U-Uniform-V-Victor-I-India-N-November.
20, I found it all, and I can empty it to you.
Received, thank you.
Play .mp3 which was recorded at
Play 20241020012414.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:24:14
X-1, I-3?
Go ahead.
You guys all set?
Yeah, we should be clearing momentarily.
Yeah, me too.
Play 20241020012220.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:22:20
All set, 8-6.
Play 20241020011623.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:16:23
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
First party, Emma Como, 8 Wells Park Road, out of Sturbridge, Mass, 4-20-2001.
She is negative on the M&W check.
Second party is Benjamin White, out of Newtonville, Mass, 5-15-02.
And he is also negative on the M&W.
Thank you, thank you.
Play 20241020011444.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:14:44
They were just trying to see one of the exploding meteors tonight.
I’m clear.
Check’s okay.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Two parties to add to the CAD, please.
First Mast Sierra 7573-3328, copy one.
Copy one.
Second Mast Sierra 2173-1168, M&W on both, please.
Received. Stand by.
Play 20241020011215.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:12:15
And dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Uh, Mill River Rex, suspicious vehicle, I’m at 1 at Foxtrot and November and November 8th, 4. Hold it.
It’s Lucy.
Play 20241020011052.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:10:52
30, dispatch.
30, are you trying to reach dispatch?
Affirm. The operator matched Sierra Alpha 3730582. A citation was issued and units are clear.
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Can you put myself in 20, Alabama’s 5th Citizen? Same location, Garcia.
30, dispatch.
10, dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
Yeah, as you’re over the neighborhood, there’s no one here matching that description. Like I said, I saw her earlier. She was fine, just appropriately.
Play 20241020010349.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:03:49
10, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 10.
In the area.
Play 20241020010226.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 01:02:26
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Stop in front of Garcia’s, be out with Mavs, 2-X-X-Ray, G-Golf, L-Lima, 2-6.
Um, can I get a 9-10, please?
Dispatch, 2-30.
Go ahead.
30, that plate comes back to a 2009 grey Toyota Camry, negative and active.
Received, thank you.
Thank you.
20, dispatch, I’ll be out with 30.
Received, 20.
Play 20241020005203.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:52:03
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
20, respond to the Harp 163 Sunderland Road for a well-being check.
Calling parties concerned.
There’s an elderly woman who’s been outside this location for three to four hours asking for cigarettes.
Because between the time she had been here and the outside falling temps,
she just like a well-being check on her.
Looking for an elderly white female, gray hair, wearing a black jacket and carrying a cane.
Received from college.
10 to 20. I’ll take that. Need to get back to my car. I saw that party earlier.
Received. Thank you.
Play 20241020004040.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:40:40
Dispatch to 20.
Go ahead.
20, Max Lipsman out of Arlington, Massachusetts, 6-14-06.
He is negative and active.
And Angelise Contreras out of Springfield, Mass., 6-30-19-99.
She is negative and active as well.
Received. Thank you.
X-1, Dispatch.
Go ahead, X-1.
Okay, units are going to be clear.
20, Dispatch.
Go ahead, 20.
They exchanged information before I got there and advised that they were going to work things out.
So you can show me clear.
Play 20241020003742.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:37:42
30, this is Ben.
Party’s here, first at a mass, Sierra Alpha 9-1-1-0-5-6-2, copy 1.
Copy 1.
Second party is off the Wii U card, first name Madison, Mike Alpha Delta India, Sierra Oscar November, middle initial C Charlie, last name Carney, Charlie Alpha Romeo, November Echo Yankee, COB 3-15-0-5, should be from mass. M&W on both, please.
10-4, switch.
Go ahead, 10.
Just put me on a security check, uh, to the center of town, I’ll be on foot, still available, but could be out of my car for a little bit.
Uh, do you have the information for these, uh, vehicles and parties?
I have the license plates, but if you could get me some O-L-Ns, that would be helpful.
Dispatch to 32 SCRJ Julia E Echo, there’s gonna be a mass O-L-N at Sierra Alpha 0-7-3-1-1-0-9, um, the other vehicle involved was parked, um, the operator was the R-O, can you just also, uh, give me 9-10s on those, uh, 11-14s on those, please.
I’m wondering if I have a bad plate number, what was the, uh, give me, I, I hate to do this, give me both plate numbers.
The first plate is mass O-L-N 2 SCRJ Julia E Echo 5-2, and the other one was mass O-L-N 3 A Alpha Y Yankee E Echo 4-8, um, that was operated by the R-O.
Dispatch to 30.
Go ahead.
30 Benjamin Howe out of Weymouth, Mass, his M&W check is negative, and Madison Carney out of Marston Mills, Mass, her M&W check is negative as well.
Received, thank you, and X-1 is out with me.
Play 20241020003306.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:33:06
20, is that him?
Negative, somebody’s been hit.
20, X1
You available for a call?
30, dispatch
Yeah, 30
That party looks like he’ll be GOA
and can you put me on a domestic, CAD, verbal
I’ll be at 28 Kellogg, I’ll have two parties for you
30, your radio cut out terribly, I’ve got that he’s GOA
You need me to open a verbal domestic, do you need another officer, is that resolved?
I should be all set, I have two IDs for you momentarily
Received, it was at 28 Kellogg you said?
Thank you
Play 20241020002827.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:28:27
20, 20, 20
10, 20
Operator, Massive Outline, Sierra 24676444, clear run at 35
Roger, received
Reach to 10 and 30
10 and 30, respond to the area of Moji Key House
Got a calling party, the line was very loud
Said that there was a group of people trying to beat him up
I was unable to get any further information and he disconnected
Just asked me to send help three times
10, roger, 111
30, come on, 11
To 20
Go ahead
20, can you respond to the area of…
334 Lincoln Ave for a motor vehicle accident, property damage only
Looks like one car backed into the other, UMPD may be on scene
30 in the area
Received 30
Nothing obvious
Received, 10 dispatch
Go ahead 10
In the area
Received, he kept saying Moji Key but he was mapping outside of St. Bridges
Alright, I’ll go look down there, if you can get a name or anything
I’m guessing you didn’t give one
No, he didn’t give one, I’ve attempted to call back, I’m not getting anything
Received, check St. Bridges
10 dispatch
Dispatch, go ahead 10
Did it show whereabouts on the property?
It showed out front and I just ran the phone number that called
And that’s going to be our PC arrest from last night
Go ahead
I think his friends live on Kellogg
Go check Kellogg
30, nothing out back here either
Play 20241020002152.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:21:52
20 to Inspection.
Go ahead, 20.
Stop, South Pleasant Bend Spring Street Live.
Master H2, B-Bravo, D-Delta, 8-4-7, all set.
Appreciate it.
Play 20241020001624.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:16:24
30 dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Operator is MAF Sierra 26665505, 35 issued, and I’m clear.
Play 20241020001249.mp3 which was recorded at 2024 10 20 00:12:49
30, dispatch.
Go ahead, 30.
Order vehicle stopped in front of subway.
Be out with MAF 8, Y Yankee, D Delta, V Victor, 2-0, all set.